Nigger one punch KOs white roastie

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

May 15, 2020
@Bushman @6"4 Tyrone(I'm not) @FaceandBBC

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Mogs Nigger one punch KOs white roastie​

Yeah boohoo and then later she got up and sucked his BBC
Votes have consequences, If anyone doesnt know this already then idk
  • JFL
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Reactions: FBl, tombradylover, 5'7 zoomer and 6 others
when will whypipo learn not to mess with the BBC
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: klip11, twojei, rhinoplasty and 2 others
tryone nigger wtf are you doing you cant hit a woman 😔
  • JFL
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Reactions: HeightPilledum, Autismcel and Jason Voorhees
Yeah boohoo and then later she got up and sucked his BBC
Votes have consequences, If anyone doesnt know this already then idk
have you ever seen a nigger act like this in Greece?
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Reactions: Dicklet3incher, murdah and Jason Voorhees
@Bushman @6"4 Tyrone(I'm not) @FaceandBBC

View attachment 2885087
Another reason why u need to be High T, Gymmax and Combat sport maxx. No sane man would even let another man come that close to his wife.

After she divorces him, hell say shit like " the divorce came out of no where" :forcedsmile:
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  • JFL
Reactions: gr34ter, klip11, twojei and 8 others
Another reason why u need to be High T, Gymmax and Combat sport maxx. No sane man would even let another man come that close to his wife.

After she divorces him, hell say shit like " the divorce came out of no where" :forcedsmile:
Thr guy wss just watching thr drama and playing with this pheno while his wife was picking up a fight and then when she got knocked out cold. He rushed to her and got scared lmao
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  • JFL
Reactions: gr34ter, HeightPilledum, ascension and 1 other person
Another reason why u need to be High T, Gymmax and Combat sport maxx. No sane man would even let another man come that close to his wife.

After she divorces him, hell say shit like " the divorce came out of no where" :forcedsmile:
He is an older guy tho and out of shape
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Reactions: gr34ter, Autismcel, Jason Voorhees and 1 other person
niggers need to learn not to chimp out, a lot of the times its unprovoked. imagine knocking out a grandma.. :forcedsmile:
she said the n word
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  • JFL
Reactions: Jason Voorhees and murdah
have you ever seen a nigger act like this in Greece?
All the time, just not by myself irl, since i try to avoid certain places
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  • JFL
Reactions: Jason Voorhees and murdah
All the time, just not by myself irl, since i try to avoid certain places
me personally never but I stay in southern suburbs when Im in Athens so maybe thats that
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Reactions: murdah, Jason Voorhees and Dicklet3incher
there r blacks in greece?
Nigga, the population is aprox 11 million and the 3 million of them are not natives

All kinds variety of niggas from pakistanis, hindus ,niggas,syrians, alb@nians and many more

I just really wish there were asians tho, Especially women, Why every other nigga race has to be here and not japanese/korean women for example?
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: aleksander, Jason Voorhees and murdah
This is what I love to see

This is what I’ll do to @Dicklet3incher mom while he just stands there and watches all scared
  • JFL
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Reactions: tombradylover, Jason Voorhees, murdah and 1 other person
This is what I love to see

This is what I’ll do to @Dicklet3incher mom while he just stands there and watches all scared
You fag would collapse after laying eye on me, You would suffer a panic attack so hard that this time not your dick but your entire body mass will shrink when you approach me
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Nigga, the population is aprox 11 million and the 3 million of them are not natives

All kinds variety of niggas from pakistanis, hindus ,niggas,syrians, alb@nians and many more

I just really wish there were asians tho, Especially women, Why every other nigga race has to be here and not japanese/korean women for example?
are u save a europe kinda fella
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and Dicklet3incher
are u save a europe kinda fella
Im incel first and then nationalist
Most right wingers are pussy slaves here just like the leftists
They dont mention anywhere that the women are activly race traitors, just blame the monkeys all the time
Self critisicm wouldnt do bad at some point in this shithole
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Reactions: twojei, Jason Voorhees and murdah
Im incel first and then nationalist
Most right wingers are pussy slaves here just like the leftists
They dont mention anywhere that the women are activly race traitors, just blame the monkeys all the time
Self critisicm wouldnt do bad at some point in this shithole
yeah jfl, they dont even realize their women are the ones supporting mass immigration
  • JFL
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, Jason Voorhees, Yliaster and 1 other person
yeah jfl, they dont even realize their women are the ones supporting mass immigration
Most of the daily retarded communist rallies here are made up by young whores at least 60-70% at each one
Then the other 30% are cucks that just attend hoping to slay poon

The right wing rallies are even sadder, mostly men or some old women

Niggas need to wake up, They will not save greece for shit if they dont adress the female question
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  • Woah
Reactions: aleksander, Jason Voorhees and murdah
David Gandy2 glamour 20nov13 Mariano vivanco b

Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again." - Alex Tan
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Most of the daily retarded communist rallies here are made up by young whores at least 60-70% at each one
Then the other 30% are cucks that just attend hoping to slay poon

The right wing rallies are even sadder, mostly men or some old women

Niggas need to wake up, They will not save greece for shit if they dont adress the female question
Wow, I was under the impression that most nationalists were based young guys or middleaged men that were anti-immigration. Western Europe in general will fall soon unless they all wake up and address all the problems. Women and men here in the states are the same, most men are conservative while most women are liberal. Women are too retarded to entrust with politics
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees, aleksander, Tabula Rasa and 1 other person
Wow, I was under the impression that most nationalists were based young guys or middleaged men that were anti-immigration. Western Europe in general will fall soon unless they all wake up and address all the problems. Women and men here in the states are the same, most men are conservative while most women are liberal. Women are too retarded to entrust with politics
Bro its not that the nationalists are not necceceraly based but
Women are too retarded to entrust with politics
They just seem not to be redpilled about the core issue, The monkeys would not even be here if the women didnt vote for that to happen,And even if they were here, they wouldnt reproduce if THE WOMEN DIDNT SLEEP WITH THEM

Like am i the only insane one here? Does this not make basic sense?
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video games nerd GIF

Now she'll never use that word knowing how low inhib BBCs are
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  • JFL
Reactions: klip11, FaceandBBC, Jason Voorhees and 1 other person
Bro its not that the nationalists are not necceceraly based but

They just seem not to be redpilled about the core issue, The monkeys would not even be here if the women didnt vote for that to happen,And even if they were here, they wouldnt reproduce if THE WOMEN DIDNT SLEEP WITH THEM

Like am i the only insane one here? Does this not make basic sense?
do u think all immigrants are bad? im sure some assimilate well into the greek culture and help the gdp
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
do u think all immigrants are bad? im sure some assimilate well into the greek culture and help the gdp
Most of them, But i do see some hardworkers from now and then
Like yeah, Obviously the criminal ones need to fuck of back to india or wherever the fuck, But after that what can they really do about the rest of them
Maybe also start focusing on the own native women, And preaching a way to end feminism for , y know, FOR THEM TO BECOME MOTHERS OR STOP ABORTIONS MAYBE??? LITERAL 30-50K GREEK BABIES GET ABORTED EVERY YEAR BECAUSE OF THAT? IS THERE ANYONE LEFT IN THIS COUNTRY WHO CAN READ?
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Jfl I want that women's confidence I don't understand why people think nothing is going to happen when your in a heated argument and insult a grown man who is near double your size
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She's the one who started it
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That will teach her to open her big fat mouth!
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Not only she called him the n word, she also physically assaulted him first.
Her pussy pass was denied in that exact moment.
Good job, ma nigga.
  • JFL
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hope the monkey went to jail tbh
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Brutal she flatlined like crazy. I must become the ultimate fighter to avoid situations like this.
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Why did she fall like a Bollywood character jfl
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