[MEGATHREAD] Post Your Unfrauded Stats Like This:



Face, Height, Frame, Dick
Oct 15, 2019
Face: psl ( 7-point Likert scale) with 60% of males being between 3-4 / 7

Height : in cm

Frame : Shoulder : Hip Ratio

Dick : erect bpl lenght
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6ft5 BWC (9×7) mogger of niggers
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Face : unmeasurable cause too recessed
Height: unmeasurable cause too short
Frame: unmeasurable cause too narrow
DIck: unmeasurable cause not detected
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dick: 6inches:pepefrown::pepefrown::pepefrown:

everything else is cope for me
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wtf is bpl
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no one answered seriously, I don't feel like it either now :lul:
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PSL .... 7-point Likert scale) with 60% of males being between 3-4 / 7
psl is 8 point scale.


0 PSL = Gigatruecel (<0.01%, statistical anomaly)
1 PSL =Truecel (0.14%)
2 PSL = Truecel-lite (2.28%)
3 PSL = Low-tier normie (15.86%)
4 PSL = Normie (50%)
PSL 4.5 = High Tier normie / Above Average ---- 70% (range)
PSL 5 = entry level Chadlite / High Tier normie ---- 85%
PSL 5.5 = Solid Chadlite / entry level Chadlite ---- 95% (range)
PSL 6 = Chad / solid Chadlite ---- 98%
7 PSL = solid Chad / Chad (99.87%)
8 PSL = Gigachad (>99.99%, statistical anomaly)
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If you just go through the forum you will notice that everybody is 5PSL+, 190cm+, 20cm dick and 130+IQ yet they struggle to pull LT-beckies and they have 0 achievements.
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  • JFL
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If you just go through the forum you will notice that everybody is 5PSL+, 190cm+, 20cm dick and 130+IQ yet they struggle to pull LT-beckies and they have 0 achievements.
guys are notorious, for overrating and over estimating themselfes. And for lieying about their statts.
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Reactions: Deleted member 756, PubertyMaxxer and Danish_Retard
psl is 8 point scale.


0 PSL = Gigatruecel (<0.01%, statistical anomaly)
1 PSL =Truecel (0.14%)
2 PSL = Truecel-lite (2.28%)
3 PSL = Low-tier normie (15.86%)
4 PSL = Normie (50%)
PSL 4.5 = High Tier normie / Above Average ---- 70% (range)
PSL 5 = entry level Chadlite / High Tier normie ---- 85%
PSL 5.5 = Solid Chadlite / entry level Chadlite ---- 95% (range)
PSL 6 = Chad / solid Chadlite ---- 98%
7 PSL = solid Chad / Chad (99.87%)
8 PSL = Gigachad (>99.99%, statistical anomaly)
psl5 is chadlite wot :oops:
Face: psl ( 7-point Likert scale) with 60% of males being between 3-4 / 7

Height : in cm

Frame : Shoulder : Hip Ratio

Dick : erect bpl lenght
Face: 4.5?

Height: 176
Frame:Shoulder:Hip idk im skinny fuck who hasnt worked out ever

Dick: 16.5cm if I understand it correctly
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4.5 I guess psl, 186-189 cm(shit posture), 6.3x5 (micropenis), idk ratios but I have big birthing hips and average to above average shoulder width with giant ribcage.
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psl5 is chadlite wot :oops:
PSL5 = 85 percentile. Meaning one is a TOP 15% guy among prime aged men.

Most people consider that High Tier Normie. But I have also seens people argue that PSL5 is ENTRY LEVEL (lowtier) Chadlite.
The word labels, are not very clearly definied. Hence I said for PSL5 in words: entry level Chadlite / High Tier normie
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PSL5 = 85 percentile. Meaning one is a TOP 15% guy among prime aged men.

Most people consider that High Tier Normie. But I have also seens people argue that PSL is ENTRY LEVEL (lowtier) Chadlite.
The word labels, are not very clearly definied. Hence I said for PSL5 in words: entry level Chadlite / High Tier normie
lifefuel tbh
4.5 I guess psl, 186-189 cm(shit posture), 6.3x5 (micropenis), idk ratios but I have big birthing hips and average to above average shoulder width with giant ribcage.
Well build 👍👍👍 you are gonna make it

really, sorry for this hair factor.
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Reactions: Deleted member 4946 and Baldingman1998
If you just go through the forum you will notice that everybody is 5PSL+, 190cm+, 20cm dick and 130+IQ yet they struggle to pull LT-beckies and they have 0 achievements.
If you just go through the forum you will notice that everybody is 5PSL+, 190cm+, 20cm dick and 130+IQ yet they struggle to pull LT-beckies and they have 0 achievements.
I'm slightly below all that. Never began
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PSL- 5
Height- 177.8
Frame- 1.6 Shoulder to Waist
Dick- 5.5 BP
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why dont u use a hair system
Because I'm a dumb piece of shit Ethnic Subhuman
yeah, deffo solid Chadlite potential with (hairsystems) hair and good body shape (y)👍

These hairsystes, looks very very good. Even better than guys, with their own hair whom ar starting thinning.

I hope with your crytpo, you make so much money. you can just buy a hairsystem with that money.
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Literally everyone except @subhuman incel that posted his stats is above average :ROFLMAO:
psl is 8 point scale.


0 PSL = Gigatruecel (<0.01%, statistical anomaly)
1 PSL =Truecel (0.14%)
2 PSL = Truecel-lite (2.28%)
3 PSL = Low-tier normie (15.86%)
4 PSL = Normie (50%)
PSL 4.5 = High Tier normie / Above Average ---- 70% (range)
PSL 5 = entry level Chadlite / High Tier normie ---- 85%
PSL 5.5 = Solid Chadlite / entry level Chadlite ---- 95% (range)
PSL 6 = Chad / solid Chadlite ---- 98%
7 PSL = solid Chad / Chad (99.87%)
8 PSL = Gigachad (>99.99%, statistical anomaly)
If PSL 8 Gigachad is an anomaly why include that? Gigachads are just definite 7.0 / 7 in my scale derived from a 7-point likert scale
Face: psl ( 7-point Likert scale) with 60% of males being between 3-4 / 7

PSL 6.5 (women constantly stare at me with lust and compliment my looks). My first GF was in pre school when a girl literally grabbed my hand and said you're my BF. This would continue throughout my school years. I didn't realize how easy I had it as I never had to work at all to pick up chicks. All through school including college girls would approach me. Yes, being attractive in our society today is by far one of the greatest advantages one can have. I would receive no additional benefit if I was a 7 so I'm fine with where I am but I still use my daily routines to fine tune and perfect what I currently have (mewing, derma rolling, diet, facial exercises, oils, toners, face masks, etc).

Height : in cm

186 CM (I've only received compliments for my height). I grew an additional 2 inches after high school like my father did. He's only 5'10" and his father was only 5'7". Genetics play a significant role here but exercise, stretching and a great diet played a part in maxing out my height. The average CEO of a fortune 500 company is 6 ft tall. You're given more respect by men for being tall and you're desired more by women for being tall. This is a tough pill to take but it's the truth. I have no desire to increase my height any more. There is a point where one can be too tall so I'm not looking to join that club.

Frame : Shoulder : Hip Ratio

Shoulders 50 inches: hips 33 inches. 1.52 inches (goal is the golden ratio of 1.6). I train daily with full body workouts. I put slightly more work on my shoulders than any other muscle group. nucleus overload training is vastly superior to any other form of training. This will speed up the process of making gians and maxing out your frame. My frame is by far my weakest point. My wrists are tiny at 7.1 inches. With that being said I can still max out my frame with weight training. I'm closing in on 20 inches for shoulder length.

Dick : erect bpl length
7.1 inches length (max is 7.3 when on semen retention for 2+ months)
5.7 inches girth (5.85 when on semen retention for 2 plus months)

The goal is the magic 8x6. I cemented my current gains but I'm still obsessed about reaching that goal to make it to the top 98 percentile.

What works best for length? Extender/weights daily. Gained 1 inch after a year. I eventually hit 24 lbs with weights then I switched to the extender more recently. It was a great move as I don't waste any time to set this up and I can move around freely with no issues and lastly there is no pain or discomfort.
What works best for girth? Clamping and Horse 440's. Gained 0.7 inches after a year

pumps only provide a quick and temporary increase but they're great for a pre workout pump.

Overall, I'm open to reading material and trying new things but so far those methods above have worked best for me. Girth work is every other day and length is daily with one day off per week.

In the end my face is the money maker and it's the most important factor for connecting with women if you meet the bare minimum requirements in all other categories. I never learned game through reading books or online bs. I never chased and I will never chase women. For me that's all a big waste of time.
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Reactions: Deleted member, eduardkoopman and PubertyMaxxer
Face: psl ( 7-point Likert scale) with 60% of males being between 3-4 / 7

PSL 6.5 (women constantly stare at me with lust and compliment my looks). My first GF was in pre school when a girl literally grabbed my hand and said you're my BF. This would continue throughout my school years. I didn't realize how easy I had it as I never had to work at all to pick up chicks. All through school including college girls would approach me. Yes, being attractive in our society today is by far one of the greatest advantages one can have. I would receive no additional benefit if I was a 7 so I'm fine with where I am but I still use my daily routines to fine tune and perfect what I currently have (mewing, derma rolling, diet, facial exercises, oils, toners, face masks, etc).

Height : in cm

186 CM (I've only received compliments for my height). I grew an additional 2 inches after high school like my father did. He's only 5'10" and his father was only 5'7". Genetics play a significant role here but exercise, stretching and a great diet played a part in maxing out my height. The average CEO of a fortune 500 company is 6 ft tall. You're given more respect by men for being tall and you're desired more by women for being tall. This is a tough pill to take but it's the truth. I have no desire to increase my height any more. There is a point where one can be too tall so I'm not looking to join that club.

Frame : Shoulder : Hip Ratio

Shoulders 50 inches: hips 33 inches. 1.52 inches (goal is the golden ratio of 1.6). I train daily with full body workouts. I put slightly more work on my shoulders than any other muscle group. nucleus overload training is vastly superior to any other form of training. This will speed up the process of making gians and maxing out your frame.

Dick : erect bpl length
7.1 inches length (max is 7.3 when on semen retention for 2+ months)
5.7 inches girth (5.85 when on semen retention for 2 plus months)

The goal is the magic 8x6. I cemented my current gains but I'm still obsessed about reaching that goal to make it to the top 98 percentile.

What works best for length? Extender/weights daily. Gained 1 inch after a year. I eventually hit 24 lbs with weights then I switched to the extender more recently. It was a great move as I don't waste any time to set this up and I can move around freely with no issues and lastly there is no pain or discomfort.
What works best for girth? Clamping and Horse 440's. Gained 0.7 inches after a year

pumps only provide a quick and temporary increase but they're great for a pre workout pump.

Overall, I'm open to reading material and trying new things but so far those methods above have worked best for me. Girth work is every other day and length is daily with one day off per week.

In the end my face is the money maker and it's the most important factor for connecting with women if you meet the bare minimum requirements in all other categories. I never learned game through reading books or online bs. I never chased and I will never chase women. For me that's all a big waste of time.
How did you find the site?
Why don't you live life man?
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If PSL 8 Gigachad is an anomaly why include that? Gigachads are just definite 7.0 / 7 in my scale derived from a 7-point likert scale
Anomaly doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just that it's Giga rare.

But PSL 8 exist. Like prime O'pry for example. Or prime Chico. tc...
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
How did you find the site?
Why don't you live life man?
I found out from this dude named Austin Dunham. He's on here as well I just don't know his name.

I do live life. I enjoy self improvement and sharing information with others. I've been banned off all social media so this is basically the only place I'm allowed to share truth without being censored, banned, etc. I know if I ever become content then I will stop my positive routines and habits so I use this site to challenge myself every day to be better. I know there's a ton of incels, trolls and sad or depressed people on here which I tend to ignore but hopefully my information can help a few of them as well.
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I found out from this dude named Austin Dunham.
that man has more muscle mass in his finger; than I have in my whole body.
Guy is build like a beast tank
that man has more muscle mass in his finger; than I have in my whole body.
Guy is build like a beast tank
He's a good dude and has been training for 7 years now. He was all body weight for the first 4 years and now he does a mix of body weight and free weights. He's the only youtuber that shows his face and accepts black pill. He does have a profile on here as well.
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Reactions: eduardkoopman and PubertyMaxxer
Face: 4/4.5PSL idk

Height : 173cm

Frame : Shoulder : Hip Ratio idk average but I have muscle so looks decent

Dick : 6.6in
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
He's a good dude and has been training for 7 years now. He was all body weight for the first 4 years and now he does a mix of body weight and free weights. He's the only youtuber that shows his face and accepts black pill. He does have a profile on here as well.
Honestly very mririn that man his bodyshape.
He bodyshape-gymmaaxxed himself to Chadhood.

His body shape sems so un-achieveable though. As a non gymmaxxed regular guy.
I only manage to gain a few cms size and a few kg of extra muscle mass in 1 year time. Obviously making plenty mistakes, and having moderate level consistentcy, and being old(er).
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
psl is 8 point scale.


0 PSL = Gigatruecel (<0.01%, statistical anomaly)
1 PSL =Truecel (0.14%)
2 PSL = Truecel-lite (2.28%)
3 PSL = Low-tier normie (15.86%)
4 PSL = Normie (50%)
PSL 4.5 = High Tier normie / Above Average ---- 70% (range)
PSL 5 = entry level Chadlite / High Tier normie ---- 85%
PSL 5.5 = Solid Chadlite / entry level Chadlite ---- 95% (range)
PSL 6 = Chad / solid Chadlite ---- 98%
7 PSL = solid Chad / Chad (99.87%)
8 PSL = Gigachad (>99.99%, statistical anomaly)
Giga chad is basically 1 in a million or one per Gigachad per large city. I've never met one and I probably never will. Overall, if you are around a 6 PSL or higher then you basically don't need to learn game in this society. Basically it's all about the eye contact and being open.
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer and eduardkoopman
Honestly very mririn that man his bodyshape.
He bodyshape-gymmaaxxed himself to Chadhood.

His body shape sems so un-achieveable though. As a non gymmaxxed regular guy.
I only manage to gain a few cms size and a few kg of extra muscle mass in 1 year time. Obviously making plenty mistakes, and having moderate level consistentcy, and being old(er).
All you can do is max out your own frame while using the best resources, information available while remaining disciplined in your training and diet. He has his own genetic potential and you have your own. I do my best to compare myself to my previous self because I will never be someone else. With that being said I constantly try new things and research because I enjoy the journey of improvement.

Personally, Nucleaus overload training combined with semen retention and increased sunlight exposure/vitamin D has drastically improved my results over the last 3 years. I focus more on the eccentric phase of lifting (lowering or going down) as this provides one with majority of the results (muscle and strength gains).
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Reactions: Elvisandreaa and PubertyMaxxer
Giga chad is basically 1 in a million or one per Gigachad per large city. I've never met one and I probably never will.
I also never ever seen a GigaTeraChad. Nor ever a GigaTeraStacy.

If I ever do come across one. I might be standing there, with mouth open, mirin like: WTF is this!

Overall, if you are around a 6 PSL or higher then you basically don't need to learn game in this society. Basically it's all about the eye contact and being open.
true that. Maybe PSL 5.5 already actually, if one is not to picky oneself.
Actually, I seen guys with PSL5 looks range get away with SIGNIFICANT "flaws" (like being wellfare broke loser, or low iq, etc..) get away with it, in the sense that they outpull the normies with pretty good game, and decent money and good iq, and good status.
at least, that is my experience here, wher I life. (netherlands)
4.5 I guess psl, 186-189 cm(shit posture), 6.3x5 (micropenis), idk ratios but I have big birthing hips and average to above average shoulder width with giant ribcage.
A micro penis would be below 5 inches in length and 4 inches in girth. Your size is above average in nearly every country on earth.
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Face: psl ( 7-point Likert scale) with 60% of males being between 3-4 / 7

Height : in cm

Frame : Shoulder : Hip Ratio

Dick : erect bpl lenght
Race: Lightskin

Face: Broderick Hunter

Height: Manute Bol

Frame: Kelly Oubre

Dick: Mandingo
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
All you can do is max out your own frame while using the best resources, information available while remaining disciplined in your training and diet.
Yeah, true that. My frame is actually quit good actually. I'm quit tall (6'2), and I can't eat enough basically most of the time. My callorie intake sucks to much. I was always used to living on 2 meals per day, in the past. Being like 70kg on 188cm.
He has his own genetic potential and you have your own. I do my best to compare myself to my previous self because I will never be someone else.
yeah, good advice. Just improve me.
With that being said I constantly try new things and research because I enjoy the journey of improvement.
Personally, Nucleaus overload training combined with semen retention and increased sunlight exposure/vitamin D has drastically improved my results over the last 3 years.
sunlight, vitamine D affects gym results???
I avoid the sun, and wear sunblock daily. because I use tretinoin, and because I want to preserve muh old ass skin.
So I guess, supplemennting Vitaimen D, is advised than. I do use Saw Palmetto occassionally. Maybe I make it daily than. They said it has Vitamine D in it.
I focus more on the eccentric phase of lifting (lowering or going down) as this provides one with majority of the results (muscle and strength gains).
cool. I like calisthenics most. hanging around like a monkey, like somewhere in the far past my ancestors must have been doing also :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I also never ever seen a GigaTeraChad. Nor ever a GigaTeraStacy.

If I ever do come across one. I might be standing there, with mouth open, mirin like: WTF is this!

true that. Maybe PSL 5.5 already actually, if one is not to picky oneself.
Actually, I seen guys with PSL5 looks range get away with SIGNIFICANT "flaws" (like being wellfare broke loser, or low iq, etc..) get away with it, in the sense that they outpull the normies with pretty good game, and decent money and good iq, and good status.
at least, that is my experience here, wher I life. (netherlands)
That's sad but I suppose that's how society works today. A man could be a great human being, have a high IQ with a solid career or business with a great potential to be a father but if he's a 4 PSL or below his only options are used up postwall thots that will use him for his resources and nothing more. I know this because my own sister did this. She was with a new tan chad every year during high school and college while partying it up. She obtained her doctorates degree and by 25 she was finally out of school. At the age of 27 she found her beta male provider successfull mortgage loan officer with an annual 7 figure salary and remote job. He's 300 lbs 4 PSL and was simping for her for 2 years. He baught her 100k worth of stuff before she finally cut off her Chad and went with him. The Chad's were always losers that just played video games or drunks who slept around. She married him at 30 years old and now has 1 kid with a second on the way, a 2 million dollar home, 3 vehicles, and too many pets. She had a full ride so she has no debt and the rest of her life is covered by her slave I mean husband. Will she cheat on him eventually with more Chad's in the future. Sadly the answer is probably yes. This is what the average Stacy does. Even if they're christian and raised in a decent home, society has fallen so drastically over the last 20 years that no women is worth locking down (except maybe Ahmish).
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Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, PubertyMaxxer and eduardkoopman
Face: hard to say with my subhuman, chipmunk cheek having, recessed, bloated, juvenile, neotenous and round baby face, it's pointless even giving it a rating because I have no appeal whatsoever, I'm 26, but I don't look like an adult. You can't rate a child or someone who looks like one.

Height : 5'11.25" barefoot at night, 6'0" out of bed

Frame : Shoulder : Hip Ratio, 20" shoulder width, hips are 38" in circumference, 30.5" waist circumference

Dick : erect bpl lenght is 6.4" x 4.8"
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Bpl is such cope even though it’s technically legit
It's 100% cope unless you're morbidly obese. Your dick doesn't go into your pelvic bone ffs, it starts where it visually begins, nothing more. What you see is what's there, everything else is cope.
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
It's 100% cope unless you're morbidly obese. Your dick doesn't go into your pelvic bone ffs, it starts where it visually begins, nothing more. What you see is what's there, everything else is cope.
Agree, should have said that in OP
Face: hard to say with my subhuman, chipmunk cheek having, recessed, bloated, juvenile, neotenous and round baby face, it's pointless even giving it a rating because I have no appeal whatsoever, I'm 26, but I don't look like an adult. You can't rate a child or someone who looks like one.

Height : 5'11.25" barefoot at night, 6'0" out of bed

Frame : Shoulder : Hip Ratio, 20" shoulder width, hips are 38" in circumference, 30.5" waist circumference

Dick : erect bpl lenght is 6.4" x 4.8"
Sure the frame measurements are not the other way around? If not I'm sorry bro you're one of the most severe cases of framelet'ism i have ever witnessed
Sure the frame measurements are not the other way around? If not I'm sorry bro you're one of the most severe cases of framelet'ism i have ever witnessed
hips: 38" circumference (tape all the way around the ass at the widest point), again this is CIRCUMFERENCE not width because I can't measure width accurately with the tools I have and can't be bothered to tbh, but my hip width is pretty small from what I can see in the mirror, can't be more than 12 - 13"

waist: 30.5" circumference (tape around the belly button)

shoulder width: 20" (bideltoid), pic related


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