Muscles don't matter bro it's all about face

He still looked subhuman even if he had his eyes open, man stop coping this hard.

This guy has not a good face but still look at the reactions due to body halo

i know the video,brutal as fuck.those type of omegle vids with that faggot,conor and few other gymaxxed fags is what really pushed me to start lifting.faggot at 1:16 is low key mirin so he had to hate
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He still looked subhuman even if he had his eyes open, man stop coping this hard.

This guy has not a good face but still look at the reactions due to body halo

even asian normie gets to be a narcy
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even asian normie gets to be a narcy

Jfl I wonder how looksmaxxers here are gonna cope with this video.
"Muh muh that's not Stacy"
"T-that doesn't mean she wanna fuck"
"Y-yeah but he is gl if you look closely"
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Look at how those women react to muscles, and most of them are either normies or ethnics, some even subhumans like 2:19
If you are not bodymaxxing you are volcel.

Height+Face>>>> Muscles fuck outta here keep copiny
Jfl I wonder how looksmaxxers here are gonna cope with this video.
"Muh muh that's not Stacy"
"T-that doesn't mean she wanna fuck"
"Y-yeah but he is gl if you look closely"
yeah bro that video is brutal,if you are gymaxxed you can get away with being a narcy,can you imagine that dude with a skinnyfat body trying that shit with that face?
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No stacies seen at all jfl @ the cope. Face+Height and even natural frame is everything
shut up you lazy subhuman would you not bang all the women that appear there? you not only need to inject because you are subhuman, you need to inject because if you wouldn't fuck the women in the video your t levels are probably as high as my grandma.
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shut up you lazy subhuman would you not bang all the women that appear there? you not only need to inject because you are subhuman, you need to inject because if you wouldn't fuck the women in the video your t levels are probably as high as my grandma.
Lol, I probably have a bigger natural frame than you and all I do is compound and boxing workouts.
Ok "Conor McGregor" fuck outta here goofy can't even show ya face on a forum full of incels🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep coping like most manlet bodybuilders do
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No stacies seen at all jfl @ the cope. Face+Height and even natural frame is everything
what the heck bruh?3 of them were good looking 1:32 , 1:03 and 0:30 and few others were smashable
Ok "Conor McGregor" fuck outta here goofy 🤣🤣 keep coping like most manlet bodybuilders do
I'm not even a bodybuilder you utter faggot, keep coping with "height and frame and face broooo" when I shown you a video of a shitty framed ricecel getting women wet for his muscles.
Before talking about me look at your avi, I hope that's not your face otherwise it's another reason to blast t.
  • JFL
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what the heck bruh?3 of them were good looking 1:32 , 1:03 and 0:30 and few others were smashable
Yeah I guess they were good looking but almost everyone can have muscles but not height and face. Plus irl most dudes with stacies are at least 6Ft with a good face
I'm not even a bodybuilder you utter faggot, keep coping with "height and frame and face broooo" when I shown you a video of a shitty framed ricecel getting women wet for his muscles.
Before talking about me look at your avi, I hope that's not your face otherwise it's another reason to blast t.
View attachment 717799
You're coping with this muscle shit when someone that's 6'3 and natural frame that don't need to hit the gym can prolly steal your bitch foh🤣. Why you think so many bad bitches and even stacies sleep with tall skinny hood niggas? They don't need muscles cause they Alrdy have good frame, they strapped up🔫or they grew up fighting in the streets or in a combat sport
Yeah I guess they were good looking but almost everyone can have muscles but not height and face. Plus irl most dudes with stacies are at least 6Ft with a good face
"Almost anyone can have muscles"
That's why you are so fucking ignorant, how many people can get muscles and get to 10% bodyfat? How many of them you see in the street or in the beach? Having a top 0,001% in body is slightly easier than having a 0,001% in face but if you think that anyone can have that you are coping hard.
"Almost anyone can have muscles"
That's why you are so fucking ignorant, how many people can get muscles and get to 10% bodyfat? How many of them you see in the street or in the beach? Having a top 0,001% in body is slightly easier than having a 0,001% in face but if you think that anyone can have that you are coping hard.
Im not saying its easy lol Ik you need dedication and strong will but if that Asian dude got it, anyone that legit puts in the work and eats right consistently can get that body. Not anyone can get natural height or frame without some crazy ass surgery lmao
Yeah I guess they were good looking but almost everyone can have muscles but not height and face. Plus irl most dudes with stacies are at least 6Ft with a good face
bro i swear to you that i saw so many sub 6ft dudes with stacies at of them isnt even musclemaxxed and yet he got a fatass stacy to suck his cock while driving.
If that Asian dude got it, anyone that legit puts in the work and eats right consistently can get that body. Not anyone can get natural height or frame without some crazy ass surgery lmao
bro please stop the cope if that ricecel that would be rotting here if wasnt gymaxxed had a bad looking body he wouldnt get that reaction from foids.its all about muscle for him
If that Asian dude got it, anyone that legit puts in the work and eats right consistently can get that body. Not anyone can get natural height or frame without some crazy ass surgery lmao
Doesn't work like that boyo, getting that type of body is not easy for a series of reason. Roids are expensive, dieting is hard and requires motivation and time.
That's like saying that hair don't matter since everyone can get an hair transplant and use finasteride to prevent hair loss.
Istinct doesn't work like that, your istinct doesn't know or care about roids, ht or other shit, and since seeing a guy with a very good body is rare then it has value, and since is dimorphic women are gonna be attracted to it.
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He still looked subhuman even if he had his eyes open, man stop coping this hard.

This guy has not a good face but still look at the reactions due to body halo

Ngl that video is way more promising than Connor Murphy ones.

Still, I need to fix my face first, cux that guy with a bad face still have a better face than me
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You coping faggots would make an excuse for everything, if it was a male model you would say they are into him but if it's a bodybuilder you say "oh they stare because they are innatural"
Women don't stare at what they find repulsive, that's why when you go out nobody looks at you.
When people are disgusted or scared by something they try to avoid staring because it can be misinterpreted.
To be fair this isn't entirely true, if the elephant man walks the streets he's gonna be stared at by everyone.

Body is a huge halo and everyone should be body building, don't get me wrong. However in the video there's definitely an element of the men being half naked where everyone else is clothed which draws attention, being huge makes you stand out as "outside the norm" so you have to expect some looks, if I see a freakishly huge guy or a freakishly tall guy I'm going to give him a 2nd look even though I'm not attracted to them.

That guy being assaulted by the asian chicks is just mental though, 5 of them full on groping him.
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To be fair this isn't entirely true, if the elephant man walks the streets he's gonna be stared at by everyone.

Body is a huge halo and everyone should be body building, don't get me wrong. However in the video there's definitely an element of the men being half naked where everyone else is clothed which draws attention, being huge makes you stand out as "outside the norm" so you have to expect some looks, if I see a freakishly huge guy or a freakishly tall guy I'm going to give him a 2nd look even though I'm not attracted to them.

That guy being assaulted by the asian chicks is just mental though, 5 of them full on groping him.
I agree on that, but keep in mind that the reaction is genuine because of the surprise element, nobody would stare like that if they were hideous.
Lifting as manlet = "overcompensating faggot"
Only non-chad manlets
Chad manlet = “idk for some reason i just don’t see him as short teehee”

Turbo manlet is different story though, there’s always a limit
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They are literally looking at his face @rightfulcel @personalityinkwell @Colvin76
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Low iq as fuck, what the point of living until 90 if you see no pussy? Better to blast roids and die at 20 like Zyzz, in fact he lifemogged almost everyone here. Second thing is that you need to blast Ronnie Coleman worth of roids but just enough to look ripped and muscular. Third thing is that when you are genetic trash you have to cheat your genetics, women don't know and attraction doesn't care about how you reached a certain looks, and since being that ripped is seen as being top 0,0001% in body genetics you should try given that you don't have other better options.
You don't need steroids to get a very muscular and ripped physique as a natural, you just need to get really strong at compound lifts, and you'll automatically be big. Your frame is only going to do a small difference in the end which will only be noticeable by judges in bodybuilding contests.
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In general. Face > body

Halo Theory (and horn theory), is the exception to above.

Having an Halo, aka Top 1%. Will matter alot more, and one breaks the general rule.
Having top 1% body, you will get attention. Having Top 1% status for example will get you attention.

Having 1 big halo moggs.

Having 1 big horn factor, aka bottom 10%.
Will matter alot more, and one breaks the general rule.
Having bottom 10% height (manlet) you will get instant rejected. Having bottom % micro p .you will get instant rejected.
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Look at how those women react to muscles, and most of them are either normies or ethnics, some even subhumans like 2:19
If you are not bodymaxxing you are volcel.

You are one of the based users here. Everything matters

Here is something for the lols
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You are one of the based users here. Everything matters

Here is something for the lols

There is no such thing as too much muscles just too much muscles for your frame and that guy has too much. He passed the point of being aesthetic long time ago. Probably a pro body builder.
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Low iq as fuck, what the point of living until 90 if you see no pussy? Better to blast roids and die at 20 like Zyzz, in fact he lifemogged almost everyone here. Second thing is that you need to blast Ronnie Coleman worth of roids but just enough to look ripped and muscular. Third thing is that when you are genetic trash you have to cheat your genetics, women don't know and attraction doesn't care about how you reached a certain looks, and since being that ripped is seen as being top 0,0001% in body genetics you should try given that you don't have other better options.
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You are one of the based users here. Everything matters

Here is something for the lols

This guy's face is FaceandLMS tier, still look at the reactions.
Face is 6ft3
This is not about face but the guy in the video, bodybuilding is a pathetic time sink and COPE without the required height
Height >>>>>>>> face >>> muscles
This is not about face but the guy in the video, bodybuilding is a pathetic time sink and COPE without the required height
Height >>>>>>>> face >>> muscles
So how do you explain the gook here?
So how do you explain the gook here?

That's just a lame videochat, you really think they're all gonna swoon were they to stand next to him IRL and discover that he's shorter or as tall as them?
The only real IOI is PIV
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This guy's face is FaceandLMS tier, still look at the reactions.
no where near face and lms tier, that guy is a mid tier normie, dark skin maybe make him look worse than he is.
That's just a lame videochat, you really think they're all gonna swoon were they to stand next to him IRL and discover that he's shorter or as tall as them?
The only real IOI is PIV
Bro I swear to God even if I showed you a video of that gook banging a girl you would invent some excuse like " he paid her" or some bullshit.
no where near face and lms tier, that guy is a mid tier normie, dark skin maybe make him look worse than he is.
Nah bro both are 3.5 PSL you are either coping or blinded by body halo
Bro I swear to God even if I showed you a video of that gook banging a girl you would invent some excuse like " he paid her" or some bullshit.
Yeah ah, no.
Nah bro both are 3.5 PSL you are either coping or blinded by body halo
You can't rate for shit, but ye the guy in the video is TOTALLY on par with face
Yeah totally mogs
what's his height looks a bit short. But if we exclude that his face doesn't look that bad. PCT, decent fwhr unlike face who has a horse face. better ipd than face.

He does look nerdy though, so he hasn't softmaxxed. poor grooming

What do other black users think? I suspect they may agree with me.
Too expensive to be that big, just imagine how much you would have to pay for food everyday and supplements, not to mention genetics play a big role on how your muscles will look.
Im short and have a small frame. I will look like a joke after gymmaxxing
Too expensive to be that big, just imagine how much you would have to pay for food everyday and supplements, not to mention genetics play a big role on how your muscles will look.
A simple Test E cycle will show you whats possible and you can always continue or stop from there.
And thats not really expensive
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A simple Test E cycle will show you whats possible and you can always continue or stop from there.
And thats not really expensive
I have no idea what youre talking about.
almost all ifbb pro bodybuilders are 5'8" and BELOW (real height, therefore -2 inches :) ) ,OP; almost all are huge slayers; body halo is huge; you either have face, body or height or race; ideally all 4 of course; but you better have AT LEAST 1 of these fookin parts as an EXCELLENT trait; by that i mean being white= slays (JBW), being tall= slays, being handsome= slays, being built= FOOKIN slays; there are plenty of whomyn lookin for these SPECIFIC traits in men; wherever you lack in these traits, you better fukin tune the other shit to the MAX faggit; if youre ethnic and short, have a fookin 5% body for fucks sake; you WILL get a gymbunny , who is into the same lifestyle, and those wymin are hot as hell; i cant even work out properly nowadays without seeing these <30 stacy gym bunnies; but you guys would rather be fookin LAZY blue pilled low t betas who LDAR forever and sit here with 30.000+ messages in the last year coping till the grave :LOL:; you deserve to rot alone, lazy fucks

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