More hate from male gaze copers after softmaxxing?



Turbo manlet mogger
Jul 5, 2023
To keep it short, recently finished my vampiremaxxing goals and it feels like I got a sudden bump in attractiveness e.g. young girls giggling and staring when I walk past by but I also feel a bump in hate from other men. When I updated my profile pic I got likes and hearts from women but got angry emoji from gym ogres. It was really comical and black pill at the same time since you usually see vids comparing the two online. And today I felt more tension from men around me and one dude was trying to purposefully bump into me.

I've experiences a few of these moments before vampiremaxxing but I feel like the freqeuncy has bumped up.

Just goes to show the power of softmaxxing done right.

Any one else relate?

P.s. I don't give a fuck what ogres think thou, as long as my dick gets wet.
idk but i had construction workers ogle me and smile at me when i shaved

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