My College Approach Log



Aug 11, 2018
I'll be keeping track of my approaches as a college senior in this thread.

I'll be listing every approach and indicating whether it was a success or a pass. I'll elaborate on each approach and provide followups on successful approaches.

I only do an approach if 1) I think the girl is barely "attractive" 2) I think I have a decent chance.

I'm not like one of those cringe RSD guys who can't take no for an answer and I try to keep my marks realistic.

#1 - Success - This was the first approach I ever made in my life. It occurred 8/28 at the end of one of my classes and I got this qt Chinese girl's number after asking her to get coffee and study with me sometime.

#2 - Pass - This was today in the same class as the last approach. After doing some in class assignments with this far lesser (way fatter and uglier face) Chinese girl next to me I asked her at the end of class if we could exchange numbers so we could study together. I consider this a "soft pass" because she wasn't aggressive and made excuses saying she's really busy after class and prefers to study on her own. I just said something like oh alright and moved on. Remember boyos girls make excuses to be with Chad even if they're busy so there would be no point to escalate by saying how about we just get coffee or sometime.

I'll keep you guys updated as I make more approaches. I don't have a set amount that I want to do I'll just make one when ever I see a good opportunity. My only goal is to ascend.
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>approaches only two girl
>very first approach is a success

are you a fucking chad or something?
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I'll be keeping track of my approaches as a college senior in this thread.

I'll be listing every approach and indicating whether it was a success or a pass. I'll elaborate on each approach and provide followups on successful approaches.

I only do an approach if 1) I think the girl is barely "attractive" 2) I think I have a decent chance.

I'm not like one of those cringe RSD guys who can't take no for an answer and I try to keep my marks realistic.

#1 - Success - This was the first approach I ever made in my life. It occurred 8/28 at the end of one of my classes and I got this qt Chinese girl's number after asking her to get coffee and study with me sometime.

#2 - Pass - This was today in the same class as the last approach. After doing some in class assignments with this far lesser (way fatter and uglier face) Chinese girl next to me I asked her at the end of class if we could exchange numbers so we could study together. I consider this a "soft pass" because she wasn't aggressive and made excuses saying she's really busy after class and prefers to study on her own. I just said something like oh alright and moved on. Remember boyos girls make excuses to be with Chad even if they're busy so there would be no point to escalate by saying how about we just get coffee or sometime.

I'll keep you guys updated as I make more approaches. I don't have a set amount that I want to do I'll just make one when ever I see a good opportunity. My only goal is to ascend.

The Federal Council of Incel Appointment congregates here today to determine the division of Incel #471033-B A.K.A "@Zesto".

The prosecution, "@Intel.Imperitive", initiates the proposition of accusing Mr. Zesto of Fraud. Under the context of intentionally hiding his true identity as a Fakecel with intent to mislead members of the general public towards distress.

Thank you your honour. I will now proceed to cross examine the witness.

Mr. Zesto, is it true that a homosapian (human) of a feminine nature proceeded to provide you with her contact details on the 28th of August 2018?

The Defense: "I got this qt Chinese girl's number after asking her to get coffee and study with me sometime."

Ah ha. I thought so. Mr. Zesto could you reiterate the characteristics of this female?

The Defense: "Qt/Chinese/Girl"

Fellow Incels, let the record show; the female in question wasnt even dead/family/pre-pubescent/non-human/blind/mentally disables or incapacitated beyond conventional definitions in any way shape or form under the "Constitutes of a potentially mate-able female act of 1997".

Mr. Zesto how many girls have you asked out before this?

The Defense: "This was the first approach".


@Creep (Jury Member) : "Are you a fucking Chad or something?"

Judge: "Alright! I've heard enough! Mr. Zesto, I find you guilty of commiting fraud with intent to mislead the general public. Not another word from the defence. we will proceed to sentencing in 5 minutes."

*Bangs gavel loudly*

Judge: "We will proceed to comence sentencing of Mr. Zesto for the act of fraud with intent to mislead. Evidence suggest this was a repeated obstruction of the law, and Mr. Zesto shows no regret.

The Federal Council of Incel Appointment has reached the conclusion that Mr. Zesto is to be catagorised as certified "FAKECEL" on August 30th 2018. Effective Immidiately.

I also suggest a 3 day ban.@Sergeant @Weed @11gaijin @Armus1 @Nibba @blackopstruecel @satoshisacuck @Ledgemund
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Reactions: zeshama, Deleted member 6401, nibbamaxxing and 10 others
The Federal Council of Incel Appointment congregates here today to determine the division of Incel #471033-B A.K.A "@Zesto".

The prosecution, "@Intel.Imperitive", initiates the proposition of accusing Mr. Zesto of Fraud. Under the context of intentionally hiding his true identity as a Fakecel with intent to mislead members of the general public towards distress.

Thank you your honour. I will now proceed to cross examine the witness.

Mr. Zesto, is it true that a homosapian (human) of a feminine nature proceeded to provide you with her contact details on the 28th of August 2018?

The Defense: "I got this qt Chinese girl's number after asking her to get coffee and study with me sometime."

Ah ha. I thought so. Mr. Zesto could you reiterate the characteristics of this female?

The Defense: "Qt/Chinese/Girl"

Fellow Incels, let the record show; the female in question wasnt even dead/family/pre-pubescent/non-human/blind/mentally disables or capacitated beyond conventional definitions in any way shape or form under the "Constitutes of a potentially mate-able female act of 1997".

Mr. Zesto how many girls have you asked out before this?

Mr Zesto: "This was the first approach".


@Creep (Jury Member) : "Are you a fucking Chad or something?"

Judge: "Alright! I've heard enough! Mr. Zesto, I find you guilty of commiting fraud with intent to mislead the general public. Not another word from the defence. we will proceed to sentencing in 5 minutes."

*Bangs gavel loudly*

Judge: "We will proceed to comence sentencing of Mr. Zesto for the act of fraud with intent to mislead. Evidence suggest this was a repeated obstruction of the law, and Mr. Zesto shows no regret.

The Federal Council of Incel Appointment has reached the conclusion that Mr. Zesto is to be catagorised as certified "FAKECEL" on August 30th 2018. Effective Immidiately.

I also suggest a 3 day ban.@Sergeant @Weed @11gaijin @Armus1 @Nibba @blackopstruecel @satoshisacuck @Ledgemund

I concur with this statement tbh tbh

And college is so easy to get girls numbers and get girls. You just exist and they'll ask you
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I concur with this statement tbh tbh

And college is so easy to get girls numbers and get girls. You just exist and they'll ask you

Nahhh dont go that far you triggering certain guys here ?. Thats acc [RAGEFUEL]
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, HorseFace and Nibba
lol @ you guys just lol if that ends up being the only success.

It's called beginners luck desu.

If I was Chad I would've had my first girl's phone number a long time ago.
  • +1
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lol @ you guys just lol if that ends up being the only success.

It's called beginners luck desu.

If I was Chad I would've had my first girl's phone number a long time ago.
You're underestimating the amount of whoring college girls do
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I haven't apporached since 2017
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I honestly see a lot of subhumans with pretty girl on campus NGl

This is pretty true, honestly.

And college is so easy to get girls numbers and get girls. You just exist and they'll ask you

Nahhh dont go that far you triggering certain guys here ?. Thats acc [RAGEFUEL]

No kidding; got me thinking I'm a 0.5/10. I've spent years on a college campus and never once had a foid so much as look at me. No joke. One isn't exactly inclined to go begging for numbers with a record like that.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, looksmaxerilo and Deleted member 147
Are you the same Zesto from
The Federal Council of Incel Appointment congregates here today to determine the division of Incel #471033-B A.K.A "@Zesto".

The prosecution, "@Intel.Imperitive", initiates the proposition of accusing Mr. Zesto of Fraud. Under the context of intentionally hiding his true identity as a Fakecel with intent to mislead members of the general public towards distress.

Thank you your honour. I will now proceed to cross examine the witness.

Mr. Zesto, is it true that a homosapian (human) of a feminine nature proceeded to provide you with her contact details on the 28th of August 2018?

The Defense: "I got this qt Chinese girl's number after asking her to get coffee and study with me sometime."

Ah ha. I thought so. Mr. Zesto could you reiterate the characteristics of this female?

The Defense: "Qt/Chinese/Girl"

Fellow Incels, let the record show; the female in question wasnt even dead/family/pre-pubescent/non-human/blind/mentally disables or incapacitated beyond conventional definitions in any way shape or form under the "Constitutes of a potentially mate-able female act of 1997".

Mr. Zesto how many girls have you asked out before this?

The Defense: "This was the first approach".


@Creep (Jury Member) : "Are you a fucking Chad or something?"

Judge: "Alright! I've heard enough! Mr. Zesto, I find you guilty of commiting fraud with intent to mislead the general public. Not another word from the defence. we will proceed to sentencing in 5 minutes."

*Bangs gavel loudly*

Judge: "We will proceed to comence sentencing of Mr. Zesto for the act of fraud with intent to mislead. Evidence suggest this was a repeated obstruction of the law, and Mr. Zesto shows no regret.

The Federal Council of Incel Appointment has reached the conclusion that Mr. Zesto is to be catagorised as certified "FAKECEL" on August 30th 2018. Effective Immidiately.

I also suggest a 3 day ban.@Sergeant @Weed @11gaijin @Armus1 @Nibba @blackopstruecel @satoshisacuck @Ledgemund
Haha this was fuckin good
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
Are you the same Zesto from

I sure am.

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and 11gaijin
Update to Approach #1

I walked in to the class I met her today and didn't plan on sitting next to her I was scoping out the room to see who else I could approach but she saw me and told me hi or something like that.

I didn't speak to her the last class but this shows that she recognizes me and is not repulsed by the fact she actually said something to me first.

So I sat down next to her and said hi back. Then at the end of the class I said her name and bye see you next class.

I think I'm going to use a technique I've heard of on It's called the familiarity principle or proximity principle, some bull shit like that. The way it works is that the more you interact with someone and the more your around them the more likely you are to have a successful relationship with them.

I think this can work here.

The midterm for this class which is also the first test is October 23rd. The in-class review date for that midterm is October 18th. I'm going to make a move either on the review day or before to start studying with her and bring her to a coffee shop.

It's my goal to study with her multiple times then I'm going to ask if she wants to start going out for real with me.

I can't wait.

As I sat next to her today she smelled beautiful. I don't know if it was soap or perfume but it was amazing and so comforting. Usually I don't pay attention to this stuff. She literally smelled like how I imagine an anime girl would.

And I saw her small feet in her sneakers. I am not a footfag and this is something else I never pay attention to or noticed before but her feet looked so perfect. I wanted to put my nose in her sneakers after she takes them off and just inhale it. She literally has anime feet.

Fuck the communists for the one child policy and aborting millions of women like her. Asian women are perfect. Perfect hair, eyes, and now I can see feet.
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autism at it's finest zestoyo
  • +1
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autism at it's finest zestoyo


I forgot to mention how when I was at the gym today I worked extra hard and pushed myself thinking of her. I kept telling myself it will all be worth it in the end if I can get a qt like her.

Edit: Also she provides more motivation to continue my nofap streak (started Sept. 1st 9PM). I will not cum again unless it's in a qt like her. I'm going until Christmas at least then I can work on beating Zaetheus's 8 month streak.

I also was thinking I don't want to be a oneitisfag either. I want to make more approaches but didn't see any good opportunities lately. I want to be able to keep my options open.
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I forgot to mention how when I was at the gym today I worked extra hard and pushed myself thinking of her. I kept telling myself it will all be worth it in the end if I can get a qt like her.

Edit: Also she provides more motivation to continue my nofap streak (started Sept. 1st 9PM). I will not cum again unless it's in a qt like her. I'm going until Christmas at least then I can work on beating Zaetheus's 8 month streak.

I also was thinking I don't want to be a oneitisfag either. I want to make more approaches but didn't see any good opportunities lately. I want to be able to keep my options open.
She's probably been with kpop guys and shit. Don't trust appearances boyo

And I workout for my girlfriend so I guess that could be seen as similar, except you're not fuckin that girl YET. You will probably be able to soon just pursue and don't seem like a beta and you're good
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
She's probably been with kpop guys and shit. Don't trust appearances boyo

And I workout for my girlfriend so I guess that could be seen as similar, except you're not fuckin that girl YET. You will probably be able to soon just pursue and don't seem like a beta and you're good
God damn brah
wish I was your girl fucking me with your huge muscles
no homo tho
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
God damn brah
wish I was your girl fucking me with your huge muscles
no homo tho
Hmmm maybe we could work something out then ? (no homo)
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and x69
Hmmm maybe we could work something out then ? (no homo)
Don't let the balls touch
The Federal Council of Incel Appointment congregates here today to determine the division of Incel #471033-B A.K.A "@Zesto".

The prosecution, "@Intel.Imperitive", initiates the proposition of accusing Mr. Zesto of Fraud. Under the context of intentionally hiding his true identity as a Fakecel with intent to mislead members of the general public towards distress.

Thank you your honour. I will now proceed to cross examine the witness.

Mr. Zesto, is it true that a homosapian (human) of a feminine nature proceeded to provide you with her contact details on the 28th of August 2018?

The Defense: "I got this qt Chinese girl's number after asking her to get coffee and study with me sometime."

Ah ha. I thought so. Mr. Zesto could you reiterate the characteristics of this female?

The Defense: "Qt/Chinese/Girl"

Fellow Incels, let the record show; the female in question wasnt even dead/family/pre-pubescent/non-human/blind/mentally disables or incapacitated beyond conventional definitions in any way shape or form under the "Constitutes of a potentially mate-able female act of 1997".

Mr. Zesto how many girls have you asked out before this?

The Defense: "This was the first approach".


@Creep (Jury Member) : "Are you a fucking Chad or something?"

Judge: "Alright! I've heard enough! Mr. Zesto, I find you guilty of commiting fraud with intent to mislead the general public. Not another word from the defence. we will proceed to sentencing in 5 minutes."

*Bangs gavel loudly*

Judge: "We will proceed to comence sentencing of Mr. Zesto for the act of fraud with intent to mislead. Evidence suggest this was a repeated obstruction of the law, and Mr. Zesto shows no regret.

The Federal Council of Incel Appointment has reached the conclusion that Mr. Zesto is to be catagorised as certified "FAKECEL" on August 30th 2018. Effective Immidiately.

I also suggest a 3 day ban.@Sergeant @Weed @11gaijin @Armus1 @Nibba @blackopstruecel @satoshisacuck @Ledgemund
That was pretty funny
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and looksmaxerilo
Don't let the balls touch
Remember the rules of ancient Greece ((@blackopstruecel))

If you're the one GIVING the dick, it ain't gay
  • +1
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Remember the rules of ancient Greece ((@blackopstruecel))

If you're the one GIVING the dick, it ain't gay
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Nibba
Two new approaches today boyos.

#3 - Pass - This was in my first class of the day, I walked into scoping out the large lecture hall and noticed an Asian girl (she was Chinese again and was better looking than the last pass but not as good looking as my first success) with an empty seat next to her looking at me and we made eye contact. I thought this could be an IOI but later realized she was probably just seeing if the professor came in. Either way I felt good about it at first and took the seat next to her. The prof walks in and says everybody come down and grab the handout and I told her want me to grab one for you and she said yes and thank you. I thought good I'm starting some interaction so I got the papers gave her one and she said thank you. When class ended I said Hi want to exchange numbers to go study and get coffee with me. Then she looked at me and said "No" and kind of giggled. I must've had a shocked face or something because she said again no and then she said sorry and also giggled again and then I said alright. I don't why this one bothered me but I felt for the first time in my life a sense of hatred towards Asian women and was thinking radical thoughts like why the hell should they be in this country at these tax payer funded colleges if they won't go out with me and maybe I should focus only on Japanese women and what if I learn Japanese and it doesn't work. Then when it was time for the next class I realized that's crazy and cleared my senses.

#4 - Success - I recognized this girl in my class who I realized I shared another class with. Then the whole class I taught to myself this is a perfect opener for an approach. When attendance was called I wrote down her name and a quick pick up line that I used "Hi we're both in this other class want to exchange numbers so we can study sometime." She immediately agreed and was fumbling to look for her phone but I said that's okay you can put your number in my phone then I said I'll call her so she can get my number which she did but the phone didn't ring but I'm probably just overthinking things and it was at the bottom of her bag. She also told me she's really busy and she has work as well. That's not a problem as I won't be making more moves with until around the October 31st Mid-Term of one our classes as that's a perfect time to start studying. I'm starting to think that I might need to fine tune my strategy and maybe bringing up coffee right away (which I don't even drink) is kind of off putting. Either way I want to study with them off campus to build escalation and get them in my car. This girl's English isn't very good, especially compared to my first success who speaks perfectly but she is pretty cute and legit looks like shes 5 years old even though she's my age. She has another Chinese friend (who is way uglier but still decent) in the other class I saw her talking with and I was thinking if there was ever a time where she didn't show up but her friend there I'll try to get her friend's number by introducing myself as a friend of the other girl and if she would like to study with my as well or something like that.

* Bonus Note, I waved to the girl who gave me my first compliment (my last thread) today while driving out the parking lot and she said bye and my name. Originally in our class we were in different groups for the project but today it got changed around and we're in the same group. She's curry and not my type but if it's a chance to ascend I'll take it and get her number and hopefully her alone when it's time to work on our project as long as the crazy old witch teaching this class doesn't change it again.

My adventures continue.
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Alright, here is my advice to OP.

Dear OP,

I believe that if you are white and you are chasing an Asian chick you are stereotyping yourself as a loser. I believe you should date Asian girls if for example, if you are like me and love sushi or Chinese food, and you want the damn bitch to cook for you good food. But seriously, if you are desperate for sex than you might as well use Asian women's fetish for white dick. Anyway, I wish you the best luck on chasing Asian women.

Good luck and I will read your "progress" logs.


P.S. I hate using my phone to type this up, ugh.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Nibba and Zesto
Update to Approach #1

I walked in to the class I met her today and didn't plan on sitting next to her I was scoping out the room to see who else I could approach but she saw me and told me hi or something like that.

I didn't speak to her the last class but this shows that she recognizes me and is not repulsed by the fact she actually said something to me first.

So I sat down next to her and said hi back. Then at the end of the class I said her name and bye see you next class.

I think I'm going to use a technique I've heard of on It's called the familiarity principle or proximity principle, some bull shit like that. The way it works is that the more you interact with someone and the more your around them the more likely you are to have a successful relationship with them.

I think this can work here.

The midterm for this class which is also the first test is October 23rd. The in-class review date for that midterm is October 18th. I'm going to make a move either on the review day or before to start studying with her and bring her to a coffee shop.

It's my goal to study with her multiple times then I'm going to ask if she wants to start going out for real with me.

I can't wait.

As I sat next to her today she smelled beautiful. I don't know if it was soap or perfume but it was amazing and so comforting. Usually I don't pay attention to this stuff. She literally smelled like how I imagine an anime girl would.

And I saw her small feet in her sneakers. I am not a footfag and this is something else I never pay attention to or noticed before but her feet looked so perfect. I wanted to put my nose in her sneakers after she takes them off and just inhale it. She literally has anime feet.

Fuck the communists for the one child policy and aborting millions of women like her. Asian women are perfect. Perfect hair, eyes, and now I can see feet.

OP, I wish you the best of luck dude. Remember to not put the pussy on a pedestal, or getting rejected will feel like a ton of bricks.
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@Nibba what ya looking here
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Update to Approach #1 - I sat next her again today, this time I greeted her first and said bye to her. The whole time I got feel her ying energy. It wasn't lifefuel it was literally fueling my life, very powerful. I know you can't put pussy on a pedestal but this is like sensing someone's energy on DBZ and it's strong.

I did an "approach" today at my gym. I can't call it a real approach because I didn't ask for the girl's number. This jungle gook I've seen around I was nearby and as an opener I asked if she goes to my college. I asked that because I wasn't sure if she was 18+ or not. She answered and wasn't rude told me she didn't and then I just said oh I thought you were one of my classmates and said see you which she said back. Her voice just seemed really unfeminine and kind of standoffish, like a tranny's. I felt it would be pointless to escalate so left it at that but if I see her around again and tempted I might ask for her number will see.

Edit: Was thinking of Approach #3. Beta-supplicatory/"nice guy" game (door opening and other bull shit) just doesn't work. You got to be direct and that's it because that small stuff isn't worth shit desu.
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#5 - Pass - Showed up to class early this morning. I always arrive on time so for the first time today I decided to go to the student union (never been there before) and make an approach while I wait for class to start. I scoped out the place and saw an Asian girl (ethnicity unknown) at a table alone. I asked if I could sit with her and she let me. I didn't notice until after I sat that she was wearing headphones, (the ultimate sign a girl doesn't want to be bothered, she was considerate enough to leave one headphone out while talking to me instead of immediately putting it back in and tuning me out though) but I persevered regardless. I just told her how I've never been there before and showed up early today while I wait for class. I asked her what she was studying and told her what I was studying, then asked her her year and said mine too. She was giving the classic short uninterested responses, and didn't make any efforts to continue the conversation on her own. She was doing some sort of work, maybe she just wanted to focus on that instead. I didn't ask her name, maybe I should have, maybe it wouldnt've even mattered (I feel like Tidus in FFX with these self monologues).

Then I said "want to exchange numbers so we can get coffee at a place better than this" and she said no. Then I said ok. I wasn't going to immediately run off with my tail between my legs so I stayed there and read one piece for 5 minutes until I had to get to class. Afterwards, I told her "I got to go to class, bye" and she gave me a little smile and said bye.

I can't say she was rude at all, I still felt kind of disappointed. I thought I was really well dressed today and had a new shirt on and styled my hair in a new way so I had an extra confidence boost that got shaken.

Maybe if I see her again I'll try to make more small talk and try to be friends (to meet girls through her), maybe that'll be too awkward/creepy, or maybe it'll be pointless. Don't know. I'm not even sure if it's possible to meet girls though a girl anymore, I saw her texting and realized girls don't hang out anymore together they just text each other.

Feel free to critique my tactics guys and if you think I'm doing anything right/wrong.

Not sure if I'm wasting my time giving such detailed updates. Is this validating these girls I'll probably never see again too much?

I don't really dwell on these after I write on them, it's not like it haunts me. I find it can be helpful to write this down so I can learn from this and it motivates me to make more. Not sure though.

* I took a break from but I'll still update my approach log. Too busy with school to be active on here though, luckily this place isn't nearly as addicting as
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Keep it up. It takes courage to do this. I can't imagine myself approaching random women like that
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, CopeMaxxer and Zesto
Cringed, horrible anime taste

Addendum: If you actually got a girl to give you her number kill yourself , she's gobbling down on White Chad Schlong while you're typing away at your keyboard you ethnic latino garbage
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Update to Approach #1 - I sat next her again today, this time I greeted her first and said bye to her. The whole time I got feel her ying energy. It wasn't lifefuel it was literally fueling my life, very powerful. I know you can't put pussy on a pedestal but this is like sensing someone's energy on DBZ and it's strong.

I did an "approach" today at my gym. I can't call it a real approach because I didn't ask for the girl's number. This jungle gook I've seen around I was nearby and as an opener I asked if she goes to my college. I asked that because I wasn't sure if she was 18+ or not. She answered and wasn't rude told me she didn't and then I just said oh I thought you were one of my classmates and said see you which she said back. Her voice just seemed really unfeminine and kind of standoffish, like a tranny's. I felt it would be pointless to escalate so left it at that but if I see her around again and tempted I might ask for her number will see.

Edit: Was thinking of Approach #3. Beta-supplicatory/"nice guy" game (door opening and other bull shit) just doesn't work. You got to be direct and that's it because that small stuff isn't worth shit desu.

Traps aren't gay, so go right ahead on this one.
Also, the girl could have been really busy/stressed about school, that happens sometimes. I'd stop approaching people while they're studying, and talk to them at the coffee shop, ect. Keep this life fuel coming dude
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# 6 - Success - I asked a Filipino girl at the end of my class tonight for her number. First I asked her if she was her name (I already knew). I saw her name on the roster and figured she was Filipino. So I told her my name and then I said "kamusta" but I kept saying it like it was Japanese and then she corrected me and said "kamusta" and I said yeah "kamusta." Then I told her how my best friend is Filipino and taught me that. Then I asked if we could exchange numbers so we could study for the final together and in case one of us missed class we could text it each other. She gave me her number and the whole time was smiling and very receptive/gave positive body language.

* Edit: If I didn't do this we would've never had contact. We're both in different groups for our projects and there's no interaction in that class. She knows this too so the fact she still gave me her number I think really means something. LIFEFUEL

Afterwards walking to my car I was just smiling and laughing the whole time. It felt incredible.

Update to # 3 - She saw me on the way to my car and I said bye and her name and she waved and told me good night and smiled. Felt good too.

The approaches continue...
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# 6 - Success - I asked a Filipino girl at the end of my class tonight for her number. First I asked her if she was her name (I already knew). I saw her name on the roster and figured she was Filipino. So I told her my name and then I said "kamusta" but I kept saying it like it was Japanese and then she corrected me and said "kamusta" and I said yeah "kamusta." Then I told her how my best friend is Filipino and taught me that. Then I asked if we could exchange numbers so we could study for the final together and in case one of us missed class we could text it each other. She gave me her number and the whole time was smiling and very receptive/gave positive body language.

* Edit: If I didn't do this we would've never had contact. We're both in different groups for our projects and there's no interaction in that class. She knows this too so the fact she still gave me her number I think really means something. LIFEFUEL

Afterwards walking to my car I was just smiling and laughing the whole time. It felt incredible.

Update to # 3 - She saw me on the way to my car and I said bye and her name and she waved and told me good night and smiled. Felt good too.

The approaches continue...
alot of these approaches are just the girl being friendly man...a lot of them prolly got boyfriends and just want male friends ngl

i mean it's good that youre trying and they're arent being mean to you, but unless they're giving you hints that they like you, they're just bein polite. not to get you down or anything, just don't be too disappointed if they don't like you more than studybuddies
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alot of these approaches are just the girl being friendly man...a lot of them prolly got boyfriends and just want male friends ngl

i mean it's good that youre trying and they're arent being mean to you, but unless they're giving you hints that they like you, they're just bein polite. not to get you down or anything, just don't be too disappointed if they don't like you more than studybuddies

Can't say I didn't consider that a possibility. But this is how a lot of relationships start.

I'll never bring up if they have a boyfriend and I never will.

Besides I plan on escalating with these girls by studying with them off campus, one of them has already agreed to study with me in a café.

I'll post updates as the tests draw near and the studying begins.

In all my classes no guy willingly interacts with any girl on their own. and I've been going for years as I'm a senior. Asking a girl for her number to study is nearly unheard of. I go to a commuter college so the culture is very different than one where their is on-campus housing. Most people are Point A to Point B and never socialize with each other. That's why I think this is a lot bigger deal here then one would imagine.
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I go to a commuter college so the culture is very different than one where their is campus housing. Most people are Point A to Point B and never socialize with each other. That's why I think this is a lot bigger deal here then one would imagine.
hmmm i didn't know that. but yeah escalate and give it a shot man. i'm all for it :chad:
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Approach #7 and Approach #8 - Pass - Two short, squat, fat ugly Asian girls with glasses. They were talking together. Class had a fire alarm, building evacuated. Only foids in proximity to approach. Kept simple, what class you were in. They told me, spoke a little, not really that receptive but not total brickwall. Then said this is going to sound crazy but consindering we're all out here right now want to get coffee with me. I said this out really slowly and suspensefully. One said they work 9-5 and our rarely on campus. I said it wouldn't be on campus and one of them said they're busy. Then the other started awkwardly walking away. The word came in right after we can all go back in now, I told the one girl that spoke take care and she said bye or something and I left.

A new technique I tried. "Ackward" game. Try to awknowledge the awkwardness of the situation.

Awkward game is retarded. Next time i'll use direct game. It wouldn'tve made a different but I would've felt better if I said "Since we're all here right now want to get coffee some time" instead of the "this'll sound really crazy" awkward game.

It feels bad but it's all a learning experience so it's good to learn from and I learned a lot from this.

And maybe I should only start approaching foids I actually think look good so it doesn't sting as much getting passed by subhumans.

The approaches continue.
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Approach #7 and Approach #8 - Pass - Two short, squat, fat ugly Asian girls with glasses. They were talking together. Class had a fire alarm, building evacuated. Only foids in proximity to approach. Kept simple, what class you were in. They told me, spoke a little, not really that receptive but not total brickwall. Then said this is going to sound crazy but consindering we're all out here right now want to get coffee with me. I said this out really slowly and suspensefully. One said they work 9-5 and our rarely on campus. I said it wouldn't be on campus and one of them said they're busy. Then the other started awkwardly walking away. The word came in right after we can all go back in now, I told the one girl that spoke take care and she said bye or something and I left.

A new technique I tried. "Ackward" game. Try to awknowledge the awkwardness of the situation.

Awkward game is retarded. Next time i'll use direct game. It wouldn'tve made a different but I would've felt better if I said "Since we're all here right now want to get coffee some time" instead of the "this'll sound really crazy" awkward game.

It feels bad but it's all a learning experience so it's good to learn from and I learned a lot from this.

And maybe I should only start approaching foids I actually think look good so it doesn't sting as much getting passed by subhumans.

The approaches continue.

Like anything else, doing it more will make each attempt feel less important by comparison.
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I made up my mind. I will be more selective from now on. I'm never approaching a foid that is overweight/fat/obese/landwhale again.

If it's a bitch I would feel embarrassed to be seen with or would never fuck I'm not doing it.

Glad I approached these two scums as I'll make better approaches in the future from now on.

I should've chilled with some bros from the class instead. Which I was thinking of but ended up not doing.
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Holy shit I'm in the class with the Filipino girl right now doing group work.

Before today this room was always kept dark but all the lights are on now full blast. She's got her thick rimmed glasses off and her hair up and she looks like shit.

Looks old as fuck too.

And the worst part. She sounds like a fucking tranny. Why have all these brown Asians I've met all sound like fucking trannys?

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Holy shit I'm in the class with the Filipino girl right now doing group work.

Before today this room was always kept dark but all the lights are on now full blast. She's got her thick rimmed glasses off and her hair up and she looks like shit.

Looks old as fuck too.

And the worst part. She sounds like a fucking tranny. Why have all these brown Asians I've met all sound like fucking trannys?

View attachment 1777
Because they're all trannies most likely or have shit genes from being peasants for 100s of years, maybe longer
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probably thought your kawaii-chan
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Zesto kun went unistall LMAO.
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Op is tryna be Genghis khan.
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I wanted to make clear to everyone the college approach log is over.

I'm never making another approach in the west again after what I've been through.

Even after I fully LooksMAXX I'm doing it for Asian Asian women.

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