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I have done a lot of stuff in regards to looksmaxxing (hair loss reversal protocols, muscle building, losing fat, beard maxxing etc).
By far the most notable improvement to my appearance was made by transforming the lower third of my face.
In terms of facial appearance there are 2 things that might increase your appearance a lot: making your jaw thicker and making your jawline more visible and sharper.
These 2 things will make your face look more masculine and more photogenic in pictures.
Some people argue that the jaw and jawline are the most important parts of the face when it comes to facial attractiveness in men and while I don’t believe that having the stereotypical perfectly square and chiseled jawline is a prerequisite to being attractive (a lot of dudes having a moderately wide and sharp jawline are still regarded as highly attractive) I still believe that having a very subpar jawline compared to the rest of the face can make your face look average or even below average in some cases.
This was the case for me. Despite having very nice eyes, decent cheekbones and a compact midface I was still relatively average looking. I was still able to get laid and once I got very fit I was able to get laid with cute/hot women relatively easily from dating apps but I never got the special treatment some of my really good looking (facially) friends got when using dating apps.
They could get away with having average or even bad photos, subpar text game, not being very persistent and still get laid plenty with a decent amount of girls fairly easily (even though it was not necessarily with the hottest ones, as sleeping with the hottest girls generally require more skill and persistance even when being good looking).
I was getting a decent amount of matches at this point but I was wondering if there was still something I could do to improve my looks and results to a significant extent.
This is when I came across jaw exercises. I started doing research and first I was thinking that jaw exercises where a scam or that they have a very limited impact on facial attractiveness and then I found some before after photos of people who have bruxism (people who uncontrollably clench their teeth and jaw very hard throughout the day) and have undergown botox injection to their masseters in order to prevent this clenching of the jaw/teeth. I was shocked at how much their jaw width and jawline sharpness has been reduced on some of these after pictures because of the size of their masseters being reduced.
This is when I started thinking that maybe a lot of very attractive male models not only have an amazing looking jawline due to sheer bone structure but also because a lot of them may also have more developed masseters (even without necessarily training it directly). This is when I decided to give jaw exercises a shot.
You can see on the following pictures that my jaw used to make me look childlike despite having other very good features. (On some of the before pictures I’m also a bit younger so that’s also another reason).
My Before pictures
My After pictures
Quick note : I'm at the end of a bulk hovering around 20% bodyfat in those pictures, which is higher than the ideal for facial attractiveness (the ideal being around 10 to 15% bodyfat), yet I still look significantly better (in my opinion at least) than in previous pics where I was leaner.
My protocol for Improving my jawline :
I mainly do two things. The first thing is making sure I stay under 20% body fat and at the end of each cut I try to be under 15% body fat which is where my jawline looks the best.
The second thing is making sure I exercise my jaw for at least 15 to 20 minutes every other day. I exercise my jaw with this type of jaw exerciser that you can find for cheap on AliExpress for example.
This protocol I just described is for maintenance. When I actively tried to increase the width of my job, I was chewing those things for about 30 minutes a day for the first few months. These jaw exercisers are very effective at increasing the width of your jaw by building your masseters muscles but they also have the potential to hurt your jaw or your tmj joint that's why you have to be careful when using them and use them in the progressive way and take a few days off if you notice any persisting temporal or mandibular pain at the jaw joint.
Why I may have gotten the results I got
In terms of factors that heavily influence how good the lower third will look, jaw width and jawline visibility are not the only things that matter.
The shape of your chin, your jaw angle, ramus length, and jaw protrusion are also very important factors, because these factors determine whether you will have a very nice square angular and trapezium kind of shape to your lower third when your jaw is wide enough relative to the rest of your face.
What this means is :
If like me you have a pretty long ramus a jaw angle that is relatively close to the ideal, a square chin and long jaw body with good forward projection but you really lack jaw width, then making your jaw wider by hypertrophying your masseter muscles will make a huge difference to how masculine and photogenic your face will look Because it's the missing piece of the puzzle for having a nice masculine lower third.
If you have a thick jaw but your ramus is very short and you have a jaw angle that is very out of proportion, exercising your jaw will very likely not do much for you.
By far the most notable improvement to my appearance was made by transforming the lower third of my face.
In terms of facial appearance there are 2 things that might increase your appearance a lot: making your jaw thicker and making your jawline more visible and sharper.
These 2 things will make your face look more masculine and more photogenic in pictures.
Some people argue that the jaw and jawline are the most important parts of the face when it comes to facial attractiveness in men and while I don’t believe that having the stereotypical perfectly square and chiseled jawline is a prerequisite to being attractive (a lot of dudes having a moderately wide and sharp jawline are still regarded as highly attractive) I still believe that having a very subpar jawline compared to the rest of the face can make your face look average or even below average in some cases.
This was the case for me. Despite having very nice eyes, decent cheekbones and a compact midface I was still relatively average looking. I was still able to get laid and once I got very fit I was able to get laid with cute/hot women relatively easily from dating apps but I never got the special treatment some of my really good looking (facially) friends got when using dating apps.
They could get away with having average or even bad photos, subpar text game, not being very persistent and still get laid plenty with a decent amount of girls fairly easily (even though it was not necessarily with the hottest ones, as sleeping with the hottest girls generally require more skill and persistance even when being good looking).
I was getting a decent amount of matches at this point but I was wondering if there was still something I could do to improve my looks and results to a significant extent.
This is when I came across jaw exercises. I started doing research and first I was thinking that jaw exercises where a scam or that they have a very limited impact on facial attractiveness and then I found some before after photos of people who have bruxism (people who uncontrollably clench their teeth and jaw very hard throughout the day) and have undergown botox injection to their masseters in order to prevent this clenching of the jaw/teeth. I was shocked at how much their jaw width and jawline sharpness has been reduced on some of these after pictures because of the size of their masseters being reduced.
This is when I started thinking that maybe a lot of very attractive male models not only have an amazing looking jawline due to sheer bone structure but also because a lot of them may also have more developed masseters (even without necessarily training it directly). This is when I decided to give jaw exercises a shot.
You can see on the following pictures that my jaw used to make me look childlike despite having other very good features. (On some of the before pictures I’m also a bit younger so that’s also another reason).
My Before pictures
My After pictures
Quick note : I'm at the end of a bulk hovering around 20% bodyfat in those pictures, which is higher than the ideal for facial attractiveness (the ideal being around 10 to 15% bodyfat), yet I still look significantly better (in my opinion at least) than in previous pics where I was leaner.
My protocol for Improving my jawline :
I mainly do two things. The first thing is making sure I stay under 20% body fat and at the end of each cut I try to be under 15% body fat which is where my jawline looks the best.
The second thing is making sure I exercise my jaw for at least 15 to 20 minutes every other day. I exercise my jaw with this type of jaw exerciser that you can find for cheap on AliExpress for example.
This protocol I just described is for maintenance. When I actively tried to increase the width of my job, I was chewing those things for about 30 minutes a day for the first few months. These jaw exercisers are very effective at increasing the width of your jaw by building your masseters muscles but they also have the potential to hurt your jaw or your tmj joint that's why you have to be careful when using them and use them in the progressive way and take a few days off if you notice any persisting temporal or mandibular pain at the jaw joint.
Why I may have gotten the results I got
In terms of factors that heavily influence how good the lower third will look, jaw width and jawline visibility are not the only things that matter.
The shape of your chin, your jaw angle, ramus length, and jaw protrusion are also very important factors, because these factors determine whether you will have a very nice square angular and trapezium kind of shape to your lower third when your jaw is wide enough relative to the rest of your face.
What this means is :
If like me you have a pretty long ramus a jaw angle that is relatively close to the ideal, a square chin and long jaw body with good forward projection but you really lack jaw width, then making your jaw wider by hypertrophying your masseter muscles will make a huge difference to how masculine and photogenic your face will look Because it's the missing piece of the puzzle for having a nice masculine lower third.
If you have a thick jaw but your ramus is very short and you have a jaw angle that is very out of proportion, exercising your jaw will very likely not do much for you.
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