Mirror more accurate than picture - discuss



Feb 15, 2020
Age old question - interested to see replies

(1) In motion more accurate than still shot
(2) Lens distortion will almost always give an inaccurate portrait of you
(3) Yes you get used to facial asymmetries over time in a mirror but this shit is bs - when have you even seen someone and been like "oh they're face is assymetrical"
(4) Yes it is a flipped image but ask anyone (literally anyone) to stand in front of a mirror with you and then look at them normally - they are exactly the same

So for those of who are bugged out about their looks cuz pictures/ videos make them look fucking ugly - dw, no one likes how they look in photos because it is not them; it is a flipped version which they are not used to seeing which is 2d, not in motion, distorted and creates asymmetries because everything is literally in the opposite place to where you usually see it.
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if you look good in a shitty selfie photo then you have no reason to call yourself ugly tbh
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You can see the picture you in the mirror over time your brain adjusts and both will look the same.
Except my acne scars are more visible in photos than in the mirror tbh
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You can see the picture you in the mirror over time your brain adjusts and both will look the same.
my brain is retarded so that'll never happen
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I actually ''notice'' assymetries of relatives when standing to a mirror, probably because I am used to see the real life image of theirs. To them it's normal though.
Age old question - interested to see replies

(1) In motion more accurate than still shot
(2) Lens distortion will almost always give an inaccurate portrait of you
(3) Yes you get used to facial asymmetries over time in a mirror but this shit is bs - when have you even seen someone and been like "oh they're face is assymetrical"
(4) Yes it is a flipped image but ask anyone (literally anyone) to stand in front of a mirror with you and then look at them normally - they are exactly the same

So for those of who are bugged out about their looks cuz pictures/ videos make them look fucking ugly - dw, no one likes how they look in photos because it is not them; it is a flipped version which they are not used to seeing which is 2d, not in motion, distorted and creates asymmetries because everything is literally in the opposite place to where you usually see it.
and what about looking bad in videos but good in mirror ? how can i cope ? i look even better on pics than videos
Good cuz I’m goodlooking in mirror
one more thing, turn off all lights, open phone rear flashlight and point it at yourself
if YOU look good or above average in that sort of lighting situation (cheap ringlight) you dont have anything wrong bone related and you dont need to worry

do this from about 3-4 feet away
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one more thing, turn off all lights, open phone rear flashlight and point it at yourself
if YOU look good or above average in that sort of lighting situation (cheap ringlight) you dont have anything wrong bone related and you dont need to worry

do this from about 3-4 feet away

flash adds 10 years - you ever heard of that phrase. if you look good with this - please get off this forum and start modelling
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flash adds 10 years - you ever heard of that phrase. if you look good with this - please get off this forum and start modelling
i look good with that lighting yes but what does flash add 10 year mean
flash adds 10 years - you ever heard of that phrase. if you look good with this - please get off this forum and start modelling
so what about smb that looks fine on selfie and mirror but bad on selfie videos ?
what's the issue ?
  • Hmm...
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i look good with that lighting yes but what does flash add 10 year mean


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what the fuck no way holy shit this is actual lifefuel
what the fuck no way holy shit this is actual lifefuel
lighting is extremely crucial, in movies and pictures of celebs/ male models , etc the lighting is always very good, in movies they spend alot of money on lighting equipment to make people look as best as they can
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lighting is extremely crucial, in movies and pictures of celebs/ male models , etc the lighting is always very good, in movies they spend alot of money on lighting to make people look as best as they can
dude thank you so much for telling me about the rear flashlight dark room phone thing
dude thank you so much for telling me about the rear flashlight dark room phone thing
yeah what you look like there, will be similar to what u look like in diffused sunlight standing directly infront of a window which is ideal lighting, when u see foids posting pictures its in that kind of lighting

if you are ugly in that lighting, it is due to shit ratios/ facial proportions/ garbage tier facial features and never began for you
some people only look in mirrors that have shit lighting in the room and therefore think thats what they look like

edit: as long as you look good in natural lighting ur fine, some artifical bathroom lightings can really make you look like a monster, while others can make u look very good

my one bathroom has garbage ass lighting to the point where i dont even turn it on anymore, i just do my shit in the dark man, cuz it makes me feel like shit for the rest of the day
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  • +1
Reactions: JeremyMeeks
Looking in the huge gym wall mirror I feel like a mogging machine over everyone
Then when I see a picture of myself on a night out standing next to a blocky manlet it makes me look like shit because the extremeties of my limbs are the same girth as his even though I'm carrying way more lean body mass, he looks like the better proportioned one

Tinder and Instagram are the best thing to happen to manlets since the beginning of time
Mirror is really yourself, the flipped image making people "looks worse" is wrong because it is you, but flipped, nothing more. But, some mirrors are distorted as well and depend on illumination (your skin looks better or worse depending on illumination, also the shadows make you more gl).
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Set your up phone on a flat surface and record a video of yourself from a few feet away while moving and talking a bit. That’s the only way to see how you really look.

I look decent in a mirror. Decent in pictures. But absolutely subhuman on video and that’s the reality of how I look.
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Reactions: Hey dont talk to me and HighIQcel

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