My first time being charged with a crime Age 13

Deleted member 6572

Deleted member 6572

Apr 23, 2020
Gonna skip the next life story cuz its gonna be long so ima write this one lol. this is when I first started getting in to the usage of drugs. My plug who was another 13 year old white JEWISH kid in Oakland CA, sold me a little under one hundred pills of he didn't know what. I told him later they don't really get me high as it was JUST FUCKING TRAZODONE, and he didn't make me pay, like wtf thats really unusual for a plug, but I guess he was 13, he wanted 300$ otherwise. I was snorting the trazodone all the night before and taking a lot, it was still a nice high. I went to 24 hour fitness the next day and started doing crazy amounts of it. I was so tired I called my mom to pick me up. I was waiting on an armchair and I couldn't keep myself awake at all barely. next thing I know paramedics and the cops are in front of me. They are asking id im ok and if I smoked any weed today. The cop searches me and finds a the huge bag of pills. They put me on stretcher and in ambulance and take me to the hospital. the cop tells me to confess, but I don't want to tell as they will come and attack me and break my knee caps if I tell so I don't. he writes me a ticket for POSESSION WITH INTENT TO DISTRUBUTE. My family would never be the same, even if it was already severely fucked up.
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  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: AutisticBeaner, Chadelite, Deleted member 5694 and 9 others
not even title
  • JFL
Reactions: BrendioEEE and Deleted member 6572
cool story bruh.
Bro tag me in these I wanna keep up lol
  • JFL
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Reactions: Warlow, Deleted member 8064 and Deleted member 6572
I've been reading these and you're fucking retarded but not too old to change that

also tag me
  • JFL
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your life is a movie ngl. a really retarded movie but i respect it
  • +1
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your life is a movie ngl. a really retarded movie but i respect it
thanks lol I always get psychotic to my therapist just talking about how unusual my life is. I miss these days my life peaked at 13 tbhngl which is super sad.
  • +1
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thanks lol I always get psychotic to my therapist just talking about how unusual my life is. I miss these days my life peaked at 13 tbhngl which is super sad.
the stories are good man but don’t try to return to those times or glorify them for your own sanity. drug abuse sucks and your life seems like it was off the rails
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गोना ने अगले जीवन की कहानी को छोड़ते हुए कहा कि लंबे समय तक इमा इस एक लोल को लिखें। यह तब है जब मैंने पहली बार दवाओं के उपयोग में आना शुरू किया था। मेरी प्लग जो ओकलैंड सीए में एक और 13 वर्षीय सफेद ज्वेलिश बच्चा था, उसने मुझे एक सौ गोलियों के तहत थोड़ा बेच दिया, वह नहीं जानता था कि क्या। मैंने उससे बाद में कहा कि वे वास्तव में मुझे ऊंचा नहीं उठाते क्योंकि यह सिर्फ रोमांचक ट्रेजोडोन था, और उसने मुझे भुगतान नहीं किया, जैसे कि wtf thats एक प्लग के लिए वास्तव में असामान्य है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि वह 13 साल का था, वह 300 डॉलर अन्यथा चाहता था। मैं सारी रात पहले ट्रैजोडोन को सूंघ रहा था और बहुत कुछ ले रहा था, यह अभी भी एक अच्छा उच्च था। मैं अगले दिन 24 घंटे फिटनेस के लिए गया और इसे पागल मात्रा में करना शुरू कर दिया। मैं बहुत थक गया था मैंने अपनी माँ को मुझे लेने के लिए बुलाया। मैं एक कुर्सी पर इंतजार कर रहा था और मैं खुद को मुश्किल से जगा नहीं पाया। अगली बात मुझे पता है कि पैरामेडिक्स और पुलिस मेरे सामने हैं। वे आईडी im पूछ रहे हैं और अगर मैं आज किसी भी खरपतवार धूम्रपान किया। पुलिस मुझे खोजती है और गोलियों का एक विशाल बैग ढूंढती है। उन्होंने मुझे स्ट्रेचर पर और एम्बुलेंस में रखा और मुझे अस्पताल ले गए। पुलिस वाले मुझे कबूल करने के लिए कहते हैं, लेकिन मैं यह नहीं बताना चाहता कि वे आएंगे और मुझ पर हमला करेंगे और मेरे घुटने तोड़ देंगे अगर मैं बताऊं तो मैं नहीं करूंगा। वह मुझे छूट के इरादे के साथ स्थिति के लिए एक टिकट लिखता है। मेरा परिवार कभी भी ऐसा नहीं होगा, भले ही वह पहले ही गंभीर रूप से गड़बड़ हो गया हो।
  • +1
Reactions: thecel and xdxdxnice1
the stories are good man but don’t try to return to those times or glorify them for your own sanity. drug abuse sucks and your life seems like it was off the rails
fuck no nothing will ever compare to what happed recently it is almost unbelievable those were the days were I still had some sense of normalcy, wait for my residential treatment group home series thread and your jaw will drop.
  • Woah
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I was with 14 but not really a crime
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Voy a saltarme la próxima historia de vida porque va a ser larga, así que voy a escribir esta jajaja. Esto es cuando comencé a usar drogas. Mi tapón, que era otro niño judío blanco de 13 años en Oakland, California, me vendió un poco menos de cien pastillas de él, no sabía qué. Le dije más tarde que realmente no me drogan, ya que era JUSTO EL TRAZODONE, y no me hizo pagar, como si eso fuera realmente inusual para un enchufe, pero supongo que tenía 13 años, de lo contrario quería 300 $. Estuve resoplando la trazodona toda la noche anterior y tomé mucho, todavía era un buen subidón. Al día siguiente hice ejercicio las 24 horas y comencé a hacer grandes cantidades de ejercicio. Estaba tan cansada que llamé a mi madre para que me recogiera. Estaba esperando en un sillón y apenas podía mantenerme despierto. Lo siguiente que sé es que los paramédicos y los policías están frente a mí. Me preguntan si estoy bien y si fumé alguna hierba hoy. El policía me busca y encuentra una enorme bolsa de pastillas. Me pusieron en camilla y en ambulancia y me llevaron al hospital. el policía me dice que confiese, pero no quiero decirlo, ya que vendrán y me atacarán y me romperán las rodillas si le digo que no lo haga. me escribe un boleto para POSESIÓN CON LA INTENCIÓN DE DISTRUBUIR. Mi familia nunca sería la misma, incluso si ya estaba muy jodida.
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Youexpectmetoreadthat 8403fe738a4e2aa88d15bdfbfce9d905
  • WTF
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Tag me son. And you shoulda just snitched jfl, if I saw them write that down I woulda snitched no second thought.
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You’re so cool using Chuckie Cheese as a profile picture you literal pile garbage. I’ve never seen someone so physically unattractive it hurts. Like god bless your wife (is she your right or left hand), she deserves a fucking medal for even coming within 6 feet of you (and that’s before, during, and after Covid) And the reason you don’t have to worry about aids isn’t because you’re straight, it’s because you’re truly unfuckable. So just enjoying dying in general you utter waste of space.
keep the translations coming so looksmaxxers from all over the world can appreciate the @Mirin2234 story
次のライフストーリーをスキップするつもりです。長いので、これを書いてください。これは私が最初に薬物の使用法に入り始めたときです。カリフォルニア州オークランドで別の13歳の白人のJEWISHの子供だった私のプラグは、彼が何を知らなかったかの100錠弱を私に売りました。後で彼に話したところ、トラゾドンをたたくだけだったので、彼らは私を高くはしません、そして彼は私にお金を払わせませんでした。私はトラゾドンを一晩中嗅いでいて、たくさん服用していましたが、それでもまだ最高でした。私は翌日24時間フィットネスに行って、それの途方もない量を始めました。とても疲れていたので、お母さんに電話してもらいました。私は肘掛け椅子で待っていて、ほとんど目を覚まし続けることができませんでした。次に知っているのは、救急隊員と警察です。彼らはid im okを尋ねています、そして今日私が雑草を吸ったかどうか。警官は私を捜して、巨大な薬の袋を見つけました。彼らは私を担架と救急車に乗せて病院に連れて行ってくれました。警官は私に告白するように言いますが、彼らが来て私を攻撃し、私がそうしないと言ったら私の膝蓋骨を壊すので、私は言いたくありません。彼は私を混乱させる意図のあるPOSESSIONのチケットを書いてくれました。すでにひどくめちゃくちゃだったとしても、私の家族は決して同じではなかったでしょう。
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Can't relate. Highest inhib kid, never have done a drug or anything.
Gonna skip the next life story cuz its gonna be long so ima write this one lol. this is when I first started getting in to the usage of drugs. My plug who was another 13 year old white JEWISH kid in Oakland CA, sold me a little under one hundred pills of he didn't know what. I told him later they don't really get me high as it was JUST FUCKING TRAZODONE, and he didn't make me pay, like wtf thats really unusual for a plug, but I guess he was 13, he wanted 300$ otherwise. I was snorting the trazodone all the night before and taking a lot, it was still a nice high. I went to 24 hour fitness the next day and started doing crazy amounts of it. I was so tired I called my mom to pick me up. I was waiting on an armchair and I couldn't keep myself awake at all barely. next thing I know paramedics and the cops are in front of me. They are asking id im ok and if I smoked any weed today. The cop searches me and finds a the huge bag of pills. They put me on stretcher and in ambulance and take me to the hospital. the cop tells me to confess, but I don't want to tell as they will come and attack me and break my knee caps if I tell so I don't. he writes me a ticket for POSESSION WITH INTENT TO DISTRUBUTE. My family would never be the same, even if it was already severely fucked up.
Damn that kike kid set you up for trouble
  • JFL
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when u go ER will u sui or go to court??
Tale since OP black'nt

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