muh teen romance



the kevlar of knowing the answer
Feb 10, 2024
niggas seem to not realize this isnt 60s/50s anymore, there is very little genuine romance and connection in zoomer relationships

Teen romance is not a Disney story, the only benefits I see are losing KHHV status but once that's done you have to deal with an emotional girl who has racked up many body counts and now expects you to give her princess treatment or else she's gonna hit the flash onto a guy 10x better than you

the flash running GIF by CraveTV

Anytime I see a relationship I never envy or feel angry about not having it unless the girl is HTB+ or someone I liked personally and knew would be a good GF. Most of these girls in relationships act the EXACT SAME,

talking about useless scenarios and you BETTER act interested or else...
the flash running GIF by CraveTV

gossiping about her whore friends and "hard life" and if you don't agree...
the flash running GIF by CraveTV

spending your money doing things with her that may be fun may be boring as shit and you have to pretend or she will...
the flash running GIF by CraveTV
  • JFL
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0 caged as I wrote this ngl
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shameless bump
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Reactions: twojei
they faces is killing me
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  • JFL
Reactions: twojei, 0S4MA and xyukeeee
Teen romance, you're a teen and don't really care about the benefits in a relationship, you really just want to have fun. I think that's what teen romance is all about as there are rare scenarios where the 2 actually marry each other or have children.
Teen romance, you're a teen and don't really care about the benefits in a relationship, you really just want to have fun. I think that's what teen romance is all about as there are rare scenarios where the 2 actually marry each other or have children.
Its overhyped is what im saying, it doesn't even look that fun outside of fucking
Teen love is legit because it’s the only period of time where girls are actually attracted to the guys their age. Just be good looking strikes again.
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Darkeningstar and 0S4MA
Teen love is legit because it’s the only period of time where girls are actually attracted to the guys their age. Just be good looking strikes again.
no it isnt JFL, dont you see all the bop hate, "hookup culture", true love doesn't exist culture on social media by zoomers?

women are the same from this age to onward in hypargamy
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Reactions: hifynnt
fuck zoomers , fuck everyone too im the only real mf I dont judge people, im not playing with them im being fr and they take it as weakness....
Total Zoomer Death
too accurate worst generation ever in existence even neanderthal were better then them
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You can find good gen Z girls in church, it's not completely over. Just don't expect them to be 10/10 gigastacies
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You can find good gen Z girls in church, it's not completely over. Just don't expect them to be 10/10 gigastacies
debatable sometimes, there are non virgins and near whores who cope with different things
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If you found the perfect girl that is how you like except she fucked 2 guys you would date her irl

and even if you rejected her youd come back here writing threads about how you regret it.
If you found the perfect girl that is how you like except she fucked 2 guys you would date her irl
2 isnt terrible in comparison to other girls in this generation, if she was perfect in everything else that would be fine
2 isnt terrible in comparison to other girls in this generation, if she was perfect in everything else that would be fine
I was called a cuck because mine's bc is 2

Im lucky though, so many white girls I know say a number over 6 which is insane
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