Men care 10x more about looks than women

Average white zoomer is MTN 6’0 with a 5x5 penis.

Average black zoomer is subhuman 6’1 with a 7x6 penis.

Average latino zoomer is LTN 5’5 with a 6x5 penis.

Average Asian zoomer is LTN 5’8 with a 4x4 penis.
Average group project is 6'2 with a 8x5 penis
I had an american girl tourist hitting on me last year and we talked for 2 hours. She sat next to me at the bus to another city. She talked so much.

I had a gf so I rejected her, but I’ve never met a nordic girl who was as extroverted as her

Americans are 10x more extroverted than nordic people :lul:
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Fk man its so easy to be goodlooking as a woman with makeup

No wonder men are so ugly
true tbh. it's because female beauty depends more on soft features while male beauty is strongly influenced by bone robustness/leanness
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Only girls with high testosterone more or less kinda have a personality (video below). The more estrogen and less testosterone they have, the more you should expect a more NPC and spoiled brat behavior from them..

muh "she looks like a tranny" jfl this is peak female looks + sapiencemogs 99% of girls too.
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true tbh. it's because female beauty depends more on soft features while male beauty is strongly influenced by bone robustness/leanness
Same with body. Girls body depends on fat (ass/tits)

Meanwhile guys body depends on bones and muscles.

Thats why most guys have shit bodies while many girls have nice asses
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muh "she looks like a tranny" jfl this is peak female looks + sapiencemogs 99% of girls too.

Yeah, it's funny bc you look at her, she's not wearing any makeup except lipstick, it's a video, so there's no filter applied, and your brain and your eyes are constantly looking for a disturbing facial feature, a flaw, an imperfection, anything, but you realize you can't find it.. lol..

She has tall skull like Chico + perfect facial harmony + crazy fucking full lips + positive canthal tilt in both eyes + blue eyes + perfect eyebrow position + small forehead and crazy hair genetics

4688676 1738517115506

She dosen't have that very masculine tranny square-face, often with a big forehead, or a long face with a very proeminet chin, and no bones in general on the face.. (hence the complaints about tranny, the fact that she has bones in her lower 3rd, she's not boneless like most round-faced girls who are labeled "feminine'', and also that she doesn't thin her eyebrows and leaves them natural)


Not to mention that she's almost 180 cm tall, with this body, crazy frame, and these body proportions, giga long arms, fingers and legs..


Chads and Stacys factory fr.. Unreal that a human can have all this.. Maher & Hexum type shit.. but for girls..

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Yeah, it's funny bc you look at her, she's not wearing any makeup except lipstick, it's a video, so there's no filter applied, and your brain and your eyes are constantly looking for a disturbing facial feature, a flaw, an imperfection, anything, but you realize you can't find it.. lol..

She has tall skull like Chico + perfect facial harmony + crazy fucking full lips + positive canthal tilt in both eyes + blue eyes + perfect eyebrow position + small forehead and crazy hair genetics

View attachment 3527148View attachment 3527142

She dosen't have that very masculine tranny square-face, often with a big forehead, or a long face with a very proeminet chin, and no bones in general on the face.. (hence the complaints about tranny, the fact that she has bones in her lower 3rd, she's not boneless like most round-faced girls who are labeled "feminine'', and also that she doesn't thin her eyebrows and leaves them natural)

View attachment 3527159View attachment 3527132View attachment 3527161

Not to mention that she's almost 180 cm tall, with this body, crazy frame, and these body proportions, giga long arms, fingers and legs..

View attachment 3527213

Chads and Stacys factory fr.. Unreal that a human can have all this.. Maher & Hexum type shit.. but for girls..

View attachment 3527238View attachment 3527233
yeah she and anja winkelmann (my avi) are the greatest foggers i've seen tbh

Doutzen's a close seconds nf
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I see indians here who say women are more looks focused. But men only care about looks

Women care about status, money, instagram, nt aswell

Women can fuck fat 80 year olds because they are rich

Never seen a male model with an 80 year old hag :unsure:
No Brain Idiot GIF
Women don't even care about status they much. A lot of women simply desire to be in a codepdent relationship with someone literally. Look around. That's what most women desire
Women are mentally ill due to patriarchy/sexism and don't really have strong preferences
Yes exactly

Men are 10x more looks focused
Men are putting their dicks into plastic dolls and landwhales lmaoo

If garbage bags had female genitals, I assure you on my life on god, that men would be fucking garbage bags
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Being better looking just makes life easier IMO.

So no matter how true "girls only date normies is" I will continue.

Life for me was drastically better when I was lean and looksmaxed compared to right now.
Reminder notmies are getting cucked by med chads like @forevergymcelling

Jfl if you expect a woman to be loyal to a normie
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Either you offer good genes (or at least perceived if u frauded them with surgeries etc..) or compensate with top tier money status
that is true. think of it logically and realistically.

at least for me, i would not be able to fall in love with a perfect girl, which yall may refer to as stacy. lust is not love.

women and men are similar in that matter. you fall in love with peoples silly imperfections than with their perfections.

ofc if you are ugly smelly and annoying, there is extremely low chance somebody will be able to call you home, but that has happened as well if you think about it.

that is why the blackpill is bulshit - it simply is and will remain 50% of the general truth at most.

i wish the blackpill was the complete truth since then men would not blame themselves for the mistakes they have done over their life. they can simply blame it on looks.

appeal and psl is important if you just wish to become a male hoe. nothing else
Yes indians/blacks and looksmax autists
Most of the time, Chad wins, just accept it nigga, most users here won't become rich or get high status it's how the world works.
Most of the time, Chad wins, just accept it nigga, most users here won't become rich or get high status it's how the world works.
Ye but women care less about looks than men

Otherwise fat hollywood stars and musicians wouldnt slay
My girlfriend was taller than you blud. Although i don’t actually believe you. Rarely I see a guy below 5’6 tbh.
But looksmaxers say so

They know me better than I know myself

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