My job is becoming unbearable



May 21, 2022
I went to visit my sister who works in the city, big flashy offices, good-looking women and men mingling in coffee shops on their laptops getting some work done whilst on a quick break. You could just sense that everyone lived good lives and actually earnt a good salary where they can enjoy life and not just survive. I went back to my work today and all my colleagues are middle-aged old Indians or just low-IQ men. Some Indian guy was shouting on his phone whilst eating curry really loudly. There are zero females anywhere as its a manual job however the few that are there are fat old warpigs. It was nothing like the city where middle-class good looking people work. What takes the piss as well is these guys can work from home most of the time and just chill out on team calls. My job is truly fucking shit, no socializing outside of work, zero perks, just a basic wage-slaving job. I seriously need to. quit and claim benefits. It would mean i would be living at home with my parents at 30 but i cant keep turning up to this shit hole every day. My sisters work constantly hold events for their company, holidays, parties, and restaurants after work. I cant even get a shitty coffee for free at work. I've noticed as well after 2 years of being there I've become a bitter angry person at everything.

How can i find a white collar job with no degree. Im willing to study on the side of my job but have no clue where to start
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just wagiemaxx till you save up 100k
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yup it's either you climb corporate or slave away

crime doesn't work, investment gains in general are minimal
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join the real world
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I work a really shitty job i wanna changed it but im dumb asf on the other hand.I wanna make good but im not good at nothing or at least at nothing that will make me money.Im fucked .
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 20370 and Deleted member 15164
What degree does your sister have?
The people on this website who say getting a degree and a good job is bad (otherwise known as "wageslaving") or that money is useless are delusional fucks...
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I feel you
You gotta get a degree lol
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Atleast we got jobs in the meantime to fund our surgeries.
diff between lower class and upper class. also diff between genders: i bet you're superior to your sister in every way, yet she gets a ticket to a cushy job, sucking upper class dick, while you slave away and suffer for those upper class men... like a total cuck.
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Reactions: Kerbouchard and latincell95
. I've noticed as well after 2 years of being there I've become a bitter angry person at everything.
Normal and based human response.
How can i find a white collar job with no degree. Im willing to study on the side of my job but have no clue where to start
I dunno.
Sales might be the best way? If you are good at that.
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore
The people on this website who say getting a degree and a good job is bad (otherwise known as "wageslaving") or that money is useless are delusional fucks...
Money is cope. When used to attract and keep females. Aka betabuxxcuck maxxing.
But a based guy, will keep his money for mostly his personal matters
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore and latincell95
Money is cope. When used to attract and keep females. Aka betabuxxcuck maxxing.
But a based guy, will keep his money for mostly his personal matters

The only personal matters worth striving for are to buy your freedom and escape wage slavery. Beyond that you don’t need much to live a very fulfilling life.

Everything beyond a certain threshold is simply status symbols and, indirectly, betabux behaviour.
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, latincell95, Prince88 and 3 others
I work a really shitty job i wanna changed it but im dumb asf on the other hand.I wanna make good but im not good at nothing or at least at nothing that will make me money.Im fucked .
This is the thing when people ask what you're good at i don't really know. I can play most sports at an average level but nowhere near good enough for a proper team or to compete. Was never academic enough to fly through school and get good grades in subjects that matter. I don't have the ' gift of the gab ' so i cant sell shit or bullshit my way into a good job. I honestly think most people aren't good at anything 90% or more. The bad part is im aware of the situation unlike normal people who just get on with it.
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Reactions: latincell95
The people on this website who say getting a degree and a good job is bad (otherwise known as "wageslaving") or that money is useless are delusional fucks...
Getting a good degree is vital not only for a job but for the people you meet, the places you go, and the person you become. You'll end up working a humdrum job with the pits of society. When i was at university it thought it was all bullshit. My brain only allows me to see a few years into the future and its fucked me up.
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Reactions: latincell95 and thereallegend
diff between lower class and upper class. also diff between genders: i bet you're superior to your sister in every way, yet she gets a ticket to a cushy job, sucking upper class dick, while you slave away and suffer for those upper class men... like a total cuck.
My parents also bought her an expensive as fuck apartment in the city and they tell me i haven't shown any work ethic or desire to deserve it. so im stuck at home earning a crappy wage unable to move out anywhere worth while where people with good jobs live my age/ renting or buying. The only place i could afford would be some shit hole crime-ridden area completely out the city. Anything i do is wrong and everything she does is correct. It is impossible even trying to argue on the topic
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Money is cope. When used to attract and keep females. Aka betabuxxcuck maxxing.
But a based guy, will keep his money for mostly his personal matters
You must be young. Money is all that matters when you get past 26. With money you can do pretty much what you want and if you arent a weirdo you'll have no issues getting women but honestly having women as a priority is terrible. With tons of money you could have your own nice place, travel, socialize do cool things non stop without having to turn up to a wage slaving job where most women look at you like you're dity. Even if youre good looking it doesn't matter, if you have no money you're fucked. This isn't some brad pitt film where hes homeless and women are begging for him. Life doesnt work like that.
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Reactions: latincell95 and thereallegend
You're clearly self aware enough to know the root cause of all your problems in life -- lack of a college education which will get you a satisfying fulfilling job in life that will keep you happy.

The real question is why aren't you working towards achieving that instead of being blatantly racist and complaining about your quality of life while being jealous about your own sister?
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Reactions: thereallegend and Deleted member 28904
You're clearly self aware enough to know the root cause of all your problems in life -- lack of a college education which will get you a satisfying fulfilling job in life that will keep you happy.

The real question is why aren't you working towards achieving that instead of being blatantly racist and complaining about your quality of life while being jealous about your own sister?
I have no idea what to work towards and don't want to invest time into something which won't deliver results. I am more than happy to but i just dont know where to begin. I seem to have fallen into the wage slave trap
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I have no idea what to work towards and don't want to invest time into something which won't deliver results. I am more than happy to but i just dont know where to begin. I seem to have fallen into the wage slave trap
Go back to school and get degrees. That would be the more reasonable option

The less reasonable but also possible option is trying to master hustles that don't require degrees that can generate significant earnings (internet business, drop-shipping, re-selling, investing whatever you have etc)

I won't discount the latter option because I personally know people who have made millions like that but it is unlikely. I would hedge and go back to school + pick up a few side hustles.
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If you were born a foid you wouldnt end up in this situation ever JFL
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tales of a wagecuck
I went to visit my sister who works in the city, big flashy offices, good-looking women and men mingling in coffee shops on their laptops getting some work done whilst on a quick break. You could just sense that everyone lived good lives and actually earnt a good salary where they can enjoy life and not just survive. I went back to my work today and all my colleagues are middle-aged old Indians or just low-IQ men. Some Indian guy was shouting on his phone whilst eating curry really loudly. There are zero females anywhere as its a manual job however the few that are there are fat old warpigs. It was nothing like the city where middle-class good looking people work. What takes the piss as well is these guys can work from home most of the time and just chill out on team calls. My job is truly fucking shit, no socializing outside of work, zero perks, just a basic wage-slaving job. I seriously need to. quit and claim benefits. It would mean i would be living at home with my parents at 30 but i cant keep turning up to this shit hole every day. My sisters work constantly hold events for their company, holidays, parties, and restaurants after work. I cant even get a shitty coffee for free at work. I've noticed as well after 2 years of being there I've become a bitter angry person at everything.

How can i find a white collar job with no degree. Im willing to study on the side of my job but have no clue where to start
What do you do OP? Warehouse?
Basically life after school for most people
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Reactions: Deleted member 18879
I went to visit my sister who works in the city, big flashy offices, good-looking women and men mingling in coffee shops on their laptops getting some work done whilst on a quick break. You could just sense that everyone lived good lives and actually earnt a good salary where they can enjoy life and not just survive. I went back to my work today and all my colleagues are middle-aged old Indians or just low-IQ men. Some Indian guy was shouting on his phone whilst eating curry really loudly. There are zero females anywhere as its a manual job however the few that are there are fat old warpigs. It was nothing like the city where middle-class good looking people work. What takes the piss as well is these guys can work from home most of the time and just chill out on team calls. My job is truly fucking shit, no socializing outside of work, zero perks, just a basic wage-slaving job. I seriously need to. quit and claim benefits. It would mean i would be living at home with my parents at 30 but i cant keep turning up to this shit hole every day. My sisters work constantly hold events for their company, holidays, parties, and restaurants after work. I cant even get a shitty coffee for free at work. I've noticed as well after 2 years of being there I've become a bitter angry person at everything.

How can i find a white collar job with no degree. Im willing to study on the side of my job but have no clue where to start
some psychopathic piece of just world believing dishonest shit here will tell you that it's your fault you work a job like this. ded srs just fake mental illness and try get bennies if such a thing exists in your country

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