Nobody actually likes coding srs



Jan 2, 2019
Stemceling/coding is just an epic cope. Yes there are people who like designing things and they often use code as a means to an end, but nobody actually likes to code just for the sake of coding. It's why there are so few programmers and why coding is highly paid. It's not because it's super hard (it isn't. The difficulty of coding is heavily overrated), but because the vast majority finds it extremely boring. The hipster coder stereotype is merely a cope that nerds/incels made up in order to inflate their own self-esteem. Their coding skills are the only thing they have going for them (which they probably developed because their bad looks prevented them from having a social life) so it's their only real cope. Nobody actually legit likes being a coder.
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Stemceling/coding is just an epic cope. Yes there are people who like designing things and they often use code as a means to an end, but nobody actually likes to code just for the sake of coding. It's why there are so few programmers and why coding is highly paid. It's not because it's super hard (it isn't. The difficulty of coding is heavily overrated), but because the vast majority finds it extremely boring. The hipster coder stereotype is merely a cope that nerds/incels made up in order to inflate their own self-esteem. Their coding skills are the only thing they have going for them (which they probably developed because their bad looks prevented them from having a social life) so it's their only real cope. Nobody actually legit likes being a coder.
ok, good to know
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  • JFL
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Low IQ.
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as an ex software engineer major, i completely agree. it was such a subhuman central, its unbelieveable
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Stemceling/coding is just an epic cope. Yes there are people who like designing things and they often use code as a means to an end, but nobody actually likes to code just for the sake of coding. It's why there are so few programmers and why coding is highly paid. It's not because it's super hard (it isn't. The difficulty of coding is heavily overrated), but because the vast majority finds it extremely boring. The hipster coder stereotype is merely a cope that nerds/incels made up in order to inflate their own self-esteem. Their coding skills are the only thing they have going for them (which they probably developed because their bad looks prevented them from having a social life) so it's their only real cope. Nobody actually legit likes being a coder.
yeah this is extremely low iq. youre just coping yourself. stop making completely wrong judgements you donr know anything about.
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>>>print("Hello World")
Hello World
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seems like u triggered some coders here jfl

I did quit that shit within a month, the coding itself and all the people there are so boring i couldnt take it any longer.
Yes. Dear God, I fucking hate coding. I don't know how I graduated. Constant need to keep up with new technologies and it's boring.
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Yea im gonna have to agree, it gets boring pretty fast once you stop learning new things or back your self in a corner maintainability vise.
Being creative professional is not much different to be honest, well tbh it can be god damn infuriating if client/manager/boss whatever doesn't know what they want and is asking for revisions over and over.

Still though, miles better than any manual labour job.
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coding is cope unless you legitimately enjoy it for the sake of doing it, like if you were that one guy, who coded all the time from a very young age and have a natural talent for it. if you are good at STEM classes and have good logics and you are "good at coding", but you dont have what i described at the start, it's cope already and its cope for everyone else from there on. it can be decent money, but the job itself is rather boring i'd say(for majority of coders) and not necessarily good for long term for happiness
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When i was programming I did it purely for fun and enjoyment.
I used to write aimbots and cheats for UnrealTournament and Counter-strike 1.6.
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any monkey can do it srs
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pythons me
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encrypts me
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When i was programming I did it purely for fun and enjoyment.
I used to write aimbots and cheats for UnrealTournament and Counter-strike 1.6.
Damn bruu, TrU h4xx0r. L33t sh1t
I made a thread about coping before
I don’t think you remember.
Anyway I can’t even pass level 1 coding I just changed my major into an English
When i was programming I did it purely for fun and enjoyment.
I used to write aimbots and cheats for UnrealTournament and Counter-strike 1.6.
shoots me
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Idk why dorks think there is going to be some sort of dork renaissance and they will finally be important and highly valued members of society. Most coding jobs are the tech equivalent of janitorial work. And just lol at dork copers who think normies and foids are finally going to get what they deserve with them losing their jobs to machines - nigga, YOU are going to lose your job too when AI starts producing better and cleaner code in less time than you.
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nigga, YOU are going to lose your job too when AI starts producing better and cleaner code in less time than you.
automates me
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as an ex software engineer major, i completely agree. it was such a subhuman central, its unbelieveable

tbh I like being a comp sci major because I get to sit around a bunch of trucels and have an inflated sense of self-worth.

It became even more funny when I realized a lot of these kids who dressed and acted like stereotypical nerd-incels were also usually dumb and lazy as hell. Made me also realize that people who are gl are usually much more likely to have their shit in order from my experience.
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tbh I like being a comp sci major because I get to sit around a bunch of trucels and have an inflated sense of self-worth.

It became even more funny when I realized a lot of these kids who dressed and acted like stereotypical nerd-incels were also usually dumb and lazy as hell. Made me also realize that people who are gl are usually much more likely to have their shit in order from my experience.
i was comp sci major for a long while then decided to switch to economics. pretty much everyone there was a subhuman, incl. the few girls. all professors, all lecturers, lab assistants were utter subhuman without an exception. its like an unique closed world of subhumans, who cope together in a cult daily. being there clouded my judgement of how i look and where i stand in society. once i swallowed the blackpill, switching seemed logical considering i hated most of my course work anyways
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i was comp sci major for a long while then decided to switch to economics. pretty much everyone there was a subhuman, incl. the few girls. all professors, all lecturers, lab assistants were utter subhuman without an exception. its like an unique closed world of subhumans, who cope together in a cult daily. being there clouded my judgement of how i look and where i stand in society. once i swallowed the blackpill, switching seemed logical considering i hated most of my course work anyways

lmao you're telling me. I like coding enough atm to stick with it but god damn it sucks not being around normal people who have actual interests. In all of my classes this semester there was literally only 1 girl thay was decently attractive, I got her snapchat and go figure she already had a bf.

Everyone else in my comp sci class legit sits on their ass all day playing video games.

Put a bunch of GE classes in my next semester to fix this exact problem lmfao.
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I'm not even going into CS and I liked coding, use coding to solve irl (math) problems. Algorithms are fun.

Anything is fun until you get held to a standard tbh
If you think fixing software bugs for 8-12 hours a day under difficult working conditions then sure.
Anything is fun until you get held to a standard tbh
I just didn't like the fact that what I'd actually do as a swe is kind of lame compared to what I could do.
tbh I like being a comp sci major because I get to sit around a bunch of trucels and have an inflated sense of self-worth.

It became even more funny when I realized a lot of these kids who dressed and acted like stereotypical nerd-incels were also usually dumb and lazy as hell. Made me also realize that people who are gl are usually much more likely to have their shit in order from my experience.
A lot of the people who did well in my coding classes already had a girlfriend, weren't incel, had a family, already had a job. All the ones who dropped classes, kept failing, and barely got by were ugly nerds, played videogames, and were incel.

Jfl at the meme that nerds are smart... No, they can't manage their time, unable to stay motivated, and are low IQ.
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Jfl at the meme that nerds are smart... No, they can't manage their time, unable to stay motivated, and are low IQ.
Even if nerds are dumb, non nerds are even stupider.
But the big cope is that nerds=automatically incel
Even if nerds are dumb, non nerds are even stupider.
But the big cope is that nerds=automatically incel
I'm not even that smart, yet I had a Jewish cuck, some Asians, and some female students asking me for help on the coding assignments all the time. Jfl at being Asian, Jewish, or God forbid - FEMALE and asking a Mexican for help on assignments....

Something they all had in common is that they were ugly, didn't listen in class, didn't have jobs, and played videogames too much so they never studied. The Jewish dude especially; he was obsessed with GMOD. His life was built around that game.

Yet, all the good-looking, married, or grownup people who had families and full or part-time jobs were able to do better than those cucks.
I'm not even that smart, yet I had a Jewish cuck, some Asians, and some female students asking me for help on the coding assignments all the time. Jfl at being Asian, Jewish, or God forbid - FEMALE and asking a Mexican for help on assignments....

Something they all had in common is that they were ugly, didn't listen in class, didn't have jobs, and played videogames too much so they never studied. The Jewish dude especially; he was obsessed with GMOD. His life was built around that game.

Yet, all the good-looking, married, or grownup people who had families and full or part-time jobs were able to do better than those cucks.
Married person/person with children going to college=automatic retard
bro a nerd isn't an ugly person who plays a lot of video game, nerds are smart people who are academic jfl
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Married person/person with children going to college=automatic retard
They are trying to make better income. Not everyone has our mindset that Chad will take their wife if she goes back to college or that money is cope and looks are all that matters.

Also, a lot of work places pay you to go back or as a severance. A lot of the older people in my college were there for those reasons.
Married person/person with children going to college=automatic retard
bro a nerd isn't an ugly person who plays a lot of video game, nerds are smart people who are academic jfl
Maybe that's why so many journalists are mad over "learn to code" that and it has history during the job layoffs in the 90s during Bill Clinton's administration
Maybe that's why so many journalists are mad over "learn to code" that and it has history during the job layoffs in the 90s during Bill Clinton's administration

learn 2 code was about as much of a meme as the manospheres obsession with "STEM". Just like most of the TRP tards repeating it were not in STEM let alone any sort of education institute, most of the dorks repeating that meme don't know how to code either. There are huge amounts of dorks who live with the delusion that they're smart because they use a computer to jack off and play videogames like billions of other dullards, or because they can efficiently use a program that has explicitly been designed to make life as easy as possible for the end user.
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  • JFL
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stfu retard
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You will rarely see females in the top tiers of the software development industry..

Programming requires inventive thinking & problem solving which they lack.
The more we denature ourself from our evolutionary adapted hunter-gatherer lifestyle, the more human misery you will find.
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Just because you hate coding doesn't mean its a pathetic cope.

End it asap
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Im a genius and basically way smarter than all of you. Everything is boring to me; its all just child's play. Nothing personnel kid.
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Literally a thousand other NPCs could have written the same code that does the same thing, only gaming company role that someone can honestly want without being brain damaged is game design or something that actually influences the game, not makes the way for your superiors.

It's the same thing as dating, Elon Musk succeeded for the same reason giga chads succeeded, genetics and environment that he had no control over.
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There are huge amounts of dorks who live with the delusion that they're smart because they use a computer to jack off and play videogames like billions of other dullards, or because they can efficiently use a program that has explicitly been designed to make life as easy as possible for the end user.
This x1000.
"muh i can use a computer, so I'm smart"
While Chad and Stacy can barely use a word processor, but they will get by in life simply by being good-looking.

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