Normies are fucking retarded when it comes to the agepill


Deleted member 4310

Dec 11, 2019
They legit think that becoming fat when you reach your 30's is a natural part of life and that there is nothing you can do about it. The only reason you tend to become fatter when you're older is because by this age you may have advanced in your career and have kids so naturally you have less time to exercise and cook real food. You overeat due to sress caused by your retarded wife and demanding kids etc. Also this lifestyle inevitable leads to wrinkles and premature aging.

Also they won't do anything about their hairline, their wife won't let them spend 3k on a HT because she expects him to spend that money on her like the queen she is.

They're completely oblivious to how their lifestyle will affect their looks so they just accept that it's natural to look like shit at 30. They just do what everybody else is doing and go with the flow. They lack the awareness to take control of their lives and they'll just marry a landwhale because "marriage and children are a part of life" and it's all down hill from there. It's truly over for them.
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JFL at having a wife in 2020. HAREM OF WHITE JBs OR GO HOME.
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  • JFL
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Normies are retarded period.
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Anyone who thinks being above 15% body fat is natural should be executed
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  • JFL
Reactions: Toth's thot, middayshowers, cutecel and 10 others
They legit think that becoming fat when you reach your 30's is a natural part of life and that there is nothing you can do about it. The only reason you tend to become fatter when you're older is because by this age you may have advanced in your career and have kids so naturally you have less time to exercise and cook real food. You overeat due to sress caused by your retarded wife and demanding kids etc.

Also they won't do anything about their hairline, their wife won't let them spend 3k on a HT because she expects him to spend that money on her like the queen she is.
tbh beeing lean is a thing that you must keep always for health issues, but the hairline tbh, when you'r married, happy, that your wife likes you as you are, etc, no need for it.
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Reactions: Deleted member 4310
They legit think that becoming fat when you reach your 30's is a natural part of life and that there is nothing you can do about it. The only reason you tend to become fatter when you're older is because by this age you may have advanced in your career and have kids so naturally you have less time to exercise and cook real food. You overeat due to sress caused by your retarded wife and demanding kids etc.

Also they won't do anything about their hairline, their wife won't let them spend 3k on a HT because she expects him to spend that money on her like the queen she is.
Its good because you will mog most of them with your trained body
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JFL at having a wife in 2020. HAREM OF WHITE JBs OR GO HOME.
Harem of white JBs is only for short scrawny curries bro didn't you get the memo
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  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: .👽., Bechadish, Deleted member 4310 and 1 other person
JFL at having a wife in 2020. HAREM OF WHITE JBs OR GO HOME.
This unironically, well maybe it's hard to have a literal harem unless you're psl 7 but you should just focus on looksmaxxing and saving your hairline and you can have good sex regularly instead of marrying some landwhale and become a looksminner due to stress and finanical reasons.
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Harem of white JBs is only for short scrawny curries bro didn't you get the memo


This unironically, well maybe it's hard to have a literal harem unless you're psl 7 but you should just focus on looksmaxxing and saving your hairline and you can have good sex regularly instead of marrying some landwhale and become a looksminner due to stress and finanical reasons.

Exactly brother. That's the way.
how tf are those excuses?

quote from OP:

i simply proved him wrong.

also, T will do very little for weight compared to GH and thyroid
Yeah you're right but you get the point, humans are not meant to be fat.
Start HGH, TRT and botox at 25 and you will stay good looking much longer
Harem of white JBs is only for short scrawny curries bro didn't you get the memo
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 4645
This unironically, well maybe it's hard to have a literal harem unless you're psl 7 but you should just focus on looksmaxxing and saving your hairline and you can have good sex regularly instead of marrying some landwhale and become a looksminner due to stress and finanical reasons.
tbh marriage is not worth on average but still there are nice exceptions.
You'll get tired of slaying.
There's ways to slow down aging
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  • Hmm...
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Nothing beats a harem of latinas.

The funny thing is latinas and whites both age like shit

Latinas gain a bunch of weight, and white women become wrinkly
Let the normies cope. By 45 I will have over 1k body count of 5 psl+ women. I will then marry a Stacy 10 years younger than me and breed a giga chad son to carry on my mogging legacy. Rinse and repeat.
  • JFL
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retarded normies. why tf would u ever bring kids into this world
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Most people are dumb as fuck
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I think they just don't think about these things because they're distracted with having an active social life & friends

when you're a introverted loner you have a lot of time to think about your inevitable demise.
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Hop on TRT to preserve your Test
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Wife = Cucked Beta Bux with no sex
They legit think that becoming fat when you reach your 30's is a natural part of life and that there is nothing you can do about it. The only reason you tend to become fatter when you're older is because by this age you may have advanced in your career and have kids so naturally you have less time to exercise and cook real food. You overeat due to sress caused by your retarded wife and demanding kids etc. Also this lifestyle inevitable leads to wrinkles and premature aging.

Also they won't do anything about their hairline, their wife won't let them spend 3k on a HT because she expects him to spend that money on her like the queen she is.

They're completely oblivious to how their lifestyle will affect their looks so they just accept that it's natural to look like shit at 30. They just do what everybody else is doing and go with the flow. They lack the awareness to take control of their lives and they'll just marry a landwhale because "marriage and children are a part of life" and it's all down hill from there. It's truly over for them.


  • +1
Reactions: Highrise
thats good u retard

why the fuck do u wanna educate them?

let them suffer while we ascend
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Reactions: Highrise, Deleted member 4310 and autistic_tendencies
yeah they are lazy but use that to your benefit
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A man isn't complete until he finds his wife. Then, he's finished!
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Reactions: Deleted member 4310
You are right. Also sunscreen. I don't know anyone who wears sunscreen everyday. Especially one with good UVA protection.
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Most normies age like shit because they have screwed up thyroids, are running on cortisol, do no form of resistance training, eat soft shitty foods and lose bone volume and muscle in their face because of this. Cortisol ages you like garbage, so try and tank your cortisol levels as much as possible.

Another thing, botox is one of the dumbest things in the looksmaxing world. The people that say they have no collagen 90% of the time just have sagging facial muscles and loss of bone volume. Muscle is attached to skin, if its not used it will sag. If its not used and you're on a cut it will athrophy.

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Reactions: Highrise and Deleted member 4310
Just be chad then you’re exempt from normie rules

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