Not trusting my rating anymore


I don’t talk to anyone cause people here said htn would have women throwing themself at him so I just gave up
Yea 5,7 is not that bad, just max out ur face.

Bro even if ure a chad, nobody will randomly approach u on the street, thats not how it works.
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Yea 5,7 is not that bad, just max out ur face.

Bro even if ure a chad, nobody will randomly approach u on the street, thats not how it works.
Theyll maybe look at u for a few secs but they wont approach u in most cases
I know they don’t but I’m too high inhib to take advantage of htn that’s why for me I need to be minimum chadlite
Oh buddyboyo, we all wish to be chadlite. But as long as mtns pull htb+ we shouldn’t worry too much:lul:
Yea 5,7 is not that bad, just max out ur face.

Bro even if ure a chad, nobody will randomly approach u on the street, thats not how it works.
My face is almost maxed out, I just need longer lashes and a lower bf%, I’m looking into hardmaxxingnoptions from now
Oh buddyboyo, we all wish to be chadlite. But as long as mtns pull htb+ we shouldn’t worry too much:lul:
They don’t unless their rich
  • Hmm...
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They don’t unless their rich
They do, I go outside A LOT and there’s a slim chance they’re all rich. I think they all have something going for them tho like big dick or some actually getting good bank. But with htn face you got something going for you too:feelsokman:
My face is almost maxed out, I just need longer lashes and a lower bf%, I’m looking into hardmaxxingnoptions from now

They don’t unless their rich
I actually posted a thread to get low bf%

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They do, I go outside A LOT and there’s a slim chance they’re all rich. I think they all have something going for them tho like big dick or some actually getting good bank. But with htn face you got something going for you too:feelsokman:
I don’t see it, where I live I haven’t seen a single mtn with htb+ girl,
  • Hmm...
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I don’t know I just don’t get compliments,approajced, etc

Because outside even as chadlite you won't be expected to be approached by women who aren't drunk or with their friends goofing around.

Only times to be expected is from clubs where the foids are drunk or at a place where you see foids with their friends goofing around and they would be the types to approach.

Most people in todays generation are hard-wired to their phones whenever they are outside and it's not always because they don't want nobody to approach them its either they lack social skills or are mentalcels that think badly about themselves.
  • +1
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I don’t know I just don’t get compliments,approajced, etc
Chadlite Minimum to get approached. Almost no men get approached even once in their lifetime with this intend
Because outside even as chadlite you won't be expected to be approached by women who aren't drunk or with their friends goofing around.

Only times to be expected is from clubs where the foids are drunk or at a place where you see foids with their friends goofing around and they would be the types to approach.

Most people in todays generation are hard-wired to their phones whenever they are outside and it's not always because they don't want nobody to approach them its either they lack social skills or are mentalcels that think badly about themselves.
Even in night clubs it’s unusual. You may receive signs like getting constantly looked at by women but it’s not like most women just throw themselves at you. It can happen occasionally for chadlites but not at every night out
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Don’t trust your rating from here, they vary so much. Got to take each one with a grain of salt. I’ve gotten from mtn to bordering on cl. You cant expect to be approached irl just walking down the street. Social setting is different, not sure how often you’re going out. Your face isn’t the only thing that matters in your appearance. Since you’re 5’7 your height prob doesn’t stand out as much to be noticed and approached
Women dgaf about htn irl. Only online. Chadlite with good height is where they start to be outgoing on someone.
shouldnt it be the opposite tho? I’m not even sure whats considered htn anymore. but it’s true I got basically all female attention off my tinder/ig selfies, irl I’m so invisible in social settings
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Him still being treated like a subhuman
zenis we had a tiny convo on this topic, u get treated as such bc you don't put yourself out there bhai.

@Zenis I’m genuinely curious…how does one get treated poorly because they don’t put themselves out there? Sounds so strange to me. If you don’t put yourself out there, you wouldn’t get treated at all. To be treated poorly means you give it many attempts and get bad outcomes, no?

I’m subhuman, but I don’t get treated like a subhuman (by BP standards). Why not? Because I don’t put myself out there, so I don’t get treated good nor bad.
@Zenis I’m genuinely curious…how does one get treated poorly because they don’t put themselves out there? Sounds so strange to me. If you don’t put yourself out there, you wouldn’t get treated at all. To be treated poorly means you give it many attempts and get bad outcomes, no?

I’m subhuman, but I don’t get treated like a subhuman (by BP standards). Why not? Because I don’t put myself out there, so I don’t get treated good nor bad.
He inhibits himself by dressing like a school shooter and by not talking to anyone (his break down not mine), so basically there is no attempts at all he hasn't tried, imagine you yourself sitting by yourself optionaly, hoodie on every day not talking to no one people are gonna think u are a loser so it ops to low confidence an easy to pick on. Now i didn't ask why he gets treated like a subhuman bc in all honesty i guessed him having no one approach him was why he thinks he's subhuman. "To be treated poorly means you give it many attempts and get bad outcomes" do u even know the post i'm referring to when i mention this he elaborates himself he doesn't try.
uh sweetie you just need to put yourself out there more.

joking aside, just being htn doesnt mean youll get appoached by women. Why would a girl approach you, risking her ego, when she can easily get a hundred chadlites off tinder.

ive only gotten approached a couple of times in my life and that was in nightclubs, so in an environment where approaching is already deemed socially acceptable behavior. (HTN)
I’m not htn even though I was rated htn, I get treated like shit irl so I’m subhuman
That's from autism and jeffry coomer aura, go on the adonis protocol
Yea 5,7 is not that bad, just max out ur face.

Bro even if ure a chad, nobody will randomly approach u on the street, thats not how it works.
Havnt seen shit then, women do approach if youre gl
Bullshit. Extrem rarely when theyre with their friends or maybe in clubs
Nah my chad 6 foot 3 friend gets approached often, even by very shy girls, not in in clubs like in the streets and shit, we just arnt gl enough
Cause irl flaws like small skull, short height, Short face all are more important
no woman in this fucking planet will give a fuck about how big your skull is

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