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There are thousands of them. I'll list as many as possible (generally speaking, if the IOI is not obvious, use a sum of IOIs to assess whether she likes you or not, please use context clues, and be mindful of nuance to assess the validity of your suspicions)could you explain what these iois are? I noticed when I go outside attractive girls will sometimes make and hold eye contact with me and I don’t know what to do with that. Very rarely when I’m in a supermarket sometimes they'll stand quite close to me and look at an item.
- Her laughing at what you say despite it not being funny (aka her threshold for finding things you say as funny is lower than normal)
- Staring
- Not knowing how to behave around you/can't act normal around you
- Unnecessary, out of place friendliness or smiling (ex. excessive smiling + shyness upon seeing you)
- Trying to close space between you too next to you (her deliberately sitting next to you. stand near you despite there being no need to)
- Trying to engage in conversation with you/sustain conversation with you despite it not being necessary
- Being excessively helpful despite it not being necessary
- Her treating you better than other individuals (ex. her offering you cookies)
- Change in dressing patterns, fragrances, or makeup style to make herself look better
- Seeing signs of excitement in her body language in your presence.
- Seeing signs of despair within her in the absence of your presence.
- Seeing her fix herself much more frequently in your presence (ex. fixing her hair, cleaning lint on her sweater)
- Seeing her give you her full attention or most of it when talking to you.
- Seeing her smile more often in your presence
- Seeing her genuinely enjoy being in your presence.
- Short response times in messages
- "Heyyy" or "Heyyyy", lots of ys
- Expressive texting style.
- Trying to invite you over to her place and reading the context of the place, she's intending for something chatty, romantic, sexual, or something that indicates interest (ex. She says she wants you to come study at her place, yet she "forgot" her textbook in class, or the environment doesn't indicate that she had the intention to study and instead, there's food on the table and she tries to chat the whole time.
- Lots of smiling at you, leaning forward
- Dresses in a more revealing manner to try to get your attention (to get you to talk to her)
- Buys things for you, invests her money to satisfy you
- Tries to get you to meet their parents/fine with you meeting their parents.
- Talks about you with her friends and the people she talks to.
- Tries to talk to you and tries to befriend you.
- Cold approach
- Asking for your number
- Asking for your social media
- Sending you photos of her (ex. how do I look?)
- Sending you photos of her that she wouldn't just share with random men (unless she's a whore)
- Telling you she likes you
- A friend tells you she likes you
- Behaves like you're a status symbol/boosts her status/tries to show you off (ex. "I was with him the other day", emphasizing the "I was with him part" in her speech or in general
- She becomes territorial of you around other women
- She acts like you two are dating already.
- She follows your orders with low effort/[persuasive capacity (ex. "Wear a pink skirt tomorrow", "You shouldn't wear ripped jeans")
- Easily persuaded by you
- Feels an intense amount of shame/guilt when she disappoints you.
- Treats you like a god/someone with higher overall social status
- Touchy
- Changes her schedule, lifestyle, behavior, appearance to appease you, or any act to try to appease you in general.
- Higher pitched voice than usual.
- Compliments you all the time for no reason, especially on your appearance, especially on your face/body
- Arranges dates with you.
- Tells you you should be her husband/fiancee/boyfriend
- Sends romantic, sexual or sexual-romantic media to you from social media (ex. send this to your crush, couple goals, something with sexual undercurrents)
- Mothering you
- Sexual interactions with you (ex. twerking on you, unless she's a whore)
- Her saying things about you when she's on drugs or alcohol that she would never say if sober like (I love you so much, you're so handsome, I want you to be mine, I have the biggest crush on you, you are mine, please love me, please marry me)
- Overly agreeable
- Trying to suppress her negative qualities around you.
- Does things that suggests that she wants you to do something romantic to her ("Its almost valentines day!!!
- Gets you something for valentines day, doesn't have to be something that is obviously valentines day related but if the timing is strange, it could be (ex. buys you a burger you like out of nowhere and it is valentines day)
- Shows an artificial perfect front around you
- Remembers information about you to such a level where it can be seen as strange and abnormal (ex. she remembered you said you liked x, y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g, etc. all from one conversation)
- Clumsier than usual around you.
- Body orientation is always/abnormally towards you
- Much more tolerant of bad behavior than usual.
- Constantly uses indirect communication to indicate interest (ex. "I would like to get married here", "Imagine how romantic it would be if I could do x", I'm usually attracted to men who have (describes someone like you)."
- Signs of digital stalking (Ex. knowing things about you that only could be known if she stalked you online
- Signs that demonstrate that she thinks about you a lot (ex. knowing a lot about you)
- She wants to know when you were born and where (astrology compatibility chart)
- She tries to reverse engineer your personality and tries to figure out your psychology as to understand your likes and dislikes so she can better appease you and see if you are compatible with her (figuring out your mbti type, ennegram, big 5, astrology, or any other system or method she can use to understand you)
- Trying to set up dates
- Overly sensitive to any discomforts or any negative things you may experience for no good and discernable reason
- ...or any other behavior that has common underlying motivations
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