Narrow mouths are legit subhuman

Im using a facemask similiar to what Dr won moon uses attached to a palate expander with tubes that stays on all day. My mew line went from 44-43mm to 42mm however its hard to say if i got upswing of the maxilla or the teeth got more inclined. Hard to say if my maxilla as a whole move forward however my upper teeth are now slightly in front of the bottom teeth and before they were sitting on top of each other, my cheeckbones look about the same or slightly bigger thn about 1 year ago when i had fillers so its safe to say they are more prominent since filler fades overtime and i didnt really lose any size whatsoever. My jaw is literally the same. Other things might have changed however it could be placebo bodyfat etc so i dont wanna spread missinformation. Keep in mind thou that im using this mask for an average of 20-22 hours a day since i work from home.
Interesting. What kind of expander are you having the facemask attached to? Unless the expander is pushing on the front teeth the change in the mew line measurement hopefully shouldn't be caused by teeth tipping.
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Interesting. What kind of expander are you having the facemask attached to? Unless the expander is pushing on the front teeth the change in the mew line measurement hopefully shouldn't be caused by teeth tipping.
I cant see the exactly design of the expander because i have the tubes on each side and its very hard to see how it exactly is however the whole thing looks something like this. The tubes are longer however probably because i never had extractions? I dont have any wires btw.

Now im curious what you think, because the mew line did change its undeniable. Do you think this setup could cause tipping and that's whats messing up my measurements? Because if it didnt that's a real chance i got maxillary upswing however im very skeptical about all this and dont wanna make a quick judgement...I also have an appliance on my lower arch similiar to alf.

Im curious to hear your thoughts.
If anyone wants to add anything to this matter please feel free. I think the holygrail of looksmaxing is moving actual bone and not sticking foreign objects there.


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I cant see the exactly design of the expander because i have the tubes on each side and its very hard to see how it exactly is however the whole thing looks something like this. The tubes are longer however probably because i never had extractions? I dont have any wires btw.
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Now im curious what you think, because the mew line did change its undeniable. Do you think this setup could cause tipping and that's whats messing up my measurements? Because if it didnt that's a real chance i got maxillary upswing however im very skeptical about all this and dont wanna make a quick judgement...I also have an appliance on my lower arch similiar to alf.
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Im curious to hear your thoughts.
If anyone wants to add anything to this matter please feel free. I think the holygrail of looksmaxing is moving actual bone and not sticking foreign objects there.
Question is where the anchorage is. It's not attached to the bone like MSE. At least your expander doesnt touch the front teeth. Is the force from the facepull spread out on the palate or is it on the teeth? Also how old are you? I think moving the bone gets more difficult with age. While still growing it seems even tooth born expanders are promoting growth / forward movement of the whole maxilla.
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Question is where the anchorage is. It's not attached to the bone like MSE. At least your expander doesnt touch the front teeth. Is the force from the facepull spread out on the palate or is it on the teeth? Also how old are you? I think moving the bone gets more difficult with age. While still growing it seems even tooth born expanders are promoting growth / forward movement of the whole maxilla.
The hooks are on the tubes . The anchorage is on the front part of the palate,basicly the distance between the first teeth and where u turn the screws seems to be the anchorage ( that is if im understanding what you mean by anchorage ). Btw arent all expanders besides MSE tooth borne? Cause one big doubt i have is if what im using right now is using teeth as the anchor or something else. Im also 22. And yes it does get more difficult with age but i think people overestimate how hard it gets imo, arround age 11-12 your maxilla stops growing, so what's making it harder exactly for a 22y/o compared to a 17 y/o. My dentist also mentioned that for teens and adults its basicly the same ( could be an understatement ) , she did mention however after 25 it gets harder. One fear i have is that only the alveolar ridge moves forward instead of the whole maxilla what's ur opinion on this, do you think the maxilla should move as a whole in general? Anyways the big question here is do you belive its possible to achieve upswing with this devices? Upswing would also result in a longer rammus since everything is connected so if the maxilla changes the position the jaw should change aswell correct? Also would like to know if u think its tooth/bone borne or something else.
The hooks are on the tubes . The anchorage is on the front part of the palate,basicly the distance between the first teeth and where u turn the screws seems to be the anchorage ( that is if im understanding what you mean by anchorage ). Btw arent all expanders besides MSE tooth borne? Cause one big doubt i have is if what im using right now is using teeth as the anchor or something else. Im also 22. And yes it does get more difficult with age but i think people overestimate how hard it gets imo, arround age 11-12 your maxilla stops growing, so what's making it harder exactly for a 22y/o compared to a 17 y/o. My dentist also mentioned that for teens and adults its basicly the same ( could be an understatement ) , she did mention however after 25 it gets harder. One fear i have is that only the alveolar ridge moves forward instead of the whole maxilla what's ur opinion on this, do you think the maxilla should move as a whole in general? Anyways the big question here is do you belive its possible to achieve upswing with this devices? Upswing would also result in a longer rammus since everything is connected so if the maxilla changes the position the jaw should change aswell correct? Also would like to know if u think its tooth/bone borne or something else.
The alveolar ridge is softer than the rest of the maxilla so if the pressure is directly on that it will most likely make up the major part of the movement. I read somewhere that having the facepull anchored further back in the palate would be better for movement of the whole maxilla but don't quote me on this stuff as I'm just trying to learn myself.

I'm still not sure if it is possible to achieve upswing or even forward movement of the whole maxilla in adults this way. Apparently it was done in experiments with adult monkeys although I haven't been able to read the whole article:

Also this quote sounds promising: "Combining FM and MSE has also resulted in some skeletal protraction even in mature patients, simulating distraction-like movement"

From here:

Still pretty much all of the studies showing results with facepull have been done on children.

If you're able to get results with this I would be very interested to see them.
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The alveolar ridge is softer than the rest of the maxilla so if the pressure is directly on that it will most likely make up the major part of the movement. I read somewhere that having the facepull anchored further back in the palate would be better for movement of the whole maxilla but don't quote me on this stuff as I'm just trying to learn myself.

I'm still not sure if it is possible to achieve upswing or even forward movement of the whole maxilla in adults this way. Apparently it was done in experiments with adult monkeys although I haven't been able to read the whole article:

Also this quote sounds promising: "Combining FM and MSE has also resulted in some skeletal protraction even in mature patients, simulating distraction-like movement"

From here:

Still pretty much all of the studies showing results with facepull have been done on children.

If you're able to get results with this I would be very interested to see them.
The good thing about this appliance is that im actually able to still have my tongue on the roof ( not that its going to do much imo but its stillgood practise so i dont relapse when treatment is over ) since only the first 1/3 of the palate is covered, feels like an appliance like AGGA all it does is move the alveolar ridge forward since it creates space between the front teeth and the molars.

My appliance doesnt touch the front teeth . Since the alveolar ridge is softer than the rest of the maxilla , in theory shouldnt it be possible for it to upswing making the other bones follow overtime? (Im applying an upwards force at arround 30 degrees, but also im not sure if its as linear as this, however i do feel alot better about applying an upwards force rather thn a downwards force.)
Also heard about that study with adult monkeys never got the time to read it fully, will take a deeper look at it. Also keep in mind that im not using mse however the changes ive experiencied related to mouth width, slightly better cheeckbone prominence could be to the palate expansion itself. I saw some pretty insane changes on an adult woman that used biobloc it widened her whole maxilla , IPD increased, zygos width and mouth width , can try to find it if you want. So it might be possible to achieve maxilla expansion with only palatal expansion given enough time, but im not sure about it yet. MSE does expand your whole maxilla its been proven countless times already so maybe expanders could do it too.
@CopeAndRope Wanna share your thoughts on this too?
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Because your mouth didn't widen fucktard or else you'd be the first case study for orthodontists
You cant be serious, i can literally go on orthropics subreddit and find countless examples of people that widen their mouth due to change in their palate width, if you werent so clueless about funcion and looks you would probably know this by now , but hey this is not so i will cut you some slack.
You cant be serious, i can literally go on orthropics subreddit and find countless examples of people that widen their mouth due to change in their palate width, if you werent so clueless about funcion and looks you would probably know this by now , but hey this is not so i will cut you some slack.
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still ugly
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You cant be serious, i can literally go on orthropics subreddit and find countless examples of people that widen their mouth due to change in their palate width, if you werent so clueless about funcion and looks you would probably know this by now , but hey this is not so i will cut you some slack.
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Orthotropics is the biggest cope subreddit but that result actually looks legit, her chin seems to be shorter

Worth investigating nonetheless

I have asked orthodontists and they seem to be on the same page that palatal expansion doesn't widen soft tissue like the lips
There is this fat ugly fuck at work. Every time he yawns and exposes his subhuman narrow palate I wanna strangle him.
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