MUST READ: Penis Enlargement is the Purest White Pill + Gaining 1.7in story

so glad reading this and knowing PE didnt give SHIT in growth jajahhahhahaha. nobody here is getting a dick like mine trough PE just give up.

just to explain, when i was exactly your age my penis went from 6 inches NBP to 7.1 NBP and from 4.7 to 5.7 MSEG, and i didnt do a single second of PE.
you just grew because of puberty buddy:lul:
i also tried PE recently and got zero results so im very glad there is no proof on the internet of PE even tough these enlargement forums have dozens of thousands of members. and the "studies" are always sponsored by the same companies that makes shit like phallosan and pumps, so its basically fraud and extremely biased.
cope and seethe little beaners, you will never have a juicy dick like mine
so glad reading this and knowing PE didnt give SHIT in growth jajahhahhahaha. nobody here is getting a dick like mine trough PE just give up.

just to explain, when i was exactly your age my penis went from 6 inches NBP to 7.1 NBP and from 4.7 to 5.7 MSEG, and i didnt do a single second of PE.
you just grew because of puberty buddy:lul:
i also tried PE recently and got zero results so im very glad there is no proof on the internet of PE even tough these enlargement forums have dozens of thousands of members. and the "studies" are always sponsored by the same companies that makes shit like phallosan and pumps, so its basically fraud and extremely biased.
cope and seethe little beaners, you will never have a juicy dick like mine
unfortunately this is scientifically incorrect, I consistantly get x-rays and MRI's. My growth plates all closed when i was late 16. I have not grown an inch since then obviously and my process of pubertal growth was done. IG what happened to you is plausible if you have a late growthspurt but not for me. Remember not to keep your egocentric bias in check.:feelspanties:❤️
Anyone got this course's leak or smt similar?
A lot of what I say is adjacent to hink's advice.
shit i kinda wanna pe to 9x6
so glad reading this and knowing PE didnt give SHIT in growth jajahhahhahaha. nobody here is getting a dick like mine trough PE just give up.

just to explain, when i was exactly your age my penis went from 6 inches NBP to 7.1 NBP and from 4.7 to 5.7 MSEG, and i didnt do a single second of PE.
you just grew because of puberty buddy:lul:
i also tried PE recently and got zero results so im very glad there is no proof on the internet of PE even tough these enlargement forums have dozens of thousands of members. and the "studies" are always sponsored by the same companies that makes shit like phallosan and pumps, so its basically fraud and extremely biased.
cope and seethe little beaners, you will never have a juicy dick like mine
I am honestly not familiar about studies having sponsors. I'll look later, and if they do all have sponsors like that, you would be correct, they would not be very reliable. However there are plenty of people of PE forums with well documented proof. If you are happy w your measurements, no need for PE:feelsgood:. But there is also no need to discredit something without sound reasoning.:feelsmage:
  • +1
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unfortunately this is scientifically incorrect, I consistantly get x-rays and MRI's. My growth plates all closed when i was late 16. I have not grown an inch since then obviously and my process of pubertal growth was done. IG what happened to you is plausible if you have a late growthspurt but not for me. Remember not to keep your egocentric bias in check.:feelspanties:❤️
androgenic features and secondary sexual characteristics have nothing to do with growth plates, also I grew 2 inches with closed growth plates which shouldn't be possible but I did.
do u have a full beard?
I am honestly not familiar about studies having sponsors. I'll look later, and if they do all have sponsors like that, you would be correct, they would not be very reliable. However there are plenty of people of PE forums with well documented proof. If you are happy w your measurements, no need for PE:feelsgood:. But there is also no need to discredit something without sound reasoning.:feelsmage:
I've been a member of thundersplace and PE subreddits for years and I'm yet to find convincing proof of anyone growing significantly past the age of 21. Most guys results are either: end of puberty (genetics), very small results + extreme frauded angles/measuring, good EQ gains (possible with pumping and cialis that most use) and surgery/fillers
I've been a member of thundersplace and PE subreddits for years and I'm yet to find convincing proof of anyone growing significantly past the age of 21. Most guys results are either: end of puberty (genetics), very small results + extreme frauded angles/measuring, good EQ gains (possible with pumping and cialis that most use) and surgery/fillers
also forgot about the most common one: weight loss... niggas be like YESSS BROO I GAINED 2 INCHES WITH PE (without ever mentioning they lost 150lbs of fat)
also forgot about the most common one: weight loss... niggas be like YESSS BROO I GAINED 2 INCHES WITH PE (without ever mentioning they lost 150lbs of fat)
btw I lost 0.3 inch NBP by going from 9-10% bf to 14-15% :lul::lul::lul: now I lost the fat again and it came back, but yeah the pubic area is a giga fat storage just like the lower abdomen, I had no ideia how much of a difference it made... even when the change in bf is small
  • +1
Reactions: Nihilistslayer
No homo but can you post results
Swallow the PE-(White)Pill:

To begin, I responded to a guys question about cialis (@spermium ) and found that I enjoyed writing about PE(penis enlargement). I believe this is because in my eyes, PE is the most definite/prominant whitepill on .org (other than shit like surgery).
*For anyone familiar w PE, I will only be talking about MSEG and BPEL as I believe they are the only measurements that effect how you penis feels during sex.

How I got into PE: 1 year ago (17yo), I was scrolling of Best of the Best, and read a post called: Sexmaxing : SWALLOW THE SEXPILL: How to become a SEX GOD and get girls addicted to you (@Ass-ender ). I wanted to be able to perform better sexually w my gf which at the time was a pretty major insecurity of mine. It was an amazing and very convincing read (despite some missinformation and what looking back is probably larp). And remains my fav thread on .org, 11/10. If you are not celibate, I would reccomend reading it or at least bookmarking for later. If you are a virgin, don't itll prob get into your head, and you dont need to slay on your first time. If its just a foid, you can forget abt it, and if its the right girl for you, it won't matter taht you arent a sex god on your first time.
Just from what I read, I felt that libido-maxing (optimizing erection) was the most important thing so I began with that. I would optimize nutrition for testosterone, took some supps correlated to higher T, got more sunlight exposure, I was already doing high intensity resistance training at the time, and LOTSSS of kegels (knowing what I know now I wouldnt reccomend doing kegels).

My Entry and First Experiences with PE: Additionally, ince my pp was not long enough to comfortably hit the cervix/A-spot at this time (roughly 6.5in, cervix is usually up to 6in into the vagina during female arousal, but you cant just tap it w ur tip, you have to have a good half inch to apply some pressure, and thats only when you are fulling pushing pelvis against girl, so 6.5+(BPEL I'll define this acronym later if you are not familiar) is what i would set my goal at to hit A-spot in any position) I began Jelqing. DO NOT JELQ! I do not reccomend kegels because there is a small chance of them fucking u up and giving u ED (Erectile disfunction), and what ppl say abt how kegels affect your erection, cuming, performance is pretty much all larp. Your pelvic floor muscles are used daily and during sex, there is no need to train them if you are a healthy young man. However, jelqing long term (6months+) has a high chance of causing ED, nerve damage, other issues. I jelqed for 8 months after this and luckily had no noticeable injuries. I also used a noose extender:View attachment 3334373for a little bit, but not enough to make any difference. My understanding from this experience and my experience in the last few months leads me to believe I am a HYPER responder to lengthwards penis gains. In this 8 month Jelqing journey I went from 5.3in BPEL (I never took any precise measurement so i dont know the exact amount, I recall it was between 5.0-5.4in BPEL) to 6.5in BPEL and 5.0in MSEG to 5.4in MSEG. Going from 68.0% to 96.0% in penile volume percentile.
*Discalimer: gaining 1.2in BPEL in 8 months is virtually unatainable. I am very genetically lucky to by a hyper responder for length. But you will 99% not experience the same results. I wouldn't expect more than 0.5in in this period.
My growth experienced diminishing marginal returns and pretty much plateaued at 6.5in:View attachment 3334359

Getting Serious About PE: At the time I thought this was my growth limit because I hadnt seen progress in months. I was personally not satisfied with 6.5. Partially because of unrealistic expectations I had for my sexual performance, but also because I always had this gold standard of having an 8x6.5 erect pp in the back of my mind. So I began to look way deeper into PE. I discovered Hink's youtube channel and must've watched 20-30 videos in two days. I think his PE content is pure gold. I purchased a penis pump ($20) :View attachment 3334378 and a phallosan forte ($400): View attachment 3334379.

The routine I have come to over the last 3 months is pumping for 30minutes, no break (I personally can handle it and saw most growth this way but would reccomend starting with breaks) for girth + using phallosan for 4hours a day (most I can handle for wearing 3-4 days a week) or manual stretching for 30minutes when I dont wear phallosan.

Over the last 3 months I went from a growth plateau to seeing .5in in length gains and .3in in girth gains:feelsahh:!

My current measurment is 7.0BPEL and 5.7MSEG. And I will not be posting proof because I view it as infidelity, sorry, youre just gonna have to trust me on this one.

*For ppl unfamiliar with PE. BPEL means Bone Pressed Erect Length, and is measured like this: View attachment 3334397 I find it is best to measure the top face for most consistency. BPEL is a better measurement for me than than BPFL (Bone Pressed Flaccid Length) because I am concerned about sexual performance and better than NBPEL (Non Bone Pressed Erect Length) because you are able to full press against your pelvis during sex. MSEG means Mid Shaft Erect Girth, and is measured like this: View attachment 3334408. I measure from the thickest part of my shaft because I imagine that the girthest part of your pp is how girls perciev its girth during sex.

Why PE is a High-Purity White Pill
Before I begin, these are just my conjectures on the subject. I think my logic is sound and I would like to help dissuade a common misconception I see on .org that PE is cope/larp/BP.

There are many medical studies that prove PE works. To be more specific and I will link all of these in my bibliography: proof that pumping works (with peyronie's disease), proof that extenders work, medically published papers on the science of penis pumping, proof that extenders work (with peyronie's disease), medically recorded pp gains, theres more but you get the point.

Here is the Point. Lookmaxing is the improvement of looks while PE is the improvement of pp size. Lookmaxxing overlaps with many common mainstream notions of health and beauty like skin care, understands healthy eating to a sufficient extent, understands the importance of excercise to a sufficient extent, uses makeup, facials, haircare/cuts, sleeping, de-stressing, cares abt and tries to excentuate height, etc. These are all pretty agreeably the main variable of improving looks and everyone knows/does them cuz they are mainstream. This causes ppl to think lookmax is cope and BP because you are doing small BS that we don't even know if it impacts your looks like mewing, thumbpulling, UUDD. When lookmaxing, you are trying to mog normies that are already doing things to improve their looks. Alternatively, PE is NOT mainstream. The two main/essential things are pp stretching and pp pumping. These are essential and will cause the most dramatic improvements in the same way eating, excercising, and sleeping will for looks. However, VIRTUALLY NOBODY is pumping or stretching. This means that PE is an easy oppurtunity to pp mog all normies out there. And it is not cope like many lookmax methods are because unlike the niche lookmaxing methods, PE methods cover the basics on improving penile volume.

I know I just gave credit to PE on here, but don't talk about it outside of the forums:cop:! If PE goes mainstream, you will have ruined your chances to have CL level pp and will remain a dickcel:feelsrope:.

I apologize for the potentially poor grammar, Im too lazy too re-read it:feelsuhh:. I hope a few ppl consider PE because of this:). It improved my confidence massively and I hope that others can do that for themselves on this forum:feelsyay:. Upvote if you enjoyed:). I will be gald to answer comments or make more threads likes simple guides or other topics on PE if anyone requests:Comfy:. Thank you, spead the love on Lookmax:feelsautistic::heart:.

@peach how can I injure myself If I do pe for a extended period of time cus let's say I achieve 8 ins what would stop me from going further And what do you think of using weights for pe
m very genetically lucky to by a hyper responder for length. But you will 99% not experience the same results. I wouldn't expect more than 0.5in in this per
Swallow the PE-(White)Pill:

To begin, I responded to a guys question about cialis (@spermium ) and found that I enjoyed writing about PE(penis enlargement). I believe this is because in my eyes, PE is the most definite/prominant whitepill on .org (other than shit like surgery).
*For anyone familiar w PE, I will only be talking about MSEG and BPEL as I believe they are the only measurements that effect how you penis feels during sex.

How I got into PE: 1 year ago (17yo), I was scrolling of Best of the Best, and read a post called: Sexmaxing : SWALLOW THE SEXPILL: How to become a SEX GOD and get girls addicted to you (@Ass-ender ). I wanted to be able to perform better sexually w my gf which at the time was a pretty major insecurity of mine. It was an amazing and very convincing read (despite some missinformation and what looking back is probably larp). And remains my fav thread on .org, 11/10. If you are not celibate, I would reccomend reading it or at least bookmarking for later. If you are a virgin, don't itll prob get into your head, and you dont need to slay on your first time. If its just a foid, you can forget abt it, and if its the right girl for you, it won't matter taht you arent a sex god on your first time.
Just from what I read, I felt that libido-maxing (optimizing erection) was the most important thing so I began with that. I would optimize nutrition for testosterone, took some supps correlated to higher T, got more sunlight exposure, I was already doing high intensity resistance training at the time, and LOTSSS of kegels (knowing what I know now I wouldnt reccomend doing kegels).

My Entry and First Experiences with PE: Additionally, ince my pp was not long enough to comfortably hit the cervix/A-spot at this time (roughly 6.5in, cervix is usually up to 6in into the vagina during female arousal, but you cant just tap it w ur tip, you have to have a good half inch to apply some pressure, and thats only when you are fulling pushing pelvis against girl, so 6.5+(BPEL I'll define this acronym later if you are not familiar) is what i would set my goal at to hit A-spot in any position) I began Jelqing. DO NOT JELQ! I do not reccomend kegels because there is a small chance of them fucking u up and giving u ED (Erectile disfunction), and what ppl say abt how kegels affect your erection, cuming, performance is pretty much all larp. Your pelvic floor muscles are used daily and during sex, there is no need to train them if you are a healthy young man. However, jelqing long term (6months+) has a high chance of causing ED, nerve damage, other issues. I jelqed for 8 months after this and luckily had no noticeable injuries. I also used a noose extender:View attachment 3334373for a little bit, but not enough to make any difference. My understanding from this experience and my experience in the last few months leads me to believe I am a HYPER responder to lengthwards penis gains. In this 8 month Jelqing journey I went from 5.3in BPEL (I never took any precise measurement so i dont know the exact amount, I recall it was between 5.0-5.4in BPEL) to 6.5in BPEL and 5.0in MSEG to 5.4in MSEG. Going from 68.0% to 96.0% in penile volume percentile.
*Discalimer: gaining 1.2in BPEL in 8 months is virtually unatainable. I am very genetically lucky to by a hyper responder for length. But you will 99% not experience the same results. I wouldn't expect more than 0.5in in this period.
My growth experienced diminishing marginal returns and pretty much plateaued at 6.5in:View attachment 3334359

Getting Serious About PE: At the time I thought this was my growth limit because I hadnt seen progress in months. I was personally not satisfied with 6.5. Partially because of unrealistic expectations I had for my sexual performance, but also because I always had this gold standard of having an 8x6.5 erect pp in the back of my mind. So I began to look way deeper into PE. I discovered Hink's youtube channel and must've watched 20-30 videos in two days. I think his PE content is pure gold. I purchased a penis pump ($20) :View attachment 3334378 and a phallosan forte ($400): View attachment 3334379.

The routine I have come to over the last 3 months is pumping for 30minutes, no break (I personally can handle it and saw most growth this way but would reccomend starting with breaks) for girth + using phallosan for 4hours a day (most I can handle for wearing 3-4 days a week) or manual stretching for 30minutes when I dont wear phallosan.

Over the last 3 months I went from a growth plateau to seeing .5in in length gains and .3in in girth gains:feelsahh:!

My current measurment is 7.0BPEL and 5.7MSEG. And I will not be posting proof because I view it as infidelity, sorry, youre just gonna have to trust me on this one.

*For ppl unfamiliar with PE. BPEL means Bone Pressed Erect Length, and is measured like this: View attachment 3334397 I find it is best to measure the top face for most consistency. BPEL is a better measurement for me than than BPFL (Bone Pressed Flaccid Length) because I am concerned about sexual performance and better than NBPEL (Non Bone Pressed Erect Length) because you are able to full press against your pelvis during sex. MSEG means Mid Shaft Erect Girth, and is measured like this: View attachment 3334408. I measure from the thickest part of my shaft because I imagine that the girthest part of your pp is how girls perciev its girth during sex.

Why PE is a High-Purity White Pill
Before I begin, these are just my conjectures on the subject. I think my logic is sound and I would like to help dissuade a common misconception I see on .org that PE is cope/larp/BP.

There are many medical studies that prove PE works. To be more specific and I will link all of these in my bibliography: proof that pumping works (with peyronie's disease), proof that extenders work, medically published papers on the science of penis pumping, proof that extenders work (with peyronie's disease), medically recorded pp gains, theres more but you get the point.

Here is the Point. Lookmaxing is the improvement of looks while PE is the improvement of pp size. Lookmaxxing overlaps with many common mainstream notions of health and beauty like skin care, understands healthy eating to a sufficient extent, understands the importance of excercise to a sufficient extent, uses makeup, facials, haircare/cuts, sleeping, de-stressing, cares abt and tries to excentuate height, etc. These are all pretty agreeably the main variable of improving looks and everyone knows/does them cuz they are mainstream. This causes ppl to think lookmax is cope and BP because you are doing small BS that we don't even know if it impacts your looks like mewing, thumbpulling, UUDD. When lookmaxing, you are trying to mog normies that are already doing things to improve their looks. Alternatively, PE is NOT mainstream. The two main/essential things are pp stretching and pp pumping. These are essential and will cause the most dramatic improvements in the same way eating, excercising, and sleeping will for looks. However, VIRTUALLY NOBODY is pumping or stretching. This means that PE is an easy oppurtunity to pp mog all normies out there. And it is not cope like many lookmax methods are because unlike the niche lookmaxing methods, PE methods cover the basics on improving penile volume.

I know I just gave credit to PE on here, but don't talk about it outside of the forums:cop:! If PE goes mainstream, you will have ruined your chances to have CL level pp and will remain a dickcel:feelsrope:.

I apologize for the potentially poor grammar, Im too lazy too re-read it:feelsuhh:. I hope a few ppl consider PE because of this:). It improved my confidence massively and I hope that others can do that for themselves on this forum:feelsyay:. Upvote if you enjoyed:). I will be gald to answer comments or make more threads likes simple guides or other topics on PE if anyone requests:Comfy:. Thank you, spead the love on Lookmax:feelsautistic::heart:.

over for my 5 inch penis, i need to do something about it. im 20 tmy boy is not going to grow anymore ggg
Last edited:
read until I saw phallosan Forte nigga who do u think I am and what type of cash do u think I got
Swallow the PE-(White)Pill:

To begin, I responded to a guys question about cialis (@spermium ) and found that I enjoyed writing about PE(penis enlargement). I believe this is because in my eyes, PE is the most definite/prominant whitepill on .org (other than shit like surgery).
*For anyone familiar w PE, I will only be talking about MSEG and BPEL as I believe they are the only measurements that effect how you penis feels during sex.

How I got into PE: 1 year ago (17yo), I was scrolling of Best of the Best, and read a post called: Sexmaxing : SWALLOW THE SEXPILL: How to become a SEX GOD and get girls addicted to you (@Ass-ender ). I wanted to be able to perform better sexually w my gf which at the time was a pretty major insecurity of mine. It was an amazing and very convincing read (despite some missinformation and what looking back is probably larp). And remains my fav thread on .org, 11/10. If you are not celibate, I would reccomend reading it or at least bookmarking for later. If you are a virgin, don't itll prob get into your head, and you dont need to slay on your first time. If its just a foid, you can forget abt it, and if its the right girl for you, it won't matter taht you arent a sex god on your first time.
Just from what I read, I felt that libido-maxing (optimizing erection) was the most important thing so I began with that. I would optimize nutrition for testosterone, took some supps correlated to higher T, got more sunlight exposure, I was already doing high intensity resistance training at the time, and LOTSSS of kegels (knowing what I know now I wouldnt reccomend doing kegels).

My Entry and First Experiences with PE: Additionally, ince my pp was not long enough to comfortably hit the cervix/A-spot at this time (roughly 6.5in, cervix is usually up to 6in into the vagina during female arousal, but you cant just tap it w ur tip, you have to have a good half inch to apply some pressure, and thats only when you are fulling pushing pelvis against girl, so 6.5+(BPEL I'll define this acronym later if you are not familiar) is what i would set my goal at to hit A-spot in any position) I began Jelqing. DO NOT JELQ! I do not reccomend kegels because there is a small chance of them fucking u up and giving u ED (Erectile disfunction), and what ppl say abt how kegels affect your erection, cuming, performance is pretty much all larp. Your pelvic floor muscles are used daily and during sex, there is no need to train them if you are a healthy young man. However, jelqing long term (6months+) has a high chance of causing ED, nerve damage, other issues. I jelqed for 8 months after this and luckily had no noticeable injuries. I also used a noose extender:View attachment 3334373for a little bit, but not enough to make any difference. My understanding from this experience and my experience in the last few months leads me to believe I am a HYPER responder to lengthwards penis gains. In this 8 month Jelqing journey I went from 5.3in BPEL (I never took any precise measurement so i dont know the exact amount, I recall it was between 5.0-5.4in BPEL) to 6.5in BPEL and 5.0in MSEG to 5.4in MSEG. Going from 68.0% to 96.0% in penile volume percentile.
*Discalimer: gaining 1.2in BPEL in 8 months is virtually unatainable. I am very genetically lucky to by a hyper responder for length. But you will 99% not experience the same results. I wouldn't expect more than 0.5in in this period.
My growth experienced diminishing marginal returns and pretty much plateaued at 6.5in:View attachment 3334359

Getting Serious About PE: At the time I thought this was my growth limit because I hadnt seen progress in months. I was personally not satisfied with 6.5. Partially because of unrealistic expectations I had for my sexual performance, but also because I always had this gold standard of having an 8x6.5 erect pp in the back of my mind. So I began to look way deeper into PE. I discovered Hink's youtube channel and must've watched 20-30 videos in two days. I think his PE content is pure gold. I purchased a penis pump ($20) :View attachment 3334378 and a phallosan forte ($400): View attachment 3334379.

The routine I have come to over the last 3 months is pumping for 30minutes, no break (I personally can handle it and saw most growth this way but would reccomend starting with breaks) for girth + using phallosan for 4hours a day (most I can handle for wearing 3-4 days a week) or manual stretching for 30minutes when I dont wear phallosan.

Over the last 3 months I went from a growth plateau to seeing .5in in length gains and .3in in girth gains:feelsahh:!

My current measurment is 7.0BPEL and 5.7MSEG. And I will not be posting proof because I view it as infidelity, sorry, youre just gonna have to trust me on this one.

*For ppl unfamiliar with PE. BPEL means Bone Pressed Erect Length, and is measured like this: View attachment 3334397 I find it is best to measure the top face for most consistency. BPEL is a better measurement for me than than BPFL (Bone Pressed Flaccid Length) because I am concerned about sexual performance and better than NBPEL (Non Bone Pressed Erect Length) because you are able to full press against your pelvis during sex. MSEG means Mid Shaft Erect Girth, and is measured like this: View attachment 3334408. I measure from the thickest part of my shaft because I imagine that the girthest part of your pp is how girls perciev its girth during sex.

Why PE is a High-Purity White Pill
Before I begin, these are just my conjectures on the subject. I think my logic is sound and I would like to help dissuade a common misconception I see on .org that PE is cope/larp/BP.

There are many medical studies that prove PE works. To be more specific and I will link all of these in my bibliography: proof that pumping works (with peyronie's disease), proof that extenders work, medically published papers on the science of penis pumping, proof that extenders work (with peyronie's disease), medically recorded pp gains, theres more but you get the point.

Here is the Point. Lookmaxing is the improvement of looks while PE is the improvement of pp size. Lookmaxxing overlaps with many common mainstream notions of health and beauty like skin care, understands healthy eating to a sufficient extent, understands the importance of excercise to a sufficient extent, uses makeup, facials, haircare/cuts, sleeping, de-stressing, cares abt and tries to excentuate height, etc. These are all pretty agreeably the main variable of improving looks and everyone knows/does them cuz they are mainstream. This causes ppl to think lookmax is cope and BP because you are doing small BS that we don't even know if it impacts your looks like mewing, thumbpulling, UUDD. When lookmaxing, you are trying to mog normies that are already doing things to improve their looks. Alternatively, PE is NOT mainstream. The two main/essential things are pp stretching and pp pumping. These are essential and will cause the most dramatic improvements in the same way eating, excercising, and sleeping will for looks. However, VIRTUALLY NOBODY is pumping or stretching. This means that PE is an easy oppurtunity to pp mog all normies out there. And it is not cope like many lookmax methods are because unlike the niche lookmaxing methods, PE methods cover the basics on improving penile volume.

I know I just gave credit to PE on here, but don't talk about it outside of the forums:cop:! If PE goes mainstream, you will have ruined your chances to have CL level pp and will remain a dickcel:feelsrope:.

I apologize for the potentially poor grammar, Im too lazy too re-read it:feelsuhh:. I hope a few ppl consider PE because of this:). It improved my confidence massively and I hope that others can do that for themselves on this forum:feelsyay:. Upvote if you enjoyed:). I will be gald to answer comments or make more threads likes simple guides or other topics on PE if anyone requests:Comfy:. Thank you, spead the love on Lookmax:feelsautistic::heart:.

Leo longevity also gained 1.7 inches exactly
  • +1
Reactions: Nihilistslayer
@peach how can I injure myself If I do pe for a extended period of time cus let's say I achieve 8 ins what would stop me from going further And what do you think of using weights for pe
Weights are alright for hanging.

Almost any PE excercise can end up in nerve damage (minor or severe), or ED. Obviously some are more or less dangerous. Regardless, there is no size beyond 8in that is worth risking ED. If you think having a small pp is embarrassing, ED is the most extreme humiliation.

Lastly, girls don’t want BIG pp. if you read any studies or consume any content on the matter, most girls think somewhere around 6in length and 5in girth Is good. Ik some men think they are tryna be modest, and maybe they are to an extent, but 8in+ is well beyond 6in, most any girl would think that is MASSIVE. If you asked, they would probably guess it’s a foot long. If you hookup w some foid one night, maybe a really big 8in+ would be a fun experience for her for one night. Beyond that, it would probably be painful and maybe too much(for most girls). Therfor, if your reason for PE is sex, you don’t want to be too big. If you simply get an ego shot seeing your own pp big asf, go for it ig(still being mindful of the dangers). I personally am doing it 90% for sex. My girl told me one day it’s too big and I laughed and she told me she was serious. I think it’s fine and could even be a bit bigger without hurting her when she’s max wet or using lube, however, if your in an actual relationship, she not gonna be 110% wet every time, it will hurt those times, and she’s told me that multiple times since. I think the pain is mostly from girth, so I have been easing off length work and almost completely cutting girth work.

These are just all things you should be conscious of while doing PE. No point in doing something if it isn't in line with your reasons to do it<3
No homo but can you post results
Sry bra, to me that would be a form of infidelity, even though ik nobody rly gaf on here. Plus I would only have result pics, never took a pic of beginning, just measured.

W pfp tho<3
@peach how can I injure myself If I do pe for a extended period of time cus let's say I achieve 8 ins what would stop me from going further And what do you think of using weights for pe
If you want to know specifics abt injury, looks up dangers or PE or PE injuries on Hink’s YouTube channel. Very good, well explained, intellectual information.
i am at the starting stats. planning on getting an extender and doing horse squeezes
over for my 5 inch penis, i need to do something about it. im 20 tmy boy is not going to grow anymore ggg
Id imagine you are only commenting this cuz u don’t rlly care to do PE. But if you actually do want a bigger pp, or are insecure abt ur pp size(which is already a normal size) you can do PE with results at any age. Hink had like 1.5in+ length gains in like 3 year (if i remember correctly) and he is 40. Never too late!<3
i am at the starting stats. planning on getting an extender and doing horse squeezes
Good for you for starting<3. Idk much abt squeezing/clamps I’ve heard good and bad things. But I’ve only rly heard good abt penis pumping, and it is definitely more studied. Just a suggestion tho😉
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Good for you for starting<3. Idk much abt squeezing/clamps I’ve heard good and bad things. But I’ve only rly heard good abt penis pumping, and it is definitely more studied. Just a suggestion tho😉
yeah jfl horse squeezing has huge risks especially for a beginner but i dont have a job nor privacy my parents would btfo if they found a penis pump :feelswhy::feelswhy:
yeah jfl horse squeezing has huge risks especially for a beginner but i dont have a job nor privacy my parents would btfo if they found a penis pump :feelswhy::feelswhy:
lol, when I first got mine I made a new Amazon acct and had it shipped when they were out of town. GL tho<3
  • +1
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lol, when I first got mine I made a new Amazon acct and had it shipped when they were out of town. GL tho<3
If I do extending will it show my penis that’s under the fat pad mine is 5.10 close to 6 inches but when I measure BPEL it’s around 6.75 ?
If I do extending will it show my penis that’s under the fat pad mine is 5.10 close to 6 inches but when I measure BPEL it’s around 6.75 ?
Um, not rlly lol. Extending stretches the pp that is alresdy there. Unless your bulking there’s rly no reason to not just lose the weight.👍
Id imagine you are only commenting this cuz u don’t rlly care to do PE. But if you actually do want a bigger pp, or are insecure abt ur pp size(which is already a normal size) you can do PE with results at any age. Hink had like 1.5in+ length gains in like 3 year (if i remember correctly) and he is 40. Never too late!<3
what can i do then?
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Fuck on one hand I feel like I should do pe but I'm also virgin still so I think it'd be kinda retarded to do it before I even use muh dick. I'm also hella scared of breaking my dick I'd rope if my shit just snapped or something.

When I'm giga hard my dick is like 6.6 BP and 5.8 girth so if I got the same results as you I'd have an 8x6 which would be a crazy confidence boost tbh
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Can you make large BPEL gains (1+ inches) with just extenders and nothing else?
Swallow the PE-(White)Pill:

To begin, I responded to a guys question about cialis (@spermium ) and found that I enjoyed writing about PE(penis enlargement). I believe this is because in my eyes, PE is the most definite/prominant whitepill on .org (other than shit like surgery).
*For anyone familiar w PE, I will only be talking about MSEG and BPEL as I believe they are the only measurements that effect how you penis feels during sex.

How I got into PE: 1 year ago (17yo), I was scrolling of Best of the Best, and read a post called: Sexmaxing : SWALLOW THE SEXPILL: How to become a SEX GOD and get girls addicted to you (@Ass-ender ). I wanted to be able to perform better sexually w my gf which at the time was a pretty major insecurity of mine. It was an amazing and very convincing read (despite some missinformation and what looking back is probably larp). And remains my fav thread on .org, 11/10. If you are not celibate, I would reccomend reading it or at least bookmarking for later. If you are a virgin, don't itll prob get into your head, and you dont need to slay on your first time. If its just a foid, you can forget abt it, and if its the right girl for you, it won't matter taht you arent a sex god on your first time.
Just from what I read, I felt that libido-maxing (optimizing erection) was the most important thing so I began with that. I would optimize nutrition for testosterone, took some supps correlated to higher T, got more sunlight exposure, I was already doing high intensity resistance training at the time, and LOTSSS of kegels (knowing what I know now I wouldnt reccomend doing kegels).

My Entry and First Experiences with PE: Additionally, ince my pp was not long enough to comfortably hit the cervix/A-spot at this time (roughly 6.5in, cervix is usually up to 6in into the vagina during female arousal, but you cant just tap it w ur tip, you have to have a good half inch to apply some pressure, and thats only when you are fulling pushing pelvis against girl, so 6.5+(BPEL I'll define this acronym later if you are not familiar) is what i would set my goal at to hit A-spot in any position) I began Jelqing. DO NOT JELQ! I do not reccomend kegels because there is a small chance of them fucking u up and giving u ED (Erectile disfunction), and what ppl say abt how kegels affect your erection, cuming, performance is pretty much all larp. Your pelvic floor muscles are used daily and during sex, there is no need to train them if you are a healthy young man. However, jelqing long term (6months+) has a high chance of causing ED, nerve damage, other issues. I jelqed for 8 months after this and luckily had no noticeable injuries. I also used a noose extender:View attachment 3334373for a little bit, but not enough to make any difference. My understanding from this experience and my experience in the last few months leads me to believe I am a HYPER responder to lengthwards penis gains. In this 8 month Jelqing journey I went from 5.3in BPEL (I never took any precise measurement so i dont know the exact amount, I recall it was between 5.0-5.4in BPEL) to 6.5in BPEL and 5.0in MSEG to 5.4in MSEG. Going from 68.0% to 96.0% in penile volume percentile.
*Discalimer: gaining 1.2in BPEL in 8 months is virtually unatainable. I am very genetically lucky to by a hyper responder for length. But you will 99% not experience the same results. I wouldn't expect more than 0.5in in this period.
My growth experienced diminishing marginal returns and pretty much plateaued at 6.5in:View attachment 3334359

Getting Serious About PE: At the time I thought this was my growth limit because I hadnt seen progress in months. I was personally not satisfied with 6.5. Partially because of unrealistic expectations I had for my sexual performance, but also because I always had this gold standard of having an 8x6.5 erect pp in the back of my mind. So I began to look way deeper into PE. I discovered Hink's youtube channel and must've watched 20-30 videos in two days. I think his PE content is pure gold. I purchased a penis pump ($20) :View attachment 3334378 and a phallosan forte ($400): View attachment 3334379.

The routine I have come to over the last 3 months is pumping for 30minutes, no break (I personally can handle it and saw most growth this way but would reccomend starting with breaks) for girth + using phallosan for 4hours a day (most I can handle for wearing 3-4 days a week) or manual stretching for 30minutes when I dont wear phallosan.

Over the last 3 months I went from a growth plateau to seeing .5in in length gains and .3in in girth gains:feelsahh:!

My current measurment is 7.0BPEL and 5.7MSEG. And I will not be posting proof because I view it as infidelity, sorry, youre just gonna have to trust me on this one.

*For ppl unfamiliar with PE. BPEL means Bone Pressed Erect Length, and is measured like this: View attachment 3334397 I find it is best to measure the top face for most consistency. BPEL is a better measurement for me than than BPFL (Bone Pressed Flaccid Length) because I am concerned about sexual performance and better than NBPEL (Non Bone Pressed Erect Length) because you are able to full press against your pelvis during sex. MSEG means Mid Shaft Erect Girth, and is measured like this: View attachment 3334408. I measure from the thickest part of my shaft because I imagine that the girthest part of your pp is how girls perciev its girth during sex.

Why PE is a High-Purity White Pill
Before I begin, these are just my conjectures on the subject. I think my logic is sound and I would like to help dissuade a common misconception I see on .org that PE is cope/larp/BP.

There are many medical studies that prove PE works. To be more specific and I will link all of these in my bibliography: proof that pumping works (with peyronie's disease), proof that extenders work, medically published papers on the science of penis pumping, proof that extenders work (with peyronie's disease), medically recorded pp gains, theres more but you get the point.

Here is the Point. Lookmaxing is the improvement of looks while PE is the improvement of pp size. Lookmaxxing overlaps with many common mainstream notions of health and beauty like skin care, understands healthy eating to a sufficient extent, understands the importance of excercise to a sufficient extent, uses makeup, facials, haircare/cuts, sleeping, de-stressing, cares abt and tries to excentuate height, etc. These are all pretty agreeably the main variable of improving looks and everyone knows/does them cuz they are mainstream. This causes ppl to think lookmax is cope and BP because you are doing small BS that we don't even know if it impacts your looks like mewing, thumbpulling, UUDD. When lookmaxing, you are trying to mog normies that are already doing things to improve their looks. Alternatively, PE is NOT mainstream. The two main/essential things are pp stretching and pp pumping. These are essential and will cause the most dramatic improvements in the same way eating, excercising, and sleeping will for looks. However, VIRTUALLY NOBODY is pumping or stretching. This means that PE is an easy oppurtunity to pp mog all normies out there. And it is not cope like many lookmax methods are because unlike the niche lookmaxing methods, PE methods cover the basics on improving penile volume.

I know I just gave credit to PE on here, but don't talk about it outside of the forums:cop:! If PE goes mainstream, you will have ruined your chances to have CL level pp and will remain a dickcel:feelsrope:.

I apologize for the potentially poor grammar, Im too lazy too re-read it:feelsuhh:. I hope a few ppl consider PE because of this:). It improved my confidence massively and I hope that others can do that for themselves on this forum:feelsyay:. Upvote if you enjoyed:). I will be gald to answer comments or make more threads likes simple guides or other topics on PE if anyone requests:Comfy:. Thank you, spead the love on Lookmax:feelsautistic::heart:.

Do u need surgery befor u can use
phallason forte
what supps do you take for higher T?
what supps do you take for higher T?
Most important for T(IMO):
-Same time everyday
-dont eat processed food
-Sunlight exposure
-Maintain low cortisol

But for supplements, I think essentials are magnesium, zinc, boron, ashwaganda, VitaminD+K
If you are looking for high T for better sexual performance, I would also take L-Citruline
If you want an in depth for supplements or testosterone enhancement, I am not the person to ask. I know the essential things, but you can find many other threads that are more advanced.

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