

Nov 5, 2019

Supplemented with Vit D3, fish oil, ashwagandha, cbd. Unfortunately, I've been very distracted from my Uni obligations, so I feel forced to take coffee tomorrow... which I really don't want to do :( I'll start my day without it, and if I'm still distracted, I'll have to resort to it for one more day before I quit that shit again...

No more dead foggy mind when I wake up :) Also, physical anxiety is pretty much nonexistent.

Energy levels still downish, especially after I eat... I should eat smaller portions cause I keep fucking up my day being dead tired after I eat--I have to take naps in the afternoons I'm so sleepy.

I had a very sexual dream last night. Not sure if it was a wet dream as I didn't notice any stains or sticky goo near my johnson. Prasie christ and mohammed if I didn't relapse in my sleep 👳

I got very irritable today at my gf. Shes pretty unself aware and kept talking shit when our tenant was home so I had to give her the old 1 2 beat down... nah i just pushed her to tell her to STFU. Being irritable is pretty bitchy, so hopefully, i can get over that soon. I admitted I got moody afterward and she thought it was ironic seeing as she's the one on her period lol

Voice seems a little deep, not significantly though. I'd love to get that deep I've been smoking since the womb baritone voice. Had that when I was sick and that shit makes pussy water... even though it's my mission not to give a shit about girls and their manipulate, seductive ways (that's a rant for another time, but there's a reason they are forced to cover up in the middle east lol).

Sexual thoughts seem on pair to yesterdays, still intrusive. If it gets bad I try to force myself to take deep breaths, which can help. I actually feel less horny than yesterday, and its not even real horniness, just a compulsive craving for a quick release. When I see my tenant's ass, I have a habit of taking quick peeks. Now, I'm forcing myself not to acknowledge that shit or girls in a sexual way in general. Seems pretty faggy but it will pay off to train myself this way... also ironically, girls find that vibe (not sexualizing them or craving sex) more attractive in a man, so win-win lol

In general, no real drastic difference from yesterday.

Fucked up with the cold showers again :/ I keep wasting water before I get in on my phone or whatever. I just really like the privacy in my shared apartment running water gives me. Allows me to dance to music autistically, visualize myself as a badass mofo in the future like a grandiose narcissist, take shits without feeling self-conscious 🥰 Also, feeling the ice-cold water for the first time during the day isn't exactly pleasant, so subconsciously I'm probably procrastinating from that. But at the same time before I get in, I'm pretty pumped, jumping up and down and shit, so it's like I'm anticipating the high it gives. To reduce procrastination, again I need to only turn the shower on when I get in and not bring my phone in the bathroom, which is MUCH EASIER TO DO if, when I wake up, I don't immediately blast myself with the blue light cancer from my phone. NO PHONE IN THE MORNING!!

It's still affecting me in the same way, I get pumped afterward, sneeze and shiver abit too, only from the 3 and half minutes in there. IMAGINE, if I stayed let's say 5 mins :O but I'll work my way up there as I don't want to get tolerant to the high of the shower too quickly.

Bro, fucked up with the timing of the mediation AGAIN BRO :( Mediatated 20 mins in the afternoon and 10 mins at 22:00ish. TOMORROW I WILL MEDITATE 20 MINS IN THE MORNING AND 10 MINS IN THE AFTERNOON 😤 No real noticeable effects from the meditation. I can easily see from it how ADHD my mind is. I'll be focusing on the meditation, 3 secs after I'll get distracted, caught up in a thought, idea whatever, and 20 seconds later have to consciously force my mind back to the meditation. It's getting slightly easier to do every day :) Things that bother me during are small, like my elbow touching the chair but only slightly... I do my best to stay present with the feeling, knowing it will go away if I do, but sometimes out of instinct or distraction, I'll just move my body instead. ALL PART OF THE PROCESS THOUGH!


  • Might have to supplement with coffee tomorrow. No more foggy mind when waking up or physical anxiety. Energy still downish, taking naps in the afternoon and sleepy after I eat => smaller portions for food? Still can get irritable like a bitch on her blood days. Voice a tiny bit deeper, could be mucus from hayfever though lol. Sexual thoughts same as yesterday. I will train myself not to take glances at women or view them sexually.
  • Fucked up with cold showers again by wasting water and procrastinating. TO COMBAT THIS, no phone in the moring and ONLY TURN WATER ON WHEN IN SHOWER FFS. Still get pumped asf after 3 and 1/2 mins shower.
  • Fucked up the timing of meditation. NEED TO STICK TO 20 mins morning and 10 mins afternoon to make into a comfortable habit. Its obvious how ADHD my brain is, but meditation is getting easier so I guess its working.
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  • +1
Reactions: NormieKilla, Romnel, Got the hunter eyes and 1 other person
Bro I've lost today I'm so sorry
  • So Sad
  • WTF
Reactions: DutchPrettyBoy and Rochefort6
how's it feel bro?
Bad. The hornyness built up day by day more and more untill today when the sight of nsfw material made me lose control.
I stared at porn media for hours because i still didn't want to but i was already cursed by the start.
Let's pretend that the strong hornyness of mine is due to the fact I'm so full of t and hormones that i can't control myself jfl.
At least i can cope with that.
  • +1
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Bad. The hornyness built up day by day more and more untill today when the sight of nsfw material made me lose control.
I stared at porn media for hours because i still didn't want to but i was already cursed by the start.
Let's pretend that the strong hornyness of mine is due to the fact I'm so full of t and hormones that i can't control myself jfl.
At least i can cope with that.
LOL use the high of the fap and the shit feelings you have to motivate building an actual plan to stick to nofap bro. Don't give up. its hard asf, its v similar to quitting cocaine, but it's possible if you're active about it :)
  • +1
Reactions: Got the hunter eyes
LOL use the high of the fap and the shit feelings you have to motivate building an actual plan to stick to nofap bro. Don't give up. its hard asf, its v similar to quitting cocaine, but it's possible if you're active about it :)
I will thanks im gonna try again
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Im on day 6...
  • +1
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and hows it going :chad:
Good... trying to cure my PFS. Not much horniness but better erections... forgot my cawk was that big... Gonna try to aim for 15-20 days then start a cycle of tribulus terretris, that's where the real game starts.
Good... trying to cure my PFS. Not much horniness but better erections... forgot my cawk was that big... Gonna try to aim for 15-20 days then start a cycle of tribulus terretris, that's where the real game starts.
PFS? Tribulus terretris?
PFS? Tribulus terretris?
PFS = post finasteride syndrome = fucked androgen receptors

tribulus terretris = restores androgen receptors
PFS = post finasteride syndrome = fucked androgen receptors

tribulus terretris = restores androgen receptors
tribulus terretris, is it dangerous? side effects? I'd be interested if its natural without damage.

Sucks about the PFS bro, wish you well with that.
  • +1
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tribulus terretris, is it dangerous? side effects? I'd be interested if its natural without damage.

Sucks about the PFS bro, wish you well with that.
It's a natural herb, generally not dangerous. More likely not to do anything than to harm you, but you have to find a brand that has lots of Protodioscin in it. Mine has 40% but generally 80% or higher is ideal. Most brands have no protodioscin.
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PFS = post finasteride syndrome = fucked androgen receptors

tribulus terretris = restores androgen receptors

man what are you using now to preserve your hair? ( you're the 17 year old guy who complained on hairlosstalk that minox ruined his skin right?) thanks
man what are you using now to preserve your hair? ( you're the 17 year old guy who complained on hairlosstalk that minox ruined his skin right?) thanks
I'm using nofap + dermarolling and it's working pretty good, even just 5 days in I'm not seeing any shedding compared to when fapping daily.
shit man i hope you won't be writing a book everyday
  • JFL
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glad you're doing better then btw i remember your before and after pics and the " collagen damage" was barely noticeable you didn't even developped under eyes wrinkles if i remember properly and trust me i'm the first one to think minox cause skin aging
I did nofap for over a month before I even knew what nofap or the blackpill was.

I legit E mog half this site.
LOL use the high of the fap and the shit feelings you have to motivate building an actual plan to stick to nofap bro. Don't give up. its hard asf, its v similar to quitting cocaine, but it's possible if you're active about it :)
I went 2 and a half years on nofap. Let me tell you this: it gets easier, but it's still, always, extremely hard. Even after 2 years I still found myself craving to jack off. It got to the point where my brain completely forgot what a woman's body even looked like since I didn't watch porn, and my wet dreams were of me jacking off, not me having sex jfl. Literally I had a dream where I was jacking off my dick and it was like 3 feet long and all deformed and shit just lol. You crave not sex, but jacking off after a certain point. And when I caved in after 3 years or so, it didn't even feel that much better as if you caved in at 1 month. I'm on day 3 or 4 of NoFap right now myself, I've been struggling doing NoFap on and off for the past year since I failed.

I wish i analyzed myself better when I was on nofap. I was super bluepilled and immature when I did it (I was like 17) so I have no idea if the benefits were that good. Also I was completely NEET (jfl) so I can't even tell if I was more confident with people IRL. All I know is I'm suicidal and depressed (as well as crazy mood swings, intense brain fog, and legit social awkwardness at work) if I jack off. So fuck jacking off. I am NOT addicted to porn, just masturbation. But masturbation is better with porn, but masturbation alone makes me depressed and suicidal, so fuck that. All of the self improvement things I've done, I've only done in periods of NoFap, after day 2. While I'm a coomer I'm lost in a state of consuming junk food, binge watching YouTube, and endlessly jacking off since my life lacks content and I have no friends IRL no girlfriend, and no family. All I do is self improve and try to hobbymaxx nowadays. Bless you for making this thread though bro, I will keep reading them as I am on this journey with you.
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Well I didn't cum in 3 days fapping tho I started doing and then stopped
I went 2 and a half years on nofap. Let me tell you this: it gets easier, but it's still, always, extremely hard. Even after 2 years I still found myself craving to jack off. It got to the point where my brain completely forgot what a woman's body even looked like since I didn't watch porn, and my wet dreams were of me jacking off, not me having sex jfl. Literally I had a dream where I was jacking off my dick and it was like 3 feet long and all deformed and shit just lol. You crave not sex, but jacking off after a certain point. And when I caved in after 3 years or so, it didn't even feel that much better as if you caved in at 1 month. I'm on day 3 or 4 of NoFap right now myself, I've been struggling doing NoFap on and off for the past year since I failed.

I wish i analyzed myself better when I was on nofap. I was super bluepilled and immature when I did it (I was like 17) so I have no idea if the benefits were that good. Also I was completely NEET (jfl) so I can't even tell if I was more confident with people IRL. All I know is I'm suicidal and depressed (as well as crazy mood swings, intense brain fog, and legit social awkwardness at work) if I jack off. So fuck jacking off. I am NOT addicted to porn, just masturbation. But masturbation is better with porn, but masturbation alone makes me depressed and suicidal, so fuck that. All of the self improvement things I've done, I've only done in periods of NoFap, after day 2. While I'm a coomer I'm lost in a state of consuming junk food, binge watching YouTube, and endlessly jacking off since my life lacks content and I have no friends IRL no girlfriend, and no family. All I do is self improve and try to hobbymaxx nowadays. Bless you for making this thread though bro, I will keep reading them as I am on this journey with you.
Thanks so much for sharing bro! Really inspiring. LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN
Well I didn't cum in 3 days fapping tho I started doing and then stopped
You mean edging?
I want this thread to be sticked
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