Most people are destined to be poor slaves, and it's their fault



monke monk
May 21, 2019
The truth is it was over for them a long time ago. They were destined for a life of servitude before even born. They were born into the wrong economic class, the wrong family, they were born with inferior genes.

I would rather kill myself than work retail/fastfood/similar kind of work past my mid 20's. There's no point of even living when you work in that sector.

Why would someone ever subject themself to a life like that? I swear the people who are born in the first world are the most blind to it's benefits. The US is one of the few countries were you can go from nothing to something. Yet they're fine renting a shitty home worth $250,000 in bumfuck nowhere dating a fat single mother and stocking shelves at Walmart.

When I look these people in the eye they literally do not register as human. Their eyes are glazed over and preylike. I've been watching an old man who works at my local grocery store for the past 5 years or so and I always see him there when I shop. He's probably worked there for over a decade.

They are literally not human. My mind does not register them as human.

One day I'm going to go in that grocery store. Show that old man my paycheck ($60 an hour, $120k annually) and tell him everything. I want to see his reaction. I'm going to buy him a coffee, sit him down, and try to understand how people can live with no hope.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, latincell95, Deleted member 24444 and 17 others
Most people are destined to be slaves because most people

-> cant stop fapping
-> cant stop watching
-> cant stop smoking
-> cant stop drinking
-> cant stop fucking

its the matter of stopping
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its not really their fault tbh
they weren't the ones who chose to be unattractive, low iq and lazy

peoples entire lives are practically predetermined based on the genes they inherit
its not your fault if you drew the short straw and were thus destined to a subhuman existence
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Most people are destined to be slaves because most people

-> cant stop fapping
-> cant stop watching
-> cant stop smoking
-> cant stop drinking
-> cant stop fucking

its the matter of stopping
It's not even that. Some of the SMARTEST people I have ever met have insane vices. The smartest man I have ever known has a cocaine addiction and he's still worth millions and has news articles pop up if your search his name.

Most people are literally just slaves. I feel like much of this is cope. What do you imagine a rich person's life to be like? It's incredibly hedonistic. They fuck beautiful women, do drugs, get drunk on expensive alcohol and bust nuts constantly into tight pussy.

Do you think these rich, wealthy, intellgient men watch NoFap youtube videos?
its not really their fault tbh
they weren't the ones who chose to be unattractive, low iq and lazy

peoples entire lives are practically predetermined based on the genes they inherit
its not your fault if you drew the short straw and were thus destined to a subhuman existence
You're right it's really not their fault it's literally just a dice roll. I am literally 99.99 percentile intelligence for an African, I could've easily lost the dice roll.

But I'm not sure why but I feel the need to TORMENT them. Like I understand it's not their fault but I still hate them for it? I want to see these slaves cry when he looks at my paycheck as he's nearly 4 times as old as me. I've come to believe all non-slaves are sadists to some degree.
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  • JFL
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You think you have it hard wait till you work in my shithole where the average salary is 150$ to 200$ a month max also add the shitty ethnic tax to that.
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Ngl but I'm in a very lucky position to be living off of my parents. I'm like a landwhale. They said they will also fund my surgeries 😔
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You think you have it hard wait till you work in my shithole where the average salary is 150$ to 200$ a month max also add the shitty ethnic tax to that.
Unlucky, better try next life I guess
Ngl but I'm in a very lucky position to be living off of my parents. I'm like a landwhale. They said they will also fund my surgeries 😔
Nice but don't get too comfortable or you'll end up a manchild with no career and thus no future
Unlucky, better try next life I guess

Nice but don't get too comfortable or you'll end up a manchild with no career and thus no future
Yea ik bro.
  • +1
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You're right it's really not their fault it's literally just a dice roll. I am literally 99.99 percentile intelligence for an African, I could've easily lost the dice roll.

But I'm not sure why but I feel the need to TORMENT them. Like I understand it's not their fault but I still hate them for it? I want to see these slaves cry when he looks at my paycheck as he's nearly 4 times as old as me. I've come to believe all non-slaves are sadists to some degree.
its natural tbh
just darwinism at play
the strong are meant to rule over the weak, thats how the world works

its so innate in human nature to hate your inferiors or those lower on the social hierarchy that kids in kindergarten take it upon themselves to physically and mentally torture (we like the call it bullying) their class mates for something utterly out of their control, could be height, physical disability, autism etc etc

all youre doing is succumbing to your biology
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Unlucky, better try next life I guess
Indeed, and faggots like you complain about muhminimum 4k a month salary is slavery we have it hard.
  • +1
Reactions: justinzayn
Indeed, and faggots like you complain about muhminimum 4k a month salary is slavery we have it hard.
And starving Yemeni children have it worse than you, what's your point? Life isn't fair
I know a few people who make minimum wage at 35+
I think I would just rope ngl
But its not that hard to not get in this situation
  • +1
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I know a few people who make minimum wage at 35+
I think I would just rope ngl
But its not that hard to not get in this situation
People get into that situation by essentially autopiloting life. They never really lived. They just exist and satiate their base instincts.
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And starving Yemeni children have it worse than you, what's your point? Life isn't fair
Yemen is not much different from us, if we don't get worse than them in the near future.
The truth is it was over for them a long time ago. They were destined for a life of servitude before even born. They were born into the wrong economic class, the wrong family, they were born with inferior genes.

I would rather kill myself than work retail/fastfood/similar kind of work past my mid 20's. There's no point of even living when you work in that sector.

Why would someone ever subject themself to a life like that? I swear the people who are born in the first world are the most blind to it's benefits. The US is one of the few countries were you can go from nothing to something. Yet they're fine renting a shitty home worth $250,000 in bumfuck nowhere dating a fat single mother and stocking shelves at Walmart.

When I look these people in the eye they literally do not register as human. Their eyes are glazed over and preylike. I've been watching an old man who works at my local grocery store for the past 5 years or so and I always see him there when I shop. He's probably worked there for over a decade.

They are literally not human. My mind does not register them as human.

One day I'm going to go in that grocery store. Show that old man my paycheck ($60 an hour, $120k annually) and tell him everything. I want to see his reaction. I'm going to buy him a coffee, sit him down, and try to understand how people can live with no hope.
The truth is after a certain point it becomes nearly impossible to get out of that life. Once your 30-40 you are never escaping. This is why I recommend everyone even people who are ugly to try while they are young. Even if your ugly you could still be retired in thailand at 40 if you try hard for 5 years in your youth.

Its impossible to change after a certain point for some people.
Maybe the Land of the Free isn't so free after all. I am considering moving to and retiring in Jerusalem. The one place that is certified by God as holy. Since Israel is God's holy land.
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gods and clods. clods are destined to be clods. gods are destined to be gods. i'm proof, as i will be a millionaire in a few years and i've never put any effort into anything, except my hobbies, and i've never had a real job or worked a day in my life
Most of your luck is determined by your birthdate and horoscope alignment
When I look these people in the eye they literally do not register as human. Their eyes are glazed over and preylike. I've been watching an old man who works at my local grocery store for the past 5 years or so and I always see him there when I shop. He's probably worked there for over a decade.

They are literally not human. My mind does not register them as human.
you cant be talking like this when youre still morbidly obese after joining this site

youre content with rotting on this site while chugging down goyslop while fantasizing about "muh compsci job" that you think is gonna make you rich from working at home (its a heavily oversaturated degree and it wont)

you mock people who suffer from a lack of drive and ambition, yet you havent lost a single pound and youre content with just heading to uni everyday because "once i get this degree it will be so worth it!"

You're right it's really not their fault it's literally just a dice roll. I am literally 99.99 percentile intelligence for an African, I could've easily lost the dice roll.
>claims to be 99.9 percentile in terms of intellgience

>doesn't even realize how stupid he looks writing this post, rotting on an internet forum, probably pouring corn syrup into his mouth
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buying shit online and then selling it on ebay
I still don't get it.How exactly does that make you into a millionaire?What in particular are you buying and selling?
I still don't get it.How exactly does that make you into a millionaire?What in particular are you buying and selling?
Well, when you sell something for more than you paid for it, you pocket the difference. Do that enough times and you will eventually have a million dollars. Also, live with your parents and buy almost nothing to save on expenditures.

"What in particular are you buying and selling?"

If I told you what I was buying, you would now be my competition and you'd cut into my profits. I mean, one idea that I'm not doing but that I know there's money in is women's fashion. Figure out where to get deals on women's fashion, somewhere other people aren't looking.
  • +1
Reactions: omnimaxxer
2nd generation somoli refugee in Canada having a sociopathic ramble about middle aged retail workers.

Cheats his way through higher education, btw

  • JFL
Reactions: latincell95, Cidre enjoyer and Deleted member 17872
You should probably say they aren’t human to their face or that they are prey lol. The types of people you’re talking about are the ones to be the most violent.
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Life is all about CONSOOMING and laughing at disabled people
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The truth is it was over for them a long time ago. They were destined for a life of servitude before even born. They were born into the wrong economic class, the wrong family, they were born with inferior genes.

I would rather kill myself than work retail/fastfood/similar kind of work past my mid 20's. There's no point of even living when you work in that sector.

Why would someone ever subject themself to a life like that? I swear the people who are born in the first world are the most blind to it's benefits. The US is one of the few countries were you can go from nothing to something. Yet they're fine renting a shitty home worth $250,000 in bumfuck nowhere dating a fat single mother and stocking shelves at Walmart.

When I look these people in the eye they literally do not register as human. Their eyes are glazed over and preylike. I've been watching an old man who works at my local grocery store for the past 5 years or so and I always see him there when I shop. He's probably worked there for over a decade.

They are literally not human. My mind does not register them as human.

One day I'm going to go in that grocery store. Show that old man my paycheck ($60 an hour, $120k annually) and tell him everything. I want to see his reaction. I'm going to buy him a coffee, sit him down, and try to understand how people can live with no hope.
If you do this he will probably ragekill you like Lemuel Idzik did to Kareem Said in HBO's OZ... Never try to pull normies out of the Matrix as they can (and will) snap at you for breaking their illusions... Morpheus himself said that in Matrix 1.
You should probably say they aren’t human to their face or that they are prey lol. The types of people you’re talking about are the ones to be the most violent.
  • +1
Reactions: tallnegga
2nd generation somoli refugee in Canada having a sociopathic ramble about middle aged retail workers.

Cheats his way through higher education, btw

I don't cheat that much tbh and this field is already quite difficult
You should probably say they aren’t human to their face or that they are prey lol. The types of people you’re talking about are the ones to be the most violent.
If you do this he will probably ragekill you like Lemuel Idzik did to Kareem Said in HBO's OZ... Never try to pull normies out of the Matrix as they can (and will) snap at you for breaking their illusions... Morpheus himself said that in Matrix 1.

I would never say that to their faces. I'm too street smart to do that shit. You can just tell when a dude is the type to get violent over a few words like that. I just let them suffer their shitty lives in silence. Someone with nothing to live for is very dangerous
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  • JFL
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Aren't you fat?
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Aren't you fat?
Yes but the difference between me and them is I'm already down 8lbs and continuing meanwhile they will never change and will just autopilot life. But tbh I admit I'm not the ideal messenger for this information given my own current predicaments.
  • JFL
Reactions: NeedToSucceed and Anchor_Ship
I worked in IT and even there you can't escape all that BS. Also, the reason I quit was because as a junior you cannot earn the big bucks; only if you have like 10+ years of experience. And who tf is going to wageslave for scraps lmao, fuck having to wake up by x and go to sleep by y o'clock just to please some rich asshole
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It's not even that. Some of the SMARTEST people I have ever met have insane vices. The smartest man I have ever known has a cocaine addiction and he's still worth millions and has news articles pop up if your search his name.

Most people are literally just slaves. I feel like much of this is cope. What do you imagine a rich person's life to be like? It's incredibly hedonistic. They fuck beautiful women, do drugs, get drunk on expensive alcohol and bust nuts constantly into tight pussy.

Do you think these rich, wealthy, intellgient men watch NoFap youtube videos?

You're right it's really not their fault it's literally just a dice roll. I am literally 99.99 percentile intelligence for an African, I could've easily lost the dice roll.

But I'm not sure why but I feel the need to TORMENT them. Like I understand it's not their fault but I still hate them for it? I want to see these slaves cry when he looks at my paycheck as he's nearly 4 times as old as me. I've come to believe all non-slaves are sadists to some degree.
Which type of african
  • JFL
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dnr just commit crimd
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Maybe the Land of the Free isn't so free after all. I am considering moving to and retiring in Jerusalem. The one place that is certified by God as holy. Since Israel is God's holy land.
Israel doesn't exist. Only occupied Palestinian land.

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