Clothes and hair
Of course clothes fucking matter since they cover 90% of ur body. Hair is part of ur face and helpsDon’t come with examples of some model in a white T/unstyled hair and call it a debunk Bcuz white tee and jeans is better fashion Than most people. But i’m not telling you to go all out either on tik tok style just somerhing that compliments your face/frame with neutral colors.
social circle and ”NT”
You’re tryna tell me it doesnt help to have girls around you to mire ur looks irl? Giving them the chance to approach you or have a wingman do it. Not being annoying or giga weird is obviously a plus aswell. I know this gl Guy who everyone hates Bcuz he keeps talking bout Random shit no one cares about.
Of course clothes fucking matter since they cover 90% of ur body. Hair is part of ur face and helpsDon’t come with examples of some model in a white T/unstyled hair and call it a debunk Bcuz white tee and jeans is better fashion Than most people. But i’m not telling you to go all out either on tik tok style just somerhing that compliments your face/frame with neutral colors.
social circle and ”NT”
You’re tryna tell me it doesnt help to have girls around you to mire ur looks irl? Giving them the chance to approach you or have a wingman do it. Not being annoying or giga weird is obviously a plus aswell. I know this gl Guy who everyone hates Bcuz he keeps talking bout Random shit no one cares about.