New to the forum, semi-new to looksmaxxing, and need a face+SMV rating (pics)

low LTN
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Reactions: Maalik
Anyway youre tall and have a good frame justt loose body fat and yyou will be an average guy 👌🏻
His frame is garbage tf you talking about
the asian masculine look
Like Shavkat?

Image result for shavkat rakhmonov
What would you honestly rate me, and what can I do to improve?
Stats are: 17, 6'0, 190 lbs, dick size 6.3Lx5.2G, half Chinese+0.25 German+0.25 British. I'd rate my face 4.5 out of ten, and SMV 6.2 out of ten, idk how the out of 7 PSL thing works. But I'd say I'm currently normie-high tier normie and I might be able to get to chad-lite.
KTHHV never had a girlfriend, some have been interested but lost it quickly, and have a few close friends.
What I'm currently doing:
Hair: Growing out to see if I'd look good with long hair, but currently infrequent shampoo and American crew wax if I go out

Skincare: Differin at night, wash+moisturize morning and evening

Hygiene: Cold shower+natural soap+infrequent shampoo twice a day, deodorant, Gold bond if heat or exercise,

Teeth: Brush+scrape tongue+floss+mouthwash twice a day, I already had braces, trying to whiten them with 44% carbamide, but if it doesn't work I'll do a home version like the one by pneumocystosis

PE: Vaccum stretcher 5 days a week 10-12 hours a day, Leluv pump, 5-6 pressure 20 min 4 days a week, 5mg Cialis everyday (already gained 0.6L+0.7G in 6 months)

Lifting/Physique: Around 1.5 years, but only 0.5 years serious, current supps creatine+cialis, split is modified Ice cream fitness 2.0, with incline bench, pullups, lat raises (basically 3 days a week full body), diet is 4000C+190P per day, mostly whole foods, lots eggs, beef, rice, and milk. No alcohol, tobacco, weed, or rec drugs, occasional nicotine gum for mental shit
Sleep: 8.5-9.5 per night, occasional melatonin or Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), no screens, and classic sleep hygiene will be getting Delta sleep-inducing peptide with upcoming order, (more below)

Style/fashion: Pretty basic, Average fit is: white AF1's, blue/black semi-slim jeans, black/white/grey slight muscle fit t-shirt, silver cross chain, leather bracelet, random jacket/beanie/baseball cap sometimes, sometimes light cologne, (cheap and smells basic af), might get Ultra male soon, sometimes sunglasses to hide eye area. Trying to move towards a slightly modern edgy look like the pics below, I've noticed that is really popular with girls my age.

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Mental drugs: 1-2g phenibut not more than twice a week, Kanna quick snort right before social shit, modafinil for studying, occasional nic (gum) or caffeine

Stuff I'm going to start soon: Height growth protocol (100mcg mod grf+100mcg ipamorelin three times a day, (will be getting bloods to test my levels, if it's not sufficient I may switch to HGH),+letrozole 2.5mg is ideal, but depending on sides, I may lower), Melanotan 2, possible selegiline+cerebrolysin+other nootropics for mental/social gains, frame maxxing guide loosely based on: (will replace my current split to an extent),
Androgen maxxing (test cyp 250-500mg per week, following proper roid protocols and all that.) DISP for sleep, tretinoin for the face, I ordered the pharmaceuticals fromDashPCT, and the peptides/letrozole/roids from QDS (haven't arrived)

Miscellaneous: Eyebrow maxxing (castor oil, (going to switch to minoxidil)+monobrow plucking+grooming edges), neck training, Falim gum (2 pieces per side, 8-10 hours 5 days a week) haven't had any jaw problems or anything that dr mew says is bad, I'm also currently in a bulk so my face looks fatter than it should, I started puberty around 14.5, and I stopped growing in height about 6 months ago, so I'm hoping the height/frame maxxing will still be effective, might have ADHD or mild autism but can't confirm.

Pics in order are: Physique 2 months ago (lost some fat and gained a bit more muscle), Just the face, Outfit 1 is what I typically look like in public same with no. 2, Outfit 2 (I think sunglasses are good for me cause they hide my eye area well), side profile, face before bulking (I was flexing and had some downward lighting), Smiling.

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