Money is not a cope

Critique of Markets



Currently the market produces 50% more food than it would need to feed earth's entire population.

Distributional Inefficiency
And yet, despite the market producing 50% more food than it would need to feed earth's entire population, 10,000,000 people starve to death every single year with another billion suffering from malnutrition.

Ruthless Competition
Everyone who does not do the best to get ahead of everyone else is actively punished by being overtaken by somebody else, leaving no space for anything that isn't the most profitable.

With economy controlling so many aspects of society, it only makes sense that people with more economic power can have better life and better opportunities.

Generational Inequality
With better opportunities, people with more economic will have children that will have better opportunities (such as education and better social contacts), this will exponentially increase over generations, with people with less economic power having progressively less and less and people with more progressively more and more.

With the massive amounts of money that can be amassed by individuals, buying influence becomes easy and common, leading to oligarchies, imperialism and general opression.

Poisoning of Society
Slavery, racism, anti-semitism, transphobia, homophobia, nationalism, misogeny, castes, ableism, ageism, anti-intellectualism, aporophobia were all caused in one way or another by market economics.

With rampant corruption, any sort of government will eventually become a puppet of the economy, leaving no democracy or freedom to speak of.

Inevitable Feudalism
With political monopolies forming, the society will eventually become more or less owned by one person and because of generational inequality, the corporate positions will become more or less inherited.

The boss is not the only one who takes risks
The working class is also taking risks by investing their labor into a company that they do not own. Workers risk their time, energy, and even their health in the workplace, and they are not compensated fairly for this risk.

The boss does not create value alone
Value is created by the labor of workers. The boss may provide capital, but the workers are the ones who actually create the products or services that generate profits. Therefore, the workers deserve a fair share of the value they create.

The boss's power is based on exploitation
The power of the boss is based on the exploitation of the working class. The boss uses their position of power to extract surplus value from the workers, paying them less than the value they produce. This is the basis of capitalist profit.

Workers could manage the company democratically
The workers could manage the company democratically, without the need for a boss. In a socialist or communist system, workers would collectively own the means of production and make decisions democratically, without the need for a hierarchical structure that concentrates power in the hands of a few individuals.

On the Jewish Question
Anti-Semitism can be seen as a natural result of capitalism's systemic inefficiencies. When capitalism fails, a scapegoat is needed, and often a poorly assimilated minority is blamed. This creates a narrative that deflects blame from capitalists and onto a certain minority group, often linking them to left-wing movements. Examples include Henry Ford's book The International Jew and the Russian Empire's Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These narratives allow capitalists to avoid criticism and put the blame on others.

Human nature
The argument that "communism is against human nature" is an appeal to nature fallacy, as it assumes that humans are inherently selfish and competitive. However, there is no empirical evidence to support this assumption, and human nature is shaped by social, cultural, and historical factors. Different societies have developed different economic systems, and there is no reason to believe that communism is inherently incompatible with human nature.

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Human Nature)

The economic calculation problem

It is overstated and there are alternative ways to allocate resources efficiently in a planned economy. For example, it is possible to use mathematical models to simulate market processes and determine prices and resource allocation decisions. A planned economy could also use other criteria, such as labor time or social welfare, to allocate resources instead of market prices.

How Capitalist Giants Use Socialist Cybernetic Planning

A money is "fiction"
It does not have any inherent value in and of itself, but rather it is given value through social agreement. The current monetary system is based on scarcity and competition, and is not sustainable in the long term. In communism, the focus would be on creating an abundance of resources and ensuring equitable distribution of goods and services, rather than on the accumulation of money and property. This would allow for a more sustainable and equitable society, where access to resources and opportunities is not determined by one's wealth or social status.

Zeitgeist Addendum - Money Creation and Fractional Reserve Banking

A mathematical explanation of why capitalism doesn't work

A worker will not become a capitalist, because a capitalist is not someone who works hard but someone who owns the means of production, on these means of production work the people who generate profits for this owner.


How is profit generated and what is exploitation?

The price of goods (goods or services) is made up of 3 parts: the cost of labour (wages), the cost of consuming the means of production and the additional value (the income of the capitalist - the owner of the means of production). After the workers have produced the good, the capitalist adds up the cost of labour and the cost of consuming the means of production and, in order for production to bring him a profit, he adds the additional value to the good produced. He adds absolutely nothing to the use-value of the good and therefore all the value added by the capitalist has been produced by the workers. Society, in producing goods, gets as remuneration only the cost of labour (wages) and with all the goods it produces the added value, which is taken from society by the capitalist. Society, in order to buy the goods it has produced, has to cover all the components of the price (wage, cost of consuming resources and additional value) from the wage. It is mathematical and logical that wages cannot cover all of this because 1+1+1= 3 >1. This is why capitalism does not work. Hence in capitalism there is a perpetual shortage of money and in capitalism society will never buy what it produces.

This is the irresolvable contradiction of capitalism, the contradiction between labour and capital. This is how the capitalist's profit is made and this is what capitalist exploitation is all about. Of course, the capitalist himself also has a problem because how is he supposed to sell the goods he produces if society does not have the money to do so? This is where the banks come into action, lending money which society must repay with interest - meaning that the gap between wages and the price of goods widens even further.

This was all formulated by the genius Karl Marx. This is how capitalism works all over the world. To resolve this contradiction of capitalism, capitalism must be abolished, i.e. private ownership of the means of production must be abolished by expropriating the capitalists - and that is communism.

@Part-Time Chad @Octavian_Augustus @Pretty @DrTony @anticel @JimbobQuantified @longjohnmong
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No, most people are proletarians - and you are one with false class consciousness (I doubt you are a private business owner)
I'm a millionaire (soon to be multimillionare). I achieved this with hard work and years of discipline and sacrifice. So, no false class consciousness for me. You must be thinking of yourself, who no doubt wouldn't fare so well under Communism. In fact, you likely wouldn't even have access to this forum in a Communist country, as the nature of Communism isn't just economic, it's cultural. They're control freaks that want to restrict every aspect of your life and tell you what to do, think and feel. So, be careful what you wish for, buddy. The way things are going in this country, you might just get it. As for me, I'm just fine, thank you.
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I'm a millionaire (soon to be multimillionare). I achieved this with hard work and years of discipline and sacrifice. So, no false class consciousness for me. You must be thinking of yourself, who no doubt wouldn't fare so well under Communism. In fact, you likely wouldn't even have access to this forum in a Communist country, as the nature of Communism isn't just economic, it's cultural. They're control freaks that want to restrict every aspect of your life and tell you what to do, think and feel. So, be careful what you wish for, buddy. The way things are going in this country, you might just get it. As for me, I'm just fine, thank you.
The most enslaved are those who think they are free. Why do you think the West banned RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik? They censored anyone who exposed their crimes - Edward Snowden, Julian Assange...
The most enslaved are those who think they are free. Why do you think the West banned RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik? They censored anyone who exposed their crimes - Edward Snowden, Julian Assange...
LOL, and you're implying that the US is a pure capitalist country, which is committing all these transgressions? We're a capitalist-socialist-fascist country, which is on the brink of full-blown socialism.
LOL, and you're implying that the US is a pure capitalist country, which is committing all these transgressions? We're a capitalist-socialist-fascist country, which is on the brink of full-blown socialism.
You prove that education in the US is really poor. Read on, you might learn something:
Critique of Markets



Currently the market produces 50% more food than it would need to feed earth's entire population.

Distributional Inefficiency
And yet, despite the market producing 50% more food than it would need to feed earth's entire population, 10,000,000 people starve to death every single year with another billion suffering from malnutrition.

Ruthless Competition
Everyone who does not do the best to get ahead of everyone else is actively punished by being overtaken by somebody else, leaving no space for anything that isn't the most profitable.

With economy controlling so many aspects of society, it only makes sense that people with more economic power can have better life and better opportunities.

Generational Inequality
With better opportunities, people with more economic will have children that will have better opportunities (such as education and better social contacts), this will exponentially increase over generations, with people with less economic power having progressively less and less and people with more progressively more and more.

With the massive amounts of money that can be amassed by individuals, buying influence becomes easy and common, leading to oligarchies, imperialism and general opression.

Poisoning of Society
Slavery, racism, anti-semitism, transphobia, homophobia, nationalism, misogeny, castes, ableism, ageism, anti-intellectualism, aporophobia were all caused in one way or another by market economics.

With rampant corruption, any sort of government will eventually become a puppet of the economy, leaving no democracy or freedom to speak of.

Inevitable Feudalism
With political monopolies forming, the society will eventually become more or less owned by one person and because of generational inequality, the corporate positions will become more or less inherited.

The boss is not the only one who takes risks
The working class is also taking risks by investing their labor into a company that they do not own. Workers risk their time, energy, and even their health in the workplace, and they are not compensated fairly for this risk.

The boss does not create value alone
Value is created by the labor of workers. The boss may provide capital, but the workers are the ones who actually create the products or services that generate profits. Therefore, the workers deserve a fair share of the value they create.

The boss's power is based on exploitation
The power of the boss is based on the exploitation of the working class. The boss uses their position of power to extract surplus value from the workers, paying them less than the value they produce. This is the basis of capitalist profit.

Workers could manage the company democratically
The workers could manage the company democratically, without the need for a boss. In a socialist or communist system, workers would collectively own the means of production and make decisions democratically, without the need for a hierarchical structure that concentrates power in the hands of a few individuals.

On the Jewish Question
Anti-Semitism can be seen as a natural result of capitalism's systemic inefficiencies. When capitalism fails, a scapegoat is needed, and often a poorly assimilated minority is blamed. This creates a narrative that deflects blame from capitalists and onto a certain minority group, often linking them to left-wing movements. Examples include Henry Ford's book The International Jew and the Russian Empire's Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These narratives allow capitalists to avoid criticism and put the blame on others.

Human nature
The argument that "communism is against human nature" is an appeal to nature fallacy, as it assumes that humans are inherently selfish and competitive. However, there is no empirical evidence to support this assumption, and human nature is shaped by social, cultural, and historical factors. Different societies have developed different economic systems, and there is no reason to believe that communism is inherently incompatible with human nature.

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Human Nature)

The economic calculation problem

It is overstated and there are alternative ways to allocate resources efficiently in a planned economy. For example, it is possible to use mathematical models to simulate market processes and determine prices and resource allocation decisions. A planned economy could also use other criteria, such as labor time or social welfare, to allocate resources instead of market prices.

How Capitalist Giants Use Socialist Cybernetic Planning

A money is "fiction"
It does not have any inherent value in and of itself, but rather it is given value through social agreement. The current monetary system is based on scarcity and competition, and is not sustainable in the long term. In communism, the focus would be on creating an abundance of resources and ensuring equitable distribution of goods and services, rather than on the accumulation of money and property. This would allow for a more sustainable and equitable society, where access to resources and opportunities is not determined by one's wealth or social status.

Zeitgeist Addendum - Money Creation and Fractional Reserve Banking

A mathematical explanation of why capitalism doesn't work

A worker will not become a capitalist, because a capitalist is not someone who works hard but someone who owns the means of production, on these means of production work the people who generate profits for this owner.


How is profit generated and what is exploitation?

The price of goods (goods or services) is made up of 3 parts: the cost of labour (wages), the cost of consuming the means of production and the additional value (the income of the capitalist - the owner of the means of production). After the workers have produced the good, the capitalist adds up the cost of labour and the cost of consuming the means of production and, in order for production to bring him a profit, he adds the additional value to the good produced. He adds absolutely nothing to the use-value of the good and therefore all the value added by the capitalist has been produced by the workers. Society, in producing goods, gets as remuneration only the cost of labour (wages) and with all the goods it produces the added value, which is taken from society by the capitalist. Society, in order to buy the goods it has produced, has to cover all the components of the price (wage, cost of consuming resources and additional value) from the wage. It is mathematical and logical that wages cannot cover all of this because 1+1+1= 3 >1. This is why capitalism does not work. Hence in capitalism there is a perpetual shortage of money and in capitalism society will never buy what it produces.

This is the irresolvable contradiction of capitalism, the contradiction between labour and capital. This is how the capitalist's profit is made and this is what capitalist exploitation is all about. Of course, the capitalist himself also has a problem because how is he supposed to sell the goods he produces if society does not have the money to do so? This is where the banks come into action, lending money which society must repay with interest - meaning that the gap between wages and the price of goods widens even further.

This was all formulated by the genius Karl Marx. This is how capitalism works all over the world. To resolve this contradiction of capitalism, capitalism must be abolished, i.e. private ownership of the means of production must be abolished by expropriating the capitalists - and that is communism.

@Part-Time Chad @Octavian_Augustus @Pretty @DrTony @anticel @JimbobQuantified @longjohnmong
You prove that education in the US is really poor. Read on, you might learn something:
You're young and naive. I was once too. But I grew up and wised up. You will too, if you have a brain.
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Your argument is fallacious, and that's largely due to your youth, naivete` and inexperience, so it's not an ad hominem attack. It would be one if you happened to be right.
Admit that you simply cannot debunk what I wrote. You are no different than most of this forum with their low effort replies

Besides, since you say that you are very rich (I don't know how true it is), I'm not surprised that you defend your social class
  • JFL
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Admit that you simply cannot debunk what I wrote. You are no different than most of this forum with their low effort replies

Besides, since you say that you are very rich (I don't know how true it is), I'm not surprised that you defend your social class
I already debunbked everything in another thread. I could do it again. Many things you wrote up there are a accurate observation of our modern world. however you are wrong in thinking that it is caused by free markets. the reality is that it is caused by a central banking system & by individuals limiting market freedom to create monopolies. & leftist socialist policies help them. you are just useful idiots to the rich.
idk why you educate yourself. i was a socialist dumbfuck too before i eventually decided to learn about the arguments of the opposition & actually study economics.
I already debunbked everything in another thread. I could do it again.
This is what I'm waiting for. Try to debunk the text below line by line:
Critique of Markets



Currently the market produces 50% more food than it would need to feed earth's entire population.

Distributional Inefficiency
And yet, despite the market producing 50% more food than it would need to feed earth's entire population, 10,000,000 people starve to death every single year with another billion suffering from malnutrition.

Ruthless Competition
Everyone who does not do the best to get ahead of everyone else is actively punished by being overtaken by somebody else, leaving no space for anything that isn't the most profitable.

With economy controlling so many aspects of society, it only makes sense that people with more economic power can have better life and better opportunities.

Generational Inequality
With better opportunities, people with more economic will have children that will have better opportunities (such as education and better social contacts), this will exponentially increase over generations, with people with less economic power having progressively less and less and people with more progressively more and more.

With the massive amounts of money that can be amassed by individuals, buying influence becomes easy and common, leading to oligarchies, imperialism and general opression.

Poisoning of Society
Slavery, racism, anti-semitism, transphobia, homophobia, nationalism, misogeny, castes, ableism, ageism, anti-intellectualism, aporophobia were all caused in one way or another by market economics.

With rampant corruption, any sort of government will eventually become a puppet of the economy, leaving no democracy or freedom to speak of.

Inevitable Feudalism
With political monopolies forming, the society will eventually become more or less owned by one person and because of generational inequality, the corporate positions will become more or less inherited.

The boss is not the only one who takes risks
The working class is also taking risks by investing their labor into a company that they do not own. Workers risk their time, energy, and even their health in the workplace, and they are not compensated fairly for this risk.

The boss does not create value alone
Value is created by the labor of workers. The boss may provide capital, but the workers are the ones who actually create the products or services that generate profits. Therefore, the workers deserve a fair share of the value they create.

The boss's power is based on exploitation
The power of the boss is based on the exploitation of the working class. The boss uses their position of power to extract surplus value from the workers, paying them less than the value they produce. This is the basis of capitalist profit.

Workers could manage the company democratically
The workers could manage the company democratically, without the need for a boss. In a socialist or communist system, workers would collectively own the means of production and make decisions democratically, without the need for a hierarchical structure that concentrates power in the hands of a few individuals.

On the Jewish Question
Anti-Semitism can be seen as a natural result of capitalism's systemic inefficiencies. When capitalism fails, a scapegoat is needed, and often a poorly assimilated minority is blamed. This creates a narrative that deflects blame from capitalists and onto a certain minority group, often linking them to left-wing movements. Examples include Henry Ford's book The International Jew and the Russian Empire's Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These narratives allow capitalists to avoid criticism and put the blame on others.

Human nature
The argument that "communism is against human nature" is an appeal to nature fallacy, as it assumes that humans are inherently selfish and competitive. However, there is no empirical evidence to support this assumption, and human nature is shaped by social, cultural, and historical factors. Different societies have developed different economic systems, and there is no reason to believe that communism is inherently incompatible with human nature.

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (Human Nature)

The economic calculation problem

It is overstated and there are alternative ways to allocate resources efficiently in a planned economy. For example, it is possible to use mathematical models to simulate market processes and determine prices and resource allocation decisions. A planned economy could also use other criteria, such as labor time or social welfare, to allocate resources instead of market prices.

How Capitalist Giants Use Socialist Cybernetic Planning

A money is "fiction"
It does not have any inherent value in and of itself, but rather it is given value through social agreement. The current monetary system is based on scarcity and competition, and is not sustainable in the long term. In communism, the focus would be on creating an abundance of resources and ensuring equitable distribution of goods and services, rather than on the accumulation of money and property. This would allow for a more sustainable and equitable society, where access to resources and opportunities is not determined by one's wealth or social status.

Zeitgeist Addendum - Money Creation and Fractional Reserve Banking

A mathematical explanation of why capitalism doesn't work

A worker will not become a capitalist, because a capitalist is not someone who works hard but someone who owns the means of production, on these means of production work the people who generate profits for this owner.


How is profit generated and what is exploitation?

The price of goods (goods or services) is made up of 3 parts: the cost of labour (wages), the cost of consuming the means of production and the additional value (the income of the capitalist - the owner of the means of production). After the workers have produced the good, the capitalist adds up the cost of labour and the cost of consuming the means of production and, in order for production to bring him a profit, he adds the additional value to the good produced. He adds absolutely nothing to the use-value of the good and therefore all the value added by the capitalist has been produced by the workers. Society, in producing goods, gets as remuneration only the cost of labour (wages) and with all the goods it produces the added value, which is taken from society by the capitalist. Society, in order to buy the goods it has produced, has to cover all the components of the price (wage, cost of consuming resources and additional value) from the wage. It is mathematical and logical that wages cannot cover all of this because 1+1+1= 3 >1. This is why capitalism does not work. Hence in capitalism there is a perpetual shortage of money and in capitalism society will never buy what it produces.

This is the irresolvable contradiction of capitalism, the contradiction between labour and capital. This is how the capitalist's profit is made and this is what capitalist exploitation is all about. Of course, the capitalist himself also has a problem because how is he supposed to sell the goods he produces if society does not have the money to do so? This is where the banks come into action, lending money which society must repay with interest - meaning that the gap between wages and the price of goods widens even further.

This was all formulated by the genius Karl Marx. This is how capitalism works all over the world. To resolve this contradiction of capitalism, capitalism must be abolished, i.e. private ownership of the means of production must be abolished by expropriating the capitalists - and that is communism.

@Part-Time Chad @Octavian_Augustus @Pretty @DrTony @anticel @JimbobQuantified @longjohnmong
@Lord-Arthur_17 most of what you say is true but capitalism will never fall unfortunately.
i like socialism bc i want to live off a PHAT welfare check while spending all my time playing vidya and looksmaxxing
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This is what I'm waiting for. Try to debunk the text below line by line:
I have already wasted enough time with you but alright. I ll debunk the most retarded points you made.
All the first points you made are right of course but where you are wrong is that the modern problems are not caused by free markets but by centralization & theft. More about this at the end.

Poisoning of Society
Slavery, racism, anti-semitism, transphobia, homophobia, nationalism, misogeny, castes, ableism, ageism, anti-intellectualism, aporophobia were all caused in one way or another by market economics.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever read. The modern capitalism you speak of is around since maybe the 18th to 19th century & obviously all of those things existed earlier. Slavery is sadly the basis for civilization (which is why I am anti civilization).

With rampant corruption, any sort of government will eventually become a puppet of the economy, leaving no democracy or freedom to speak of.
Do you even know what monopolies are? The text has nothing to do with monopolies. To have a monopoly on something means that you are the only one to produce a certain product. For example if you had a monopoly on water then you could charge whatever you wanted for water which is obviously bad. Monopolies are caused by regulations (made by leftist governments) that allow the production of certain things only under certain circumstances. In a free market monopolies do not happen.

Workers could manage the company democratically
The workers could manage the company democratically, without the need for a boss. In a socialist or communist system, workers would collectively own the means of production and make decisions democratically, without the need for a hierarchical structure that concentrates power in the hands of a few individuals.
Without the need for a boss = Liberalism & free markets where everyone would be able to build up their own companies & sell their own products. The reason why we can't do that is because of heavy taxation & state laws made by leftists. Concentrating the power in the hands of a few individuals is exactly what communism does btw. It takes away everyones freedom to do what they want & makes them slaves of the state & the ones in control of the state -> also what happened in every Communist Society ever.

On the Jewish Question
Anti-Semitism can be seen as a natural result of capitalism's systemic inefficiencies. When capitalism fails, a scapegoat is needed, and often a poorly assimilated minority is blamed. This creates a narrative that deflects blame from capitalists and onto a certain minority group, often linking them to left-wing movements. Examples include Henry Ford's book The International Jew and the Russian Empire's Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These narratives allow capitalists to avoid criticism and put the blame on others.
Also so retarded. Antisemitism exists since ancient times. The ancient greeks turned antisemitic, the ancient romans did etc etc. If you read of what's transcribed from Roman Emperors they basically say the same shit about Js as the leaders of the 3rd Reich lmao.
You literally are just copy pasting the retarded arguments of so called intellectuals that have no basis in reality whatsoever.

"that deflects blame from capitalists and onto a certain minority group" is quite a funny statement. check how many capitalist also belong to the same minority group - & it was the same in the past. Did you know that Karl Marx was an antisemite? He even said: Js = capitalists & money launderers lmao.

Human nature
The argument that "communism is against human nature" is an appeal to nature fallacy, as it assumes that humans are inherently selfish and competitive. However, there is no empirical evidence to support this assumption, and human nature is shaped by social, cultural, and historical factors. Different societies have developed different economic systems, and there is no reason to believe that communism is inherently incompatible with human nature.

There is no evidence for the obvious aha? I m p sure there is even evidence. Every society ever had a ruling class. Our biological instincts to sexually compete with each other are the main driver. Yes you are right that communism is not incompatible with human nature. That s why all communist states end up as dictatorships brv.

The price of goods (goods or services) is made up of 3 parts: the cost of labour (wages), the cost of consuming the means of production and the additional value (the income of the capitalist - the owner of the means of production). After the workers have produced the good, the capitalist adds up the cost of labour and the cost of consuming the means of production and, in order for production to bring him a profit, he adds the additional value to the good produced. He adds absolutely nothing to the use-value of the good and therefore all the value added by the capitalist has been produced by the workers.
Wrong. The price of goods (or services) is always dependent on 2 things: Supply & Demand (& production cost). (e.g.: Salmon has low supply & lots of demand so its expensive. Shit has lots of supply & no demand so you can probably ask your neighbour to buy his shit for 5 Cents & he ll give it to you. Wheat has lots of supply & lots of demand which means many will produce it. Now that means in a free market there will be lots sellers of wheat. Now as there are many suppliers who have to compete against each other (lower prices mean that consumers would choose the product of that supplier. This means that they have to keep the prices low & cannot afford to put the prices much higher than the production cost.
Fairly easy concept tbh.
The reason why this doesn't work in reality is because our markets are not free. High taxes & state laws make it impossible for the individual to produce food to the same extent a company would. A good example where this is possible is the Dacha System in Russia which has historic significance there. A huge amount of society there is able to produce their own food & trade freely for it without state intervention -> the individual puts more of their free time in working on their own gardens for food & thus there is no middle man stealing from them.

Also businesses would usually have to compete for workers as well giving them high wages. This is not the case in our society again because the market is not free & business owners like to import cheap workers in the form of migrants.
Society, in producing goods, gets as remuneration only the cost of labour (wages) and with all the goods it produces the added value, which is taken from society by the capitalist. Society, in order to buy the goods it has produced, has to cover all the components of the price (wage, cost of consuming resources and additional value) from the wage. It is mathematical and logical that wages cannot cover all of this because 1+1+1= 3 >1. This is why capitalism does not work. Hence in capitalism there is a perpetual shortage of money and in capitalism society will never buy what it produces. This is the irresolvable contradiction of capitalism, the contradiction between labour and capital. This is how the capitalist's profit is made and this is what capitalist exploitation is all about. Of course, the capitalist himself also has a problem because how is he supposed to sell the goods he produces if society does not have the money to do so?
No because business owners are also part of society & also spend their money on the market. So the money that they earn also goes back into the economy. Even if they buy a yacht for example they would pay someone to build it for them. So yeah the point you made is completely wrong.

There is a perpetual shortage of money because of the banking system. Which brings me to your next point:
This is where the banks come into action, lending money which society must repay with interest - meaning that the gap between wages and the price of goods widens even further.

This was all formulated by the genius Karl Marx. This is how capitalism works all over the world. To resolve this contradiction of capitalism, capitalism must be abolished, i.e. private ownership of the means of production must be abolished by expropriating the capitalists - and that is communism.

Your explanation of this makes no sense, in your view there is a gap between wages & prices created by the theft of the business owner. & then lending money is supposed to bridge that gap? What about the money that s lended out? Who pays that back? The gap you said which doesn't exist (as I explained because the business owner also spends his money back on society) would be far to big then for the banks to cover it because where does the money come from that the banks get bank & how about the interest they charge?
The real gap that exists is caused by the banks & the interest they charge. Also brings me back to the first point you made: Private ownership of the means of production must be brought back to the hands of everyone.

Can you answer the next question? In your ideology its all about the means of production right. The means of production were once in the hands of the people. In any ancient & feudal society they produced all their own food, clothes, etc on the land they owned. They were free to produce what they wanted & trade however they wanted - everyone was an owner & producer of their own small business. This was the case because of a free market.
Today as your manifesto correctly describes it: only a few own the means of production. How did this happen? Not because of free markets but because of the opposite: centralization & theft. Theft by banks who used the strategy of interest & debt to accumulate lots of wealth & buy the farmland of the people. Stealing them the ownership of their own land & forcing them to be work slaves. This becomes evident if you do any historic research whatsoever.
I have already wasted enough time with you but alright. I ll debunk the most retarded points you made.
All the first points you made are right of course but where you are wrong is that the modern problems are not caused by free markets but by centralization & theft. More about this at the end.
The first five points explain why the free market inevitably ends in the concentration of power in the hands of a small group of oligarchs. As for theft, I agree - workers are not only robbed by their bosses, but also by the bourgeois state which robs them in taxes.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever read. The modern capitalism you speak of is around since maybe the 18th to 19th century & obviously all of those things existed earlier. Slavery is sadly the basis for civilization (which is why I am anti civilization).
They existed earlier because feudalism is the ancestor of capitalism. It can be said that we currently live in neo-feudalism.
Do you even know what monopolies are? The text has nothing to do with monopolies. To have a monopoly on something means that you are the only one to produce a certain product. For example if you had a monopoly on water then you could charge whatever you wanted for water which is obviously bad. Monopolies are caused by regulations (made by leftist governments) that allow the production of certain things only under certain circumstances. In a free market monopolies do not happen.

Without the need for a boss = Liberalism & free markets where everyone would be able to build up their own companies & sell their own products. The reason why we can't do that is because of heavy taxation & state laws made by leftists.
The quintessence of liberalism is private ownership of the means of production. It is not possible for everyone to have their own company - hence many people are forced to sell their work to their bosses. Show me a country where your vision came true - there is none.
Concentrating the power in the hands of a few individuals is exactly what communism does btw. It takes away everyones freedom to do what they want & makes them slaves of the state & the ones in control of the state -> also what happened in every Communist Society ever.
This has already been written thousands of times:

1. There is no such thing as a 'communist country' because communism is a stage of a classless society, which is anarchist.

2. It is difficult for me to imagine what "personal liberty" is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment. Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible.

Also so retarded. Antisemitism exists since ancient times. The ancient greeks turned antisemitic, the ancient romans did etc etc. If you read of what's transcribed from Roman Emperors they basically say the same shit about Js as the leaders of the 3rd Reich lmao.
You literally are just copy pasting the retarded arguments of so called intellectuals that have no basis in reality whatsoever.
I'm just saying that the so-called apologists of 'third position' accuse communists of wanting to introduce totalitarianism while they themselves masturbate to Nazi Germany. Jews are only a scapegoat for them, just like LGBT people - they naively believe that capitalism will succeed if the place of Zionists is replaced by white supremacists.
There is no evidence for the obvious aha? I m p sure there is even evidence. Every society ever had a ruling class. Our biological instincts to sexually compete with each other are the main driver. Yes you are right that communism is not incompatible with human nature. That s why all communist states end up as dictatorships brv.
"To look at Capitalist society and to conclude that human nature is egoism, is like looking at people in a factory where pollution is destroying their lungs and saying that it is 'human nature' to cough." - Andrew Collier
Your explanation of this makes no sense, in your view there is a gap between wages & prices created by the theft of the business owner. & then lending money is supposed to bridge that gap? What about the money that s lended out? Who pays that back? The gap you said which doesn't exist (as I explained because the business owner also spends his money back on society) would be far to big then for the banks to cover it because where does the money come from that the banks get bank & how about the interest they charge?
The real gap that exists is caused by the banks & the interest they charge. Also brings me back to the first point you made: Private ownership of the means of production must be brought back to the hands of everyone.

Can you answer the next question? In your ideology its all about the means of production right. The means of production were once in the hands of the people. In any ancient & feudal society they produced all their own food, clothes, etc on the land they owned. They were free to produce what they wanted & trade however they wanted - everyone was an owner & producer of their own small business. This was the case because of a free market.
Today as your manifesto correctly describes it: only a few own the means of production. How did this happen? Not because of free markets but because of the opposite: centralization & theft. Theft by banks who used the strategy of interest & debt to accumulate lots of wealth & buy the farmland of the people. Stealing them the ownership of their own land & forcing them to be work slaves. This becomes evident if you do any historic research whatsoever.
You contradict yourself, you write that everyone had the means of production in ancient times, but you forget about slavery. Have you heard of serfdom?
Wrong. The price of goods (or services) is always dependent on 2 things: Supply & Demand (& production cost). (e.g.: Salmon has low supply & lots of demand so its expensive. Shit has lots of supply & no demand so you can probably ask your neighbour to buy his shit for 5 Cents & he ll give it to you. Wheat has lots of supply & lots of demand which means many will produce it. Now that means in a free market there will be lots sellers of wheat. Now as there are many suppliers who have to compete against each other (lower prices mean that consumers would choose the product of that supplier. This means that they have to keep the prices low & cannot afford to put the prices much higher than the production cost.
Fairly easy concept tbh.
The reason why this doesn't work in reality is because our markets are not free. High taxes & state laws make it impossible for the individual to produce food to the same extent a company would. A good example where this is possible is the Dacha System in Russia which has historic significance there. A huge amount of society there is able to produce their own food & trade freely for it without state intervention -> the individual puts more of their free time in working on their own gardens for food & thus there is no middle man stealing from them.

Also businesses would usually have to compete for workers as well giving them high wages. This is not the case in our society again because the market is not free & business owners like to import cheap workers in the form of migrants.

No because business owners are also part of society & also spend their money on the market. So the money that they earn also goes back into the economy. Even if they buy a yacht for example they would pay someone to build it for them. So yeah the point you made is completely wrong.

There is a perpetual shortage of money because of the banking system.
You pretend to be in opposition to capitalism, but at the same time you promote its liberal dogmas. For public ownership of the means of production, it is not a problem to adapt the market mechanism of demand and supply, as shown, for example, by syndicalism.
You wasted years of your life, your youth for something fake and artificial.
The money itself may be "fake and artificial", but the goods and services it buys are very real.
The money itself may be "fake and artificial", but the goods and services it buys are very real.
You have devoted your life to consumption. You are a consumer. You threw away years of your life to acquire fake pieces of paper to trade for for pieces of matter. You don't even need most of the pieces of matter you own. You are a slave of your own greed and vanity.
You have devoted your life to consumption. You are a consumer. You threw away years of your life to acquire fake pieces of paper to trade for for pieces of matter. You don't even need most of the pieces of matter you own. You are a slave of your own greed and vanity.
And the alternative would've been to be homeless, which is quite another (much worse) form of slavery.
That's why the US had to bring its democracy to the rest of the world with bombs, dropping them on schools and hospitals on every country that resisted their imperialism:

View attachment 2450682

Socialism is not about equality of results, but about equality of opportunity.

You were told this by the same people who claimed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (a made up excuse for war)

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everyone has 0 opportunities in communism thats why everyone end up being equal
Bosses steal surplus value from workers. This is what they live off of.

It's parasitism
''Bosses steal surplus value from workers. This is what they live off of.'' then go be a bussines owner and see how much of your profit you can share with your employee s fucking retard you are so fucking dumb people like you deserve communism tbh
''Bosses steal surplus value from workers. This is what they live off of.'' then go be a bussines owner and see how much of your profit you can share with your employee s fucking retard you are so fucking dumb people like you deserve communism tbh
"Is “free competition” then really “free?” indeed, is it really a “competition” – namely, one of persons – as it gives itself out to be because on this title it bases its right? It originated, you know, in persons becoming free of all personal rule. Is a competition “free” which the state, this ruler in the civic principle, hems in by a thousand barriers? There is a rich manufacturer doing a brilliant business, and I should like to compete with him. “Go ahead,” says the state, “I have no objection to make to your person as competitor.” Yes, I reply, but for that I need a space for buildings, I need money! “That’s bad; but, if you have no money, you cannot compete. You must not take anything from anybody, for I protect property and grant it privileges.” Free competition is not “free,” because I lack the things for competition. Against my person no objection can be made, but because I have not the things my person too must step to the rear. And who has the necessary things? Perhaps that manufacturer? Why, from him I could take them away! No, the state has them as property, the manufacturer only as fief, as possession.

But, since it is no use trying it with the manufacturer, I will compete with that professor of jurisprudence; the man is a booby, and I, who know a hundred times more than he, shall make his class-room empty. “Have you studied and graduated, friend?” No, but what of that? I understand abundantly what is necessary for instruction in that department. “Sorry, but competition is not ‘free’ here. Against your person there is nothing to be said, but the thing, the doctor’s diploma, is lacking. And this diploma I, the state, demand. Ask me for it respectfully first; then we will see what is to be done.”

This, therefore, is the “freedom” of competition. The state, my lord, first qualifies me to compete.

But do persons really compete? No, again things only! Moneys in the first place, etc."

~ Max Stirner 1844,
The Ego and Its Own
Yeah, live in a soulless box, unable to fulfill my full potential, so that other people, who may be less able and talented than me, can avoid living on the streets. No, thanks. Communism is for losers.
There is no obligation to live in a community under communism - nothing by force, you can always move to the forest and become a hermit.
There is no obligation to live in a community under communism - nothing by force, you can always move to the forest and become a hermit.
That's OK, I'll stay right here. Feel free to move to the Communist country of your choice.
  • +1
Reactions: ivan karamazov
That's OK, I'll stay right here. Feel free to move to the Communist country of your choice.

This has already been written thousands of times:

1. There is no such thing as a 'communist country' because communism is a stage of a classless society, which is anarchist.
Africa is slowly turning to the side of Russia and China. Very soon, the Western imperialists will completely lose their influence there, and this means a crisis for the West. Currently, NATO is having trouble defeating Russia in a proxy war in Ukraine. Without the exploitation of the Third World, Western countries will not be able to maintain the quality of life they have enjoyed so far.

And this means social unrest and riots in countries that were like leeches for the global south. The ruling class will be forced to make concessions to the working class or it will be overthrown. Climate change will also shake up the current world order. Humanity will face a war for resources and masses of immigrants.
what kind of cucked Russian shit is this?

You mean leaving behind absolutely useless concrete monsters most of the time in the middle of nowhere?? Building a skyscraper once in a decade in Baltics was lauded as big achievement in USSR. GTFO :lul: :lul:
what kind of cucked Russian shit is this?

You mean leaving behind absolutely useless concrete monsters most of the time in the middle of nowhere?? Building a skyscraper once in a decade in Baltics was lauded as big achievement in USSR. GTFO :lul: :lul:


The example of these two republics shows that only Western powers benefited from the privatization of the 1990s, not ordinary people.
The first five points explain why the free market inevitably ends in the concentration of power in the hands of a small group of oligarchs. As for theft, I agree - workers are not only robbed by their bosses, but also by the bourgeois state which robs them in taxes.
no the first 5 points are just a critique of our current system & I agree with you. Throughout the middle ages the wealthy & elites have always been banks ffs. banks & usury are the ones who started this. just read about it:

They existed earlier because feudalism is the ancestor of capitalism. It can be said that we currently live in neo-feudalism.
well because charlemange allowed usury in his lifetime
i m not a fucking conservative u idiot but hey I agree with you. Conservatives play into the cards of the elite just as the Socialists do.

The quintessence of liberalism is private ownership of the means of production. It is not possible for everyone to have their own company - hence many people are forced to sell their work to their bosses. Show me a country where your vision came true - there is none.
Of course this is true. Especially in ancient times. This is the essence of Liberalism & especially the American State when it was formed. Every man was given a piece of land & the freedom to use it whichever way. 1 could grow crops, the other farm cattle, etc etc. Now sure 1 family could work harder or more efficiently than the other & maybe after a few generations he will have accumulated more wealth than the other & buy up more land.
Or a bank practices usury & earns (steals) 100times what the average man earns, buys up their land & after a few generations hire (enslave) the same people to the buisness they invested their money in kek.

This has already been written thousands of times:

1. There is no such thing as a 'communist country' because communism is a stage of a classless society, which is anarchist.

The Liberalism I am talking about is also Anarchist. Ever heard of the horseshoe theory. Anarchism is Liberalism if thought to its end and vice versa.

2. It is difficult for me to imagine what "personal liberty" is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment. Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible.
Agreed which is why me must abolish banking & the state system that has it under its protection.
If we started a revolution against business owners & gave its assets to the state we would just create a food crisis & in the end only change the slaveholder. Instead the assets need to be given back to the people.
In a communist society you are told that the people are the state but in reality the state is & always will be a small number of individuals in power. & the first thing they will do (& have done in every society whatsoever) is to set up a system that benefits themselves.

I'm just saying that the so-called apologists of 'third position' accuse communists of wanting to introduce totalitarianism while they themselves masturbate to Nazi Germany. Jews are only a scapegoat for them, just like LGBT people - they naively believe that capitalism will succeed if the place of Zionists is replaced by white supremacists.

"To look at Capitalist society and to conclude that human nature is egoism, is like looking at people in a factory where pollution is destroying their lungs and saying that it is 'human nature' to cough." - Andrew Collier
No 3rd positionists dislike capitalism. Funnily enough the National SOCIALISTS had more in common with socialism & communism than with capitalism. Instead of a society ruled by business owners a society ruled by a warrior class would be more sufficient to them.
"To look at Capitalist society and to conclude that human nature is egoism, is like looking at people in a factory where pollution is destroying their lungs and saying that it is 'human nature' to cough." - Andrew Collier
I agree with that statement. I do not think communism is impossible because of egoism but because of Will to Power. Especially men are wired in a way that they want to compete with each other in any way possible. We are driven to competition which each other because of our natural sexual instincts.
Even you rn try to compete by trying to impose your ideologies on others. You do not only argue for your position because you think it is right but also because you identify with it.
You contradict yourself, you write that everyone had the means of production in ancient times, but you forget about slavery. Have you heard of serfdom?
Of course but there were exceptions. Mostly early barbaric societies. Our germanic ancestors for example. Some societies on ancient Greece. Early America after its foundation. The free states of Italy & Germany in the early middle ages. Inbefore bankers came :I
You pretend to be in opposition to capitalism, but at the same time you promote its liberal dogmas. For public ownership of the means of production, it is not a problem to adapt the market mechanism of demand and supply, as shown, for example, by syndicalism.
Which is where we come back to Facist Italy. Syndicalism was one of the foundations for it.
Africa is slowly turning to the side of Russia and China. Very soon, the Western imperialists will completely lose their influence there, and this means a crisis for the West. Currently, NATO is having trouble defeating Russia in a proxy war in Ukraine. Without the exploitation of the Third World, Western countries will not be able to maintain the quality of life they have enjoyed so far.

And this means social unrest and riots in countries that were like leeches for the global south. The ruling class will be forced to make concessions to the working class or it will be overthrown. Climate change will also shake up the current world order. Humanity will face a war for resources and masses of immigrants.
Afrikas geheimer plan


Russia & China are more capitalist now than Communist.
That's why the US had to bring its democracy to the rest of the world with bombs, dropping them on schools and hospitals on every country that resisted their imperialism:

View attachment 2450682

Socialism is not about equality of results, but about equality of opportunity.

You were told this by the same people who claimed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (a made up excuse for war)

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Niggas are really defending communism on a mens self improvement forum.
Which is where we come back to Facist Italy. Syndicalism was one of the foundations for it.
Contrary to whatever the party programme suggested, the dictatorship of the Fascist bourgeoisie soon implemented history’s first modern privatization programme from 1922 to 1925. Phenomena such as tolled motorways, monopolies on match sales and life insurances, Italy’s telephone sector, and Italy’s largest machinery producer, were all transferred to the private sector.[20] It is true that after 1925 the bourgeois state committed more direct intervention in economic affairs, but it intended these regulations strictly for big business.

The anticommunists replaced the syndicates and unions with pseudodemocratic organizations that could neither support strikes, nor negotiate wages, nor negotiate working conditions, and normally sided in favor of the capitalists[24] (rendering them ‘unions’ in name only).[25] Consequently, real wages stagnated.[26]

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Russia & China are more capitalist now than Communist.
For the media controlled by corporations, they are only communist when something bad has to be said about them. However, all their success is due to capitalism. This is absurd.
No 3rd positionists dislike capitalism. Funnily enough the National SOCIALISTS had more in common with socialism & communism than with capitalism. Instead of a society ruled by business owners a society ruled by a warrior class would be more sufficient to them.
Show me a modern example of such a society that is successful.
i m not a fucking conservative u idiot but hey I agree with you. Conservatives play into the cards of the elite just as the Socialists do.
And that's why elites are so fiercely funding color revolutions, to overthrow anti-capitalist leaders or to stop people like Jeremy Corbyn from coming to power.

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