

Dec 1, 2024


The issue with facepulling as a whole is besides the DONSJOHNS DIAGRAMS ( from the lookism era, there isn't a SINGLE LEGIT guide that will transform your skull. The facepulling guide where you simply hang your skull from a high place does NOT work because you do not experience the required amount of force to move sutures in any kind of way and it is quite dangerous.

I have been experimenting with facepulling for a year now, trying every method I could find but nothing really worked because I didn't feel the tension I wanted to move anything in my face.

Although the donsjohns diagrams are quite revolutionnary and would work quite well, they do not put enough tension on the midface to activate the bone remodeling process rapidly, in other words, the gains are very very slow.

The basic theory behind facepulling is this: your face is like a tool, if you use it like a tool, it will look very striking, with the bones popping out since they have been put through massive tension and have adapted to be thicker. This is the missing piece to actually looking good, its not MEWING :feelsuhh:, its not K2 :feelsuhh:, and its not GENETICS :feelsuhh:. You could be born into the most CHAD family there is in this world, but if the way you grew up eating was eating only mushy foods without doing any pulling like a caveman trying to eat raw steak with just his hands and his face, you will be recessed and look ugly. THE FACE NEEDS TO BE WORKED OUT, JUST LIKE ANY BODY PART. I know incels on this forum worship genetics like its GOD (ITs aLl gEnEtiCS bRo), when in reality the GENETICS are MOSTLY the nurturing you received growing up and the eating habits you developed.

I present to you F1 FACEPULLING

Why is it called F1 facepulling? BECAUSE the way you do it like an F1 driver sitting in an F1 CAR


Here is the DIAGRAM


Each pull should last around 5 seconds at maximum effort.

I do it 10 to 15 times a day

You will hear popping sounds during the pull coming from your sutures that are moving MICROSCOPICALLY

This is like PE (penis enlargement) or the gym. It takes a lot of grinding over months to see results. Think about this way: if you stick to the routine, you might achieve 1mm of forward every 2 months or so. (yes the bone remodeling process is very slow, especially if you are older). In most recessed people, you only need about 1 to 2 cm of forward growth to look HUMAN.

tagging CONFIRMED HIGH IQ USERS @zinsa @Tr0ubLe @jefty @übermog

Look at my other facepulling thread to understand the theory behind facepulling, bone remodelling, evolutionnary perspective etc.



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nice, will not try
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The issue with facepulling as a whole is besides the DONSJOHNS DIAGRAMS ( from the lookism era, there isn't a SINGLE LEGIT guide that will transform your skull. The facepulling guide where you simply hang your skull from a high place does NOT work because you do not experience the required amount of force to move sutures in any kind of way and it is quite dangerous.

I have been experimenting with facepulling for a year now, trying every method I could find but nothing really worked because I didn't feel the tension I wanted to move anything in my face.

Although the donsjohns diagrams are quite revolutionnary and would work quite well, they do not put enough tension on the midface to activate the bone remodeling process rapidly, in other words, the gains are very very slow.

The basic theory behind facepulling is this: your face is like a tool, if you use it like a tool, it will look very striking, with the bones popping out since they have been put through massive tension and have adapted to be thicker. This is the missing piece to actually looking good, its not MEWING :feelsuhh:, its not K2 :feelsuhh:, and its not GENETICS :feelsuhh:. You could be born into the most CHAD family there is in this world, but if the way you grew up eating was eating only mushy foods without doing any pulling like a caveman trying to eat raw steak with just his hands and his face, you will be recessed and look ugly. THE FACE NEEDS TO BE WORKED OUT, JUST LIKE ANY BODY PART. I know incels on this forum worship genetics like its GOD (ITs aLl gEnEtiCS bRo), when in reality the GENETICS are MOSTLY the nurturing you received growing up and the eating habits you developed.

I present to you F1 FACEPULLING

Why is it called F1 facepulling? BECAUSE the way you do it like an F1 driver sitting in an F1 CAR

View attachment 3407517

Here is the DIAGRAM

View attachment 3407518

Each pull should last around 5 seconds at maximum effort.

I do it 10 to 15 times a day

You will hear popping sounds during the pull coming from your sutures that are moving MICROSCOPICALLY

This is like PE (penis enlargement) or the gym. It takes a lot of grinding over months to see results. Think about this way: if you stick to the routine, you might achieve 1mm of forward every 2 months or so. (yes the bone remodeling process is very slow, especially if you are older). In most recessed people, you only need about 1 to 2 cm of forward growth to look HUMAN.

tagging CONFIRMED HIGH IQ USERS @zinsa @Tr0ubLe @jefty @übermog

Look at my other facepulling thread to understand the theory behind facepulling, bone remodelling, evolutionnary perspective etc.

Boyos its over
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It's retards like you that make me wish the law never existed. I wish the purge was real so I could brutalise your family infront of your innocent puppy eyes because of the retarded info you just posted
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It's retards like you that make me wish the law never existed. I wish the purge was real so I could brutalise your family infront of your innocent puppy eyes because of the retarded info you just posted
I was jk nigga
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It's retards like you that make me wish the law never existed. I wish the purge was real so I could brutalise your family infront of your innocent puppy eyes because of the retarded info you just posted
ty bro :soy:
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The issue with facepulling as a whole is besides the DONSJOHNS DIAGRAMS ( from the lookism era, there isn't a SINGLE LEGIT guide that will transform your skull. The facepulling guide where you simply hang your skull from a high place does NOT work because you do not experience the required amount of force to move sutures in any kind of way and it is quite dangerous.

I have been experimenting with facepulling for a year now, trying every method I could find but nothing really worked because I didn't feel the tension I wanted to move anything in my face.

Although the donsjohns diagrams are quite revolutionnary and would work quite well, they do not put enough tension on the midface to activate the bone remodeling process rapidly, in other words, the gains are very very slow.

The basic theory behind facepulling is this: your face is like a tool, if you use it like a tool, it will look very striking, with the bones popping out since they have been put through massive tension and have adapted to be thicker. This is the missing piece to actually looking good, its not MEWING :feelsuhh:, its not K2 :feelsuhh:, and its not GENETICS :feelsuhh:. You could be born into the most CHAD family there is in this world, but if the way you grew up eating was eating only mushy foods without doing any pulling like a caveman trying to eat raw steak with just his hands and his face, you will be recessed and look ugly. THE FACE NEEDS TO BE WORKED OUT, JUST LIKE ANY BODY PART. I know incels on this forum worship genetics like its GOD (ITs aLl gEnEtiCS bRo), when in reality the GENETICS are MOSTLY the nurturing you received growing up and the eating habits you developed.

I present to you F1 FACEPULLING

Why is it called F1 facepulling? BECAUSE the way you do it like an F1 driver sitting in an F1 CAR

View attachment 3407517

Here is the DIAGRAM

View attachment 3407518

Each pull should last around 5 seconds at maximum effort.

I do it 10 to 15 times a day

You will hear popping sounds during the pull coming from your sutures that are moving MICROSCOPICALLY

This is like PE (penis enlargement) or the gym. It takes a lot of grinding over months to see results. Think about this way: if you stick to the routine, you might achieve 1mm of forward every 2 months or so. (yes the bone remodeling process is very slow, especially if you are older). In most recessed people, you only need about 1 to 2 cm of forward growth to look HUMAN.

tagging CONFIRMED HIGH IQ USERS @zinsa @Tr0ubLe @jefty @übermog

Look at my other facepulling thread to understand the theory behind facepulling, bone remodelling, evolutionnary perspective etc.

love this method, tysm:chad:
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blackpill induced hysteria
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It's retards like you that make me wish the law never existed. I wish the purge was real so I could brutalise your family infront of your innocent puppy eyes because of the retarded info you just posted
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If only any pulling worked. Thumbpulling, belt pulling. Pulling girls :cry:
I pull girls :feelshah:
Also is your pfp from blood meridian or comics book of i remember their is a batman enemy that look exactly like that???
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More like F1 breaking your spine
How exacly will this work
You will hear popping sounds during the pull coming from your sutures that are moving
wtf bro you trina fuck ppls' faces over or smth

good advice but don't do this shit ever unless you want ER and permanently damaged skull
slow and steady results always > quick but dangerous
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wtf bro you trina fuck ppls' faces over or smth

good advice but don't do this shit ever unless you want ER and permanently damaged skull
slow and steady results always > quick but dangerous
The skull was designed for this
yes sorry if confusion, but my point is DON'T DO SO HARD THAT YOUR FACE IS LITERALLY CRACKING

you ain't gonna be pulling nowhere near this hard in primal environments and the skull was not designed for this amount of stress

do face row, but please not that hard you will end up in the ER
you're trolling this is so retarded 😂
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yes sorry if confusion, but my point is DON'T DO SO HARD THAT YOUR FACE IS LITERALLY CRACKING

you ain't gonna be pulling nowhere near this hard in primal environments and the skull was not designed for this amount of stress

do face row, but please not that hard you will end up in the ER
You will not end up at the ER unless you are low IQ and do some stupid ass shit


Il problema con il facepulling nel suo complesso è che, oltre ai DIAGRAMMI DONSJOHNS ( ) dell'era lookism, non esiste una SINGOLA guida LEGITTIMA che trasformerà il tuo cranio. La guida al facepulling in cui appendi semplicemente il tuo cranio da un posto alto NON funziona perché non provi la quantità di forza richiesta per spostare le suture in alcun modo ed è piuttosto pericolosa.

Ho sperimentato il facepulling per un anno, provando tutti i metodi possibili e immaginabili, ma niente ha funzionato davvero perché non sentivo la tensione necessaria per muovere qualcosa sul mio viso.

Sebbene i diagrammi di DonsJohns siano piuttosto rivoluzionari e funzionino molto bene, non esercitano una tensione sufficiente sulla parte media del viso per attivare rapidamente il processo di rimodellamento osseo; in altre parole, i guadagni sono molto molto lenti.

La teoria di base dietro al facepulling è questa: il tuo viso è come uno strumento, se lo usi come uno strumento, sembrerà molto sorprendente, con le ossa che spuntano fuori perché sono state sottoposte a una tensione enorme e si sono adattate per essere più spesse. Questo è il pezzo mancante per avere un bell'aspetto, non è MEWING :mi sento:, non è K2 :mi sento:e non è GENETICA :mi sento:. Potresti nascere nella famiglia più CHAD che ci sia al mondo, ma se il modo in cui sei cresciuto mangiando solo cibi mollicci senza tirare come un cavernicolo che cerca di mangiare una bistecca cruda solo con le mani e la faccia, sarai incassato e sembrerai brutto. IL VISO DEVE ESSERE ALLENATO, COME OGNI PARTE DEL CORPO. So che gli incel su questo forum adorano la genetica come se fosse DIO (è TUTTA GEnEtiCS bro), quando in realtà la GENETICA è PER LO PIÙ l'educazione che hai ricevuto crescendo e le abitudini alimentari che hai sviluppato.

Vi presento F1 FACEPULLING

Perché si chiama F1 facepulling? PERCHÉ il modo in cui lo fai è come un pilota di F1 seduto in una macchina di F1

View attachment 3407517

Ecco lo SCHEMA

View attachment 3407518

Ogni trazione dovrebbe durare circa 5 secondi al massimo sforzo.

Lo faccio da 10 a 15 volte al giorno

Sentirai dei suoni scoppiettanti durante la trazione provenienti dalle tue suture che si muovono MICROSCOPICAMENTE

È come PE (ingrandimento del pene) o la palestra. Ci vogliono mesi di duro lavoro per vedere i risultati. Pensateci in questo modo: se vi attenete alla routine, potreste raggiungere 1 mm di crescita in avanti ogni 2 mesi circa. (sì, il processo di rimodellamento osseo è molto lento, soprattutto se siete anziani). Nella maggior parte delle persone incassate, avete bisogno solo di circa 1 o 2 cm di crescita in avanti per sembrare UMANI.

tagging UTENTI CONFERMATI CON QI ALTO @zinsa @Tr0ubLe @jefty @übermog

Dai un'occhiata al mio altro thread sul facepulling per comprendere la teoria alla base del facepulling, il rimodellamento osseo, la prospettiva evolutiva ecc.

è vero che Is it true that vitamin k2 can slow down the remodeling process?
yes do it throughout the day
anyway I don't understand, in these 15 series there should be only one repetition of 5 seconds or more repetitions
anyway I don't understand, in these 15 series there should be only one repetition of 5 seconds or more repetitions
I have already dmed you on how to do it. why do you keep asking the same questions over and over again? YES 5 second pulls. DO 10 REPETITIONS THROUGHOUT THE DAY
I have already dmed you on how to do it. why do you keep asking the same questions over and over again? YES 5 second pulls. DO 10 REPETITIONS THROUGHOUT THE DAY
sorry Bro, the thing is others say to do 30 reps
IQ mogs everyone on this forum holy shit

ive done normal towel pulling for a few months on and off and switching to thumbpulling on and off


F1 Facepulling method
gave me an orgasm while doing it
my dick got hard thinking about @JcPenny

When it comes to facepulling, the typical method that involves simply using a towel has its limits. Its easy to slack off and not apply the intended intensity, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. However, the F1 Facepulling method, inspired by the posture of an F1 driver, forces you to engage properly.

The regular towel method doesnt apply enough tension, but this one really forces you to engage properly because if you dont clench hard enough you will fall on your back.

Facepulling work - forces proper form, reshapes your face over time.

jokes aside. this f1 facepulling thing that you have come with is amazing work jcpenny, you are a fucking genius
i appraciate you


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IQ mogs everyone on this forum holy shit

ive done normal towel pulling for a few months on and off and switching to thumbpulling on and off

F1 Facepulling method
gave me an orgasm while doing it
my dick got hard thinking about @JcPenny

When it comes to facepulling, the typical method that involves simply using a towel has its limits. Its easy to slack off and not apply the intended intensity, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. However, the F1 Facepulling method, inspired by the posture of an F1 driver, forces you to engage properly.

The regular towel method doesnt apply enough tension, but this one really forces you to engage properly because if you dont clench hard enough you will fall on your back.

Facepulling work - forces proper form, reshapes your face over time.

jokes aside. this f1 facepulling thing that you have come with is amazing work jcpenny, you are a fucking genius
i appraciate you


thanks broski
this is honestly disgusting sleeper OP. I look a little different when I stare at myself in the mirror every week
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u've known about this for a whole year, post ur result
Some poor brittle boned brown curry is going to read this and snap his neck
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I Hope so fucking Hard That this is legit last Hope Else I Need to be a Slave to Get surgery :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:
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in a few months well see a new facepulling technique like this
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