My friend's dad wageslaved for 40 years of his life

Ru stupid or something. This is much much better than the average life of a man since start of humanity and even now
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98% of people are realistically never leaving the ghetto
Yup. Povertyceldom is a vicious cycle that is close to impossible to escape from. As for gigapovertycels who grew up in some slum in India, it basically never happens. The norm is for these people to wagecuck their entire lives and either die due to some disease because they can’t afford the hospital or rope when they realise they will never escape.
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He made that bank
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Atleast he has a wife and kids, 0 point to do this if you dont have one
And he probably forced her to marry him and raped her every night for decades. Probably furthered the cycle of subhumanity rather than break it.
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I plan to have mini retirements/NEETing periods throughout my life instead of wageslaving straight to retirement.
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it all depends on if your friend and his family are happy, if he created some NEET incel who just rots wouldn’t be better than creating someone low class

if you make a child you have the obligation to ensure they have good life circumstances, most people don’t but you shouldn’t be applauded too much for doing the minimum - like how most people don’t do the minimum looksmaxxes like being lean
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it was more of an exchange than a waste but I don't believe it's worth it
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He saved his blood line a lot of future trouble.
Real Nigga Shit
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Most of my friend's family comes from a poor background. He is one of those lower caste curries his great-grandfather was the first in his extended family to receive a formal education. His father's upbringing was better. he had three meals a day, a roof over his head, and his family was able to afford to send him to uni without requiring him to do a day job on the side but they were still poor and lived in a cramped house of 3 rooms in a backward crime ridden neighborhood of the city but his dad was determined to make things better for the his children so he went on to wageslave for 40 long years before he finally retired last week.

His dad is a good example of what many here would call a wasted youth. He graduated with a degree in finance after a lot of difficulties and soon after got married and wageslaved in a 9 to 5 for the next 40 years of his life.

He started off as financial analyst for a small company and worked his way up the corporate ladder to become the head of finance for an MNC company raking in 6 figures but in the process he sacrificed his precious years as a youngster.

His entire routine consisted of him going to his workplace, spending time with his family ,watching an old movie on the TV, sleep, then rinse and repeat until the weekend when he would catch up with a few of his close friends from college and get drunk to forget about all the stress and worries that came with having a corporate job.

He never bought anything for himself. He was always selfless and cared more for his family than himself.He didn't own a car or a phone until he was in his 30s but because his dad worked his ass off to provide for his family. They are now in large 4 bedroom house in an upscale neighborhood, my friend goes to one of thr best universities in the country, my friend's sister is soon going to become a doctor, Their entire family is financially secured and they moved up social classes because his dad's sacrifices and because he wasted his youth. What do yall think of this story? Would you call this a wasted youth?
A shame Indianan are not Christian. God loves him
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People here don’t understand that if you were not born a trust fund Richcel, you have to wagecuck or you will be homeless.
Or live with parents cooming over themselves into 30's and 40's and beyond
yep, it was his decision and Id call it wasted.
He honestly sound like a great dad, I'd like to talk to him
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I wish my father put half as much effort into his family as this man you are talking about. His children are lucky to have him. If he had migrated to the states, they would be millionaires for sure, lots of indian high achievers in America who worked as hard as this man but simply had the benefit of living in America. I don't think he regrets it at all, his children and grandchildren will have easy lives and they can do more than just wagecuck their youth away. Someone in the family has to break the cycle initially and he was the one to do it. Unfortunately for most of us here, we either are the ones to do like this man has done or we simply continue wondering through life aimlessly and not really achieving anything or setting things up for the next generation. Usually you would have no way out but i believe cryptocurrency was the one in a century way out of poverty. The average poor man could achieve true wealth and we missed out. The lucky few did not.
These retards think if you re not fucking pussy 24/7 it’s wasted time. Guy had a family and raised his kids which is more than what most will accomplish here. Tiktok brain losers
if you're not from tiktok good

but if you're from tiktok gtfo fag
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The first 40 years of his life mogs the crap out of mine.

He has a job, makes money, a wife, kids, friends, and even got a car in his thirties.

Seriously he's winning at life, compared to most men who have ever lived.
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The first 40 years of his life mogs the crap out of mine.

He has a job, makes money, a wife, kids, friends, and even got a car in his thirties.

Seriously he's winning at life, compared to most men who have ever lived.
He life mogs many western men. He lived a fulfilling life. A structured day, a loving family and left behind a legacy
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insane sacrifice ngl. still he should’ve invested or soemthing. Maybe he would’ve worked for 25-30 years instead
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