not even 2 month ago my barber said to my hair is to dense she needs to thin it out a bit...but after buzzing i can clearly see balding everywhere



not paulie_walnuts
Jul 30, 2019
do you know this kind of scissors?


do you hair dresser tell you hair is so dense you need thin it out a bit? sounds familar?

well that happened to me not even 2 month ago...and ofc i thought i was so safe because of that.. sure i was receeding at the hairline a bit but that was just the hairline right?


my buzzcut revealed the whole problem..under lightening i can clearly see that i lost density in the norwood regions and that the dht was poison was everywhere.

the norwood reaper approaches silent..some people dont even see it coming until its too late...before you really notice you alraedy lost 50% or more of your hair in that region...unless you buzzcut

currently injectint finasterid and estrogen directly in my systems


buzzcut saved me from going bald

without my buzzcut i would have still thought my density was toptier
females can't get anything right
i dont blame her

if you dont shave or buzzcut its hard to spot thinning early..
probably. I never cut my hair shorter than medium length. I do feel the hair loss though. I'm on fin rn
NEVER thin your hair out. That is some legitimately retarded shit. Thick hair is boss
The time has come, my friend

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