Men are becoming really desperate

Why not? Aren't you ukrainian? It's from a NSBM band Dub buk
I mean picture, you know, Nazi and shit. We are getting sometimes some comments and questions about whether we are radical nationalists and support nazi. But I would say it is far from reality.
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ive yet to meet a chad irl
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Yeah its classic crab bucket mentality
I had a friend trying to talk me out of fin and I calmly explained the lookspill to him (I basically said that my hair mattered and it would benefit me to keep it) and he gave me a defeated look and said alright
whenever I bring up my hair to others they're like oh nooooooo dude what its fine I can't notice anything J F L
>Just shave it bro girls love it
>dude girls don't like muscles man the dad bod is in
>dude just trust her bro
normies are so retarded
Dont talk about looks with normies. You will just make yourself look 'narcy and shallow' in their eyes and they will try to sabotage you. Not worth it.
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They can't fuck everyone, for sure, although they will raise most sweetheart's expectations unrealistically just with Instagram alone, and at some point in life every woman meets a chad, meaning they will at the very least get chadstruck.
Chad cant fuck everyone.

Nvm, they will fak 3-4 women then
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most guys deserve nothing

useless video game playing low testosterone abominations, subhuman no muscle, no personality copies of each other

At least women have pussies

I'm not joking at least the average woman has a fashion sense and are pretty dope to talk to. Guys are legit so fucking retarded, only talk about videogames, porn and drinking. I have more female associates / friends than males.

Men are pathetic simp whiny cunts.

No point having male friends, you cannot even fuck them
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We're witnessing the slow collapse of society. Once men swallow the Blackpill about women it's game over. What women don't understand is that a woman can more or less survive without dick, a man on the other hand goes on starvation mode if he can't get pussy and what do you think will happen when a man realizes the reason he can't get pussy is because women are too picky and shallow? They become demotivated, misogynistic, suicidal, depressed, frustrated, angry, etc. In short, society is fucked.
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