

Jun 10, 2023
-Unless explicitely stated all of the pictures taken for this post were taken without any kind of pump any fancy angles or posing. At most I am barely flexing my abs in some pics.
-A lot of the gains I’ve made in the first cycle came from muscle memory, because I’ve lost a lot of muscle and put on a lot of fat before starting the cycle (compared to my most jacked self before taking roids).
-The bloat that I have on cycle make my body fat seem about 2-3% higher than what it actually is.
-I’ve been super consistent and well regimented with my training
-I’ve been training to failure or very close to failure (even past it for some exercises) throughout the entirety of the cycle
-I’ve been eating around 4000 calories a day (a lot of food) with a lot of protein and carbs throughout the entirety of the cycle.
-Sleep was as on point as possible. Most nights I would get 7h-8h of sleep.
These gains are representative of steroid use and my best efforts at putting on the maximum amount of muscle mass possible.
(For those who just want my before after here it is : before ->
after -> )

My First Cycle:​

My best physique before starting roids:​

At the middle of a cut at 85kg

Arms were around 15.75 inches.

My physique before starting my first cycle:​

82-83kg at around 18% Body Fat

My Protocol:​

Cycle lasted 16 weeks and consisted of:
-250mg of test enanthate for 8 weeks and then 500mg of test enanthate for the rest of the cycle.
-125mcg of arimidex E3D of E4D (when I started to hold more water and feel high E2 symptoms)

Side Effects :​

When my estrogen would get too high I would have some excessive bloat, my nips would get a bit itchy, and my sex drive would decrease significantly, but everything would resume to normal after taking a bit of arimidex.
My BP stayed unchanged (Between 115/75 and 120/80). My BPM was around 70-75 at rest.

My Results :​

I’ve bulked up to 100kg (around 22-24% body fat), which means that I’ve put on around 18kg of mass.
Out of this mass I estimate at least 2 to 3kg to be pure water retention and I also think another 2 to 3kg to be glycogen retention induced by the roids (I pull these estimations out of my ass I don’t know for sure), and I estimate that I’ve also gained a few Kgs of fat.
That would amount to 8-10kg of muscle. Not bad for a 16 week cycle.
Take note that I am pretty fat in that picture (and also pretty bloated).
Here’s a picture :

My Second Cycle:​

Quick note : I made a 6 week minicut in between my first and second cycle and that's why I look a bit leaner at the end of the second cycle.

My Protocol:​

Cycle lasted 16 weeks and consisted of:
-500mg of test enanthate
-125mcg of arimidex E3D of E4D, towards the end of the cycle I did not need arimidex to manage E2 anymore (I don’t seem to be a high aromatizer when I’m under 20% body fat).

Side Effects :​

None. My BP stayed unchanged (Between 115/75 and 120/80). My BPM was around 70-75 at rest.

My Results :​

I’ve bulked up from 95kg to around 103kg (around 18-20% body fat), which means that I’ve put on around 7kg of mass
Out of these 7kg, maybe 3 to 3.5 was lean mass.
My arms are 16,5 inches.
Here are some pictures

My 9 week cut :​

After I ended my cycle I decided to go on a steep calorie deficit to lose as much fat as possible while being on a cruise dose of 125mg per week of test e.
At the end of the cut arms were still around 16.25 inches
I weighted 93-94kg
Here are my results

With a pump
Feel free to rate my results/genetics or comment on my transformation, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible
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  • JFL
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Arm measurement? Thigh measurement? Also, out of curiosity, did your balls shrink to the size of raisins or is that just a myth?
My balls pretty much stayed the same (hanging real low). Although that doesn’t seem to be super common from what I saw.

For measurements you have some on my log.
I don’t measure my thighs man.
Damn you got death star delts now hell yeah 👍
How old, did you grow in height?
Arm measurement? Thigh measurement? Also, out of curiosity, did your balls shrink to the size of raisins or is that just a myth?
Myth, after blasting and cruise for decades they get to big grape size for most people
  • JFL
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Got pretty jacked bro nice. Mirin the last pic. Is there anything that you'd do differently or are you satisfied with how it went?

Damn I want to juice but I wanna keep my youth and I'm just now starting lifting. People encourage me to juice because I do wanna and frame is decent, but I don't understand how to bypass those side effects yet. I should have started when I knew more at 17.

It's over :confused:
Got pretty jacked bro nice. Mirin the last pic. Is there anything that you'd do differently or are you satisfied with how it went?

Damn I want to juice but I wanna keep my youth and I'm just now starting lifting. People encourage me to juice because I do wanna and frame is decent, but I don't understand how to bypass those side effects yet. I should have started when I knew more at 17.

It's over :confused:
If you’re under 18 don’t. If you’re a bit older like in your early twenties that’s more of a jugement call.

I would have used 350mg per week for the whole first cycle and maybe also for the second one.

Build a base first before using roids either as a natural or using low dose Sarms (like ostarine or LGD 4033).

When you’re already looking like you lift and you’re already getting some praise from fellow gym goers (and hopefully women also haha) then you can consider steroids.

That’s my view on it.
Building a base is of utmost importance so you know you have enough of an understanding of diet and training to get good gains (as well as hard work consistency etc) and you also know at that point that you’re ready to potentially take stuff for a very long time.
No post cycle therapy?
Absolutely great result! What kind of difference do you notice in terms of girls results?
You think 150mg per week could also be enough for a new starter?
mirin result, twinks get cheated on by dudes who look like this
  • +1
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Absolutely great result! What kind of difference do you notice in terms of girls results?
You think 150mg per week could also be enough for a new starter?
For some girls I’m too big and it’s a turnoff.

For a good amount of them they like it but it’s largely the tall and big thing that seems to do it for them, and for some they just love it and they go crazy over it (like they just love this « hard and dense feel » when they touch my body)

When I go out (I don’t go out that often btw, not really my thing) a ton of girls are checking me out, way more than before (doesn’t mean that they all want to sleep with me of course).

Also my experience shows that you attract way more of the very submissive slutty in bed type of girl and you tend to repel more conservative girls that don’t like sex that much and who are not the super horny type (which is fine cause they are not my cup of tea anyway).

Only dating is way better (more matches, girls that are way more eager to respond and show interest)

A trt dose is already a performance enhancing dose, but you will gain muscle perharps 1,5x quicker than if you were natural.

If you want to build a base faster than natural I would suggest using low dose SARMs (ostarine preferably) over trt and focus your energy on training hard and consistently as well as eating enough calories while learning about PEDs and refining your training and nutrition over time.
What are your natural T levels now?
Also my experience shows that you attract way more of the very submissive slutty in bed type of girl and you tend to repel more conservative girls that don’t like sex that much and who are not the super horny type (which is fine cause they are not my cup of tea anyway).
This is so fucking true, the more sex appeal you have, the more you repel those insecure girls who are not that horny and after ONS but you attract those hoes who like to sleep around. Double edged sword indeed, but if you're into slaying and doesn't give a fuck about lasting relationship, it's the way to go.

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