Moneycopers BTFO

Lmao i have a friend whos in 10m networth. Ive shown him what salludon can get and he really doesnt believe it. he really told me that all men pay for it. Hes below avg white dude who refuses to looksmax when i told him he would do very well if he did, however im sure hes getting cucked by girls now lol
Money first. Cmon guys
You can give him an avg white dude and he can looksmax to above avg w that money, easily. Unless that chad mf gets a meeks tier luck out, hes not getting giga rich, over. Its biased as fuck to use an extreme as an old gross 1/10 man. Give chad average money, and hes still fucked. Now you have looksmaxxed white man with a inviting chads gf to a yacht party. Its over.
I hope you do understand that 77%+ of Top 1%ers are Oldcels above 50 years old so they already have lost all their collagen and hair

Also you underestimate the money you Need to live that Yacht/Party/Monaco Lifestyle. Its not Top1%ers, its atleast Top 0.1%ers. To get to that point you need massive amount of Luck, IQ AND Looks since its hypercompetitive
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It's only betabux if you marry. Sugar baby daddy >>>chad husband after 40
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No, status is cope too, they're just using you for the connections so they can try to make themselves famous
the only thing that isn't cope is your looks, end of discussion
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No, status is cope too, they're just using you for the connections so they can try to make themselves famous
the only thing that isn't cope is your looks, end of discussion
Status definitely isn't cope if you aren't sub5

Big part of Status is Exposure.

Think of this analogy

A conversion-optimized website with very few visitors will have less sales than a Terrible website with tenthousands of visitors

Likewise a Chad without Status/Exposure will have less sex than a Famous Normie

Looks >> Status >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Money
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Money itself does nothing for your SMV. Women don't marry you for your money, they divorce you for it.

Status =/= Money

Engineers, Investment- bankers/managers, Businessmen and Scientist/Physicians may earn alot of money but they don't have any Status

Meanwhile viral tiktokers or musicians who earn a fraction of their income have 1000x their Status. Status is more intrinsic and intertwined with your Looks.

Only Moneymaxx in order to afford Looksmax Procedures and Surgeries and for your own living standard.

View attachment 1301335

Money is the best thing still. You can buy everything with money. Surgeries of all kinds, high quality followers, etc. for social media (to increase perceived status).
It's probably one of the best things still. Obviously not money for money's sake, but for what you can do with said money
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Status definitely isn't cope if you aren't sub5

Big part of Status is Exposure.

Think of this analogy

A conversion-optimized website with very few visitors will have less sales than a Terrible website with tenthousands of visitors

Likewise a Chad without Status/Exposure will have less sex than a Famous Normie

Looks >> Status >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Money
a chad without status who still talks to many women will have much more sex than a famous normie
and there's more important things to life than just having sex, like not being a victim, a famous normie who has lots of sex is going to be used his whole life for connections and then it's gonna end up with him getting #MeToo'd by the girls he's fucking

if you aren't gl it's much better to be more low profile, if you're gl then sure, having status and even money is a great thing
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Status definitely isn't cope if you aren't sub5

Big part of Status is Exposure.

Think of this analogy

A conversion-optimized website with very few visitors will have less sales than a Terrible website with tenthousands of visitors

Likewise a Chad without Status/Exposure will have less sex than a Famous Normie

Looks >> Status >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Money
Spot on
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer

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