Monkey comparing time. Patriarchy vs. Matriarchy



Aug 29, 2019
Patriarchy mating = male domination/decision, decides mating.
Matriarchy mating = female domination/decision, decides mating.

In monkies.
A typical Patriarchy. Is among Chimpansees. Where the Alpha Male, highest status, gets to mate with most of the females. And mate guards (most) of the females.
A typical Matriarchy. Is among Bonobo's. Where the female choice, decides which males get to mate with a female.

Most people think. That people/monkies in a matriarchy; have to highest chance of reporduction success. Because the Alpha male is not claiming and mate guarding all the women.

It's even worse.
When females decide mating. Males have even less chance of reproducing, than if some tirant Alpha male tries to cockblock every dude and claim all the womens.

study link:

The percentage of paternities achieved by the most reproductively successful male was also higher in bonobos (62%) than in any chimpanzee 7-year period (range: 7%–56%, mean = 26%).

" Male reproductive skew was higher in bonobos than chimpanzees because high-ranking bonobo males more effectively monopolized reproduction. The average standardized dominance ranks of sires was higher in bonobos (0.81) than in four out of five chimpanzee communities (mean = 0.77 "
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ooga booga
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humans are matriarchy right? or both because females decide but chad fucks everyone
Matriarchy is better tbh
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humans are matriarchy right? or both because females decide but chad fucks everyone
depends on location alot.
In humans we can't say perse are now partiarchy or matriarchy.

In the West though. With fall off religion and female rising to top. We have moved to, matriarchy. AKA, female choice.
Some communities in West in humans still behave Patriarchy like, because these women chose strict religion or something, or Amish.

In alot of other countries, there is more Patriarchy.
Like Saudi Arabia, and so on.

fro the WEST.
We can say.
It was Patriarchical mostly untill 1950's.
Than, the birth controll pill hit the market in 1960's; and women could manage not to get pregnant so early. And than all the changes happened because of that, with women taking over and turning the Patriarchy around into a matriarchy. Which is where we are now at for a few decades already. More and more moving towards a matriarchy.

In general, I think,
Matriarchy, are generally more peacefull and less violent. But mating/relationships are brutal for the average male.
Patrirachy, aregenerally less peacefull and more violent. But mating/relationships are less difficult for the average male.
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Matriarchy is better tbh
In general, I think,
Matriarchy, are generally more peacefull and less violent. But mating/relationships are brutal for the average male.
Patrirachy, aregenerally less peacefull and more violent. But mating/relationships are less difficult for the average male.

depends on what one wants/prefers.
depends on location alot.
In humans we can't say perse are now partiarchy or matriarchy.

In the West though. With fall off religion and female rising to top. We have moved to, matriarchy. AKA, female choice.
Some communities in West in humans still behave Patriarchy like, because these women chose strict religion or something, or Amish.

In alot of other countries, there is more Patriarchy.
Like Saudi Arabia, and so on.

fro the WEST.
We can say.
It was Patriarchical mostly untill 1950's.
Than, the birth controll pill hit the market in 1960's; and women could manage not to get pregnant so early. And than all the changes happened because of that, with women taking over and turning the Patriarchy around into a matriarchy. Which is where we are now at for a few decades already. More and more moving towards a matriarchy.

In general, I think,
Matriarchy, are generally more peacefull and less violent. But mating/relationships are brutal for the average male.
Patrirachy, aregenerally less peacefull and more violent. But mating/relationships are less difficult for the average male.
but i meant if humans would have 0 restrictions like religion and just mating selection it would be 100% matriarchy right?
In general, I think,
Matriarchy, are generally more peacefull and less violent. But mating/relationships are brutal for the average male.
Patrirachy, aregenerally less peacefull and more violent. But mating/relationships are less difficult for the average male.

depends on what one wants/prefers.
Matriarchy is better because the woman can choose who she wants instead of being forced

i wouldnt wanna be with a woman who hates me, its like a fat guy buying a hooker
todays society tbh
Matriarchy is better because the woman can choose who she wants instead of being forced
Obviously better, if one is one that gets chosen. sometimes, one time, or alot of the times. I think the study suggests, that the chance that one gets chosen zero times, is higher than in patriarchy.

i wouldnt wanna be with a woman who hates me, its like a fat guy buying a hooker
I can imagine. I guess there are plnety guys whom would prefer that, over lifetime on nothing.

but i meant if humans would have 0 restrictions like religion and just mating selection it would be 100% matriarchy right?
100% Female mating selection, is 100% matriarchy. Where women are in power, and in choice power.
t if humans would have 0 restrictions like religion
Human have zero restrictions in essence. Constructs like religion and so on, are 100% human made. It's an innate thing that humans do, creating systems of "morality" on how to act and how not to act and so on. Serve funstion for building community.

Religions like Christianity in the West. Are obviously men made, and are Patriarchical set up.
Now with the female rise, in power. And turning West towards more matriarchy in West. Obviously the Christian religion is shrinking quickly. And now females are coming with a new "religion" for society to function by. Which will obviously lead towards more steering towards, less competitiveness, and more inclusion theory. etc...
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todays society tbh
I think the West has moved there, largely.
Only the men "left behind" (aka undesirable by femaes), are united pretty much in not likeing it..
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matriachy is better, let's be honest
chimpanzee ''patriarchy'' is misunderstood anyways
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Obviously better, if one is one that gets chosen. sometimes, one time, or alot of the times. I think the study suggests, that the chance that one gets chosen zero times, is higher than in patriarchy.

I can imagine. I guess there are plnety guys whom would prefer that, over lifetime on nothing.

100% Female mating selection, is 100% matriarchy. Where women are in power, and in choice power.
Human have zero restrictions in essence. Constructs like religion and so on, are 100% human made. It's an innate thing that humans do, creating systems of "morality" on how to act and how not to act and so on. Serve funstion for building community.

Religions like Christianity in the West. Are obviously men made, and are Patriarchical set up.
Now with the female rise, in power. And turning West towards more matriarchy in West. Obviously the Christian religion is shrinking quickly. And now females are coming with a new "religion" for society to function by. Which will obviously lead towards more steering towards, less competitiveness, and more inclusion theory. etc...
society won't function with matriarchy especially since weak males who wouldve died 4000 years ago in the wild are all growing up due to medicine and healthcare... the future isn't looking good
society won't function with matriarchy
We can see how it functions atm. It will be more of that.
I think females on average are happy about how it it's functioning.
And alot of males less happy, likely. in some or plenty ways.
Problem with matriarchy is that women are very irrational so u cant let them have any power. You see it in the west today, flooding our countries with ethnics and if you disagree u are a racist cuz the media said so

i think the ideal society is western but without low T cucked men
if you're male but support the option that gives women power there's something wrong with you
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if you're male but support the option that gives women power there's something wrong with you
Personally. I feel more comfortable, competing with men for power. Than with women in power. Because how the hell you beat women. If can't use force. You better be Chad.
Personally. I feel more comfortable, competing with men for power. Than with women in power. Because how the hell you beat women. If can't use force. You better be Chad.
That's it right there, women in power automatically means you are a male cuck unable to use the natural strengths of the body you were born in.

No wonder there's so much gender dysphoria (in men) in today's matriarchal societies.
Matriarchy as a preferential mating strategy for humans predates civilisation. Before the agricultural revolution, only 1 in 17 men were reproducing. The current norms, conventions and societal rules like marriage were put in place to enforce monogamy. With the sexual liberation of women and the rise of online dating, there should be no surprises as to what is happening.

Average girls have infinite options, which is only exacerbating their function as sexual selectors. We are heading towards 95/5 theory. The top 5% of males will be in competition with the top 95% of females.

What must be understood and what remains at the core ideology of the blackpill is that there is a natural hierarchical order determined mostly from your genes. Only the best-looking men will be celibate. Life is unfair and we must accept the paradigm shift back towards a matriarchy.
Matriarchy as a preferential mating strategy for humans predates civilisation. Before the agricultural revolution, only 1 in 17 men were reproducing. The current norms, conventions and societal rules like marriage were put in place to enforce monogamy.
legit remark. The hunter gatherer groups were also very brutal for mating for the average dude.
The agricultural revolution. Ownership of land, to agriculte on. Staying in 1 place. And the children inhereting the ground. Made 1-on1 pair bonding, most effective.

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