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The issue with facepulling as a whole is besides the DONSJOHNS DIAGRAMS (https://web.archive.org/web/2016070...ooksmax-Belt-facepulling?pid=952783#pid952783) from the lookism era, there isn't a SINGLE LEGIT guide that will transform your skull. The facepulling guide where you simply hang your skull from a high place does NOT work because you do not experience the required amount of force to move sutures in any kind of way and it is quite dangerous.
I have been experimenting with facepulling for a year now, trying every method I could find but nothing really worked because I didn't feel the tension I wanted to move anything in my face.
Although the donsjohns diagrams are quite revolutionnary and would work quite well, they do not put enough tension on the midface to activate the bone remodeling process rapidly, in other words, the gains are very very slow.
The basic theory behind facepulling is this: your face is like a tool, if you use it like a tool, it will look very striking, with the bones popping out since they have been put through massive tension and have adapted to be thicker. This is the missing piece to actually looking good, its not MEWING
I present to you F1 FACEPULLING
Why is it called F1 facepulling? BECAUSE the way you do it like an F1 driver sitting in an F1 CAR

Here is the DIAGRAM

Each pull should last around 5 seconds at maximum effort.
I do it 10 to 15 times a day
You will hear popping sounds during the pull coming from your sutures that are moving MICROSCOPICALLY
This is like PE (penis enlargement) or the gym. It takes a lot of grinding over months to see results. Think about this way: if you stick to the routine, you might achieve 1mm of forward every 2 months or so. (yes the bone remodeling process is very slow, especially if you are older). In most recessed people, you only need about 1 to 2 cm of forward growth to look HUMAN.
tagging CONFIRMED HIGH IQ USERS @zinsa @Tr0ubLe @jefty @übermog
Look at my other facepulling thread to understand the theory behind facepulling, bone remodelling, evolutionnary perspective etc.

Imagine a world where we treat our faces like we treat our bodies at the gym a place dedicated to strengthening and reshaping the skull and facial structure through intentional pulling and clenching exercises. Our ancestors once practiced these motions naturally When tearing into tougher...