that was a message to mankind that he took everyone's sins with him when he died on the cross.
Why would God need to kill himself to take away everyone’s sins why doesn’t he just do it. Kinda unnecessary if you ask me
Extremely based, i'm putting all my sins on you and OP specifically, enjoy hell you kaffir dogs
Even in islam it wouldn't be up to you. You may go to hell for Eternity.

The truth is if you refuse Jesus you Will go to hell like your mohammad who was satans plaything now in Hell.
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Why would God need to kill himself to take away everyone’s sins why doesn’t he just do it. Kinda unnecessary if you ask me
Jesus had to take our sins and die and rise again to triumph over death. He did what Adam failed. He undid it all.

And the devil Failed to tempt Him.

Also if Jesus just took away our sins by definition that wouldn't be Just.

If a judge at a court room simply dismissed criminals cases by logical definition He wouldn't be Just and God is always Just.
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Jesus had to take our sins and die and rise again to triumph over death. He did what Adam failed. He undid it all.

And the devil Failed to tempt Him.

Also if Jesus just took away our sins by definition that wouldn't be Just.

If a judge at a court room simply dismissed criminals cases by logical definition He wouldn't be Just and God is always Just.
Are you saying that just requires a sacrifice? God couldn’t find a way to forgive humanity other than through crucifixion?
Why would God need to kill himself to take away everyone’s sins why doesn’t he just do it. Kinda unnecessary if you ask me
can't question God, He wished to take sins away from us this way so we have to honor it

In my opinion it holds a great message, and it's not meaningless at all
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Sorry you gotta deal with these legit sons of satan. Tbh even church fathers said don't bother trying to convince the heretics.
it's okay bro, I'm trying to lead more people to the way of Christ but unfortunately they are oblivious
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Extremely based, i'm putting all my sins on you and OP specifically, enjoy hell you kaffir dogs
your book says to believe in the new and old testament of the Bible, whos going to hell now you son of a satan
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Are you saying that just requires a sacrifice? God couldn’t find a way to forgive humanity other than through crucifixion?
I told you how a judge logically and technically can NOT remain just by dismissing cases, letting criminals go like nothing. God is 1000% Just.

Throughout the entire old testament and jewish tradition God required a temple, a day of atonement each year where an animals blood would be shed to cover the sins of the people of Israel.

You also forget the resurrection which is crucial and just as important.
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No, contrary to you christians, we defend the honor of the prophets and believe in a God that is not a deceiver

Allah says (Interpretation of the meaning): "And the disbelievers made a plan ˹against Jesus˺, but Allah also planned—and Allah is the best of planners."

It is your Bible, in it's clear demonic influence on priests and scribes who changed the Original Scripture, who call God a deceiver. In Ezekiel 14:9, the Bible says: "And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel."

And in Jeremiah 20:7:
O Lord, You have deceived me and I was deceived; You have overcome me and prevailed. I have become a laughingstock all day long; Everyone mocks me.

Allah warns those who try to paint Him in a bad light, for He says in the Honorable Book (Interpretation of the meaning): "So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn."
That's not an accurate translation of Ezekiel 14:9, or Jeremiah 20:7 The Bible isn't corrupted but I know you have to say it is because it contradicts The Quran in both The Old and New Testament.

The word "claimed" to be used for deceived is "פָּתָה" patah {paw-thaw'} even though the word contextually has multiple definitions even in context.

Let's say I use a website that backs up your source such as:

Even in this one which backs up YOUR translation of the two verses you use, the word is used in 20 different contexts other than "deceived" and it's clear the common definition and usage is entice/persuade.

So it's a bit convenient how a word that is explicitly used in more contexts/definitions to mean something other than "deceived" is being painted by Anti-Christians as being "Deceived" when makar has a MUCH more explicit definition, but we'll get there.

So is it really surprising that actual unbiased scholars who are transliterating would translate the verses like this:



It's almost as if that contextually, "persuaded" is a more accurate translation or something. We can even take a look at sentences and phrases where it's used in different contexts. We also have various other words that are more accurately used as "Deceive" in other verses aswell, and it's often not patah being used.

مكر "makar" on the other hand even in a vanilla definition on google is defined as "Cunning" another usage of "cunning" would be almakira الماكرة

But the important part in this would be makir or "makar" مكر what does this truly mean in Arabic?

Well we know cunning means "having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion" and colloquially and historically it usually just means "skill in achieving one's ends by deceit"

This word can't be pussyfooted around as easily as the hebrew you try and project your own deceitful "god" unto mine, because The Real Triune God, is not the best at "Makar" like the devil pagan deity you worship, mine values truth above all else.

Here are the most common usages of "makar" in arabic, unlike "pathah" whose most common usages is "entice" and "persuade". It is not being used as "planner" Muslims have to lie that it's being used that way when the common usages even historically are clear:

Rebuke your evil "god" of makar, and come to Christ who died for you, for he loves you unlike the devil that deceives you and you are doing his dirty work for. In The Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, all together as one, Amen.
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  • JFL
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main argument of islam is “well how can God be Human”

answer me, God all powerful? Yes or No?

If God all powerful can he become a human while maintaining His God presence? Yes or no?

there’s your answer
He can if he wants
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That's not an accurate translation of Ezekiel 14:9, or Jeremiah 20:7 The Bible isn't corrupted but I know you have to say it is because it contradicts The Quran in both The Old and New Testament.
No, but i guess again you want the 20 page discussions that have already been had in this place for several times over the years since you don't care about truth and only want to make the swamp looser
The word "claimed" to be used for deceived is "פָּתָה" pathah {paw-thaw'} even though the word contextually has multiple definitions even in context.
Yes, to deceive, persuade and seduce
Let's say I use a website that backs up your source such as:
View attachment 3114116

Even in this one which backs up YOUR translation of the two verses you uses the word in 20 different contexts other than "deceived".

So it's a bit convenient how a word that is explicitly used in more contexts/definitions to mean something other than "deceived".
No, it's not convenient, it's literally the FIRST THING THAT APPEARS ON GOOGLE when you search for Ezekiel 14:9 and Jeremiah 20:4 from the MOST ACCURRATE BIBLICAL VERSION which is KING JAMES VERSION

So is it really surprising that actual unbiased scholars who are transliterating would translate the verses like this:

View attachment 3114138
View attachment 3114139

It's almost as if that contextually, "persuaded" is a more accurate translation or something. We can even take a look at sentences and phrases where it's used in different contexts. We also have various other words that are more accurately used as "Deceive" in other verses aswell.
"The actual unbiased scholars"

Really? Is this your level?? Is this your entire source in whose your argument is based upon??? A completely loose and coincidentally irrelevant for the translators of the most older versions definition of "Unbiased scholars"

Literally all the older versions which are the most accurrate say "Deceived", while within the newer ones some use either Deceived, or CONVENIENTLY, other words, just like THEY DO ON NUMBERS 31:17-18, THE CHILD RAPING VERSE IN THE BIBLE


مكر "makar" on the other hand even in a vanilla definition on google is defined as "Cunning" another usage of "cunning" would be almakira الماكرة

Makar means either planning with craft and intelligence, or deceiving, among other things, it's something very well known and easy to recognize for any arabic speaker. مكر used in a context of punishing evil and doing good is praiseworthy, while if it is promoting evil against good it is considered deceiving, it's not that difficult to understand.

But the important part in this would be makir or "makar" مكر what does this truly mean in Arabic?

Well we know cunning means "having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion" and colloquially and historically it usually just means "skill in achieving one's ends by deceit"
This word can't be pussyfooted around as easily as the hebrew you try and project your own deceitful "god" unto mine, because The Real Triune God, is not the best at "Makar" like the devil pagan deity you worship, mine values truth above all else.
Why dont you just mention that almost all the translations of the Qur'an say Plan while all the valid old ones from the Bible and even the majority of the new ones use deceiving???

Keep throwing more and more to deviate attention from your ignorance of the subject we are fealing with, but Allah is The most Crafted of those who plan, while your "God" is a weak human being that is in the right hand of your other God who needs to send his innocent son to be sacrificed to forgive humans for a sin they did not commit but their parents did while the other God is a bird.

What a blasphemy from your kind.
Here are the most common usages of "makar" in arabic, unlike "pathah" whose most common usages is "entice" and "persuade".
View attachment 3114150
Why did you DECEVEINGLY STOP THE PICTURE when the rest of the definitions FROM YOUR DUMB INFERIOR SOURCE, THEWORDHIPPO AND GOOGLE TRANSLATOR, appeared?? It seems not only your God is deceiving, but also his subjects
Screenshot 20240822 034433 Chrome

Rebuke your evil "god" of makar, and come to Christ who died for you, for he loves you unlike the devil that deceives you and you are doing his dirty work for. In The Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, all together as one, Amen.
Christ didn't die for me. Jesus the Son of Mary is well alive and he will come to save us all from the biggest deceivers like yourself, liars who would betray their own mothers and themselves for the sake of money or even that which is lower than that
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Yes, to deceive, persuade and seduce
You can say that but this was already debunked in my previous post with a source that backs YOU up aswell.
No, it's not convenient, it's literally the FIRST THING THAT APPEARS ON GOOGLE when you search for Ezekiel 14:9 and Jeremiah 20:4 from the MOST ACCURRATE BIBLICAL VERSION which is KING JAMES VERSION
Sorry but i'm not some "KJV" elitist, this appealing to the KJV wont work on me, I already went directly to the source language, hebrew, and if you want to use google, even that doesn't back you up on "פָּתָה" "patah" especially when we have literal context of how the word is being used in usage. Similar to here:

How it shows the most common usages of the word "makar" but I see you sperged out about that later in your post because you don't want to admit what the most common usages for the word are, because then you'd have to admit that your wicked pagan deity, is The King of all Liars, and if they're not The Devil himself, they even make Lucifer seem honest with how wicked and deceitful your deity is who is The King of all Lies, but considering my book tells me exactly who the king of all liars is it'd be pretty safe to assume that your deity is The Devil who also seems to have gone under the name "Baal" or "Hubaal" in the past aswell, which again is a pagan deity through and through.

You're literally fighting ghosts and demonically manifesting with the rest of your post on this topic, I guess this is what happens to those thoroughly debunked, but I know your deity keeps requiring you to deny The Bible because it made it an error in The Quran (one of many) by reaffirming both The Torah and Injil which still exist today in their exact uncorrupted form, but I don't have to appeal to that, unlike you, and unlike the corrupted quran which has many versions, many of which were burned and lost, and the ones that remain have to be larped as merely "dialects" or "accents" despite having completely different words, perfectly translated to be understood by the Lingua Franca, English, but I know you MUST deny this with no evidence, because both The New and Old Testament reaffirm The Trinity, warn us of your demonic antichrist so-called "prophet" and the demon larping as an "angel" that he met, aswell as a myriad of other things that are fundamentally contrary to The Quran, and unlike Muhammad who was never mentioned in The Old Testament or New Testament for that matter, The Old Testament gives us The Exact name of Jesus, your GOD whether you reject him or not, who died and rose again for you. You're right in that he's not dead now, but he did die to save all of us as long as we believe in him.

But regardless the only one blaspheming here is you, and your weak pagan deity will be burning in hell alongside your false prophet who is already there, underneath the feet of Jesus Christ, God incarnate, in his name Amen. I'd suggest repenting so you don't end up having the same fate.
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  • +1
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I told you how a judge logically and technically can NOT remain just by dismissing cases, letting criminals go like nothing. God is 1000% Just.

Throughout the entire old testament and jewish tradition God required a temple, a day of atonement each year where an animals blood would be shed to cover the sins of the people of Israel.

You also forget the resurrection which is crucial and just as important.
The God of the Bible sounds really tribalistic requiring human sacrifices to be “Just”. Also the crime of man is literally just Original sin that was passed down from Adam. An actual just judge wouldn’t damn you on the actions of your forefathers and so the more just thing to do WOULD be dismissing the case.

Just Lol that God is so hungry for Sacrifice you make him sound barbaric
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That's not an accurate translation of Ezekiel 14:9, or Jeremiah 20:7 The Bible isn't corrupted but I know you have to say it is because it contradicts The Quran in both The Old and New Testament.

The word "claimed" to be used for deceived is "פָּתָה" pathah {paw-thaw'} even though the word contextually has multiple definitions even in context.

Let's say I use a website that backs up your source such as:
View attachment 3114116

Even in this one which backs up YOUR translation of the two verses you uses the word in 20 different contexts other than "deceived".

So it's a bit convenient how a word that is explicitly used in more contexts/definitions to mean something other than "deceived".

So is it really surprising that actual unbiased scholars who are transliterating would translate the verses like this:

View attachment 3114138
View attachment 3114139

It's almost as if that contextually, "persuaded" is a more accurate translation or something. We can even take a look at sentences and phrases where it's used in different contexts. We also have various other words that are more accurately used as "Deceive" in other verses aswell.

مكر "makar" on the other hand even in a vanilla definition on google is defined as "Cunning" another usage of "cunning" would be almakira الماكرة

But the important part in this would be makir or "makar" مكر what does this truly mean in Arabic?

Well we know cunning means "having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion" and colloquially and historically it usually just means "skill in achieving one's ends by deceit"

This word can't be pussyfooted around as easily as the hebrew you try and project your own deceitful "god" unto mine, because The Real Triune God, is not the best at "Makar" like the devil pagan deity you worship, mine values truth above all else.

Here are the most common usages of "makar" in arabic, unlike "pathah" whose most common usages is "entice" and "persuade".
View attachment 3114150

Rebuke your evil "god" of makar, and come to Christ who died for you, for he loves you unlike the devil that deceives you and you are doing his dirty work for. In The Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, all together as one, Amen.
Then give us an accurate one
Everyone knows the bible is corrupted the Qur'an is not if you want evidence i will give you , im open to discussion.
Also devil pagan deity???
Wish one sounds more like a pagan deity , how bible describes god:
"And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth."

How Al qur'an describes allah
Surat al samad:
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ(1)

Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ(2)

Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ(3)

He neither begets nor is born,
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ(4)

Oh boy You don't know how funny your argument sounds to an arab speaker ..
Makar is an Arabic word and since Arabic has more than 12 million words , English has 171 thousand of course it will not give you an accurate translation that's why every Muslim either has an Arabic teacher or knows arabic
The God of the Bible sounds really tribalistic requiring human sacrifices to be “Just”. Also the crime of man is literally just Original sin that was passed down from Adam. An actual just judge wouldn’t damn you on the actions of your forefathers and so the more just thing to do WOULD be dismissing the case.

Just Lol that God is so hungry for Sacrifice you make him sound barbaric
Yep Christians say that God became incarnate to atone for Adam’s sin, and that God died on the cross to bear Adam’s sin for us. All Christians agree on this opinion, so by cristian logic "God sent God to die on the cross to forgive people for a sin they did not commit against God!!! Or in other words: God killed God to please God!!! Something really amazing. God wants to forgive people for a sin committed by Adam, so God sent God to kill God on the cross so that God would forgive people for a sin that one of the people committed against God
See how silly that is?
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  • +1
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Yep Christians say that God became incarnate to atone for Adam’s sin, and that God died on the cross to bear Adam’s sin for us. All Christians agree on this opinion, so by cristian logic "God sent God to die on the cross to forgive people for a sin they did not commit against God!!! Or in other words: God killed God to please God!!! Something really amazing. God wants to forgive people for a sin committed by Adam, so God sent God to kill God on the cross so that God would forgive people for a sin that one of the people committed against God
See how silly that is?
  • +1
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Then give us an accurate one
I already did, check the images in the post. Also literally only Muslims claim The Bible is corrupted, because they literally have to since it fully contradicts The Quran, even though ironically enough saying this also contradicts The Quran. I already went over this.
And Christianity came like 3000 years after Hinduism

Your argument is retarded
Not entirely accurate, the followers of God existed for a very long time, predating Hinduism aswell, people didn't just start following God after Jesus died, that's just when The Prophecy was fulfilled, but if you really want to be a stickler and only focus on the label "Christian" then I guess?

Not that that would matter either, because Hinduism is complete pagan nonsense that has no historical evidence or backing compared to The Old or New Testament which flows entirely to one another, another thing is that The Quran is claimed to be a "newer testament" of sorts, despite The Bible warning against it, it completely contradicting The Bible, despite it completely reaffirming it, and yes it coming 600 years later, that's why it's a big deal.
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Not entirely accurate, the followers of God existed for a very long time, predating Hinduism aswell, people didn't just start following God after Jesus died, that's just when The Prophecy was fulfilled, but if you really want to be a stickler and only focus on the label "Christian" then I guess?

Not that that would matter either, because Hinduism is complete pagan nonsense that has no historical evidence or backing compared to The Old or New Testament which flows entirely to one another, another thing is that The Quran is claimed to be a "newer testament" of sorts, despite The Bible warning against it, it completely contradicting The Bible, despite it completely reaffirming it, and yes it coming 600 years later, that's why it's a big deal.
That's cool but that doesn't debunk anything I said, Noah and his children were following God 5000 years ago.
That's cool but that doesn't debunk anything I said, Noah and his children were following God 5000 years ago.
Yap yap yap

I'm not gonna believe some .org dalit over actual science
they would be judged according to old testament (harsh rules)
So Jesus was not required for salvation before his time. One of the pillars of the Noahide laws was faith in God and that fundamentally doesn't change with Jesus death it just loosens the other criteria meaning his sacrifice isn't necessary its just a more secure shortcut

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