My cousin is surprised how obsessed guys are with looksmaxing nowadays

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
My cousin is a 36 year old landwhale. Today I had a casual talk with her where I tried to spread a little blackpill, saying that it's unfair that girls can use make-up to hide their flaws while guys can't. And she said "well at least you can groom now, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Back in my younger years men didn't give a shit about grooming or their image".

How nice if we could go back to the beautiful old days when looksmaxing was only default for women. Tbh that's why we humans are humans. The mating strategy of wild animals is totally different : it's the males that are responsible for physical attraction (just think about lion and peacock). We're different from animals because we liberated our males from that responsibility, making the capacity of gaining ressources the primary attraction. Now our society is becoming primitive again with males being forced to looksmax, even at the expense of their study and career.
yes ver good
god i fucking hate fatties i want them to burn i fucking hate them soi much fuck fat people!!!!!!
Still got constantly matches / flirtations on tinder. And the reason why she's still single is because she's "picky". JFL
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