Men Age Like Wine Women Age Like Milk


you just coping because obviously approaching thirty soon and you are afraid that you will no longer have a young woman after, it is understandable.
yeah it's mostly why i'm doing this thread but i'm right.
Retin A is a good cope, but ok. there are more heaviest guns than this.
my opinion.
To add, when people read things as OR/OR, when it comes to fighting aging.

Fight aging, should not be done on and Or/OR basis.

Like a person would say. Ghk-cu moggs retin-A. Than a person should imo not just chose Ghk-cu.
But should chose: GHK-cu + Retin-A

The only reason, I am fighting teh agepill decently well.
Is because I compound the shit out of things
AND + ANd + AND + And + And + ANd

Attack the aging mofo; for 10-20 different angles.

You literally can't address 99% visible aging without some plastic surgery, and youll still be try hard old man, which still wont attract younger women unless you have some status, money, or woman has daddy fetish , which is probably an even smaller percentage of the population than gay people.
This faggot is probably the best example what is possible with top effort skincare maxxing, without surgery.
Is it good enough?
I dunno.
It's a win imo, if one can look 10 yeaars younger than real age. That's probably the maxx possible irl.

no one has shown any general effect of the diet except for the longevity , because most of it is a contradiction that refutes one or the other. And some breakthrough diets will never show up. Unless you think that if you never eat chocolate and junk food will keep you young until you are fifty.
longe livity maxxing; and looksmaxxxing for SMV maxxing. Regularly bite each other I noticed.

first of all you always sound like a pessimistic lethargic incel who has no life at all. so it's hard to take you seriously.

HOWEVER, let me define what i'm saying anyway.

firstly i'm not saying a 48 years old chad can look exactly like that guy you worship, zach cox.
of course you can imitate youth at some point, not like 45==> 20.
i'm saying he doesn't have to.
Looking 10 years younger than one is. IS achieveable WITH maxximum consistent effort. IF one doesn't go bald, or has fucked up skin genetics.

What age woman a dude can generally get?
I think.
AFTER a man is 25. I think his looks age MINUS 5-7 years orso is generally the lowest possible he can get.
So a dude of 40. LOOKING 30. can get? a 23-25 year old maybe.
Buta 40 year old man, looking 40, can get like a 33-35 year old woman at best. age wise.


a girl can fall in love with an older guy , an older chad/chadlite can have geniune LTR with a stacy BUT i never see a guy geniunely wants to marry with a 35 years old woman.
Only Chad I know. He is married a woman 10 years younger, he was mid 30's and she was mid 20's.
age is the primary attraction code for woman, not for men.
I agree. and disagree.
1. in itself age is less of an factor in male attractivensss versus woman. So ia gree.
2. I disagree, because aging hits most men really hard making them go from lookslevel 6/10 to 2/10. Like they get fat, bald, etc. plenty go from decent to good looking to absolutely subhuman tier SMV looks. You know the deal.

How men drop with age, in looks attractiveness.

also retin a is not cope at all JFL.
ffs try that first for years and then decide.
there are thousands of people even on fucking reddit (r/tretinoin) showing incredible results through years. so you're wrong.
need to compaund with other stuff, and lifestyle. imo
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All these guys are very out of shape.
That's NORMAL, to come with aging. for some reason.

AGING = BECOMING FAT for average peoples
According to the statts of average people.

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you are retarded delusional cunt if you are against it.

nothing better than a hot stacy at young age. no one gives a shit about your tiktok boys except moronic 12 years old girls.


for all copers below,

literally a few people looksmax hard, doing routines, going to gym 4+ days a week, controlling the diet etc.

i'm not saying a big fat bald man aging like wine you coping cunts. read carefully.
Only assuming the man keeps his hair then yes I agree
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It's simple
Men age like wine=women prefer older guys because they want feel submissive to the man ,they want to admire him and him take the lead,for this reason women have preffered older than them guys and that's why a woman who is 30 might be attracted to a guy who is 15 years older than her.

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