No Food November [GTFIH FATTIES]



Apr 8, 2019
The biggest problem with weight loss is that it takes a commitment. If you aren't 100% serious then the instant things get uncomfortable you'll fuck up and undo all your progress. Most people simply aren't capable of sticking by their decisions and need some form of accountability to keep them straight. If that's the case for you then find people who will hold you to your word. Give embarrassing photos to a friend to post online if you don't weigh below a certain amount by the end of November. If you're religious, swear an oath to your God. Anything that makes serious consequences for fucking up will make it much easier because you will know it's not an option to eat. It's the fact you have a decision to make when you think of eating that tests your will power and makes you miserable.

Stop saying "I'll do it tomorrow"
Stop waiting until being fat becomes unbearable for you to take action. It never happens. You get complacent, old, and further stuck in your old habits.

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Every day you waste is actually two lost. One day you should have been dieting and the one you lose off your youth that could have been spent lean and sexy.

November is do or die. Make a commitment now or you'll stay fat and lonely forever. No more excuses. Food is the lowest tier of copes.


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i'll go tomorrow
  • JFL
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  • Ugh..
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November is such a meme month.
  • JFL
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If it's bad to go tomorrow, what about after tomorrow
i'll read tonight, very good thread
I'm auschwitzmaxxing

starting tomorrow
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  • JFL
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I’m like 182lbs around 9-10% bodyfat...

Looking like a beast...

I don’t wanna shred to 6-7% because I don’t want my neck to shrink
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I’m like 182lbs around 9-10% bodyfat...

Looking like a beast...

I don’t wanna shred to 6-7% because I don’t want my neck to shrink
mirin motivation
You linked a guy that has already been in shape get back into shape easily because hes already been there

Dishonest thread and retarded diet where everyone will just balloon back up
Yeah bro just go to work/school on a empty stomach. Yeah bro by day 15 it’s 1am your totally gonna fall asleep with no food and be productive for day 16 of no food bro ya bro fucking on the spectrum
im 50 kg but doing this anyway
Yeah bro just go to work/school on a empty stomach. Yeah bro by day 15 it’s 1am your totally gonna fall asleep with no food and be productive for day 16 of no food bro ya bro fucking on the spectrum
Actually, fasting can boost productivity a lot in my experience. The mental clarity and ketone high is awesome. If you're a major fat ass then you can live an active life entirely off body fat just fine for long periods of time. Some people have done it for over a year.

The method video isn't about fasting for weeks on end it's about how to structure your fasting blocks so you have optimal energy. When you get below 20% it's better to do 3 and then 2 day fasts with small low carb meals in between.
You linked a guy that has already been in shape get back into shape easily because hes already been there

Dishonest thread and retarded diet where everyone will just balloon back up
Everyone balloons back up after dieting. It doesn't matter how they dieted it's all about whether their diet is a system or a goal. Goals when reached are abandoned and old patterns resumed.. Systems stay in place. Fasting is about optimizing your hormonal rhythms so they don't bother you with hunger when you don't need to eat.. which means it's easy to build a system on top of to stay lean until your body adjusts to your new weight.

He has further videos that go into how to adjust your fat set point but it's not important for 99% of people here who won't even start.
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fasting does not matter if still on SAD or euro equivalent
shit post, shitpost
  • JFL
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The best time to start exercising was years ago. The second best is now
You really think I want to increase my chances of getting loose skin?
Will start on Monday, I have a lunch meeting tomorrow so can't start then.
lost 6 kg in a month buddy boyos yall can do it too if you guys arent such willpowercucks
Actually, fasting can boost productivity a lot in my experience. The mental clarity and ketone high is awesome. If you're a major fat ass then you can live an active life entirely off body fat just fine for long periods of time. Some people have done it for over a year.

The method video isn't about fasting for weeks on end it's about how to structure your fasting blocks so you have optimal energy. When you get below 20% it's better to do 3 and then 2 day fasts with small low carb meals in between.

Everyone balloons back up after dieting. It doesn't matter how they dieted it's all about whether their diet is a system or a goal. Goals when reached are abandoned and old patterns resumed.. Systems stay in place. Fasting is about optimizing your hormonal rhythms so they don't bother you with hunger when you don't need to eat.. which means it's easy to build a system on top of to stay lean until your body adjusts to your new weight.

He has further videos that go into how to adjust your fat set point but it's not important for 99% of people here who won't even start.
How fasting makes u think better if you will be thinking about food all morning and your brain is running out of glucose (primary source of energy)
I eat what i want keep crying twink beta
  • JFL
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First 48 hour fast of November completed. Just finished my small meal of eggs and tuna and started the next 48.

Very easy fast. Didn't think about food at all and energy was good throughout.

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