Millenial femoids are jaded whores and you don't stand a chance with them (suifuel inside)

There are no non-sjw leftists. People like that are basically just sjws lite meaning they buy into the same concepts but just aren't as extreme about them.

i mean i basically am. im definitely liberal and think people should just do what they wanna do as long as it doesnt affect other people's lives but i am also very non-pc
I dont know whats worse

- girls openly telling what they think

- girls talking to their friends behind their bf back while putting on a nice facade

Women always thinked like this
When i looksmaxxed myself from a 5,5 to a 7 and my personality still stayed the same girls began treating me VERY different.

It is hard for me to ever fall truly in love now, I just know that if i looked slightly worse she would ignore me despite my personality being the same.
This is the most brutal blackpill you guys will experience after looksmaxxing

Life gets better but inside you are not the same no more emotionally
I basically has a insane puberty growth spurt when i was around 17-18 and my T levels went through the roof .

i went from 5´10 and became 6´1, my frame went from average range to 23inch bildetoid. My ramus was bigger and my jaw became chiseled and had more forward growth. It literally went from being fullon round jaw with slightly reccessed chin to being squareish and a chin almost twice the previous size.

tho i am not sure if it actually became shorter or just looks shorter bcs of my other bones that grew, but my midface went from slightly over compact to a compact midface.

Also got a slight brow ridge wich made my eye area more masculine basically gave me a slight hooding. Not only that but my eyebrows went thicker aswell, i also began to get thicc and long eyelashes

Also i began a skincare routing (i never had much acne but i did get pimples from time to time tho now my skin is clear, it also made me lose my eye circles.), my hair suddenly changed maybe bcs of the hormones in my body (went from a frizzy slightly curly hair mess to prince charming thick wavy hair) and was working out to get a nice body.

My teeth went from slightly white to milky white and i also lost my braces around that time period, also can grow a beard now.
I dont know whats worse

- girls openly telling what they think

- girls talking to their friends behind their bf back while putting on a nice facade

Women always thinked like this
Females being honest is much MUCH better. Sadly, they only get this way once they're very old, like their 60s. These are the only females I've somewhat enjoyed being around.
Females being honest is much MUCH better. Sadly, they only get this way once they're very old, like their 60s. These are the only females I've somewhat enjoyed being around.
cant risk losing orbiters before 60, also this is the time they become right wing jfl
Wait till these bitches see my 10x8 destructor
In the future

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