mixed race = Looksmaxxing face



Aug 29, 2019
"There was a small but highly significant effect, with mixed-race faces, on average, being perceived as more attractive."

Mixed raced people face:
* In the top 50 percentile faces. 60% where of mixxed race faces, (while it should normally be about 50%).
* In the top 10 percentile faces. 65% where of mixxed race faces, (while it should normally be about 50%).
* In the top 5 percentile faces. 74% where of mixxed race faces, (while it should normally be about 50%).
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  • JFL
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Doesn't surprise me tbh. Ethnic people with majority white features but 1 or 2 ethnic features are worshipped by many
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Trust the study goyim
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  • JFL
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Qoves made a video about it. Really interesting.

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Nah I see 4`11 manlet bluepilled ethnic ugly framelet subhumans mutts everyday here
  • JFL
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Make sure to racemix guys
Nah I see 4`11 manlet bluepilled ethnic ugly framelet subhumans mutts everyday here
They slay hard as fuck
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  • JFL
Reactions: anactualdude, fjor2096, gamma and 1 other person
which features?
dont think theres a specific set of features, but generally ethnics have better lips & hair for example than white people. its just the unique look that results from ethnic people with white features (especially light eyes in contrast with a darker skin tone)
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, LastHopeForNorman and Xangsane
Qoves made a video about it. Really interesting.

Damn. Lima is mixed with every type of human that exists on the planet.
i have to say. Lima is the best looking face ever, still. imo.

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  • JFL
Reactions: datboijj, Pumanator, spark and 1 other person
Yep this is true. I’m living proof. This is why I plan to have children with East Asian girl Japanese or Korean to increase my gene pool. Or maybe Ukrainian or Belarusian. But I’ll have to figure out how to become NT to stand a chance
i wouldn't say that you're "living proof" but you look decent, you should sort your hair, skin and side profile jaw out tho before acting like a mogger on this forum
  • +1
Reactions: AlexBrown84
Yep this is true. I’m living proof. This is why I plan to have children with East Asian girl Japanese or Korean to increase my gene pool. Or maybe Ukrainian or Belarusian. But I’ll have to figure out how to become NT to stand a chance
You are half white, and half black??

by the way, when you can improve your acne, blemishes; and get a bit better suitable hairstyle for your face shape. And heavy stubble facial hair, to fraud chin and stuff a bit. These 3 features could make you go up like 1-2 points out of 10. I guestimate
  • +1
Reactions: Pumanator and AlexBrown84
Nonsense, best looking guys and girls are pure bloods. The only top tier mixed dudes is Simon Pham and Jeremy Meeks.
  • +1
Reactions: datboijj
not surprised
they look more interesting and exotic
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, datboijj and Jason Voorhees
not surprised
they look more interesting and exotic
I think mixed people look better on average but top tier chads with the widest appeal are still dark nordics.

"There was a small but highly significant effect, with mixed-race faces, on average, being perceived as more attractive."

Images   2021 12 24T225009421
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  • +1
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I think mixed people look better on average but top tier Chads are still dark nordics.

View attachment 1458785
Yep though there's way more homogenous people than mixed race so it would be unfair to compare the best looking men in the world, but then again I think pure men (Hexum, Gandy, Lewis, Pitt etc) fit better into the conventionally attractive beauty standards while mixed race rely on looking more exotic
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, gamma, Biiyo03 and 1 other person
Yep though there's way more homogenous people than mixed race so it would be unfair to compare the best looking men in the world, but then again I think pure men (Hexum, Gandy, Lewis, Pitt etc) fit better into the conventionally attractive beauty standards while mixed race rely on looking more exotic
They fit the conventional beauty standards better imo

2635319 2497339 442300 Zoom
  • +1
Reactions: Toth's thot, AscendingHero and StrangerDanger
, but generally ethnics have better lips & hair
Lol what
No such a thing as "ethnics have"
There are many different races with different feautures

Which lips have asians, huh
  • +1
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Inb4 the study was found med by Jews to promote interracial relationships between blacks and whites
  • JFL
Reactions: eduardkoopman
i don’t think I mog people it’s just I joined with better baseline than most people that come here and it’s probably due to my larger gene pool. My parents aren’t special either so imagine what it would look like if they were above average

For example, here’s an image of two siblings who’s father is white and mother is black. The father I would say is a high tier normie and mother is average for black.
yeah, looking above average good.

This maybe, needs me need to reconsider muh "whites only" for serious LTR dating. Because I also find women from other races attractive, but I didn't want to screw ove jbw halo and height.

For offspring.
One also has to consider body (aka height) matching.
It's not that good idea, even if good face. When one mixxes race such; that your son might be a manlet. Well, that kinda excludes Asians, and maybe Indians also. Arabs are soso with height; Africans has some tall regions people.
"Guys let's racemix it's cool"

Do you have full access to the paper ?
You are comparing any racemix with any monoracial faces, meaning the non race-mixed population contains people with only ethnic features meaning most of them are ugly (sorry ethnic bros) and are lowering the overall score.
Do they compare white only vs racemix, do they compare white/asian racemix with other kinds or is it just any racemix vs any non racemixed population.
Also "There was a small but highly significant effect" what are the numbers of this small effect.

Plus Michael Lewis = big jew

But we should listen to them and produce children that will be even more depressed than people on this forum
  • JFL
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I think that race mixing causes some averageness of different racial features. if you photoshop 1000 faces to 1 average face the average face is most likely the best looking.

Averageness also learns us that 1 negative feature is far harsher in terms of looks then only average features.
"Guys let's racemix it's cool"
Do you have full access to the paper ?
But we should listen to them and produce children that will be even more depressed than people on this forum
need to check yeah. Are mixed people more unhappy maybe.
  • Woah
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You are comparing
I didn't compare anything. The study compared.
any racemix with any monoracial faces, meaning the non race-mixed population contains people with only ethnic features meaning most of them are ugly (sorry ethnic bros) and are lowering the overall score.
Do they compare white only vs racemix, do they compare white/asian racemix with other kinds or is it just any racemix vs any non racemixed population.
Also "There was a small but highly significant effect" what are the numbers of this small effect.
I read. The compared: mixed people (can be any racial mix). With mono-whites, and mono-blacks. It seems

So the method, of what they compared:
"An investigation was carried out to assess the difference, if any, in perceived attractiveness of people with greater parental genetic diversity over those with less parental genetic diversity, as revealed by their racial background. Facial images were harvested from the social networking website facebook.com. These were collected according to social groups that the people submitting the images belonged to."

Mixed group:
People who were members of groups making reference to being of mixed race [eg ``mixed race and proud of it''](1) formed a mixed-race group (N 483). so 483 mixed race peoples.

White group:
People who were members of groups making reference to groups who were from geographical regions of the UK with minimal ethnic minorities (eg ``Cornish and proud of it'') formed a white group (N 368). So 369 whites.

Black group:
People who were members of groups that made reference to being Black and living in the UK (eg ``Black and brum'') or made reference to coming from parts of Africa (eg ``Gambian and proud'') formed a black group (N 354). So 354 balck people
Do they compare white only vs racemix,
They put that statts also in th graph, I see.
So mono-white, also got mogged by mixed race people. So at least in this study, that debunks that "ethnics" bring down the average, so that mixed ones look better in face. Since mono-whites, also got mogged, at least in this study.

  • So Sad
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Read it, to be honest it's quite a bad quality paper.
- The pictures collected aren't standardized they are just facebook pictures gathered from groups containing certain keywords like "black and proud" so they don't even check the racial background of subjects.
- The population sample is of good size but they've made the mistake to use only 20 white psychology students to rate the pictures. They are all white uni cucks they don't make a good sample to represent the overall population racially or socially. And tbh most of these people suffer from ethnomasochsim.
- Let's be honest white dudes are getting lower grades than black ones ? We're rating facial traits only.
Even black & white females don't have that much difference in grades. But we all know that black women are often at the bottom in term of attractiveness, even when black males rate them.

This is imo a bad paper that's just used as a headline for people to promote race mixing.
They can say "studies show ..." without even reading it.

Thanks for sharing the pdf anyways
  • +1
Reactions: bobt and eduardkoopman
Yep this is true. I’m living proof. This is why I plan to have children with East Asian girl Japanese or Korean to increase my gene pool. Or maybe Ukrainian or Belarusian. But I’ll have to figure out how to become NT to stand a chance
Stop coping with miscigenation, that's why you're ugly. No white women for you, nigger.
  • JFL
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Reactions: datboijj, AlexBrown84 and gamma
Lol what
No such a thing as "ethnics have"
There are many different races with different feautures

Which lips have asians, huh
i was referring to black
Read it, to be honest it's quite a bad quality paper.
- The pictures collected aren't standardized they are just facebook pictures gathered from groups containing certain keywords like "black and proud" so they don't even check the racial background of subjects.
- The population sample is of good size but they've made the mistake to use only 20 white psychology students to rate the pictures. They are all white uni cucks they don't make a good sample to represent the overall population racially or socially. And tbh most of these people suffer from ethnomasochsim.
- Let's be honest white dudes are getting lower grades than black ones ? We're rating facial traits only.
Even black & white females don't have that much difference in grades. But we all know that black women are often at the bottom in term of attractiveness, even when black males rate them.

This is imo a bad paper that's just used as a headline for people to promote race mixing.
They can say "studies show ..." without even reading it.

Thanks for sharing the pdf anyways
good analysis, of the flaws in this study.

I wonder if there are more.
And better setup,
Studies on this matter????

Than it can be compared.
  • +1
Reactions: bobt
good analysis, of the flaws in this study.

I wonder if there are more.
And better setup,
Studies on this matter????

Than it can be compared.
Honestly I don't know of a good similar study. It's becoming harder and harder to find good quality papers when the topic concerns races.
Honestly I don't know of a good similar study. It's becoming harder and harder to find good quality papers when the topic concerns races.
True, the new woke or whatever to call it movement. Has made race classification related studies, giga touchy and unwanted.
We are okay, with describing all the different types/races of for example squirells or elephants. But when it comes to human being animals, all of a sudden it has bocome forbidden ground.

I stubbled across this one, doing a Pubmed search.

at how they mix these faces. for rating.
Which face moggs according to you??

for me it's a close call between CauscAverage and causc75%/Jap25%
Faces race

Or in this one, imo. the EuroAsian face foggs.
What you think???

Faces race2

But yeah. this is just faces rating. Body also matters, Especially for men. Because of heightism in women; and manlet being: it's over!
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I also wonder how much is luck with the people you chose for their fb photos. I can imagine that incel ethnics don't have social media skewing the results.
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
Yeaaa broo
That’s why every guy prefer an average white girl >>> top mixed girls @gamma

also don’t show examples of good looking mixed guys… girls like whatever media tells them is attractive
  • +1
Reactions: gamma
Yep this is true. I’m living proof. This is why I plan to have children with East Asian girl Japanese or Korean to increase my gene pool. Or maybe Ukrainian or Belarusian. But I’ll have to figure out how to become NT to stand a chance
JFL literally over for you, your kids will have nigger lips :blackpill:
There is a largely Jewish push to embrace the meme of "attractive mixed race people". More and more corporations and academics are embracing it as the USA becomes more diverse. (Of course, the Jews who push this stuff don't actually believe it, they stick with their own kind, but they want others--especially whites--to mix themselves out.) Prior to WW2, the scientific emphasis was on natural selection, which incorporated ideas like group conflict (race war/"oppression") and national competition. Now, elites find that group competition is to "undemocratic" of an ideal, so they push mixing.

At this point, the soyboys in this thread are about to reply by saying BuT lOoK aT tHe StUdY iT sAyS sO!!!1! The truth is that any empire in the modern world funds science that supports its worldview. The British Empire had race science saying that Anglos were the superior race. The Soviet empire had Lysenkoism. Any "sCiEnCe" that goes against the entirety of revealed human experience should be treated with extreme suspicion.

The evidence for monoracial beauty is all around us. Take models, for instance: Nordic and Slavic women dominate, even if they don't come from Nordic and Slavic countries. When models scouts are looking for models in mixed-race Brazil, they specifically target areas with German and Russian settlements. They don't want the average Brazilian. Why? Because 90% of them look like ogres, and the other 10% look mediocre/plain. Actual strikingly beautiful women are almost nonexistent in the mixed population.

Anyone who actually knows what these people look like knows the truth: Most of htem are hideous. For every Adriana Lima, there are a million goblinos.

Ethnic horror 1589124612786

Yyreplacement 1555970760995


Yymestiza 1578795025950

Ethnic horror Screenshot 20200430 184036
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 14774, Deleted member 7580 and eduardkoopman
Yep this is true. I’m living proof. This is why I plan to have children with East Asian girl Japanese or Korean to increase my gene pool. Or maybe Ukrainian or Belarusian. But I’ll have to figure out how to become NT to stand a chance
The average face of guys who say they're chads:
There is a largely Jewish push to embrace the meme of "attractive mixed race people". More and more corporations and academics are embracing it as the USA becomes more diverse. (Of course, the Jews who push this stuff don't actually believe it, they stick with their own kind, but they want others--especially whites--to mix themselves out.) Prior to WW2, the scientific emphasis was on natural selection, which incorporated ideas like group conflict (race war/"oppression") and national competition. Now, elites find that group competition is to "undemocratic" of an ideal, so they push mixing.

At this point, the soyboys in this thread are about to reply by saying BuT lOoK aT tHe StUdY iT sAyS sO!!!1! The truth is that any empire in the modern world funds science that supports its worldview. The British Empire had race science saying that Anglos were the superior race. The Soviet empire had Lysenkoism. Any "sCiEnCe" that goes against the entirety of revealed human experience should be treated with extreme suspicion.

The evidence for monoracial beauty is all around us. Take models, for instance: Nordic and Slavic women dominate, even if they don't come from Nordic and Slavic countries. When models scouts are looking for models in mixed-race Brazil, they specifically target areas with German and Russian settlements. They don't want the average Brazilian. Why? Because 90% of them look like ogres, and the other 10% look mediocre/plain. Actual strikingly beautiful women are almost nonexistent in the mixed population.

Anyone who actually knows what these people look like knows the truth: Most of htem are hideous. For every Adriana Lima, there are a million goblinos.

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You mad broccoli haired mulatto tiktok eboys mog you?
  • JFL
Reactions: Looks234 and eduardkoopman
Does this actually oppose the argument that you shouldn't try to change your phenotype with surgery?
heres my two cents on this mx faces arent more attractive than the classic chad and stacy can be the same level but the exotics features dont add any extra this study is completely subjective not raw responses
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You mad broccoli haired mulatto tiktok eboys mog you?
This is as braindead as just typing "cope". When globohomo sends their people, they are not sending their best.

I understand that a decent number of women would be into the mulatto prettyboys; these are not my people. I don't come from the lower classes, and our women are a lot prettier than theirs.
Yep this is true. I’m living proof. This is why I plan to have children with East Asian girl Japanese or Korean to increase my gene pool. Or maybe Ukrainian or Belarusian. But I’ll have to figure out how to become NT to stand a chance
R u generally considered to be good looking where u are?

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