Media companies billions in debt and yet survive lmao at free market meme



Jan 2, 2019
Netflix, Twitter, social media, youtube etc are all billions in debt and aren't making any profit at all yet they still somehow are able to stay afloat and keep turning out pro-globalist/jew propaganda without a hitch.

Jfl at thinking there is any such thing as free market. In an actual free market these companies/services would have gone under or been ended for not being profitable. Instead the profit motive is just ignored and they are used to promote propaganda to brainwash the retarded masses into submission. It literally doesn't matter that these media services are bleeding their owners massive amounts of money. Literally all that matters to them is control over information. And of course the braindead sheep don't notice or care.
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The US is in debt yet we keep pumping out more money and funding more wars for billion dollar entities especially companies debt isn’t an issue due to the worth of the company as a brand itself
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If the company is still up they can payback .if the company isent up they wont pay back .
The US is in debt yet we keep pumping out more money and funding more wars for billion dollar entities especially companies debt isn’t an issue due to the worth of the company as a brand itself

My point was that if making a profit mattered to these companies they would be ran in such a way as to insure that they make money. Instead they are just a glorified propaganda tool using the free market as a method to mask this fact. They are just told to produce propaganda and ignore if they make a profit or not, which is not something that happens in an actual free market. The powers that be insure they always control the narrative.
i hate jews
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daily reminder op is communist
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  • JFL
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daily reminder op is communist

Daily reminder people are brainwashed braindead drones who can't notice the giant and blatantly obvious noose that is being put around their necks. Jfl at the average person jfl.
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Daily reminder people are brainwashed braindead drones who can't notice the giant and blatantly obvious noose that is being put around their necks. Jfl at the average person jfl.
you are able to notice something wrong. but you are not smart enough to know what it is
you are able to notice something wrong. but you are not smart enough to know what it is

I DO know what is wrong. Media companies are just the glorified propaganda arm of the ruling classes and are not operating on free market principles because they ignore profit in favor of promoting an agenda for the ruling classes, even if it means losing billions of dollars. That has nothing to do with free market capitalism. The system is rigged and controlled. And normies are too fucking stupid to notice 90% of the time.
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I'm not sure what the point of this is? If those companies can't afford to pay off their debts, then they'll go bust. So, they will eventually have to start being profitable. I do believe that pretty much all monopolies should be nationalised though.
I'm not sure what the point of this is? If those companies can't afford to pay off their debts, then they'll go bust. So, they will eventually have to start being profitable.

You don't get it, do you? The economic system doesn't work the way you think it does. The companies can't go bankrupt. They won't be ALLOWED to go bankrupt. The elites will just funnel more money into them. They are losing BILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR. And they have been doing this for a long time. Yet, nothing changes. Why? Because they are useful. The profit motive is a myth. Major corporations are just tools for the ruling classes.
You don't get it, do you? The economic system doesn't work the way you think it does. The companies can't go bankrupt. They won't be ALLOWED to go bankrupt. The elites will just funnel more money into them. They are losing BILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR. And they have been doing this for a long time. Yet, nothing changes. Why? Because they are useful. The profit motive is a myth. Major corporations are just tools for the ruling classes.

Lmao, yes they would. There have been cases of plenty of big companies going bankrupt. They are many reasons for a company losing money, it could they're trying to expand as much as possible, it could be the particular market they're in is a slight recession. They are able to borrow money, because debtors have accurately assessed the risks and have determined their growth model to be profitable.
Lmao, yes they would. There have been cases of plenty of big companies going bankrupt. They are many reasons for a company losing money, it could they're trying to expand as much as possible, it could be the particular market they're in is a slight recession. They are able to borrow money, because debtors have accurately assessed the risks and have determined their growth model to be profitable.

A company that isn't vital to the ruling elites can go bankrupt. Entities such as media companies that are vital for maintaining control of public perception, will never, EVER go bankrupt. Ever.
They don't need to worry about that, because most of these companies belong to another major company that is friends with high tier politicians, they get their profit from this

Here in brazil, there are only 5 major phone companies, one of them already went bankrupt TWICE, and the government help it both times, because "if they go bankrupt there'll be only 4 companies and that will create an oligopoly" as if it's not the gov's fault for making it almost impossible to enter the market an compete against the other companies
Have you ever even taken a single business course in your life?
Have you ever even taken a single business course in your life?

jfl at believing anything you are taught at school. Economy 101 is literally just brainwashing. The world is absolutely nothing like what your economy teacher said it is. Even "obvious" economic laws like supply and demand are questionable at times.
jfl at believing anything you are taught at school. Economy 101 is literally just brainwashing. The world is absolutely nothing like what your economy teacher said it is. Even "obvious" economic laws like supply and demand are questionable at times.
So no, okay. It all makes sense now why you made this thread. A lack of understanding I.e unconscious incompetence
So no, okay. It all makes sense now why you made this thread. A lack of understanding I.e unconscious incompetence


Interesting question: How do diamonds have such high price despite not being a rare comedy? It's because the media brainwashed people into thinking the are rare. Mainstream economics is bullshit.

Interesting question: How do diamonds have such high price despite not being a rare comedy? It's because the media brainwashed people into thinking the are rare. Mainstream economics is bullshit.
Because there’s a difference between jewelered diamonds and industrial diamonds...

Do you have any REAL reasons or are you just NEET ranting about conspiracy theories?

People should do their own research before they spend thousands of dollars on things. Marketing is fair game.
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Marketing is fair game.

Marketing is a contradiction in capitalism. The law of supply and demand is suppose to determine value yet the capitalist can determine said demand artificially through marketing propaganda.
Marketing is a contradiction in capitalism. The law of supply and demand is suppose to determine value yet the capitalist can determine said demand artificially through marketing propaganda.
Value is never going to be determined by marketing itself. It’s ultimately up to the people. A google search takes two seconds.

Blame bluepilled idiots who still pay $20,000 on a shiny piece of rock because they think it will conceal and preserve their wives pussy forever to them for your diamond theory. Not capitalism.
As of June 30, Netflix carried debt of $12.5 billion, Comcast of $108 billion and AT&T of $170 billion, per SEC filings. Is that too much? No, say most analysts — at least for now. "The cash flow of the major media companies is entirely sufficient to service any debt," says veteran analyst Hal Vogel
That’s why I asked if he took an entry level business course. 99% of successful companies operate out of debt. The bigger and better the company, the more debt.
Netflix, Twitter, social media, youtube etc are all billions in debt and aren't making any profit at all yet they still somehow are able to stay afloat and keep turning out pro-globalist/jew propaganda without a hitch.

Jfl at thinking there is any such thing as free market. In an actual free market these companies/services would have gone under or been ended for not being profitable. Instead the profit motive is just ignored and they are used to promote propaganda to brainwash the retarded masses into submission. It literally doesn't matter that these media services are bleeding their owners massive amounts of money. Literally all that matters to them is control over information. And of course the braindead sheep don't notice or care.
Money is created with debt attached. If that wasn't the case, the enslavement hierarchy we live in wouldn't be attainable.

U.S Federal Reserve lend money to the government with debt attached; the debt is then passed onto the citizens as a way to maintain order of power in the hierarchy. The citizens are indebted to the tax system. It's not a way to "take money back" from hard working people. Taxation is just a way for the government not to be answerable to the FR, whilst maintaining that hierarchical structure of power. People work harder for less, taxation takes care of that, and inflation ensures that.
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Every big company is in debt. But that is goot thing, not a bad thing.

While you can get banks to lend money to your business, it means that your business has a future.

Example: If you start up a business today, no bank would lend you 1 billion. Because the chance of you being able to return this money is very low.
Now if a company has billions in low-interest debt, it means that banks trust that company can grow to repay that debt.

You have to pay attention to the amount of interest, not the amount of debt.
  • Woah
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Netflix, Twitter, social media, youtube etc are all billions in debt and aren't making any profit at all yet they still somehow are able to stay afloat and keep turning out pro-globalist/jew propaganda without a hitch.

Jfl at thinking there is any such thing as free market. In an actual free market these companies/services would have gone under or been ended for not being profitable. Instead the profit motive is just ignored and they are used to promote propaganda to brainwash the retarded masses into submission. It literally doesn't matter that these media services are bleeding their owners massive amounts of money. Literally all that matters to them is control over information. And of course the braindead sheep don't notice or care.
This thread was too good for this site ngl

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