My Bonemaxxing Methods



Dec 19, 2024
This post is to link in my monthly bonemaxxing updates but if anyone has advice to improve this routine, it's always appreciated! I’m still learning after all.

My routine consists of five main things
Testmaxxing, dhtmaxxing, IGF-1maxxing, sleep, and bonesmashing. There are other important things to work on when bonemaxxing of course but these are the big ones I can work on naturally.

Don’t let this big paragraph scare you! You can skip it 🥺

I'll go over some surface-level science of this stuff real quick just to explain things better, feel free to skip this bit. Testmaxxing is obvious. Essential hormone during puberty but you can see results at any age. However, during puberty it's also a super essential hormone for bone growth and overall development. DHT is an essential hormone for bone remodeling, mainly during puberty. Getting micros in is just another part of proper growth during puberty, and health at any point in time. Some micronutrients are more important than others for testosterone, like zinc, but a deficiency in any vitamin or mineral could be brutal. IGF-1 is important for your osteoblasts and osteoclasts. I don’t think I need to explain the importance of sleep. Bonesmashing has mixed opinions floating around everywhere, but I happen to be a firm believer. I've seen changes even in older people from bonesmashing and the basic science behind Wolff's Law is legit. I'd love to hear more about it from anyone who happens to disagree though (scientific, not just “bonesmashing is a meme!!” BS).

My Plan

Diet - Animal-based diet with tons of fruit, lots of healthy carbs, and some vegetables. This diet is good for test, dht, IGF-1, and a myriad of other important parts of bone remodeling that I haven’t really talked about in detail.

Important Note: The stigma against vegetables needs to stop! Vegetables do contain anti nutrients that cannot be fully cooked out. BUT if they are prepared properly (soaked or boiled, not sautéed,) MOST OF THE ANTINUTRIENTS WILL DENATURE! Vegetables like leafy greens are a great source of vitamins and good for testosterone. Just prepare them right.
Every day for breakfast I have eggs, usually 6, an avocado, and some potatoes. Not too much as too much starch is particularly bad for DHT. Potatoes are my main carb source but I occasionally eat white rice.

Every day for breakfast I eat 6 eggs, an avocado, and some potatoes. Not too much, as starch is particularly bad for your DHT. I sometimes have a little black coffee or with milk, but not a lot. It’s a balance: coffee is great for your gut health but bad for cortisol.

For lunch I have some kind of meat, any vegetable, and fruit, usually strawberries and blueberries.

Every day when I get home from the gym and kickboxing I eat a large yogurt bowl stacked with honey and fruit, and sometimes protein powder.

For dinner I have a fatty meat or a fish and any vegetables. Sometimes I’ll have this with potatoes, sweet potatoes, or rice.

For snacks I eat dates, nuts, oranges, apples, dark chocolate squares, and beef jerky. Before bed every night I have large 2 glasses of milk.

For supplements I take magnesium, zinc, d3 in small amounts, and k2. Although it doesn’t do much, I take ashwaganda at night to reduce cortisol. I’ll get creatine soon.

All in all I usually eat 3k cals a day. Avoid mainly grains, soy, and processed foods, most other things are trivial. Your diet shouldn’t be too restrictive.

Takeaway? High cholesterol, saturated fats, high in natural sugars, and vitamins such as zinc, k2, calcium, etc. Just get all of your vitamins in really. Basic stuff.

Habits -
  • I go to the gym. Lift heavy.
  • I kickbox
  • I play soccer, tennis, and sometimes basketball. Anything competitive works. Solo sports don’t count unfortunately.
  • Get 2-3 hours of sun. Sometimes I don’t achieve this especially in the winter, so I take a supplement.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours. Unfortunately, I aim for 7 because I’m really busy after school.
  • No porn: to be clear, yanking the hog isn’t harmful, it is porn specifically that messes with your brain. Testosterone is boosted after 7-9 days of semen retention but then returns to normal levels, so don’t stress about nofap.
  • If I feel like it makes me more of a man I’ll do it 😼 Sometimes I eat my steak with my hands. Can’t hurt, might help.
  • Lower cortisol. Some methods I do: having a proper circadian rhythm, looking at the sun right after waking up, grounding, sunset alarm clock, the aforementioned ashwaganda at night, and just trying to stay calm. I know it’s a lot to ask but sometimes you just gotta step back and do a little breathing exercise, it actually helps. Also, having more testosterone will actually make you calmer with time.
Bonesmashing - I go light on my infras, harder on the zygos, and hard on the chin. All for 1-2 minutes a day as to not cause to much damage. If you think I should go longer let me know.

That’s about everything I can think of, if I forgot something or I change up my routine, I’ll update in the replies.

@narex054 goat 🐐
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Damn bro you sure all those sports crammed into your week won't raise your cortisol?
W thread ( i ddint read shi )
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Shitty thread and diet
for what do you eat veggies for 🤮🤮
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This post is to link in my monthly bonemaxxing updates but if anyone has advice to improve this routine, it's always appreciated! I’m still learning after all.

My routine consists of five main things
Testmaxxing, dhtmaxxing, IGF-1maxxing, sleep, and bonesmashing. There are other important things to work on when bonemaxxing of course but these are the big ones I can work on naturally.

Don’t let this big paragraph scare you! You can skip it 🥺

I'll go over some surface-level science of this stuff real quick just to explain things better, feel free to skip this bit. Testmaxxing is obvious. Essential hormone during puberty but you can see results at any age. However, during puberty it's also a super essential hormone for bone growth and overall development. DHT is an essential hormone for bone remodeling, mainly during puberty. Getting micros in is just another part of proper growth during puberty, and health at any point in time. Some micronutrients are more important than others for testosterone, like zinc, but a deficiency in any vitamin or mineral could be brutal. IGF-1 is important for your osteoblasts and osteoclasts. I don’t think I need to explain the importance of sleep. Bonesmashing has mixed opinions floating around everywhere, but I happen to be a firm believer. I've seen changes even in older people from bonesmashing and the basic science behind Wolff's Law is legit. I'd love to hear more about it from anyone who happens to disagree though (scientific, not just “bonesmashing is a meme!!” BS).

My Plan

Diet - Animal-based diet with tons of fruit, lots of healthy carbs, and some vegetables. This diet is good for test, dht, IGF-1, and a myriad of other important parts of bone remodeling that I haven’t really talked about in detail.

Important Note: The stigma against vegetables needs to stop! Vegetables do contain anti nutrients that cannot be fully cooked out. BUT if they are prepared properly (soaked or boiled, not sautéed,) MOST OF THE ANTINUTRIENTS WILL DENATURE! Vegetables like leafy greens are a great source of vitamins and good for testosterone. Just prepare them right.
Every day for breakfast I have eggs, usually 6, an avocado, and some potatoes. Not too much as too much starch is particularly bad for DHT. Potatoes are my main carb source but I occasionally eat white rice.

Every day for breakfast I eat 6 eggs, an avocado, and some potatoes. Not too much, as starch is particularly bad for your DHT. I sometimes have a little black coffee or with milk, but not a lot. It’s a balance: coffee is great for your gut health but bad for cortisol.

For lunch I have some kind of meat, any vegetable, and fruit, usually strawberries and blueberries.

Every day when I get home from the gym and kickboxing I eat a large yogurt bowl stacked with honey and fruit, and sometimes protein powder.

For dinner I have a fatty meat or a fish and any vegetables. Sometimes I’ll have this with potatoes, sweet potatoes, or rice.

For snacks I eat dates, nuts, oranges, apples, dark chocolate squares, and beef jerky. Before bed every night I have large 2 glasses of milk.

For supplements I take magnesium, zinc, d3 in small amounts, and k2. Although it doesn’t do much, I take ashwaganda at night to reduce cortisol. I’ll get creatine soon.

All in all I usually eat 3k cals a day. Avoid mainly grains, soy, and processed foods, most other things are trivial. Your diet shouldn’t be too restrictive.

Takeaway? High cholesterol, saturated fats, high in natural sugars, and vitamins such as zinc, k2, calcium, etc. Just get all of your vitamins in really. Basic stuff.

Habits -
  • I go to the gym. Lift heavy.
  • I kickbox
  • I play soccer, tennis, and sometimes basketball. Anything competitive works. Solo sports don’t count unfortunately.
  • Get 2-3 hours of sun. Sometimes I don’t achieve this especially in the winter, so I take a supplement.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours. Unfortunately, I aim for 7 because I’m really busy after school.
  • No porn: to be clear, yanking the hog isn’t harmful, it is porn specifically that messes with your brain. Testosterone is boosted after 7-9 days of semen retention but then returns to normal levels, so don’t stress about nofap.
  • If I feel like it makes me more of a man I’ll do it 😼 Sometimes I eat my steak with my hands. Can’t hurt, might help.
  • Lower cortisol. Some methods I do: having a proper circadian rhythm, looking at the sun right after waking up, grounding, sunset alarm clock, the aforementioned ashwaganda at night, and just trying to stay calm. I know it’s a lot to ask but sometimes you just gotta step back and do a little breathing exercise, it actually helps. Also, having more testosterone will actually make you calmer with time.
Bonesmashing - I go light on my infras, harder on the zygos, and hard on the chin. All for 1-2 minutes a day as to not cause to much damage. If you think I should go longer let me know.

That’s about everything I can think of, if I forgot something or I change up my routine, I’ll update in the replies.

@narex054 goat 🐐
Me hear vegetables me no listen. Me only eat steak chicken beef and other high test foods🗿
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Reactions: Bananaenjoyer
Damn bro you sure all those sports crammed into your week won't raise your cortisol?
Wow puffer your famous my internet lagged and I sent a reply twice
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Some things I forgot:
Organ meats: I eat liver and onion like once a week, too scared to try cow balls and brain
I eat some Parmesan cheese daily as well
Blue light messes with your circadian rhythm! My glasses have blue light blockers.
I do sprints on the weekends
This post is to link in my monthly bonemaxxing updates but if anyone has advice to improve this routine, it's always appreciated! I’m still learning after all.

My routine consists of five main things
Testmaxxing, dhtmaxxing, IGF-1maxxing, sleep, and bonesmashing. There are other important things to work on when bonemaxxing of course but these are the big ones I can work on naturally.

Don’t let this big paragraph scare you! You can skip it 🥺

I'll go over some surface-level science of this stuff real quick just to explain things better, feel free to skip this bit. Testmaxxing is obvious. Essential hormone during puberty but you can see results at any age. However, during puberty it's also a super essential hormone for bone growth and overall development. DHT is an essential hormone for bone remodeling, mainly during puberty. Getting micros in is just another part of proper growth during puberty, and health at any point in time. Some micronutrients are more important than others for testosterone, like zinc, but a deficiency in any vitamin or mineral could be brutal. IGF-1 is important for your osteoblasts and osteoclasts. I don’t think I need to explain the importance of sleep. Bonesmashing has mixed opinions floating around everywhere, but I happen to be a firm believer. I've seen changes even in older people from bonesmashing and the basic science behind Wolff's Law is legit. I'd love to hear more about it from anyone who happens to disagree though (scientific, not just “bonesmashing is a meme!!” BS).

My Plan

Diet - Animal-based diet with tons of fruit, lots of healthy carbs, and some vegetables. This diet is good for test, dht, IGF-1, and a myriad of other important parts of bone remodeling that I haven’t really talked about in detail.

Important Note: The stigma against vegetables needs to stop! Vegetables do contain anti nutrients that cannot be fully cooked out. BUT if they are prepared properly (soaked or boiled, not sautéed,) MOST OF THE ANTINUTRIENTS WILL DENATURE! Vegetables like leafy greens are a great source of vitamins and good for testosterone. Just prepare them right.
Every day for breakfast I have eggs, usually 6, an avocado, and some potatoes. Not too much as too much starch is particularly bad for DHT. Potatoes are my main carb source but I occasionally eat white rice.

Every day for breakfast I eat 6 eggs, an avocado, and some potatoes. Not too much, as starch is particularly bad for your DHT. I sometimes have a little black coffee or with milk, but not a lot. It’s a balance: coffee is great for your gut health but bad for cortisol.

For lunch I have some kind of meat, any vegetable, and fruit, usually strawberries and blueberries.

Every day when I get home from the gym and kickboxing I eat a large yogurt bowl stacked with honey and fruit, and sometimes protein powder.

For dinner I have a fatty meat or a fish and any vegetables. Sometimes I’ll have this with potatoes, sweet potatoes, or rice.

For snacks I eat dates, nuts, oranges, apples, dark chocolate squares, and beef jerky. Before bed every night I have large 2 glasses of milk.

For supplements I take magnesium, zinc, d3 in small amounts, and k2. Although it doesn’t do much, I take ashwaganda at night to reduce cortisol. I’ll get creatine soon.

All in all I usually eat 3k cals a day. Avoid mainly grains, soy, and processed foods, most other things are trivial. Your diet shouldn’t be too restrictive.

Takeaway? High cholesterol, saturated fats, high in natural sugars, and vitamins such as zinc, k2, calcium, etc. Just get all of your vitamins in really. Basic stuff.

Habits -
  • I go to the gym. Lift heavy.
  • I kickbox
  • I play soccer, tennis, and sometimes basketball. Anything competitive works. Solo sports don’t count unfortunately.
  • Get 2-3 hours of sun. Sometimes I don’t achieve this especially in the winter, so I take a supplement.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours. Unfortunately, I aim for 7 because I’m really busy after school.
  • No porn: to be clear, yanking the hog isn’t harmful, it is porn specifically that messes with your brain. Testosterone is boosted after 7-9 days of semen retention but then returns to normal levels, so don’t stress about nofap.
  • If I feel like it makes me more of a man I’ll do it 😼 Sometimes I eat my steak with my hands. Can’t hurt, might help.
  • Lower cortisol. Some methods I do: having a proper circadian rhythm, looking at the sun right after waking up, grounding, sunset alarm clock, the aforementioned ashwaganda at night, and just trying to stay calm. I know it’s a lot to ask but sometimes you just gotta step back and do a little breathing exercise, it actually helps. Also, having more testosterone will actually make you calmer with time.
Bonesmashing - I go light on my infras, harder on the zygos, and hard on the chin. All for 1-2 minutes a day as to not cause to much damage. If you think I should go longer let me know.

That’s about everything I can think of, if I forgot something or I change up my routine, I’ll update in the replies.

@narex054 goat 🐐
J F L u did all that to go from ltn nerd to ltn nerd nice try buddy

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