No point in life if you're ugly

Sometimes I look at average guys and think how the fuck does he do it?

How does he get out of bed in the morning and have the motivation to live this brutal life looking like that. Being disrespected by plain Jane beckies, being mogged by 50% of people he walks past on the street (who also look like shit)

Like what does an average normie think when he enters a club and 70% of the guys in there mogs him? What's the thought process? How does he think he's gonna be able to compete? Personality? Luck? Buying girls drinks? I genuinely cant figure it out

And when I see a true subhuman I just hope that he wins the lottery. There should be charities helping out these guys that never stood a chance in this world

@Amnesia Do you think the same?
You are average
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Yeah idek why I keep living atp
And when I see a true subhuman I just hope that he wins the lottery. There should be charities helping out these guys that never stood a chance in this world
How nice of you to think that about me. Maybe one day i will win!
why is op thinking he is some fucking chad that is 1%
the only thing good about u is ur trad girlfriend u deluded malnet
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  • JFL
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Life is pointless if you don’t look like this:

IMG 9276
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