Nature isn't good or evil, it simply doesn't care;

Bro you need the IQ of Aristotle to found a complete system of philosophy, it's either that or to debate forever until you die about things that probably don't even exist just because you're cappable of it.
I dont really think aristotle was really that smart to praise him like that tbh, all i know is they were defintily diddying little boys back then and calling it passion, so probably not the most advanced. But yes your right a complete system of philosophy is practically a futile endeavour, but not meaningless as long as you enjoy it, i think its fulfilling figuring out how life should be done, or not to be done yk? Either way the whole journey is skits as fuck mate so debating till you die doesnt sound too bad as a career. Hopefully one day though we can as a sociecty have collected enough knowledge, every philosopher has compounded on the one before them, and soon i have hope we’ll get the question of life more honed in. Espeically since technogy has a hand in philsoophy, more open horizons, more OR less interfernece of hormones or our very own biology can reveal the nature of life. Who knows what people will come up with if you had a pocket AGI spitting out calcualtions about everything possible yk?
  • Woah
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I want violence, just not against innocent people
I want violence against spics, niggers, jews, etc
Not hardworking white people
The only solution to my problem (in minecraft) is to go bomb spic neighborhoods and make them too scared to come here. But do I want to go to jail or commit suicide? No. but I'd be glad if someone else did it.

This is my point exactly. Crying online or being emotional is pointless. All that matters is action. If you're not going to take action why lower your life quality? There's no value to views or 'honor'
Why do you believe immigrants and miniorties are to blame? Wouldnt it be whos bringing them in the first place or perhaps maybe the billionarw corporations which are hoarding the wealth and directly affecting how much it costs to wipe ypur shit and put food on the table? Maybe it isnt the innocent people who came to make a better life but the people at the top of the class war who purposfully fund and drive a race war, sex war, and various other distractions to make you believe its eachother who we should fight instead of them? I dont know mate perhaps the cunts putting legistature that benefits the rich and puts down the average worker is to blame. All in terraria of course
Why do you believe immigrants and miniorties are to blame? Wouldnt it be whos bringing them in the first place or perhaps maybe the billionarw corporations which are hoarding the wealth and directly affecting how much it costs to wipe ypur shit and put food on the table? Maybe it isnt the innocent people who came to make a better life but the people at the top of the class war who purposfully fund and drive a race war, sex war, and various other distractions to make you believe its eachother who we should fight instead of them? I dont know mate perhaps the cunts putting legistature that benefits the rich and puts down the average worker is to blame. All in terraria of course
All of them are to blame. The corporations, jews, minorities. It's not just one or the other.
im part of nature and i care

get debunked kid
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All of them are to blame. The corporations, jews, minorities. It's not just one or the other.
Im glad you can recognize that, tell me how though the minorities are to blame and jews specficially. Im under the belief its zionism which is a cancer that clearly rules america when you look at any congress member or Ruling shareholder.
Thread soundtrack:

Human beings are conditioned to see everything they come across as good or bad and this behavior can be explained through:

Cognitive Simplicity: Simplifying complex information helps our brains process it more efficiently. By categorizing experiences, actions, or people as either good or bad, we reduce cognitive load and make quicker decisions.

Evolutionary Survival: From an evolutionary perspective, humans needed to quickly assess whether something was a threat or beneficial for survival. This binary thinking helped our ancestors make rapid decisions to avoid danger and seek resources.

Moral Frameworks: Societies develop moral frameworks to control behavior. These frameworks are based on clear distinctions between right and wrong, good and bad, to maintain order and cohesion within the community.

Emotional Responses: Emotions play a significant role in our perception of good and bad. Positive emotions are associated with good experiences, while negative emotions are linked to bad ones. These emotional responses reinforce our tendency to categorize experiences.

Social Learning: We learn from a young age to categorize behavior through socialization. Parents, teachers, friends (for those normal looking enough to have any) and cultural narratives often teach us what is considered good or bad, shaping our perceptions and judgments.

But what about nature, is it evil?

When we look at nature, we can see that it operates on principles that are neither good or bad. A lion hunting a gazelle isn't evil; it's simply a part of the natural order. The lion hunts to survive, and the gazelle runs to avoid becoming prey. Both actions are driven by survival instincts, not moral judgments.

Life itself does not conform to human moral judgements. Natural disasters, genetic issues, diseases, and even death are not inherently evil. They are simply aspects of existence. The universe operates according to its own rules, indifferent to human notions of good and bad.

My fellow blackpiller, accepting the indifference of nature and life is where real freedom is found. It allows us to see the world more objectively and frees us from the constant need to judge everything. Instead of labeling experiences as good or bad, we can focus on their impacts and how we respond to them.

Ultimately, perception shapes reality, not because it changes the world itself, but because it changes the lenses through which you view it. Brain chemistry, homie.

"Looks are correlated to mental health, it's over"

Yes, there's a strong connection between these two aspects of existence. The game is rigged from the start, but let me tell you something:

In 100 years, everyone we know will be dead, including us. Our material possessions will either be owned by people we know nothing about, or will be deteriorated by time itself. Maybe some people will know our name, maybe not. Even Jesus, the most known human being to ever exist, will eventually be forgotten; it might just take some millennia (less than a second from the universe's perspective). We are all insignificant, meaningless sentient meat computers, yet we care. We overthink.

Find something you truly love, and let it consume your extremely finite existence. Seek fulfillment within, and accept the outside. External fulfillment isn't good or bad, but you will eventually notice how unsustainable it is (read about the hedonic treadmill).

And if you need a friend, then you got me.

Didn't Read.

- thorns, the alt account

Good job grey boy

I recommend you send this elsewhere or sell it to a youtuber, this incel site doesn’t appreciate threads like this
Im glad you can recognize that, tell me how though the minorities are to blame and jews specficially. Im under the belief its zionism which is a cancer that clearly rules america when you look at any congress member or Ruling shareholder.
It's just statistics. Minorities commit crime at a higher rate. Are a net drain on taxes etc. I don't have a problem with Asians because they don't cause these problems
As for jews it's just that they run these corporations etc at a very high rate. They're the ones who bring the minorities here anyway.
It's just statistics. Minorities commit crime at a higher rate. Are a net drain on taxes etc. I don't have a problem with Asians because they don't cause these problems
As for jews it's just that they run these corporations etc at a very high rate. They're the ones who bring the minorities here anyway.
Dont you think people are a bit more than just statistics? Its been proven that due to certain goverment programs, black people have been overpoliced and put into cycles of crime artifically, im going to be honest i dont have much sources on it so id recommend you look into it if you truly care but i do know drugs crime and premartial sex have all been wedged into black and other miniorites to encourage their decline and keep them in a state of poverty, 20 year long sentences for fucking weed doesnt seem like a govermenet thats all too concerned with freedom, espeiclaly when you get into private prisons and how much money they make. While your at it look at who owns these record labels, the ones that switched the narrative to fuck, kill, gangshit and drugs. Id say theirs alot more foul play than simply someone going apeshit cause of their ethincity. If you want to open your heart to it you will tho mate and if you dont then dont, up to you to find your truth.
I had no doubt that you would be a good (old) user.
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