Most of you would suicide the moment youd see what a high t warrior from the past looked like



Superior to Gigachad
May 29, 2019
Especially a white one. You die from the mog
09BE63E3 CC1B 4E79 8AAD 9BC650A1BC94
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Especially a white one. You die from the mog

From what past? Like ancient times? They were short, no access to gyms or knowledge of physiology. To be fair, the greeks did have dumbells and did do sports like wrestling and stuff, but nothing compared with what we have access to now. Further, given that there are a ridiculous amount of people living on the earth now compared to back then (when there were only a couple of millions), and the ability to put the best looking people in the limelight and for anyone to access their pictures through smartphones, I'm willing to say that there has never been a moment in time with so much mogging as there is right now.
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Reactions: BigBoy, StressShady, Slayerino and 2 others
From what past? Like ancient times? They were short, no access to gyms or knowledge of physiology. To be fair, the greeks did have dumbells and did do sports like wrestling and stuff, but nothing compared with what we have access to now. Further, given that there are a ridiculous amount of people living on the earth now compared to back then (when there were only a couple of millions), and the ability to put the best looking people in the limelight and for anyone to access their pictures through smartphones, I'm willing to say that there has never been a moment in time with so much mogging as there is right now.
Myth that they were shorter. The average height of Roman soldier was 5’9.
And they did mog in testosterone. Perhaps they weren’t the perfectly symmetrical pretty boys of TikTok, they were rough around the edges but the average man was much more attractive to women than now.
Myth that they were shorter. The average height of Roman soldier was 5’9.
And they did mog in testosterone. Perhaps they weren’t the perfectly symmetrical pretty boys of TikTok, they were rough around the edges but the average man was much more attractive to women than now.

Well, if we cherrypick for people like soliders i.e those with really good access to food, then yeah. But remember, a lot of people didn't have that kind of access. If we look at South Korea vs North Korea, we can see a 10cm gap in average height just since the 50s. Goes to show how much nutrition matters. I'm sure that genetically there would be equal possibility for the birth of 6'4 Chad, when taking into account total number of people.

But as I said, there were so few people then compared to now, so right now there are way more total Chads at a higher level aesthetically than it was during ancient times. However, that is a detriment to modern man. I agree that the average man was more attractive to women than now, and that is one of the main reasons. Another reason is that gender roles were completely different. Women have a completely inflated view of their own worth because they have access to pictures and videos of Chad 24-7.

Back in the day, the prettiest girl in the whole village could realistically only access 2 or 3 guys that were at or above her level. Now, even the ugliest ogres are exposed to top 1% of men regularly. Because of the way women works, it completely ruins it for men. Obviously the same thing goes for men, the difference is men aren't picky at all.

I'm probably preaching to the choir here, I get your point and agree.
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From what past? Like ancient times? They were short, no access to gyms or knowledge of physiology. To be fair, the greeks did have dumbells and did do sports like wrestling and stuff, but nothing compared with what we have access to now. Further, given that there are a ridiculous amount of people living on the earth now compared to back then (when there were only a couple of millions), and the ability to put the best looking people in the limelight and for anyone to access their pictures through smartphones, I'm willing to say that there has never been a moment in time with so much mogging as there is right now.
High IQ as fuck right here
I imagine you'd suicide because it'd be a monumental disappointment compared to your homoerotic fantasies of ubermensch.
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
I imagine you'd suicide because it'd be a monumental disappointment compared to your homoerotic fantasies of ubermensch.
I am ubermensch
Well, if we cherrypick for people like soliders i.e those with really good access to food, then yeah. But remember, a lot of people didn't have that kind of access. If we look at South Korea vs North Korea, we can see a 10cm gap in average height just since the 50s. Goes to show how much nutrition matters. I'm sure that genetically there would be equal possibility for the birth of 6'4 Chad, when taking into account total number of people.

But as I said, there were so few people then compared to now, so right now there are way more total Chads at a higher level aesthetically than it was during ancient times. However, that is a detriment to modern man. I agree that the average man was more attractive to women than now, and that is one of the main reasons. Another reason is that gender roles were completely different. Women have a completely inflated view of their own worth because they have access to pictures and videos of Chad 24-7.

Back in the day, the prettiest girl in the whole village could realistically only access 2 or 3 guys that were at or above her level. Now, even the ugliest ogres are exposed to top 1% of men regularly. Because of the way women works, it completely ruins it for men. Obviously the same thing goes for men, the difference is men aren't picky at all.

I'm probably preaching to the choir here, I get your point and agree.
Most Korea is a bad example. Their facial development is not as bad as the west’s on average and you are confusing nutrients for calories. Calories + basic easy to get nutrients = height to around 6 foot easy.

Nutrients are more important for the face and overall strength too I’m guessing.

It was not uncommon to find 6 foot men in the past. And some caveman cultures had a. 6 foot average.

You don’t seem to understand how all the aspects affect development in attractiveness.

Take 10,000cavemen from the prime era of caucasoid hunters who were white and compare them to all the west and you find only about 300 or so men who look even any bit close to the cavemen
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From what past? Like ancient times? They were short, no access to gyms or knowledge of physiology. To be fair, the greeks did have dumbells and did do sports like wrestling and stuff, but nothing compared with what we have access to now. Further, given that there are a ridiculous amount of people living on the earth now compared to back then (when there were only a couple of millions), and the ability to put the best looking people in the limelight and for anyone to access their pictures through smartphones, I'm willing to say that there has never been a moment in time with so much mogging as there is right now.
Only time where you can find 5'1 feet Chads slaying

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