Most cuck’d thing you’ve done?



Aug 29, 2018
In H.S I was obsessed with some girl that I didn’t have class or knew the name of


What’s the most cuck’d thing you’ve ever done?
Sext this girl who gave me nothing IRL. I also helped her study.
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Being born an undesirable male.
watched porn
told a girl she was very beautiful(she dgaf):soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
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Sleeping next to a girl who was ready to have sex with me.
I helped a drunk foid get home from a party
pay the remainder for my gf at the mall when i was in middle school
I was once in love with this girl who played the flute, so I downloaded and printed out a ton of flute music for her and bound it all nicely in a binder and everything. Invited her over to my place and presented it to her. She went "oh!" and put it down on the sofa next to her. Couldn't pluck up the courage to make a move - she left probably disgusted with me, and when she'd gone I noticed she'd left the binder on the sofa.
Pushed the door open for a foid once,I still hate myself for it.
Gave my seat to pregnant woman in public transformation.
Adjusted my workout plan to see my oneitis as often as possible for 6 months. She changed the gym and it took me a while to find out which one she‘s in now. Gonna switch to it soon :feelsbadman:
Adjusted my workout plan to see my oneitis as often as possible for 6 months. She changed the gym and it took me a while to find out which one she‘s in now. Gonna switch to it soon :feelsbadman:
Ogre for you in ways I cannot even describe.:feelswhat::feelswhat::feelswhat:
I was once in love with this girl who played the flute, so I downloaded and printed out a ton of flute music for her and bound it all nicely in a binder and everything. Invited her over to my place and presented it to her. She went "oh!" and put it down on the sofa next to her. Couldn't pluck up the courage to make a move - she left probably disgusted with me, and when she'd gone I noticed she'd left the binder on the sofa.
this is the kind of thing i screenshot to remember that women aint shit
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Adjusted my workout plan to see my oneitis as often as possible for 6 months. She changed the gym and it took me a while to find out which one she‘s in now. Gonna switch to it soon :feelsbadman:
If I only had the courage to talk to her and get rejected, I could move on with my "life“
Even more ogre now that you tell me that.:feelswhat:???
She already indirectly did by not approaching you if she was interested. Get over her and become obsessed with some other random slatt


I even took the same bus as her and stared at her using the reflections on the windows. Got busted once ngl

It's like you've never heard of mirrored shades
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She already indirectly did by not approaching you if she was interested. Get over her and become obsessed with some other random slatt


There are chads at my gym that don‘t get approached there. Young girls don‘t seem to approach guys at all. Maybe on social media, but rarely on public.
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In high school I was obsessed with a girl and I cried many nights over her, I also wrote a 10 paged letter confessing my "love" for her. Needless to say, she turned me down and said looks matter. So I was too ugly for her. Why even live?
Being born an undesirable male.

Cope, you mean being born autisticmaxxed. You're Chadlite.
There are chads at my gym that don‘t get approached there. Young girls don‘t seem to approach guys at all. Maybe on social media, but rarely on public.

This is true. My Chad friend said he only got aporoached once in public by a girl. He brutally ignored her by looking the other way when she said "Hi." Absolutely brutal. If I were the girl, I'd have killed myself. He's actually genuinely beautiful and it would destroy me if I was a girl and he rejected me.
He brutally ignored her by looking the other way when she said "Hi." Absolutely brutal. If I were the girl, I'd have killed myself.
holy shit, brutal ignore pill. I guess I am too beautiful to get approached :feelshmm:
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In high school I was obsessed with a girl and I cried many nights over her, I also wrote a 10 paged letter confessing my "love" for her. Needless to say, she turned me down and said looks matter. So I was too ugly for her. Why even live?

Cope, you mean being born autisticmaxxed. You're Chadlite.

This is true. My Chad friend said he only got aporoached once in public by a girl. He brutally ignored her by looking the other way when she said "Hi." Absolutely brutal. If I were the girl, I'd have killed myself. He's actually genuinely beautiful and it would destroy me if I was a girl and he rejected me.

HA HA HA the old ten page love letter. Always seems like a THOROUGHLY BITCHEN idea at the time, until you drop it in the mailbox.
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did u film it:feelshmm:

Mental picture. I have replayed the worst decision I ever made in my life over and over back then.
Mental picture. I have replayed the worst decision I ever made in my life over and over back then.
:feelshehe:i see. can u go to the doctor and xray it:feelshmm:
thanks truecel:feelshehe: you are my side friend now:feelshmm:

Finally bro. Also did you laugh at my blunder? It is okay, I look back and laugh at it now. It got really awkward afterwards.
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it war rly funny ngl:feelshmm: what if u get in a similar situation. lets repeat the history:feelshmm:

Lets hope that never happens again, I have already learned my place after she basically said I was TOO ugly. Not even ugly, but TOO ugly. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
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I have already learned my place after she basically said I was TOO ugly. Not even ugly, but TOO ugly
:feelscry: hey you are not ugly, truecel:feelshmm: you are not ugly for me, I will take you under my wing :feelshmm: love u:feelshehe:
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:feelscry: hey you are not ugly, truecel:feelshmm: you are not ugly for me, I will take you under my wing :feelshmm: love u:feelshehe:

This is the sweetest thing I have read in a long time. Thank you so much Tony, love u 2. I will flame anyone who talks about you negatively from now on.
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ive never done any cuck shit
pay some guy in the freshman dance in my highschool a long time ago too grind/kiss a girl in front of me while i watch srs
Worshiping 3D women

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