My wallets got drained

I’m actually gonna fucking kill myself
I just got drained
Fucking 230k on phantom and 300k on my ledger
I’m so done with life
Fuckme bro

I’m fr gonna slit my throat tonight
Btw that's called Eavesdropping, they're doing it for decades now.

"Security researchers based at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, have been looking at methods of eavesdropping on private conversations without needing to compromise a device with malware first."

Guess (((WHO))) is behind it, goyim?
That's what happens when you haven't been a Good Goy... They take away ALL your Shekels!👃🇮🇱✡️
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Btw that's called Eavesdropping, they're doing it for decades now.

"Security researchers based at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, have been looking at methods of eavesdropping on private conversations without needing to compromise a device with malware first."

Guess (((WHO))) is behind it, goyim?
That's what happens when you haven't been a Good Goy... They take away ALL your Shekels!👃🇮🇱✡️
Stuff like your wallet should be kept on a room wíth lights or windows, preferably inside a vault on the basement... I'm not even joking.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel and poopoohead
I’m actually gonna fucking kill myself
I just got drained
Fucking 230k on phantom and 300k on my ledger
I’m so done with life
Fuckme bro

I’m fr gonna slit my throat tonight
What were your biggest trades in your crypto history
Stuff like your wallet should be kept on a room wíth lights or windows, preferably inside a vault on the basement... I'm not even joking.
I hope you’re trolling cause you have no idea how this works boyo
  • JFL
Reactions: RichardSpencel
Stop disrespecting God
I’m fr gonna slit my throat tonight
before you do that blast 5g of test and tell me how you feel and if you turned into a pentamogger
before you do that blast 5g of test and tell me how you feel and if you turned into a pentamogger
I knew a Guy who blasted 250mg Test a day for a month
And nothing
I’m actually gonna fucking kill myself
I just got drained
Fucking 230k on phantom and 300k on my ledger
I’m so done with life
Fuckme bro

I’m fr gonna slit my throat tonight
And chads cock got drained
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
I’m actually gonna fucking kill myself
I just got drained
Fucking 230k on phantom and 300k on my ledger
I’m so done with life
Fuckme bro

I’m fr gonna slit my throat tonight
Brutal if true :feelswah:

keep crying for bigblacknigger
Never doubt it, hackers nowadays can do things I that come down was nothing but straight up Satanic Black Magic, sick shit!

I knew a Guy who blasted 250mg Test a day for a month
And nothing
You can blast 10 kilos a day, won't matter if your androgenic receptors are fried from whatever you've been doing lately lmao 🤣
  • +1
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If a nigger has been blasting for the last 6 months, of course hisbreceptors will be fried... I'm not talking about you specifically, it's more of a way of generalizing 🤗
  • +1
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If a nigger has been blasting for the last 6 months, of course him receptors will be fried... I'm not talking about you specifically, it's more of a way of generalizing 🤗
  • +1
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If a nigger has been blasting for the last 6 months, of course hisbreceptors will be fried... I'm not talking about you specifically, it's more of a way of generalizing 🤗
There shouldnt be receptors Just growing Like in GTA San andreas
There shouldnt be receptors Just growing Like in GTA San andreas
It could be like that if said guy was natural...
That's why I've never touched steroids in my life, I was 106kg at 17yo in 2015 when I quit gym for good

I lost 34kg and ascended, but I now hate gym, muscles or anything that reminds me of it...

Only active form of exercise now is stretching, that's enough for me 🤗🤭😻
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
Sorry bro it was me
I need to buy food to starving African kids, your hardmaxing can wait
  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother
nigga hit the lick of his life :lul: prolly some 13 yr old kid
  • +1
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yeah ngl u need to track him down and kill him
So apparently he sent ‘sol’ to my phantom. I transferred that to my ledger and that’s how he got all my funds. It’s called poisoning

Rn that twitter dude is in contact with coinbase to get that guy’s identity

I talked to some guys in other projects and he’s done it be4 with tons of other ppl

I’m losing my mind lol

This how he got me

This just says he can address poison and make you think you already sent or received funds from an address that looks like yours… In order to his plan to work you should have autonomously sent 500k to that address… how and why
This just says he can address poison and make you think you already sent or received funds from an address that looks like yours… In order to his plan to work you should have autonomously sent 500k to that address… how and why
Exactly this

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