My onestis basically was sitting on my cock (why fraternity is everything&more for looksmaxxers)

this is sth I always wonder, how the hell people are so brave <to pursue> + naive - to pursue and always being "down" in a relationship
whats the point if you are always asking/writing first and she will dump you the second the can
its being desired or death
not a single word bro
not a single word bro
936full david gandy
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I've met my first onestis since like 4-5 years, for 3 weeks in a row

2 last threads:

Long story short, she was sitting on my legs, but not on the tips but basically on my cock, I had to have my hand between her ass and my p because boner 24/7
the situation was generally funny, because my good friends is trying to "pick her up", he was holding her waist, asking: "why do you sit on a chico?" "do you want to sit on my?". she was literally sitting on me for like 40 min and ended only because I stood up and didn't want to fck up my relationship with a friend <who actually let me in to the fraternity circle>

she was drunk tho, said that "I'm the mos comfortable", when I started talking she was spinning and looking pretty close to my eyes
I changed the sitting place and she still refused to sit on my friends kness. whats more - after some time she sat close to me

I tried to use 100% knowledge of PSL
I wore the top-notch jacket <the same I wore when 1 bitch said that I'm unnice but I make up for looks), also used @Amnesia "experience" and got a 2-day stubble
+ fake tan as a must + all the frauding package - I looked pretty much italian

Whats more:
- there were like 10 people
1 couple was kissing like crazy, the other even more. Guy who admitted has never had a girlfriend was "riding kissing" by a "calm, studying good major girl" - like you have sex position when she is sitting in front of you - they were kissing that way..

Whats most important for you:
Im not a member of a fraternity, but my good friend invites me, social circle is a fcking must
u must find a social group - where you regularly meet

my current view on sex:
despite boner etc I don't find slaying/ons even an option for me
I need ltr - validation, I get used to people too easly

my current view on women:
honestly most are parthis, whorish
girls I thought are extremely calm was drunk and crazy
especially these who left their family houses and started studying in a big city

what do I think of my onestis:
I don't find her as attractive as 3 weeks ago

Yesterday's picture with comments:
View attachment 789382
You need to understand most women are flaky emotioanl wrecks who act like children and dont have a clue of what they want in life.
Thats why they need a strong masculine lead.
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update after a few months
- oneitis found a boyfriend who is not chad imho
- my friend who had simping for her has been hardly rejected - she said she is not attracted to him at all
- I have some nice experience with oneitis - like some adventures/ singing together etc
- I'm still attracted to her<I ve known her since 1st august 2020> - first time in my life I like someone for that long
and she is not hot
You both sound like losers tbh.

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