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Palisades' devastation is what happens when you don't address the massive homeless problem in California. And some druggies, whether migrants or home-brewed, tend to do "illegal" things like, set fires.
Must you see the evidence of how homeless bums and druggies behave without discipline in the cities and in between them? Can you take my word for it when I say they set fires, sometimes they ignite each other? Do I really need to provide you with records available on TikTok and X? Even your local press exposed some of this evidence. You saw it! Last month, a man set a woman on fire in New York. And that was the one recorded. The many others the press don't share because they lack video content. Not everything is captured on video, you know this, right? And not everything the homeless do is shared with the public. Not only that, when they hurt people, ugh, the press SEALS this truth from society... or unless the victim stomps his wittle feet demanding attention.
Some of these heavily drug-induced parasites push people in front of trains and into oncoming traffic. They stab decent people! They rob, steal, and kill. Niggas high on crack driving a stolen vehicle shoots at one another while killing innocent bystanders. Ugh, then again, besides children, are they really innocent? I don't have all the answers, dammit!
Let's talk, wealthy society
Hmm, maybe I should have titled this, "Let's talk, wealthy society." Oh, well. What's done is done. Anywho, is it too mind-boggling for that pampered little brain of yours to believe homeless folks hooked on drugs are allowed to do whatever they want? They have nothing to lose, unlike you and me. They know prisons and jails are overbooked. Furthermore, they blame rich people for their personal screwups. Yeah, imagine that! But the culprit of their demise is irrelevant because what they believe is important. How long would it take living in those conditions with nothing—no heirlooms, family pictures, children's drawings—before they lash out at you? Shooting someone is risky. Running over someone requires a vehicle. Homeless folks usually don't have our luxury. So what's left? Fire!!
Your news people worship your vanity with their mouths gaped as they fondle themselves, tell the homeless people when your neighborhoods are at the highest risk for fire. They teach them about strong winds and dry fuel. Do you think it's possible, say, a dozen of these inebriated losers on meth, bath salts, fentanyl, and skin-rotting 'zombie' drugs, would set your world on fire?
I remember a video on TikTok a couple of years back. It'd garnished a thousand views. I remember that part because I reported it. Although, I was warned about being a racist. Not sure, though, if it was removed. You'll have to contact China's Communist Party about that. They're the ones who monitor it. Anyway, it showed a black woman flicking a lighter against a bundle of leaves. Then it showed pictures of various mansions. Then again, she flicked the lighter. Neither was a location revealed, nor the identity of the woman. But the black feminine hand was obvious. Maybe it was a tranny. I was told not to judge. Nonetheless, we call this a cryptic message aimed at dangerous minds. Did China alert the public after they removed it? I'm pretty sure they didn't. I haven't heard about it. And I read TONS of articles. Besides that, I didn't think much of it. Like you, I was mesmerized by the contiguous clips, like in a hypnotic state. Eventually, I deleted the fucker... I found out China was accessing my camera with their AI facial gesture software, studying my expressions. (Thanks a lot, Microsoft and Google!) Ugh, Jeepers Creepers, right? That shit had to go.
Before you conceive the following wacky privileged idea, "B-but who can be that cruel and mean?" Some of the hateful homeless women toss their newborns into dumpsters. Is that cruel enough for you?
No one wanted to type these words for some odd reason. In case you haven't noticed, I'm an asset that's been shadow-banned by your writers, studios, political parties, mainstream media, and social networks. Their filthy, disgusting arrogance keeps me hidden from the sheep, which includes the multimillionaire celebrities. Back in the perimeter of 2017-2018, I had a Facebook page. I would post video content, which doxxed my identity. The content would be directed to sneaky shit, mainly, the pharmaceutical industry. I showed the American public that new drugstores were popping up everywhere. I showed one being built ACROSS THE STREET from another one! And two more down the street! I warned the public, "Something's going down. These people are planning for a shitload of sick people or suckers galore." My content was flagged as defamatory. It seemed unknown users flagged the shit out of it! Then, a Stacy-MILF contacts me through a dating network. And ugh, the folks she was connected to would make Alex Jones cum on himself. She consumed my thoughts and became my only audience. Concurrently, I backed away from social media and went dick-hard into bodybuilding.
I believe the majority of the prosperous cults really do live in a fantasy realm. The real world struggling while many are heavily intoxicated on perilous drugs a skitzo wouldn't even touch, not only conspires these dangerous "sleep" ideas, but they're now withholding this information because, well, they rather not be bigots. You understand.
Remember the Maui fires in 2023? Did you know a little over a thousand "registered" homeless people lived on that island before the fires broke out? Yet, did anyone point fingers at them? Nope! Instead, they blamed China—blue beam—they blamed nature. But let's not speculate that the ones with the easiest access and time to set fires are the real blue beams. Noooooooooooo, that would be hateful. That would spoil narratives and injure the super rich's depopulation of the poor agenda. Let's not tell the American people the truth about the consequences of open drug use and lower penalties against dangerous drugs. Nooooooooooo, let's all play retarded! Cool?
Additionally, in case you didn't know, pertaining to homeless encampments in the dark woods and forests, these druggies tend to set campfires and pass out from the fentanyl and booze. Uh-oh, here come the strong winds. Oh, boogers. There go the mansions in the downstream. Oh, well... they can rebuild.
Oh, and do you know the most fucked up thing about this? ALL OF THIS will be forgotten within a week to two. Ugh, right? "B-but if we don't address this now, wouldn't this happen again?" Oh, you better believe that was a question in Maui in 2023.
World War Three with China, let's go!

LA fires: Interactive map of celebrities homes destroyed
Anthony Hopkins , Miles Teller and Anna Faris are just a few of the many celebrities whose stunning mansions have been reduced to ash and rubble.
Must you see the evidence of how homeless bums and druggies behave without discipline in the cities and in between them? Can you take my word for it when I say they set fires, sometimes they ignite each other? Do I really need to provide you with records available on TikTok and X? Even your local press exposed some of this evidence. You saw it! Last month, a man set a woman on fire in New York. And that was the one recorded. The many others the press don't share because they lack video content. Not everything is captured on video, you know this, right? And not everything the homeless do is shared with the public. Not only that, when they hurt people, ugh, the press SEALS this truth from society... or unless the victim stomps his wittle feet demanding attention.

Some of these heavily drug-induced parasites push people in front of trains and into oncoming traffic. They stab decent people! They rob, steal, and kill. Niggas high on crack driving a stolen vehicle shoots at one another while killing innocent bystanders. Ugh, then again, besides children, are they really innocent? I don't have all the answers, dammit!
Let's talk, wealthy society
Hmm, maybe I should have titled this, "Let's talk, wealthy society." Oh, well. What's done is done. Anywho, is it too mind-boggling for that pampered little brain of yours to believe homeless folks hooked on drugs are allowed to do whatever they want? They have nothing to lose, unlike you and me. They know prisons and jails are overbooked. Furthermore, they blame rich people for their personal screwups. Yeah, imagine that! But the culprit of their demise is irrelevant because what they believe is important. How long would it take living in those conditions with nothing—no heirlooms, family pictures, children's drawings—before they lash out at you? Shooting someone is risky. Running over someone requires a vehicle. Homeless folks usually don't have our luxury. So what's left? Fire!!

Your news people worship your vanity with their mouths gaped as they fondle themselves, tell the homeless people when your neighborhoods are at the highest risk for fire. They teach them about strong winds and dry fuel. Do you think it's possible, say, a dozen of these inebriated losers on meth, bath salts, fentanyl, and skin-rotting 'zombie' drugs, would set your world on fire?
I remember a video on TikTok a couple of years back. It'd garnished a thousand views. I remember that part because I reported it. Although, I was warned about being a racist. Not sure, though, if it was removed. You'll have to contact China's Communist Party about that. They're the ones who monitor it. Anyway, it showed a black woman flicking a lighter against a bundle of leaves. Then it showed pictures of various mansions. Then again, she flicked the lighter. Neither was a location revealed, nor the identity of the woman. But the black feminine hand was obvious. Maybe it was a tranny. I was told not to judge. Nonetheless, we call this a cryptic message aimed at dangerous minds. Did China alert the public after they removed it? I'm pretty sure they didn't. I haven't heard about it. And I read TONS of articles. Besides that, I didn't think much of it. Like you, I was mesmerized by the contiguous clips, like in a hypnotic state. Eventually, I deleted the fucker... I found out China was accessing my camera with their AI facial gesture software, studying my expressions. (Thanks a lot, Microsoft and Google!) Ugh, Jeepers Creepers, right? That shit had to go.

Before you conceive the following wacky privileged idea, "B-but who can be that cruel and mean?" Some of the hateful homeless women toss their newborns into dumpsters. Is that cruel enough for you?
Grandmother demands justice for Las Vegas toddler found in dumpster
To Gracie Martin, Jacoby Robinson Jr., 2, her grandson, was a sweet baby who enjoyed Cheetos. After his death and the discovery of his body in a dumpster, she relives memory after memory.

Mom Allegedly Left Newborn in Dumpster Because She 'Didn’t Want Her Boyfriend to Break Up With Her': Police
Everilda Cux-Ajtzalam, 18, was arrested and charged with a felony offense of abandoning a child.
No one wanted to type these words for some odd reason. In case you haven't noticed, I'm an asset that's been shadow-banned by your writers, studios, political parties, mainstream media, and social networks. Their filthy, disgusting arrogance keeps me hidden from the sheep, which includes the multimillionaire celebrities. Back in the perimeter of 2017-2018, I had a Facebook page. I would post video content, which doxxed my identity. The content would be directed to sneaky shit, mainly, the pharmaceutical industry. I showed the American public that new drugstores were popping up everywhere. I showed one being built ACROSS THE STREET from another one! And two more down the street! I warned the public, "Something's going down. These people are planning for a shitload of sick people or suckers galore." My content was flagged as defamatory. It seemed unknown users flagged the shit out of it! Then, a Stacy-MILF contacts me through a dating network. And ugh, the folks she was connected to would make Alex Jones cum on himself. She consumed my thoughts and became my only audience. Concurrently, I backed away from social media and went dick-hard into bodybuilding.

I believe the majority of the prosperous cults really do live in a fantasy realm. The real world struggling while many are heavily intoxicated on perilous drugs a skitzo wouldn't even touch, not only conspires these dangerous "sleep" ideas, but they're now withholding this information because, well, they rather not be bigots. You understand.
Remember the Maui fires in 2023? Did you know a little over a thousand "registered" homeless people lived on that island before the fires broke out? Yet, did anyone point fingers at them? Nope! Instead, they blamed China—blue beam—they blamed nature. But let's not speculate that the ones with the easiest access and time to set fires are the real blue beams. Noooooooooooo, that would be hateful. That would spoil narratives and injure the super rich's depopulation of the poor agenda. Let's not tell the American people the truth about the consequences of open drug use and lower penalties against dangerous drugs. Nooooooooooo, let's all play retarded! Cool?

Additionally, in case you didn't know, pertaining to homeless encampments in the dark woods and forests, these druggies tend to set campfires and pass out from the fentanyl and booze. Uh-oh, here come the strong winds. Oh, boogers. There go the mansions in the downstream. Oh, well... they can rebuild.
Oh, and do you know the most fucked up thing about this? ALL OF THIS will be forgotten within a week to two. Ugh, right? "B-but if we don't address this now, wouldn't this happen again?" Oh, you better believe that was a question in Maui in 2023.
World War Three with China, let's go!
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