Nature isn't good or evil, it simply doesn't care;



vanity of vanities
Jul 9, 2024
Thread soundtrack:

Human beings are conditioned to see everything they come across as good or bad and this behavior can be explained through:

Cognitive Simplicity: Simplifying complex information helps our brains process it more efficiently. By categorizing experiences, actions, or people as either good or bad, we reduce cognitive load and make quicker decisions.

Evolutionary Survival: From an evolutionary perspective, humans needed to quickly assess whether something was a threat or beneficial for survival. This binary thinking helped our ancestors make rapid decisions to avoid danger and seek resources.

Moral Frameworks: Societies develop moral frameworks to control behavior. These frameworks are based on clear distinctions between right and wrong, good and bad, to maintain order and cohesion within the community.

Emotional Responses: Emotions play a significant role in our perception of good and bad. Positive emotions are associated with good experiences, while negative emotions are linked to bad ones. These emotional responses reinforce our tendency to categorize experiences.

Social Learning: We learn from a young age to categorize behavior through socialization. Parents, teachers, friends (for those normal looking enough to have any) and cultural narratives often teach us what is considered good or bad, shaping our perceptions and judgments.

But what about nature, is it evil?

When we look at nature, we can see that it operates on principles that are neither good or bad. A lion hunting a gazelle isn't evil; it's simply a part of the natural order. The lion hunts to survive, and the gazelle runs to avoid becoming prey. Both actions are driven by survival instincts, not moral judgments.

Life itself does not conform to human moral judgements. Natural disasters, genetic issues, diseases, and even death are not inherently evil. They are simply aspects of existence. The universe operates according to its own rules, indifferent to human notions of good and bad.

My fellow blackpiller, accepting the indifference of nature and life is where real freedom is found. It allows us to see the world more objectively and frees us from the constant need to judge everything. Instead of labeling experiences as good or bad, we can focus on their impacts and how we respond to them.

Ultimately, perception shapes reality, not because it changes the world itself, but because it changes the lenses through which you view it. Brain chemistry, homie.

"Looks are correlated to mental health, it's over"

Yes, there's a strong connection between these two aspects of existence. The game is rigged from the start, but let me tell you something:

In 100 years, everyone we know will be dead, including us. Our material possessions will either be owned by people we know nothing about, or will be deteriorated by time itself. Maybe some people will know our name, maybe not. Even Jesus, the most known human being to ever exist, will eventually be forgotten; it might just take some millennia (less than a second from the universe's perspective). We are all insignificant, meaningless sentient meat computers, yet we care. We overthink.

Find something you truly love, and let it consume your extremely finite existence. Seek fulfillment within, and accept the outside. External fulfillment isn't good or bad, but you will eventually notice how unsustainable it is (read about the hedonic treadmill).

And if you need a friend, then you got me.

Didn't Read.

- thorns, the alt account
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We were born to suffer because the curse of action is desire, if someone is depressed desire becomes one with our existence which is meaningless. So either way you look into yourself or you look into the world, there's no other answer than to keep going and cope with those beings life gives. You cannot surrender.
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These autists think theyre so profound because they finally understood what nihilism was and now feel the need to ramble on to everyone about it like anyone cares

Its like what happened to james sapphire that guys just a hippie junkie now

Youre not profound or special for your thoughts and you wasted time writing this shit out when you couldve explained it in half a a paragraph
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Very good post
I dislike when blackpillers/nihilists/etc try to moralize the universe and act like it's cruel or evil
When the point of nihilism or the blackpill is the exact opposite
It just is. Evil or good are terms humans made up to ascribe meaning to it. The world can seem harsh and cruel yes. It's capable of great 'evil'. But it's also capable of great 'good'.
We are what we are. The only thing I'll ever know for certain in life is that I am me. If that's not true nothing else is. Yet I don't choose what I am. I didn't choose to have the desires and interests that I do. Nobody does.
It's pointless to hate people for being evil, to villainize them or anything of the sort. They're simply following their desires. We are all just ultimately following our programming. It's certainly depressing because of the lack of real freedom, but it's the truth. You are what you are. That's all you really need to know in life.
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Youre not profound or special for your thoughts and you wasted time writing this shit out when you couldve explained it in half a a paragraph
- Sub 80 IQ argument
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- Sub 80 IQ argument
Thats not even an argument

How fucking stupid are you?

You just read big words that you don’t understand and think “wow this guys a genius!”

Everything the guy said is objectively true its just another ramble from someone who just understood what nihilism was, who gives a shit

Its basically just saying “life is meaningless” but dragging it out with long words so people think its profound
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These autists think theyre so profound because they finally understood what nihilism was and now feel the need to ramble on to everyone about it like anyone cares

Its like what happened to james sapphire that guys just a hippie junkie now

Youre not profound or special for your thoughts and you wasted time writing this shit out when you couldve explained it in half a a paragraph
You seem angry, like someone in denial.

We, as humans, find comfort in similarity and belonging. This is the reason forums exist: to help us feel validated and less lonely. We were made to live in groups. This thread actually has the opposite intention of putting myself in the spotlight; it's about showing people who feel lost in the void that it is a common experience many humans face, not just themselves.

Younger me would like to read something like this.
  • +1
Reactions: IAMNOTANINCEL and moredatesmorerapes
You seem angry, like someone in denial.

We, as humans, find comfort in similarity and belonging. This is the reason forums exist: to help us feel validated and less lonely. We were made to live in groups. This thread actually has the opposite intention of putting myself in the spotlight; it's about showing people who feel lost in the void that it is a common experience many humans face, not just themselves.

Younger me would like to read something like this.

I didnt disagree with anything you said its just a long gay rambling that you couldve explained by saying “life is meaningless” and if the people reading cant fill in the blanks themselves then theyre retarded
Thats not even an argument

How fucking stupid are you?

You just read big words that you don’t understand and think “wow this guys a genius!”

Everything the guy said is objectively true its just another ramble from someone who just understood what nihilism was, who gives a shit

Its basically just saying “life is meaningless” but dragging it out with long words so people think its profound
Pretty retarded post considering 90% of people here rage about women or the blackpill lol
The fact you think anything there was a 'big word' proves you are retarded
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Thats not even an argument

How fucking stupid are you?

You just read big words that you don’t understand and think “wow this guys a genius!”

Everything the guy said is objectively true its just another ramble from someone who just understood what nihilism was, who gives a shit

Its basically just saying “life is meaningless” but dragging it out with long words so people think its profound
Bc when using your logic against you, you could just shorten your answers to “don’t care”

Also, the only one claiming it to be “profound” is you
Pretty retarded post considering 90% of people here rage about women or the blackpill lol
The fact you think anything there was a 'big word' proves you are retarded
Yeah this place is infested with retards that doesnt make the post profound

You give a blind man sight and he sits in amazement at his new ability

The rest of the world could already see

Hopefully this metaphor makes sense
Bc when using your logic against you, you could just shorten your answers to “don’t care”

Also, the only one claiming it to be “profound” is you
No one would ramble for 10 paragraphs if they thought what they were saying wasnt profound
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Yeah this place is infested with retards that doesnt make the post profound

You give a blind man sight and he sits in amazement at his new ability

The rest of the world could already see

Hopefully this metaphor makes sense
Not really, 99% of people are like this
Normies still get mad at politics and the "enemy"
Not understanding that everybody has a reason for their perspective
if most people here don't realize this and he helps them realize it how is that bad? It'd be objectively improving people's life quality
yes it does something good is something that benefits an animal and something evil is something that harms the animal

good and evil are inherent to all goals

the goal of nature is eugenics

your idea of the goal of nature is either nothing, putting you in the category of atheist or the goal of nature to you is morality (of which the system of morals you apply is false because if your morals can’t apply to certain situations then they are false) which it doesn’t comply so you would say good and evil aren’t inherent to a goal or you would become an athiest
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Not really, 99% of people are like this
Normies still get mad at politics and the "enemy"
Not understanding that everybody has a reason for their perspective
if most people here don't realize this and he helps them realize it how is that bad? It'd be objectively improving people's life quality
Its not like anything this guys said is new info or something that you reach through tenuous thought its a pretty simple concept which im sure that everyone who isnt religious understands

They just dont talk about it because, who cares? Its a reality most people are already at terms with

Only in a place full of retards with no cognitive function will you be praised for saying shit like this
Not really, 99% of people are like this
Normies still get mad at politics and the "enemy"
Not understanding that everybody has a reason for their perspective
if most people here don't realize this and he helps them realize it how is that bad? It'd be objectively improving people's life quality
Normies still get angry at politics because it effects theyre quality of life

You can understand that life is meaningless and still want to be happy, i dont get what point you’re making
Normies still get angry at politics because it effects theyre quality of life

You can understand that life is meaningless and still want to be happy, i dont get what point you’re making
Yeah you're clearly dumb

Politics affects your life sure. But getting mad doesn't affect anything. You're not Trump, you're not Biden, you're not going to change anything. Why sperg out about it to the point of raging over some random retard who doesn't know you exist? Lol
No one would ramble for 10 paragraphs if they thought what they were saying wasnt profound
You’re basically claiming if anything goes on for more than a paragraph it’s rambling and some type of intellectual flex :lul:

If OP needs 10 paragraphs to explain his ideas then so be it, imagine how boring the world would be if every book, speech, etc, is shortened to just a few words
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Thread soundtrack:

Human beings are conditioned to see everything they come across as good or bad and this behavior can be explained through:

Cognitive Simplicity: Simplifying complex information helps our brains process it more efficiently. By categorizing experiences, actions, or people as either good or bad, we reduce cognitive load and make quicker decisions.

Evolutionary Survival: From an evolutionary perspective, humans needed to quickly assess whether something was a threat or beneficial for survival. This binary thinking helped our ancestors make rapid decisions to avoid danger and seek resources.

Moral Frameworks: Societies develop moral frameworks to control behavior. These frameworks are based on clear distinctions between right and wrong, good and bad, to maintain order and cohesion within the community.

Emotional Responses: Emotions play a significant role in our perception of good and bad. Positive emotions are associated with good experiences, while negative emotions are linked to bad ones. These emotional responses reinforce our tendency to categorize experiences.

Social Learning: We learn from a young age to categorize behavior through socialization. Parents, teachers, friends (for those normal looking enough to have any) and cultural narratives often teach us what is considered good or bad, shaping our perceptions and judgments.

But what about nature, is it evil?

When we look at nature, we can see that it operates on principles that are neither good or bad. A lion hunting a gazelle isn't evil; it's simply a part of the natural order. The lion hunts to survive, and the gazelle runs to avoid becoming prey. Both actions are driven by survival instincts, not moral judgments.

Life itself does not conform to human moral judgements. Natural disasters, genetic issues, diseases, and even death are not inherently evil. They are simply aspects of existence. The universe operates according to its own rules, indifferent to human notions of good and bad.

My fellow blackpiller, accepting the indifference of nature and life is where real freedom is found. It allows us to see the world more objectively and frees us from the constant need to judge everything. Instead of labeling experiences as good or bad, we can focus on their impacts and how we respond to them.

Ultimately, perception shapes reality, not because it changes the world itself, but because it changes the lenses through which you view it. Brain chemistry, homie.

"Looks are correlated to mental health, it's over"

Yes, there's a strong connection between these two aspects of existence. The game is rigged from the start, but let me tell you something:

In 100 years, everyone we know will be dead, including us. Our material possessions will either be owned by people we know nothing about, or will be deteriorated by time itself. Maybe some people will know our name, maybe not. Even Jesus, the most known human being to ever exist, will eventually be forgotten; it might just take some millennia (less than a second from the universe's perspective). We are all insignificant, meaningless sentient meat computers, yet we care. We overthink.

Find something you truly love, and let it consume your extremely finite existence. Seek fulfillment within, and accept the outside. External fulfillment isn't good or bad, but you will eventually notice how unsustainable it is (read about the hedonic treadmill).

And if you need a friend, then you got me.

Didn't Read.

- thorns, the alt account

You’re basically claiming if anything goes on for more than a paragraph it’s rambling and some type of intellectual flex :lul:

If OP needs 10 paragraphs to explain his ideas then so be it, imagine how boring the world would be if every book, speech, etc, is shortened to just a few words
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Yeah you're clearly dumb

Politics affects your life sure. But getting mad doesn't affect anything. You're not Trump, you're not Biden, you're not going to change anything. Why sperg out about it to the point of raging over some random retard who doesn't know you exist? Lol
This is just the worst strawman ever oh my god

And from the same guy whos been posting politics threads all day

Would you not “sperg out” if you lived in china and they said they were going to kill all of your children

Would you not “sperg out” if the taliban took over your country and established sharia law

Obviously these are extremes but what a stupid point. Can you even read what you’re writing?

Why did black people “sperg out” over the death of george floyd, biden doesnt know who they are right? But reform came from it didnt it, this “sperging out” improved their quality of life (at least in legislature)
  • +1
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This is just the worst strawman ever oh my god

And from the same guy whos been posting politics threads all day
Yeah me posting "heil trump" is very serious bro
Would you not “sperg out” if you lived in china and they said they were going to kill all of your children
Do I live in china? No. I'm talking about Americans.
Would you not “sperg out” if the taliban took over your country and established sharia law
I'd say based
Obviously these are extremes but what a stupid point. Can you even read what you’re writing?
Yeah me posting "heil trump" is very serious bro

Do I live in china? No. I'm talking about Americans.

I'd say based
i cannot believe the retarded troglodytes this forum pulls out of their caves. You are one of the most stupid people ive ever interracted with

Good rage bait if that was the plan bro
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Ok? I never claimed him to be original.

Even so, does it even matter? There’s literally a web page that contains every possible combination of words. According to you, since it exists already it’d be useless to be thinking about it again
i cannot believe the retarded troglodytes this forum pulls out of their caves. You are one of the most stupid people ive ever interracted with

Good rage bait if that was the plan bro
Your estimated IQ: 33
Ok? I never claimed him to be original.

Even so, does it even matter? There’s literally a web page that contains every possible combination of words. According to you, since it exists already it’d be useless to be thinking about it again
Hence why I called it not profound. Weve reached our climax.

It doesnt matter because anyone with a brain already understands this

And im not talking like this is some niche anunaki reptile elite stuff

Any normie with a brain who doesnt strongly abide by the fundamentalist understanding of a religion already understands this. They just dont feel the need to talk about it because they are aware that everyone else knows and no one else cares.
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Hence why I called it not profound. Weve reached our climax.

It doesnt matter because anyone with a brain already understands this

And im not talking like this is some niche anunaki reptile elite stuff

Any normie with a brain who doesnt strongly abide by the fundamentalist understanding of a religion already understands this. They just dont feel the need to talk about it because they are aware that everyone else knows and no one else cares.
Ngl everyone on this thread is missing this guys point, to be fair the og post was water as FUCK and writes as a journel of a 11 year old who just realized religion is fake and now going doing their rabbithole. Yes it shouldn’t be praised but on the other side, you (iblamephaggots) is taking this way to fucking seriously and need to reflect on this, you need to analyze why the fuck your flipping out so deeply about a water post. Fuck it, some people come to the same conclusions way later, thats also not within their capacity, if your genes and enviroment did’nt play out the way they did youd be the retard posting a basic as fuck philosophical epihany. I think your projecting mate about some distaste with the forum which is probably a distaste rooted in your own psyche, maybe your mad that no one understands you, you feel isolated or i dont know a thousand other reasons im not sherlock. But at the end of the day chillll the fuck out mate it was never that serious
  • +1
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Ngl everyone on this thread is missing this guys point, to be fair the og post was water as FUCK and writes as a journel of a 11 year old who just realized religion is fake and now going doing their rabbithole. Yes it shouldn’t be praised but on the other side, you (iblamephaggots) is taking this way to fucking seriously and need to reflect on this, you need to analyze why the fuck your flipping out so deeply about a water post. Fuck it, some people come to the same conclusions way later, thats also not within their capacity, if your genes and enviroment did’nt play out the way they did youd be the retard posting a basic as fuck philosophical epihany. I think your projecting mate about some distaste with the forum which is probably a distaste rooted in your own psyche, maybe your mad that no one understands you, you feel isolated or i dont know a thousand other reasons im not sherlock. But at the end of the day chillll the fuck out mate it was never that serious
My distaste in my own psyche is that im In a forum for incels who many of which are the scum of the earth

The stupidity in my eyes surrounding this post triggered this distaste and made me realise I shouldnt be on here

Hence I will be requesting ban for the final time tomorrow and never coming back
  • JFL
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Very good post
I dislike when blackpillers/nihilists/etc try to moralize the universe and act like it's cruel or evil
When the point of nihilism or the blackpill is the exact opposite
It just is. Evil or good are terms humans made up to ascribe meaning to it. The world can seem harsh and cruel yes. It's capable of great 'evil'. But it's also capable of great 'good'.
We are what we are. The only thing I'll ever know for certain in life is that I am me. If that's not true nothing else is. Yet I don't choose what I am. I didn't choose to have the desires and interests that I do. Nobody does.
It's pointless to hate people for being evil, to villainize them or anything of the sort. They're simply following their desires. We are all just ultimately following our programming. It's certainly depressing because of the lack of real freedom, but it's the truth. You are what you are. That's all you really need to know in life.

Free will vs Determinism is a topic that I'm still learning about, and I'm very interested in it because of my own anecdotal evidence on the theme. I have no apparent justifications to root my lifelong struggles with mental health—no genetic evidence, no upbringing issues, no apparent environmental reasons. Growing up close to nature, in a strong community, having reached all the normal social milestones, yet still fucked in the head.

Thank you, appreciate your inputs.
  • +1
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My distaste in my own psyche is that im In a forum for incels who many of which are the scum of the earth

The stupidity in my eyes surrounding this post triggered this distaste and made me realise I shouldnt be on here

Hence I will be requesting ban for the final time tomorrow and never coming back
Hey mate itll suck losing a smart cunt like u but its probably best for your mental if its really possessing you like that. I dont mind the shit skits that roam this forum because why focus on the tards? Let them win? Nah i come here for the solid info and to read interesting dialogues like this one. Its nice studying the psychology of obvious neurodivergents as normies filter their shit so many times you get confused if their that stupid or like to appear so. Either way mate take care goodluck on your looksmaxxing, may we all ascend mentally and physically.
Free will vs Determinism is a topic that I'm still learning about, and I'm very interested in it because of my own anecdotal evidence on the theme. I have no apparent justifications to root my lifelong struggles with mental health—no genetic evidence, no upbringing issues, no apparent environmental reasons. Growing up close to nature, in a strong community, having reached all the normal social milestones, yet still fucked in the head.

Thank you, appreciate your inputs.
You can never reach a true conclusion theres too many variables

Soft determinism probably the most realistic imo. Idk how much youve studied but its essentially 100% chance we dont have complete free will
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Why did black people “sperg out” over the death of george floyd, biden doesnt know who they are right? But reform came from it didnt it, this “sperging out” improved their quality of life (at least in legislature)
Didn't even see this edit lol

First off 90% of that nigger spergout was burning businesses and affecting random innocent people. Second, you realize you can take action without getting angry and retarded about it? 90% of people cry on soyddit or take no real action. If you have an actual issue you can contact legislatives, vote, fund certain programs, etc.

Of course you can go out and burn buildings too, but that's like saying to assassinate a politician you hate to save the country. Just dumb.
Hey mate itll suck losing a smart cunt like u but its probably best for your mental if its really possessing you like that. I dont mind the shit skits that roam this forum because why focus on the tards? Let them win? Nah i come here for the solid info and to read interesting dialogues like this one. Its nice studying the psychology of obvious neurodivergents as normies filter their shit so many times you get confused if their that stupid or like to appear so. Either way mate take care goodluck on your looksmaxxing, may we all ascend mentally and physically.
Your too kind you make me feel bad
Didn't even see this edit lol

First off 90% of that nigger spergout was burning businesses and affecting random innocent people. Second, you realize you can take action without getting angry and retarded about it? 90% of people cry on soyddit or take no real action. If you have an actual issue you can contact legislatives, vote, fund certain programs, etc.

Of course you can go out and burn buildings too, but that's like saying to assassinate a politician you hate to save the country. Just dumb.
Free will vs Determinism is a topic that I'm still learning about, and I'm very interested in it because of my own anecdotal evidence on the theme. I have no apparent justifications to root my lifelong struggles with mental health—no genetic evidence, no upbringing issues, no apparent environmental reasons. Growing up close to nature, in a strong community, having reached all the normal social milestones, yet still fucked in the head.

Thank you, appreciate your inputs.
"Man can do what he wants but can't will what he wants"

Think about it this way. Our life is centered around obtaining our desires. But you don't get to choose what your desires are. That's the reality.
Some people want to conquer the world and have infinite success and power. Some people just want a peaceful life.

Whatever your "desires" are here define 90% of your action
If you can't choose what they are how free can you call yourself?
  • +1
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Free will vs Determinism is a topic that I'm still learning about, and I'm very interested in it because of my own anecdotal evidence on the theme. I have no apparent justifications to root my lifelong struggles with mental health—no genetic evidence, no upbringing issues, no apparent environmental reasons. Growing up close to nature, in a strong community, having reached all the normal social milestones, yet still fucked in the head.

Thank you, appreciate your inputs.
Its a very lovley topic that one, to be honest im far to lazy to read academic articles on the matter but Id probably say that we have limited free will if at all, but im always looking for a logica excuse that we may have some. Also if your looking for reasons your fucked in the head, it may come from being raised so well ironically, i sometimes observe a phemenon where if theirs no bad shit in a enviroment, people become it so to say in a vague sense. Investigate your own intelligence as well mate, maybe exposure to the internet is what caused you to forsake your mental despite your lovely enviroment.
Didn't even see this edit lol

First off 90% of that nigger spergout was burning businesses and affecting random innocent people. Second, you realize you can take action without getting angry and retarded about it? 90% of people cry on soyddit or take no real action. If you have an actual issue you can contact legislatives, vote, fund certain programs, etc.

Of course you can go out and burn buildings too, but that's like saying to assassinate a politician you hate to save the country. Just dumb.
violence against people does cause government action through public opinion shift then it goes into offices
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violence against people does cause government action through public opinion shift then it goes into offices
Yes it works
But violence is different from sperging out online
And I think it's preferable to not burn buildings and harm innocent people
  • Hmm...
Reactions: noobs
Yes it works
But violence is different from sperging out online
And I think it's preferable to not burn buildings and harm innocent people
so your a republican?

since you don’t want the system to change which only comes through violence
Didn't even see this edit lol

First off 90% of that nigger spergout was burning businesses and affecting random innocent people. Second, you realize you can take action without getting angry and retarded about it? 90% of people cry on soyddit or take no real action. If you have an actual issue you can contact legislatives, vote, fund certain programs, etc.

Of course you can go out and burn buildings too, but that's like saying to assassinate a politician you hate to save the country. Just dumb.
Nah mate rage is what the upper classes dont you want to have, they dont want the people to sperge out cause guess what? The lovely safe channels mean fuck all mate. These fucking cunts will ignore every signature and vote you make, you gotta realize by now its all rigged as fuck, yes theirs still power in the people but if we play by their rules and stay happy and sedated they win. Rage is what makes change as much as buddhism or stoicsim seems to be the rave these days. You ever wonder why its so popular to be tame and calm but a class based rage is tantamount to “communist treason”. To be fair im no political expert maybe you can beat it their way. All the best luck to u mate
Lol everyone became philosophers on this one but they have never read anything about Heidegger, Camus, Schopenhauer, Sartre or Nietzsche! Who's the next existencialist here.
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Your too kind you make me feel bad
Appreicate it mate, i think were all kind we just get lost in our thoughts and hormones and what not, life is a crazy trip just remember to love more and feel more, especialy from everyones perspective.
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so your a republican?
I'm a nazi
but what's the point of me raging about jews online if I can't actually do anything about them?
Speaking entirely in minecraft
I used to feel sad about the country being filled with spics. But I can't take any action to stop that, even Trump didn't deport spics despite claiming to. Now he's saying he'll support more immigration his next term.
So what can I do about it? I'll just live my own life instead of moping around
Lol everyone became philosophers in this thread but they have never read anything about Heidegger, Camus, Schopenhauer, Sartre or Nietzsche! Who's the next existencialist here.
Fair point their not gonna lie, but do you think its nessacary to read others philosophies to argue your own? I think its defintilty extreamly helpful like a timeline sort of thing. If one average person makes 50 years of progress in philsophy lets say, and a autisit makes like 150 years i guess reading would be like fastracking and making thousands of years of progress respectivly. But if one is capable enough on their own i think they can reach a decent stand where they can spill their skit stories out and argue agaisnt any cunt thatll oppose.
Fair point their not gonna lie, but do you think its nessacary to read others philosophies to argue your own? I think its defintilty extreamly helpful like a timeline sort of thing. If one average person makes 50 years of progress in philsophy lets say, and a autisit makes like 150 years i guess reading would be like fastracking and making thousands of years of progress respectivly. But if one is capable enough on their own i think they can reach a decent stand where they can spill their skit stories out and argue agaisnt any cunt thatll oppose.
Bro you need the IQ of Aristotle to found a complete system of philosophy, it's either that or to debate forever until you die about things that probably don't even exist just because you're cappable of it.
I'm a nazi
but what's the point of me raging about jews online if I can't actually do anything about them?
Speaking entirely in minecraft
I used to feel sad about the country being filled with spics. But I can't take any action to stop that, even Trump didn't deport spics despite claiming to. Now he's saying he'll support more immigration his next term.
So what can I do about it? I'll just live my own life instead of moping around
but you don’t want violence, so you don’t want change, so your a republican

republican by definition means you support the current system

you are supporting the current system, you pay your taxes to the current gov meanwhile you do no violence or put any of your time to any action, by this you are no different than your run of the mill republican

a person is only judged by their actions

there is plenty of people (in roblox), each worth 10 million dollars, you can enact your will upon each share humanity by bringing them onto your will and mission or your can remove the power of their will by resetting their roblox avatar
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but you don’t want violence, so you don’t want change, so your a republican

republican by definition means you support the current system
I want violence, just not against innocent people
I want violence against spics, niggers, jews, etc
Not hardworking white people
The only solution to my problem (in minecraft) is to go bomb spic neighborhoods and make them too scared to come here. But do I want to go to jail or commit suicide? No. but I'd be glad if someone else did it.
you are supporting the current system, you pay your taxes to the current gov meanwhile you do no violence or put any of your time to any action, by this you are no different than your run of the mill republican

a person is only judged by their actions
This is my point exactly. Crying online or being emotional is pointless. All that matters is action. If you're not going to take action why lower your life quality? There's no value to views or 'honor'
there is plenty of people (in roblox), each worth 10 million dollars, you can enact your will upon each share humanity by bringing them onto your will and mission or your can remove the power of their will by resetting their roblox avatar
  • Hmm...
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