Muslim Girls are The Reason I'm Leaving Islam

Pray and beautify yourself in halal means
Care for your health exercise
Eat good food
This is all part of islam the sahaba and the salaf did not eat processed junk did not eat unhealthy they were some of the most strongest men alive they were fit they went to many wars with heavy armour they ate meat fruits vegetables all organic
Ofc they would look good bro
And ibn abbas also narrated that he loves to beautify himself for his wife theres no problem in halal beautification and you should beautify yourself
And alot of them had multiple muslim wives on top of concubines
Research shows having multiple partners will increase your testosterone off the roof
The simp imams are wrong yes prayer and worship is the most important but it doesnt mean you must neglect other things
Muslims used to break their fast with dates and water now they break them with high fructose corn syrup juices
Why are these imams with huge stomachs unfit and all that
Cause they neglected health beautifying themselves exercise etc
Ofc worship and prayer is the most important however we should not neglect these things
Once again Islam is correct its people that are wrong
I advise you to repent for your statements and come back to Islam these are dunya pleasures you are obsessed with
thoughts? @Gengar
Have real faith bro
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In my experience, Arab girls are the race that likes white guys the least. They worship Arab cock. Even Paki girls do the same.

The only Muslim girls who are white worshipping are western Persian girls, but they're not even Muslim for the most part. But even then, despite me only knowing like 3-4 Persian girls my age, they're all Muslim and only hangout with other Muslim guys (although one is dating a black guy)

But in my personal experience in Canada, the Muslim girls here are all really good for the most part. If they're ever whores it's for other Muslim dudes.
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Muslim women, my mother tried to find me a wife back in Iran bur all our relatives and contacts refused to give up their daughters
Also I didn't even know you were Muslim. I thought you'd be atheist because you mentioned that you had a Persian mom and white dad.
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Yes and i pray 5 times a day

My sister married a muslim turk that drinks alcohol, has tattoos and goes out clubbing.

Most muslims dont even practice our own religion

Morrocan and Lebanese

We have Hundreds of millions of Incels in the Islamic world, I don't think any Dua's helped them find a wife.

Suggesting that praying will lead to a romantic partner oversimplifies the complexities of dating, attraction, and relationships. It implies that finding a girlfriend or wife is a simple matter of divine will rather than the result of effort, compatibility, and mutual attraction.
yes it is exactly like that there is something called naseeb dude. why should and how could u complain if God didn't predestine for you a wife?

i mean i get u and your argument that many did dua and theirs wasn't accepted is weak. cause u don't know if they deserved a wife maybe they themselves weren't chaste
MENA women treat men of their own ethnicities like utter subhumans, they think we are slaves that only exist to serve them. They want us to do everything, to pay for everything and they have insane standards.

MENA women are some of the most rudest and most entitled brats, they fraud with so much make-up that they look like the Joker.

They dont even cook or clean, they will not want kids till they are 35 and they are religious only when it benefits them.

View attachment 3192014

They also worship white men
View attachment 3192012

And on top of this all they have hilariously unrealistic physical standards because of inflated self worth due to social media. They all expect 6' ripped men with a full head of hair and brad Pitt looks while being 5'2 themselves and mid at best.
they are all so insufferable in the west and dont even follow islam no joke i was on a trip to a theme park for end of school and my HTN afghani friend got approached by a hijab and just being flirty just shows
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Shahnameh, Bars and truthhurts
Damn, if I want a MENA girl, which one is easiest? I want to have at least 1 Arab girl in my life. I appeal to them but never took advantage of it though. Im tall white.
Where u from?
Did you use chatgpt to write this? If not I'm mirin the high IQ linguistics. During Islamic Golden age you would of been a fine famed Iranian polymath.

But alas it is the 21st century so you are but an incel posting on
JFL, the only part that you really care about is that mena women find us subhuman. Are you really leaving the truth for that? You are only here for 7 decades get a grip brother.
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@greycel and @Imretarded? can prove this to be true
@sportsmogger he's lebensborn tier white. Platinum blond hair, A10 eyes, he makes pewdiepie look like he has negro blood in him.
  • JFL
Reactions: truthhurts and sportsmogger
In my experience, Arab girls are the race that likes white guys the least. They worship Arab cock. Even Paki girls do the same.

The only Muslim girls who are white worshipping are western Persian girls, but they're not even Muslim for the most part. But even then, despite me only knowing like 3-4 Persian girls my age, they're all Muslim and only hangout with other Muslim guys (although one is dating a black guy)

But in my personal experience in Canada, the Muslim girls here are all really good for the most part. If they're ever whores it's for other Muslim dudes.
why delude urself into thinking if she sleeps with muslim guy its ok? How can you be ok with girl passed around 100 muslim dude and having drug fueled orgies just cuz its not non-muslim?

Its either virgin or not. You already are cheated if you are told to adjust to non-virgin and she will be loyal while with you. Since original contract was you getting virgin girl who will support you. Even virgin with attitude problem is already selling you short since it deviates from originql contract
  • +1
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why delude urself into thinking if she sleeps with muslim guy its ok? How can you be ok with girl passed around 100 muslim dude and having drug fueled orgies just cuz its not non-muslim?
You're right but I never meant to imply that it was okay.

One of OP's main points was about MENA women "worshipping white men" and "hating men of their own ethnicity" which is what I was referring to in my reply.

I never claimed that it was okay. All I claimed was that most Muslim women worship men of their own culture: Arab girls worship Arab cock, Paki girls worship Paki cock, etc
When I said "they're really good" I meant in terms of how they treat the men of their ethnicity or religion. They're not white worshipping at all imo. It's usually secular MENA women who worship white men.
But honestly reading my post again makes me realize I could've worded it better
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MENA women treat men of their own ethnicities like utter subhumans, they think we are slaves that only exist to serve them. They want us to do everything, to pay for everything and they have insane standards.

MENA women are some of the most rudest and most entitled brats, they fraud with so much make-up that they look like the Joker.

They dont even cook or clean, they will not want kids till they are 35 and they are religious only when it benefits them.

View attachment 3192014

They also worship white men
View attachment 3192012

And on top of this all they have hilariously unrealistic physical standards because of inflated self worth due to social media. They all expect 6' ripped men with a full head of hair and brad Pitt looks while being 5'2 themselves and mid at best.
It just sounds like ur describing all women.
  • +1
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Yes and i pray 5 times a day

My sister married a muslim turk that drinks alcohol, has tattoos and goes out clubbing.

Most muslims dont even practice our own religion

Morrocan and Lebanese

We have Hundreds of millions of Incels in the Islamic world, I don't think any Dua's helped them find a wife.

Suggesting that praying will lead to a romantic partner oversimplifies the complexities of dating, attraction, and relationships. It implies that finding a girlfriend or wife is a simple matter of divine will rather than the result of effort, compatibility, and mutual attraction.
This is one of my problem with muslims. They are muslims when its convenient and not at other times. They are like western liberals who like to virtue signal about whats good/bad and judge other people negatively but who live like utter shit themselves.
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just go to hell because some foid rejected you theory
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Retarded cuck

خدا تو را بکشه
You're right but I never meant to imply that it was okay.

One of OP's main points was about MENA women "worshipping white men" and "hating men of their own ethnicity" which is what I was referring to in my reply.

I never claimed that it was okay. All I claimed was that most Muslim women worship men of their own culture: Arab girls worship Arab cock, Paki girls worship Paki cock, etc
When I said "they're really good" I meant in terms of how they treat the men of their ethnicity or religion. They're not white worshipping at all imo. It's usually secular MENA women who worship white men.
But honestly reading my post again makes me realize I could've worded it better

2599148 F584AD5E 717E 4E0C A9CE 6775F57D008F

Idk about arab and paki women but our Persian women are extremely secular and self hating, as well as white worshippers

easy Moroccans then as much as i wouldn't wanna admit it
There was 1 girl in a group project who wanted my attention a lot. Besides that I never had much interactions with Moroccan girls. They seem toxic as hell lol. Still wouldn't mind just for the experience once.
Had much more interaction with Turkish girls. They seem more stable. And much easier from my experience at least.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: SecularIslamist
There was 1 girl in a group project who wanted my attention a lot. Besides that I never had much interactions with Moroccan girls. They seem toxic as hell lol. Still wouldn't mind just for the experience once.
Had much more interaction with Turkish girls. They seem more stable. And much easier from my experience at least.
I'm KHHV so can't really give my opinion. Ask one of the dog chasing bone curries like @SecularIslamist
  • WTF
Reactions: SecularIslamist
There was 1 girl in a group project who wanted my attention a lot. Besides that I never had much interactions with Moroccan girls. They seem toxic as hell lol. Still wouldn't mind just for the experience once.
Had much more interaction with Turkish girls. They seem more stable. And much easier from my experience at least.
Is it because they are less religious? Moroccans even the liberal one would never entertain a non-Muslim.
  • +1
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Is it because they are less religious? Moroccans even the liberal one would never entertain a non-Muslim.
Bro when I said I was Slav she immediately increased her affection. She hoped I was Bosnian. Probably because they're muslim though.
  • JFL
Reactions: Shahnameh, SecularIslamist and truthhurts
Is the higher standards due to them holding their virginity for marriage? I mean everyone can have standards, but don’t be disappointed when the standards are giga high and only apply to a small percentage
  • +1
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Is the higher standards due to them holding their virginity for marriage? I mean everyone can have standards, but don’t be disappointed when the standards are giga high and only apply to a small percentage
  • +1
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Is the higher standards due to them holding their virginity for marriage? I mean everyone can have standards, but don’t be disappointed when the standards are giga high and only apply to a small percentage
They want niggas like me fr. KHHVcels on top as usual
  • JFL
Reactions: truthhurts
Believe me, Persian women in Iran are even worse than the dispora.
but Iran has a minority of the population that is still somewhat conservative so you can go for those unlike in the west where there are virtually no religious/trad Iranians even as a minority of the diaspora
  • +1
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Yes but it seems like most muslim girls are hoejabis

Ironically i find more pious Assyrian and Lebanese Christian girls
maybe compared to your Iranian muslim women sure (If there still are any out there at this point lol)

but why go for Assyrian or Lebanese christian girls when you can marry a Shia Arab ones, which Ik Is a cardinal sin for you Persians but it seems like you don't have many options :ROFLMAO:
maybe compared to your Iranian muslim women sure (If there still are any out there at this point lol)

but why go for Assyrian or Lebanese christian girls when you can marry a Shia Arab ones, which Ik Is a cardinal sin for you Persians but it seems like you don't have many options :ROFLMAO:

I live in sydney which has a large christian arab population but not many muslims, the few muslims are hoejabis while the christian girls are religious
that every ''christian'' girls too
I’ve met a legit Christian foid once in my life, she came to know my family as a missionary. I actually believe she was super trad virgin tbh, she was also engaged to some normie. Mind you this was pre internet, about 15yrs ago.

They do or at least they did exist at some point. But even in trad murica in the 50s “the pool boy” trope was stills thing.
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  • +1
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I’ve met a legit Christian foid once in my life, she came to know my family as a missionary. I actually believe she was super trad virgin tbh, she was also engaged to some normie. Mind you this was pre internet, about 15yrs ago

I wish we still lived in those pre internet times. Things were much better, women didnt have entire legions of suitors back then
  • +1
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I wish we still lived in those pre internet times. Things were much better, women didnt have entire legions of suitors back then
Yeh that’s true they were only chased by men in direct vicinity and only those confident and NT enough to approach at that. If you were NT normie your chances of landing a gf were pretty good
  • +1
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Yeh that’s true they were only chased by men in direct vicinity and only those confident and NT enough to approach at that. If you were NT normie your chances of landing a gf were pretty good

NT normies still do very well but back then introverted or shy guys could still get decent women for LTR.

Now it's virtually impossible unless you dramatically lower your standards or GEOMAXX
  • +1
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NT normies still do very well but back then introverted or shy guys could still get decent women for LTR.

Now it's virtually impossible unless you dramatically lower your standards or GEOMAXX
It’s still way harder, now you need social media presence. Girls are very fickle and it’s a easy way to filter aspy unfun people out. Only methods of meeting women elsewhere is risky: clubs/bars will only find whores , work risks your job
  • So Sad
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I’ve met a legit Christian foid once in my life, she came to know my family as a missionary. I actually believe she was super trad virgin tbh, she was also engaged to some normie. Mind you this was pre internet, about 15yrs ago.

They do or at least they did exist at some point. But even in trad murica in the 50s “the pool boy” trope was stills thing.
How old are you also 2009 is not pre internet 🤣
How old are you also 2009 is not pre internet 🤣

Its pre Social Media which is all that matters, internet didnt get mainstream until this era as well.

It’s still way harder, now you need social media presence. Girls are very fickle and it’s a easy way to filter aspy unfun people out. Only methods of meeting women elsewhere is risky: clubs/bars will only find whores , work risks your job

Apps arent designed for u or women to find partners, when u talk to a lot of people at the same time u tend to devalue any connection.

Same with social media, girls get hundreds of dms and comments.
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Join Hinduhism
  • JFL
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Its pre Social Media which is all that matters, internet didnt get mainstream until this era as well.

Apps arent designed for u or women to find partners, when u talk to a lot of people at the same time u tend to devalue any connection.

Same with social media, girls get hundreds of dms and comments.
Face said the same thing when chadfishing, becomes to hard to keep track of all the suitors. Even if you match a girl you get lost in a sea of moggers
  • +1
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Face said the same thing when chadfishing, becomes to hard to keep track of all the suitors. Even if you match a girl you get lost in a sea of moggers
tinder is useless for anyone sub chadlite
yeah leave islam to join the only religion which carries a falio on par with islam great idea :ROFLMAO: @CFW432
i rather be muslim than hindu, and im not even that religious of a muslim to begin with.

muslim = bad boi terrorist halo

hindu = ugly plus weak and wierd cow piss/shit drinking/eating religion.

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