No fap



Aug 29, 2018
What’s your conclusion regarding no fap?

Does it do anything?

I just want to do it because I believe porn is fucking up my head. Can’t go more than a day without fapping and everything I get done doing it I just feel even worse than before
I just want to do it because I believe porn is fucking up my head. Can’t go more than a day without fapping and everything I get done doing it I just feel even worse than before
For that reason alone it's worth quitting. I'm in the same boat.
Yeah NoFap keeps my weight in check.
It turns you +2 PSL

Joking aside, it beats porn addiction and tiredness but thats about it. I do nofap just because I do not need to fap, dont feel the desire. But If I want to I do it.
I have a genuine porn addiction, the longest I've gone without porn is 25 days. The longest I've gone without masturbation is 55 days. I only masturbate when I watch porn, otherwise I don't feel the need to. Watching porn and edging has no negative effect on me, but I try to do NoFap clean as long as I can. It's not long before I break my streak because of my porn addiction. NoFap is not a cope, it's a good thing. For me, anyways. I have more energy, I become more social, I need less sleep and I wake up earlier than usual. I also have more motivation to do about anything. Downside, however, is that I get up all in my feels and I hate living.
Do 7 day cycle fap, woke nofap edition

Ayyyyy dis negger speakin faxx :soy::soy::soy::soy:
yes. if you are in a bad place in life nofap will give you motivation to change your life around. as long as you dont have incel genetics...

regulates dopamine (100% the important part)
fixes porn induced ED, and sensitivity
regulates receptors hormones in the body... not sure if that means in the brain or in the body.
and when you are not ejaculating you are not wasting the minerals that make up semen, which probably plays a role in the "draining" feeling after ejaculation..
possibly makes your hair better, which may because of not ejaculating minerals. (pure psuedoscience)
makes you smell better (srs. every time i go on atleast a 1 week streak my family doesn't complain about how i stink.. when i fap and even took a shower i still stink the next day.)
yes. if you are in a bad place in life nofap will give you motivation to change your life around. as long as you dont have incel genetics...

regulates dopamine (100% the important part)
fixes porn induced ED, and sensitivity
regulates receptors hormones in the body... not sure if that means in the brain or in the body.
and when you are not ejaculating you are not wasting the minerals that make up semen, which probably plays a role in the "draining" feeling after ejaculation..
possibly makes your hair better, which may because of not ejaculating minerals. (pure psuedoscience)
makes you smell better (srs. every time i go on atleast a 1 week streak my family doesn't complain about how i stink.. when i fap and even took a shower i still stink the next day.)
I 100% have done nofap longer than this entire site combined, and it is COPE
haha watching other man fuck women is also cope, haha you pobably virgin longer than this entire site combined lolol
My longest streak was ten months, you feel Good but nothing extraordinary.

Conclusión: COPE
haha watching other man fuck women is also cope, haha you pobably virgin longer than this entire site combined lolol
I anti porn but you got me w the second part
I 100% have done nofap longer than this entire site combined, and it is COPE

nofap is more of lifemax than looksmax anyway

i cant even imagine the satisfaction a non-sex addict chad gets from life. probably gets drug tier dopamine spikes from just waking up :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: Never_Began and badromance
I'm in the middle of a mini-nofap because I'm storing venom for a party I'm going to on Halloween. Fingers crossed I get to use it.
As someone who has been on & off with No Fap over the last few years (highest streak being 9 months), I can say that it definitely changes the way you perceive interactions with other people, in addition to providing you with a 100x boost in sexual desire.

1. You will get a lot more random boners.. especially in the morning. Helps if you suffer from erectile dysfunction during sex.
2. You will experience more sexual dreams, wet-dreams, and will sometimes day-dream about any sexual fantasies (double-edged sword).
3. Women will become 10x more attractive and you will find that the desire to speak to them becomes much more prevalent.
GOOD: Increases your experience of confidently interacting with them & hopefully getting laid.
BAD: A 3/10 will look more like a 6/10 thanks to your urges (imagine being slightly drunk all of the time). SO CAREFU
4. You definitely feel less lethargic and gain a boost of energy due to not wasting your precious gems on porn or masturbation (aka fake sex).

5. You stop thinking less about wanting to jerk it off or watching porn the longer you continue your streak, even for a life-long addicts.

  • Avoid edging or spending too much time looking at IG models (this will cause you to inevitably fail.)
  • Have realistic goals. You will fail a few times at first, that's okay, but start small and build your way up. Aim for 1 week at first, then 2, then 1 month. etc. IF YOU DON'T HAVE A REALISTIC GOAL, EXPECT UNREALISTIC RESULTS.
  • Nothing is wrong with aiming for 2-3 months each No Fap cycle, you don't have to quit it for life. IMO, any additional perks usually plateau after a couple of months anyways, however this requires a lot of discipline. If you easily get addicted again, I don't recommend this.
  • Train your mind to focus on other tasks during the first 1-2 weeks such as going to the gym, work, reading books. (This is usually the hardest phase, after the 3rd-4th week it gets much easier).
  • If you make it to a couple of months of no fap without ejaculating at all, whenever you decide to end the streak.. it gets really fucking messy, so unless you want to drown her, don't aim at the face.

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