My plan is to ascend after I graduate

I'm in my third year of uni, and it's super competitive. I thought I'd be able to cruise through most of it and enjoy the ideal university life student of the year type shit, but I was wrong. I have to grind hard for grades, and there's zero time for myself. I'm constantly busy with studies and extracurriculars to build my resume. There's no time for the gym, socializing, or partying, and I can't waste the opportunity of being at such a prestigious university by slacking off. So, I've decided to power through my degree, and after I graduate and get a job, I'll take a year off to gain work experience and then join a master's program where I hope to have a more relaxed university experience. I'll also use that year off to get all the surgeries I've planned. I recently got LASIK and Invisalign, and I'll do the rest afterwards. I'm also pretty much completely dependent on my parents for money. Getting a job would give me more independence too. I'm 20 now and by the time I graduate I'll be 21-22. What do you guys think? @Chadeep @MoggerGaston @buflek @deadstock @Beastimmung @John Doe @SecularIslamist @TechnoBoss
valid plan

pretty much what I did
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Lifemogs me hard
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  • JFL
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Says the white guy in a first world country whuke texting on his latest iPhone 15 pro he bought through NEETbux.
I have a android phone for 300 bucks
I have a android phone for 300 bucks
I'm very determined to make something of my life man. I can't sleep at night if I lived the life of a looser
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  • Hmm...
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This sort of mentality is toxic if you live in America. Social status and career success are like not very correlated here. Being a semi-failed non-famous DJ who plays in clubs will bring you more social cred tbh than being some extremely famous scientist or a corporate executive. Being all grindset will not get you women nor will it really bring you social success.
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Ofc if you live in India, the story may be different. But the path you suggest in the US is the kind which results in hypersuccessful people throwing themselves off buildings in the US.
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@SecularIslamist brutal... he's falling for the same trap you fell for, the study/careercel meme. While it's good you're not going to be some toilet cleaner, you need to understand getting a prime worthy foid is done at early ages, not after you've all graduated/etc, by that time all the good quality foids are in LTRs/taken.
You know i see the same thing with so many curries here aswell. They become bookworms/studycels from college to uni and then post-grad and finally they start looking for a foid but by then all the HQ foids are long gone, taken by average wagecuck low inhib guy who didn't waste all his time on being a bookworm and instead went after the foids that are worth marrying/LTRing. How was your lasik btw? is it better than lasek and do you have dry eyes or anything?
Good luck bhai, hope things work out! Oh btw you should probably consider just moving to America or somewhere after graduating, no point staying in India long term. You tagged some random greycel and not me btw :lul:
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  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist, Chadeep and Jason Voorhees
Ofc if you live in India, the story may be different. But the path you suggest in the US is the kind which results in hypersuccessful people throwing themselves off buildings in the US.
textbook east asian studycel who gets no pussy and then ropes, that's what subhuman east-asiancels in america are like.
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Don't leave it too late
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What do you study?
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textbook east asian studycel who gets no pussy and then ropes, that's what subhuman east-asiancels in america are like.
tbh there are a lot of white studycels in the US too, they just end up running JBW on some asian or latina women though. If it weren't for asian and latina women the white incel rate would be way higher in the US.
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tbh there are a lot of white studycels in the US too, they just end up running JBW on some asian or latina women though. If it weren't for asian and latina women the white incel rate would be way higher in the US.
yh not possible to be incel if white in america, always some black or indian girl who will accept a LTN white or even subhuman
  • JFL
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I'm in my third year of uni, and it's super competitive. I thought I'd be able to cruise through most of it and enjoy the ideal university life student of the year type shit, but I was wrong. I have to grind hard for grades, and there's zero time for myself. I'm constantly busy with studies and extracurriculars to build my resume. There's no time for the gym, socializing, or partying, and I can't waste the opportunity of being at such a prestigious university by slacking off. So, I've decided to power through my degree, and after I graduate and get a job, I'll take a year off to gain work experience and then join a master's program where I hope to have a more relaxed university experience. I'll also use that year off to get all the surgeries I've planned. I recently got LASIK and Invisalign, and I'll do the rest afterwards. I'm also pretty much completely dependent on my parents for money. Getting a job would give me more independence too. I'm 20 now and by the time I graduate I'll be 21-22. What do you guys think? @Chadeep @MoggerGaston @buflek @deadstock @Beastimmung @John Doe @SecularIslamist @TechnoBoss
Good sheet
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Imo @Jason
yh not possible to be incel if white in america, always some black or indian girl who will accept a LTN white or even subhuman
tbh imo, it's mostly asian and latina women who do that. I rarely see nerdy white guys with indian women and pretty much never see them black women.
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Imo @Jason

tbh imo, it's mostly asian and latina women who do that. I rarely see nerdy white guys with indian women and pretty much never see them black women.
any whiteguy who isn't fat/goes to gym can get indian foid
currycel cope.

JBW has limits in the US.
nah you're retarded if you think LTN white guys can't get an ethnic girlfriend
btw pakis are aryans, not curries and i've never even had curry in my life, i don't even like that shit.
  • JFL
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nah you're retarded if you think LTN white guys can't get an ethnic girlfriend
btw pakis are aryans, not curries and i've never even had curry in my life, i don't even like that shit.
Same shit. Pakistani/indian/nepali/bengali/sri lankan basically the same thing.

Most LTN curries can get a curry girlfriend tbh. Only East Asians and black women are capable of actually being real incels in the US.
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Same shit. Pakistani/indian/nepali/bengali/sri lankan basically the same thing.

Most LTN curries can get a curry girlfriend tbh. Only East Asians and black women are capable of actually being real incels in the US.
JFL not the samae thign at all you cunt
pakis are aryan, the other south asians are not.
i won't disagree with you on the 2nd part, only because i have witnessed it IRL too many times, LTN curry guys with a wife/girl with them. and agreed on the black/east asian woman part aswell.
  • JFL
Reactions: Chadeep, Jason Voorhees and onion_salad
JFL not the samae thign at all you cunt
pakis are aryan, the other south asians are not.
i won't disagree with you on the 2nd part, only because i have witnessed it IRL too many times, LTN curry guys with a wife/girl with them. and agreed on the black/east asian woman part aswell.
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Genuine question, how do you have to study that much? Maybe the US is different from India. I don’t have classes for more than 3-4 hours a day max. It’s not like homework and studying will take up the entire rest of the time and weekends right?
Idk. Maybe if you’re working or doing some internship and research and certifications
  • +1
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Genuine question, how do you have to study that much? Maybe the US is different from India. I don’t have classes for more than 3-4 hours a day max. It’s not like homework and studying will take up the entire rest of the time and weekends right?
Idk. Maybe if you’re working or doing some internship and research and certifications
My schedule typically. And yes my Saturdays and Sundays are free but I'm usually occupied doing assignments or doing some extra curricular

Screenshot 20240823 090743 VITTY
Screenshot 20240823 090817 VITTY
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This sort of mentality is toxic if you live in America. Social status and career success are like not very correlated here. Being a semi-failed non-famous DJ who plays in clubs will bring you more social cred tbh than being some extremely famous scientist or a corporate executive. Being all grindset will not get you women nor will it really bring you social success.
I disagree it all comes down to looks at the end of the day. A corporate desk job where you have to wear formal clothes for work is always better than a blue collar job.
How are you able to manage everything with such a tight schedule?
I don’t have school rn (well 1 summer class but it’s basically nothing) I’m just doing cybersecurity certifications. Volume isn’t nearly as much as yours but I just set time to do it everyday. Finished one course a couple days ago so I’m kinda free rn. Finding what to do next.
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Masters for moneymaxxing? Sure. Masters for slaying roasties? uhhh, you might be better off displaying money from wagecucking on Tinder or whatever apps you have there
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Ascend now, there’s no need to currycel maxx further by being a low T hardcore studycel
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