new heightmaxxing theory HUGE if it works



Nov 2, 2023
We know that the body adapts when in danger. We tend to become stronger after lifting weights because the micro fissures in our muscular tissues signal to the brain that the body might be in danger if it doesnt get stronger.

If we apply the same theory to heightmaxxing.

What happens if you force your body to adapt otherwise it will die.

Signaling to your brain if you don't grow 3 more inches you will not survive to see another day.


This is gonna sound retarded as fuck.

Put your airpods on.

LIsten to a tiger screaming for 10 minutes while you run and jump trying to reach something but unable to do so because you are a shortcel.

If the mind is retarded enough its gonna think that a real tiger is running behind you and that unless your body grows taller you will die in the next month.

Thoughts? (JFL)
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Reactions: Jonas2k7, Declan, Itsjoeverlol and 35 others
this is actual schizo shit
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Reactions: ey88, Guiltyfeelings, SubhumanForever and 21 others
Absolutely sure to delete my account after seeing your posts
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  • JFL
Reactions: Guiltyfeelings, SubhumanForever, aspiringexcel and 13 others
Holy shit 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 @Sapieeen
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  • JFL
Reactions: Aero, bfol7, JustCallMeKash and 1 other person
sleep with airpods and have it as an alarm for middle of the night for better results
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanForever, aspiringexcel and aestheticsrespecter
It might be work
  • +1
Reactions: Jonas2k7 and LegitUser
I'll do the run from the tiger exercice 2 sets per day for 8 weeks and see if i gain any height
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  • JFL
Reactions: Aqualad, aspiringexcel, Dendoni and 2 others
We know that the body adapts when in danger. We tend to become stronger after lifting weights because the micro fissures in our muscular tissues signal to the brain that the body might be in danger if it doesnt get stronger.

If we apply the same theory to heightmaxxing.

What happens if you force your body to adapt otherwise it will die.

Signaling to your brain if you don't grow 3 more inches you will not survive to see another day.


This is gonna sound retarded as fuck.

Put your airpods on.

LIsten to a tiger screaming for 10 minutes while you run and jump trying to reach something but unable to do so because you are a shortcel.

If the mind is retarded enough its gonna think that a real tiger is running behind you and that unless your body grows taller you will die in the next month.

Thoughts? (JFL)
What the fuck.
Try this shit LOL
We know that the body adapts when in danger. We tend to become stronger after lifting weights because the micro fissures in our muscular tissues signal to the brain that the body might be in danger if it doesnt get stronger.

If we apply the same theory to heightmaxxing.

What happens if you force your body to adapt otherwise it will die.

Signaling to your brain if you don't grow 3 more inches you will not survive to see another day.


This is gonna sound retarded as fuck.

Put your airpods on.

LIsten to a tiger screaming for 10 minutes while you run and jump trying to reach something but unable to do so because you are a shortcel.

If the mind is retarded enough its gonna think that a real tiger is running behind you and that unless your body grows taller you will die in the next month.

Thoughts? (JFL)
i hate this site
this level of out of the box thinking is so admirable that I cant hate on your idea
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  • JFL
Reactions: SubhumanForever, aspiringexcel, CarrotMaxxer and 6 others
Can i also play a sigma video in front of me so i get more motivated and grow double?
  • JFL
Reactions: CarrotMaxxer
i know we all sound like retards but your mind is so powerful it might work
  • +1
Reactions: Offensive Bias
You would have to make your brain believe that you're in danger you cant do that with airpods
all i know is if you give airpods to a premitive human he is going to believe the sound is real so why wouldnt my brain do so as well. my consciousness may realize the lies but my subconscious and unconscious brain that control the height growth rate haven't changed at all sin the past few thousand years so i can probably fool it
Can i also play a sigma video in front of me so i get more motivated and grow double?
yes also listen to andrew tate speech and bonesmash your skull to get higher iq
  • +1
Reactions: Vanilla
I’ve already done this it works , this greycel thinks dropping some water ass thread gonna shock us or sm shit
  • +1
Reactions: swagdowdle
heres a better one

tell ur body that we have 2 options, either you grow us 10cm or I will rope
  • JFL
Reactions: LegitUser, the_nextDavidLaid, Dendoni and 3 others
I’ve already done this it works , this greycel thinks dropping some water ass thread gonna shock us or sm shit
did you progressive overload? like adding lions/hyenas/leopards/etc..
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: CarrotMaxxer, Dendoni, maxxmclooks and 1 other person
did you progressive overload? like adding lions/hyenas/leopards/etc..
I didn’t use animal sound that shit soft as hell my nigga , I put ww2 nazi bomb sirens on listened to it every hour for about 15 minutes straight and within 2 months o grown 1.5 inches, it definitely works it just takes consistency
Here’s the link for the one I used this one is the best one I found which helped me grow the most
The body releases HGH when you jump continuously, as the body believes it needs to grow because it can't reach the sustenance it needs. rustam akhmetov is a notable example though he used other methods as well to grow over 9 inches.
  • WTF
Reactions: JohnDoe
reminds you of your ancestors that had to listen to this banger 24/7 and stay in a shelter for 3 months with barely any food
Bro you genuinely might be on to something , other ppl on this thread are just jealous that’s why they hating
  • +1
Reactions: CarrotMaxxer
Bro you genuinely might be on to something , other ppl on this thread are just jealous that’s why they hating
im unironically going to try the tiger exercice for 2 months and see if it works. I need to grow 2 inches otherwise I'm going to be a heightcel forever
  • +1
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
im unironically going to try the tiger exercice for 2 months and see if it works. I need to grow 2 inches otherwise I'm going to be a heightcel forever
Ok just remember when it works make sure u tag me in the thread cos I was the only one who supported u
  • Love it
Reactions: swagdowdle
Ok just remember when it works make sure u tag me in the thread cos I was the only one who supported u

fosho :feelshah:
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Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer
LIsten to a tiger screaming for 10 minutes while you run and jump trying to reach something but unable to do so because you are a shortcel.

If the mind is retarded enough its gonna think that a real tiger is running behind you and that unless your body grows taller you will die in the next month.

Thoughts? (JFL)
not lying i thought of something similar to this but i realised that our body already has neuromuscular adaptations to this. instead of growing a few inches to reach a taller branch or sum, its much easier and more efficient for the body to make the muscles and tendons be able to jump higher
Yeah holy shit.
Not even that crazy of an idea for a retard to come up with, but this is not any better than subliminals:lul:. I very much doubt this'll actually work, if so definitely not quick enough for you to see the results. You'll probably have to introduce cortisol etc. due to all of the stress with running from tigers with all this safari bullshit for your body to start adapting but that'll probably stunt other processes. Maybe your kids will profit the 0.5cm extra height because of your months of intense acting.

Interested in your roleplay results though!
  • +1
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid
We know that the body adapts when in danger. We tend to become stronger after lifting weights because the micro fissures in our muscular tissues signal to the brain that the body might be in danger if it doesnt get stronger.

If we apply the same theory to heightmaxxing.

What happens if you force your body to adapt otherwise it will die.

Signaling to your brain if you don't grow 3 more inches you will not survive to see another day.


This is gonna sound retarded as fuck.

Put your airpods on.

LIsten to a tiger screaming for 10 minutes while you run and jump trying to reach something but unable to do so because you are a shortcel.

If the mind is retarded enough its gonna think that a real tiger is running behind you and that unless your body grows taller you will die in the next month.

Thoughts? (JFL)
This is the point where i wonder what i did with my life and how i ended up here.
We know that the body adapts when in danger. We tend to become stronger after lifting weights because the micro fissures in our muscular tissues signal to the brain that the body might be in danger if it doesnt get stronger.

If we apply the same theory to heightmaxxing.

What happens if you force your body to adapt otherwise it will die.

Signaling to your brain if you don't grow 3 more inches you will not survive to see another day.


This is gonna sound retarded as fuck.

Put your airpods on.

LIsten to a tiger screaming for 10 minutes while you run and jump trying to reach something but unable to do so because you are a shortcel.

If the mind is retarded enough its gonna think that a real tiger is running behind you and that unless your body grows taller you will die in the next month.

Thoughts? (JFL)
I think if ER did this he would end up in ER and not incel heaven rn
  • +1
Reactions: JohnDoe
all i know is if you give airpods to a premitive human he is going to believe the sound is real so why wouldnt my brain do so as well. my consciousness may realize the lies but my subconscious and unconscious brain that control the height growth rate haven't changed at all sin the past few thousand years so i can probably fool it
No I had a great idea just do a lot like a lot of drugs and then put them in a super high place that you would be able to reach if you were 5 in taller
  • Woah
Reactions: LegitUser
could work but only if theres an actual danger, ask an afghan if he can hunt u with a knife
What abt sub concious mind u cant fool it
your body is least likely to grow under a stressful environment and your not at your strongest after lifting thats stupid asf
this shit is so retard that it might work, in case you're gonna try it please update and tag me
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  • JFL
Reactions: LegitUser, swagdowdle and the_nextDavidLaid
We know that the body adapts when in danger. We tend to become stronger after lifting weights because the micro fissures in our muscular tissues signal to the brain that the body might be in danger if it doesnt get stronger.

If we apply the same theory to heightmaxxing.

What happens if you force your body to adapt otherwise it will die.

Signaling to your brain if you don't grow 3 more inches you will not survive to see another day.


This is gonna sound retarded as fuck.

Put your airpods on.

LIsten to a tiger screaming for 10 minutes while you run and jump trying to reach something but unable to do so because you are a shortcel.

If the mind is retarded enough its gonna think that a real tiger is running behind you and that unless your body grows taller you will die in the next month.

Thoughts? (JFL)
holy shit bhai im gonna climb to the roof and just start doing Massai Jumps and thatll make me grow to 6'5 (im 5'7)
ive got a better idea purposely fuck with someones car while they watch and then leave etc and then put your shit in and start playing car approaching noises etc or just play the police siren tbh dont do it too much tho tolerance bhai
Sounds fun and fascinating, what if you tried to go doen from something as well and barely reaching the ground to indicate your body you are not tall enough, also you would already be fully stretched out

But please when you have any results, bad, good, neutral, let me know 👍
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Reactions: swagdowdle

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