NCT is yet another meme

TLDR: Guys, guys! I swear I get pussy! I sw-swear!!!:feelswah::feelswah::soy::soy:
Cope more. You subhuman. What's your slaycount? 3? JFL. Over for you.
So what's the best intervention for those of us with slight NCT (Emphasis on "slight", not NCT beyond repair) ?

For those whose NCT is compounded by droopy lower eyelids, lower eyelid retraction surgery may lessen the appearance of the actual NCT, if they even had one to begin with (Some people complaining about having NCT simply have droopy lower eyelids with Neutral Canthal Tilt).

In order to try to fix true NCT, which of Canthoplasty or Canthopexy is generally recommended?
Like I told these extremist retarded subhumans on this thread "slight" NCT isn't a big problem at all. I have it, and so do many guys and they're still fairly attractive. I'm not Chad, but I'm definitely up there. The only retards who obsess about muh NCT are these faggots who jerk off to male models JFL

And as I mentioned before...extreme anything is terrible.



JoinedApr 27, 2020Posts349Reputation381Time online3d 17h 44m
JFL at OP and masculinity copers

Having a massive fucking nose is not ideal, having receding hairline is not ideal, having massive long philtrum is not ideal

Masc features does not always = ideal

also...just post good looking guys whose worst trait is literally their NCT theory

It is literally over for
JFL @ your shitpost

Extreme ANYTHING is bad. Get this through your narrow jaw recessed chin low IQcel self

"Massive fucking nose" - Retard. You can have a normal masculine nose like Pitt. Perfectly fine. "Massive" is extreme.
"Receding hairline" - Retard. You can have a tall forehead and a big skull and still look attractive. See: Paul Walker. Actually most guys who women think are incredibly hot have tall foreheads. It doesn't have to be an extremist level of a receding hairline or a huge forehead. Not to mention guys with tiny foreheads like ethnic subhumans like Zayn look low IQ and retarded

"Massive long philtrum" - Retarded. Again 15-17mm philtrum is perfectly fine and can look masculine. Again, why are you taking it to extreme levels? Extreme anything is bad. An extremely short forehead is stupid. Extremely short philtrum looks horrendous. Extreme PCT looks retarded on men.

Do you see why the majority of you are low IQ and basement dwelling incel faggots? You take things to the extreme. JFL @ you. Have fun with your left hand

that's rich
Dogs do not count
It's okay to be embarrassed that I mog you to complete oblivion, and if you were near me you'd be afraid as I assert my dominance and superiority over subhumans such as yourself
It's okay to be embarrassed that I mog you to complete oblivion, and if you were near me you'd be afraid as I assert my dominance and superiority over subhumans such as yourself
Ok NCTcel.
I'm psl 3 gypsy cel subhuman cel with prey eyes big eyes and still I , don't have NCT.
While I agree that a bit of NCT isn't bad, NCT is generally a very bad flaw to have
View attachment 752746
You don't even have NCT.

You have droopy lower eyelids which give the illusion of NCT.

This is caused by poor undereye support, so you should go get that fixed.
This.. especially if you're eyelashes are covering your lateral canthus making it appear NCT instead of neutral
  • +1
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JFL @ your shitpost

Extreme ANYTHING is bad. Get this through your narrow jaw recessed chin low IQcel self

"Massive fucking nose" - Retard. You can have a normal masculine nose like Pitt. Perfectly fine. "Massive" is extreme.
"Receding hairline" - Retard. You can have a tall forehead and a big skull and still look attractive. See: Paul Walker. Actually most guys who women think are incredibly hot have tall foreheads. It doesn't have to be an extremist level of a receding hairline or a huge forehead. Not to mention guys with tiny foreheads like ethnic subhumans like Zayn look low IQ and retarded

"Massive long philtrum" - Retarded. Again 15-17mm philtrum is perfectly fine and can look masculine. Again, why are you taking it to extreme levels? Extreme anything is bad. An extremely short forehead is stupid. Extremely short philtrum looks horrendous. Extreme PCT looks retarded on men.

Do you see why the majority of you are low IQ and basement dwelling incel faggots? You take things to the extreme. JFL @ you. Have fun with your left hand

The fact that you don't recognise that somethings are just bad no matter how slight they are is proof of your Mariana Trench tier IQ

Keep crying for me with your droopy ass eye and writing paragraphs for me like a fucking dirty sewer dog you are

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